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Which Person of Royalty are you? Quiz

Started by Welsh Wench, November 14, 2010, 09:03:12 AM

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Everything goes better with giggles

The Lady Mercedes

You are a Princess!
Lovely, Innocent, Charming!

As a Princess you recognize there is so much about the world you need to learn. You may sometimes be naive but other times you are wise beyond your years! You are sharp, observant, joyous, and interested in your own personal growth. You have a very caring heart, and are a sweet and beautiful woman.
Why be mundane when you can be a Rennie?!

Lady Nicolette

Good greetings to all of the other Baronesses!

Spirited, Captivating, Stunning!  You are a woman of worldly wisdom and experience. You are sensitive, protective (maybe even motherly), you are highly respected and praised. Your gentility and grace always shine through. You have a very beautiful moral nature that defines who you are. You are a woman others seek to befriend and they would never want to cross you.
"Into every rain a little life must fall." ~ Tom Rapp~Pearls Before Swine


You are a King!
Strong, Wise, Noble, Compassionate.
A Born Leader!

You are the epitomy of what every man should be. What sets you apart from the other men of rank and nobility is you combine every best quality they possess into one. You are skilled, motivated, ambitious, filled with a sense of purpose and morality. You know when to relax and have fun and when to be serious and courageous. You seek peace, prosperity and love in your life, and as a ruler, you seek it for your kingdom. Others follow you because of your ability to move them, and because you earned their respect. You are admired, even envied, but above all else, greatly loved. 

**There are beginning to be too many of us!


You are a Duke!
Honourable, Courageous, Just!
You are the voice of reason against tyranny, a leader among men, and you fight for what is right.

After the King, (and Prince) you are the most noble of all nobles. With your charisma, strength, wisdom, and ability to gain respect & loyalty of others - you have risen far in life or will rise far. You live for what is right & just. Honor and morality are very important to you. You are the King's right hand and the one all other men look upto after their King.


Anna Iram

You know, I've taken this quiz like five times and Royal Pain in the Arse hasn't come up so I do agree this Quiz is not so accurate.

Seems I'm a Baroness. ;)


You are a Knight!
Aggressive, Bold, Decisive!
Intelligent, logical, and competitive, you live for adventure but also seek a purpose greater than yourself!

Ahh the knight. You seek travel and adventure and when not out having fun & carousing with other men and bedding women, you do seek intelligent stimuli. You understand that your life is meant to be part of something greater, and you seek to involve yourself in activities and in the lives of others to help them. You are overall a friendly, strong, capable person who enjoys competition!

Hmmm...yes and no...may need a re-do.
Cat-like & Mercurial

Reliably Unreliable

Evie McCann

You are a Queen!
Beautiful, Wise, Strong
Righteous, Commanding, Humble

You are the beautiful and compassionate Queen. You are the epitomy of what every woman should be. You are confident, bold, aggressive, smart, womanly and feminine. You know the right thing to do and do it. You command respect and earn praise. You are moral and loving. In times of trouble, you draw strength from within, and are a source of strength for others.

But I still can't wear purple to faire. :D
aka. Lady Eve

Lady Christina de Pond

You are a Courtesan!
Lovely, Intelligent, and Talented!

Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari

Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of Shrewsbury


Lovely, Innocent, Charming!

As a Princess you recognize there is so much about the world you need to learn. You may sometimes be naive but other times you are wise beyond your years! You are sharp, observant, joyous, and interested in your own personal growth. You have a very caring heart, and are a sweet and beautiful woman.
IWG #3880/IWG Local #77
Wandering Pirate
Endearing Noble


You are a Maiden!
Content, Loving, Peaceful!
You wish to live your life however you see it.
Your cares are worldly and you wish to help others.

irish~ren ~
Cruise Director ~
Clan O'Doinn (Sterling) ~
Irish Penny Brigade (New York)

Rowan MacD

You are a Maiden!
Content, Loving, Peaceful!
You wish to live your life however you see it.
Your cares are worldly and you wish to help others.

While you may respect hierachies such as that of royalty, you don't want to be tied down or bound to class-systems or any thing that would restrict you from what you love to do. You live a contented life as you have most everything you require and that which you don't, you are content with the knowledge that you will receive it one day. You are peaceful and have a desire to help others and to do the right thing. You would love to help starving communities or help just one person in trouble. You are truly a beautiful human being.
What doesn't kill me-had better run.
IWG wench #3139 
19.7% FaireFolk pure-80.3% FaireFolk corrupt
