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St. Molden's and M'Crack Invasion 2011

Started by Kate, May 14, 2010, 01:51:51 PM

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Dates for this event will be March 18-20.

This will *most likely* be the weekend AFTER the traditional "Shamrocks and Shenanigans" weekend.

Lady Raven and family
Lady D'Arbanville
Mad Jack Wolfe
Jessi and family
Lairde Guardn MCrack & Peddlin
iain robb  
Monica and David


Pink'n Penny


as long as I do not get stuck working I'll be there with the family!
Stitch Witch of the Harbinger

Lady DArbanville

I will me a most definite YES! Of course!!
The Irish Penny Brigade
Beer'n of the Clan O'Ceallaig
Special Projects

Lady Isabelle D'Arbanville,
Privateer, First Lady of the Harbinger
IFRP #1205. Tampa Bay

Wench, IWG #3510, Local 21
Tampa Bay

Larien Telemnar of Laughlorien

Captain Jack Wolfe

Count me in!  I have to come visit my adoptive fairemily!  ;D
"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus

Seamus Ex Machina

Quote from: Mad Jack Wolfe on May 14, 2010, 03:07:39 PM
Count me in!  I have to come visit my adoptive fairemily!  ;D

Barring any annual St Molden's Day strangeness, I will certainly be there.
The 'no orange' rule is in effect!    ::) :P
Legendary Hellraiser

Welsh Wench

You mean I can't throw a few oranges?   :-[

Ah, Seamus, boyo, do ye not know that sometimes in the interest of peace, ya just gotta?
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Lady Renee Buchanan

Quote from: Welsh Wench on May 14, 2010, 07:35:37 PM
You mean I can't throw a few oranges?   :-[

Ah, Seamus, boyo, do ye not know that sometimes in the interest of peace, ya just gotta?

Wenchie, if you can't throw oranges, you can throw Molotov Mudslides instead.  Probably much more fun.  At least the pyrotechnics will be cool.
A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich


Too early to tell, so list me as a maybe. Hopefully that will change to a yes!
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. ~ Chinese Proverb


You can count me in, with or without the rest of my family.

"Normal is not as common as you think."


*poofs up in a corner, smelling of brimstone and badness*

Someone call me?

*grabs a bottle and a fuse*
Blaidd Drwg

Lairde Guardn

and looks like I may have to be there for Thurday nite til Sunday this year........Don't want to be doing to much traveling on St Pats day itself......
Lairde Guard'n
Lairde Highe Chieftain Emeritus
Irish Penny Brigade
Rogue, Teer, Otter
Landshark, Bard, DG, RFC
15.8% FaireFolk pure, 84.2% FaireFolk corrupt


Quote from: Lairde Guardn MCrack on May 15, 2010, 01:56:55 PM
and looks like I may have to be there for Thurday nite til Sunday this year........Don't want to be doing to much traveling on St Pats day itself......

Sounds like a plan!  Maybe I'll take that Friday off.  Thinking about that, that is usually the Festival Friday day... we could corrupt even more young minds!
Pink'n Penny

Lairde Guardn

Pink'n....will you be scheduling the Skydivers again?
Lairde Guard'n
Lairde Highe Chieftain Emeritus
Irish Penny Brigade
Rogue, Teer, Otter
Landshark, Bard, DG, RFC
15.8% FaireFolk pure, 84.2% FaireFolk corrupt


I suppose if "Himself" is coming, I'll just have to show up, too!
(Just try to pull this off without me!)

Peddlin M'Crack
Countess of Tyrone
IWG #3790, Local 96


Quote from: Lairde Guardn MCrack on May 15, 2010, 04:28:28 PM
Pink'n....will you be scheduling the Skydivers again?

I will do my best to arrange our pink-smoke paratroopers. ;)
Pink'n Penny