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10th "Castleteer Gather'n", DECA list'ns

Started by Old Tinker, July 26, 2010, 02:09:16 PM

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Maeve McMayhem

We wanted to thank the Knights for allowing us back out to the Castle for yet another amazing weekend! We all had so much fun and we really enjoyed seeing all our old friends and making some new ones.

A big thanks to Humphrey for having Layla and myself up to perform and a HUGE APOLOGY to those who happened to be unlucky enough to witness it..  :-\ Yey, Dragon's Blood..  ;D ;D We'll be better prepared and less drunk next time..(maybe).

Thanks again, everyone. What an amazing night!
IWG #3771
1/2 of Misplaced Laces


That. Was. Awesome.

Had a wonderful time, and happy to have met (and re-met, in many cases) all of you!!! Hoping to see everyone again in the spring : )

Russian Noble
Perpetual Gypsy
Crystal Stix-er


Quote from: Sir Samuel on November 07, 2010, 09:59:58 AM
Now as for the found,

Found was a small nerf bullet, (I think we all know who owns that)
We will stop by one weekend and retrieve it. Thank you. He had a lot of fun with that Nerf gun this year.  ::)


Quote from: Sir Samuel on November 07, 2010, 09:59:58 AM

Found was a flowery plastric mug, I believe belongs to Bugsy

yes, that's mine.  It can be pitched.
Elvish dragonfly
Bugs'n M'Crack Clan O'Maille
sister of Lady Pegos


i would like to thank everyone for receiving us with open arms. that was one of the best times we've ever had. we look forward to coming back in the spring. extra special thanx to the knights for allowing this to happen. we especially enjoyed the tour. we've never had such a tour guide as sir Humphrey. hes aw some!!! happy holidays to all and safe passage thru the upcoming months. see you in the spring.

blessed be....
renrat ::) :D

Capt Amos Muirhead

I had a wonderful time as always!
It was my pleasure to see all of you fine folks, and a joy to party with you.  ;D
Captain of the Dragon's Fury

Lover of song, drink, and any order. :-)

Old Tinker

and once again, a grand "Gather'n" we's had. welcome to all the NEW "Castleteers", this is just the beginn'n. the future will bring thee back for more of the merryment, which includes meet'n new friends, meet'n up with old friends, and as the last couple of "Gather'ns", we had the pleasure of be'n entertain'd by "Drunk & Sailor" and "Mislaces Places", OH, WAIT!  thats "Misplaced Laces"(sorry me Ren Daught).  ;)
but anyway, me Belle and me have a great time as always, plenty of food stuffs, a warm fire, and plenty of laughter, on top of laughter..
now we's go through the next few months think'n of our next event, wait'n to see those most special "Castleteer" friends. until our "Captain humphrey" announces the next date of the eleventh "Gather'n", me Belle and me will be hunker'd down by the wood stove, play'n games with the grandyoung'uns.
all have good health,
may good fortune visit each and everyone of you,
we's be at your service,
Tink and Belle...
Loveland "Castleteer"
Travel Safe, Travel Far

The Phoenix

My "virgin" Castleteer experience... wow. I think that pretty well sums things up! It was a wonderful time, meeting wonderful people and I do hope to do this again in the future. Thanks to all for making me feel at home and welcome! Beautiful castle, lovely scenery and very kind and gracious folks! There is no way I can thank everyone enough, but I'll try...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!
(Sir Samuel & Sir Paul...thank you for the kind words regarding the cake. It is greatly appreciated. Glad you both liked it!)   ;D

Paul Blackpowder

Milady Charlene, words can't describe the gratitude I feel, nor the awe in your culinary delight. The family says thank you weed puller well, for being kind enough to box it for keeping. I can't wait to see you in Marech, or if you should happen this way before. Blessings upon all that you attempt, and upon ye and yours.


Quote from: Capt Amos Muirhead on November 09, 2010, 09:47:04 AM
I had a wonderful time as always!
It was my pleasure to see all of you fine folks, and a joy to party with you.  ;D

And the party is all the more joyous with the presence of the fine Capt Muirhead!
We are all of us in the gutters, but some of us are lookin at the stars


this could be a biased opinion, cuz i had so much fun, but i declare this one the best castleteers ever.

a perfect storm, too bad we dont quailify for the worlds largest cocktail party. maybe if we can get ALL the castleteers together at once.....

misplaced laces, you two drunks rule! seriously. you castleteers dont realised how i imposed on those two ladies.....i suck

drunk and sailor.....well, you all wouldnt keep coming if you you didnt know you would be imposed upon, so there

virgins, god love each and everyone.....this was easily the biggest virgin outbreak we have had, even over the early days....i remember when "virgin" had meaning, and consequence lololol

to the rest of you, you are appreciated and loved at the castle. i get calls for days from people that have never been to a gathering, just asking if you had fun...... :)

cant see a calendar from here, but as soon as i get down to the rock i will post the last saturday in march as our next gathering....cya all soon


A thank you from The Dee for Popping a Cherry that has been awaiting it's burst for many a year.

I will be in contact for the Knights Weekends, I hope to make it to as many as possible once they start back up, before ORF rehearsals of course.
~Through the sands of time, I travel as a teacher and a soldier.
Dr. Jonathan Dee = ORF 

Sir Jeffery

Help, not a computer wiz need info on how to place a photo of me on my profile , Sir Sam told my wife to use the URL , did that but didn't work . Would appreciate any help . Thank you Sir Jeffery .
"Knight of the Golden Trail"
Loveland "Castleteer"


Sir J;
There is a"how to" in the Fair Photo forum, very good.  If I recall correctly, you need the 'img' code, instead of the 'url'.
We are all of us in the gutters, but some of us are lookin at the stars


So good to hear that everyone had a great time, I am sorry I had to miss it, but I was out of the country enjoying the 80 degree weather in Mexico.
I really need to show my face at the next one, if I am still invited...
Chief cook, and bottle washer...