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Merry Christmas

Started by The Rogue Gambit, December 24, 2009, 08:16:03 AM

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The Rogue Gambit

I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone and have a safe and joyful holiday season, Huzzah!!!!!
Gambit, Whiskey boy, Kilt boy, and many others......

AnnMarie B

Merry Christmas to you too!! Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday week!!
Phoenix Risen


Merry Christmas and a very hardy Hogmanay to all.  ;D
There are many places where compromise is expected;
LOYALTY is not amongst them.


Merry Christmas, Blessed Solstice, Happy Hannukah, and Happy Kwanzaa to all!

Hope your holidays are happy and bright.  Stay safe!
Got faerie dust?


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!  Be safe and merry.


It's a friggin blizzard outside.... snow everywhere... this is TEXAS !

Merry Christmas!
Anál nathrach- Breath of serpent
Orth' bháis 's bethad- Spell of death and of life
Do chél dénmha- Thy omen of making


Snow for us up north at least! Wish I could share some of it here, we're getting snow blowing sideways here with 6-8 inches already! With possibility of more!

Stay warm and Merry Christmas everyone!  :-*
Still Meggers, just a little more grown up now. :)


Happy Saturnalia everyone. *I watch too much big bang theory*
Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie

"MOUSE,n. "Animalistic man-child which strews it's path with fainting woman"....less so these days :)

Taffy Saltwater

A very happy Christmas to all!  May your days be blessed with love, peace and joy.


and a Happy New Year ! ! ! !
Anál nathrach- Breath of serpent
Orth' bháis 's bethad- Spell of death and of life
Do chél dénmha- Thy omen of making

Sir Martin

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and I wish you all a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year!


Anál nathrach- Breath of serpent
Orth' bháis 's bethad- Spell of death and of life
Do chél dénmha- Thy omen of making

Lady Laura

To all of you wonderful friends:

"Any damn fool can navigate the world sober. It takes a really good sailor to do it drunk."
-Sir Francis Chichester