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A Gypsy Tale

Started by SarviaRose, June 04, 2008, 09:08:42 PM

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Caitlyn was finishing up another batch of elixir when she heard shouting. She ran out of the tent grabbing her sword on the way out in case of trouble. She saw Jasper running to her.

"It is Johnny he is back."

"Cait!" Johnny shouted as he rode into the village.

"Johnny what is it?"

"Robert needs your help there are people who need our help"

"Is he okay?"

"Yes he is fine there are people who need our help."

"Okay Johnny settle, let me grab some things."

Caitlyn headed to her wagon and consintrated on trying to reach Robert.

"Robert, can you hear me?" Caitlyn waited and than tried again "Robert?"

"Yes I hear you. I need your help, there is trouble down here and I can't do it myself. I'm afirend I'm going to have to ask you to have Jasper stay. With Johnny being with us they need someone to lead the men."

"I don't like that idea."

"I know Cait but trust me he will be safer with them and he can watch over our father." Caitlyn paused before responding.

"Okay Robert, Johnny and I will be heading out soon. I have packed a little of everything"

Caitlyn headed back out of the wagon dressed in her traveling and fighting clothes, Jasper looked up at her and noticed that she was trying to avoid his gaze. He came to her side and hugged her close.

"I'm to stay behind this time." He said as a statement.

"Yes, I don't like it but you need to protect them and meet us. You can always reach me you know." Caitlyn touched her forehead and smiled.

"I know, I will miss you. Stay safe." and in a louder voice he said to Johnny, as Caitlyn mounted her horse "Protect your sister, she is my life and when we meet again my wife."

Everyone stared at Jasper everyone already considered them married even though nothing was official. Caitlyn jumped off her horse and ran to Jasper everyone watched some expect her to be angry but where happy to see her hug him.

"You better keep your word" Caitlyn gave him a kiss and in a lower voice "I love you I will see you soon."

With that Caitlyn was off again following Johnny as he lead the way to Robert. Caitlyn started to get worried the farther south they went. Soon they where near the village where Johnny had left Robert. In her mind Caitlyn called to her older brother.

"We are here, where are you? Are you safe?"

Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


I could hear Caitlyn calling too me and assured her I am well but we have a chance too really make some plunder if we do it right!.

The Jews readily agreed too my terms for help but I decided too impose one more term, I knew they were Kabbalist Jews and I told them that also the price will be the teaching of Caitlyn how too use the tarot cards to tell fortunes and divine the future one old woman there said she could do it easily if thats all that stood in our way so now all I had too do was wait for Caitlyn and Johnny to arrive.

I began some preparations as the old hermit had taught me and soon had a bluish white paste that could easily be spread over the skin and would be of great use for our ghosts, by then Caitlyn and Johnny arrived and I told them my plan and said don't even unpack your horses for tonight we will live in style in the outskirts of Salzberg.

We lead the people back toward town, they soon were hungry and Caitlyn fixed them some things too eat I on the other hand wanted too scout ahead and soon found myself on the outskirts of the town a much larger place than I had realized!.

I sat on the treeline for about an hour watching and waiting for movement ,smoke or anything from the large house ahead built into the side of a hill over looking the main town but far enough away too hide our coming and going through the rear entrance so at long last I made my way down too the large wooden door and gave it a shove and it creaked open.

I went inside and found this too be a large food preparation area in a kind of subasement below the house, it had lots of storage and was still full of sacks of food, beans , rice, barley, wheat and such as I walked around I found the wide stair case leading up too the main floor, it opened into another area for the servants to work in and from there went down a hall and into the grand hall itself.

It was big and open airy but obviously hasn't been used in sometime!, I made sure the other floors above were clear as well and all contained much loot but were completely empty, I couldn't help notice from the attic rooms you could see the main street and the people were gathered just as the hermit said taking a communal midday meal in front of the church under the protective eyes of the priests and then it took little insight too figure which houses were occupied they all had smoke coming from the chimney's but only about six other homes appeared occupied the rest were apparently living inside the church.

I started back down and met Caitlyn Johnny and the rest coming down the hill in back they were all very tired and half sick so I sent them all up too the bedrooms above but saved the biggest for Caitlyn, Johnny and myself once the Jews were resting a couple older women came down and began a porrage for us all from the things in the cellar.

It wasn't long before the sharp eyed but nieve people noticed the smoke coming from the chimney of the villa, they walked too the end of the street but could see only the upper levels from there but a couple of men got up they're nerve and started this way.

Quickly Caitlyn and I got the same idea and we grabbed up Johnny andheaded for the attic rooms with my ghostly cream once there we covered him quickly in the bluish white mixture and I admit he looked scary then we clacked him in an old bedsheet.

By then the men were before the villa but weren't entering the gates so we shoved open the attic shutters and Johnny made his ghostly appearance before the startled men, repeating the words Caitlyn and I whispered too him from the shadows.

We told him too do this-
Walk out unto the small balcony and point toward the men below and slowly say "this is the final hours! tonight the Jews take they're revenge upon Salzberg", then as the men ran away "Like they'd seen a ghost" we told Johnny to come back inside and laughing he quickly came back in!, we all laughed so hard for it was so very funny too see these upright citizens wearing the large necklaces denoting high offices and carrying staffs running screaming down the road back into town!.

I suspected it wouldn't be long before the priest too his turn so I woke up everyone and we had too get things ready for this assualt, it was much easier for I positioned jews at all the windows and attached the shutters too sticks held from the inside and told them all they must do is moan and cry out and work the shutters back and fourth when I rang the big gong below but not too show themselves!.

Johnny danced about still wearing his ghastly makeup, then someone yelled here comes the priest!.

The priest and several others marched straight up the road and stopped before the house and I waited and they waited, finally at long last the priest threw holy water upon the gate and swung his censor back and fourth while the others prayed and into the yard they came, I waited until they were just before the very house and rang the huge gong and every shutter upon the house and every door began opening and shutting with moans and screams coming from everywhere.

I told Johnny now walk out the front door and try too grab one!, he rushed out toward the already startled crowd of pious heretics, they appeared frozen in they're tracks until johnny ran out the door and then the first to scream was the fat priest who dropped his religious articles and ran toward the picket fence before the house and tried too jump it but his fat belly held him down and he fell face first showing what he wore beneath his robes "I just as soon not have known now!", then the rest ran to and fro like scared chickens finally all making it through the fence and dragging the fat priest with them they all made for the church and slammed the doors shut behind them!.

This was grand entertainment and all loved it much, the old jewish man took great pride in having the priests holy water and censor, mocking him and blessing people as they danced and laughed around him.

I told them all now!, rest for tonight the dead walk andeach of you will go too his own homes and retrieve your things, as a matter of fact you should try some of the other homes they are all abandoned! and winked too them.

Most retired back too the nice sheets of the comfortable beds in the villa, Caitlyn ,Johnny and I found a nice bottle of very  old maderia and decided too practice our ghost tricks ha ha ha!.


Night has long fallen and I intentionally decided too wait until the moon was about too set but still left enough light too see, this time all of us including the jewish refugees dressed as ghosts and wrapped sheets around us once finished dressing I told everyone that Johnny, Caitlyn and I will be with them if theres any trouble too run away do not fight fir if they find out what we are doing our plan is useless.

I instructed the Jews too gather in groups of them that lived on the same streets most lived along an area too the Eastern side of town and I assigned these too Johnny as noone should be there too hinder them.

Two other families lived on the North side near the towns markets and I told Caitlyn too go with them.

The last group containing four families lived dead center of town and in among the men who committed the crime that sparked this all off, each of these men lived along the main street and would no doubt fight if cornered so I went with them.

Before we left I told everyone too remember your ghosts so don't talk among yourselves but whisper if neccessary to speak and put on a good show!, you will be taken too your homes and there you have your things and you'll have time too gather as much as you can, we had already found wagons and teams for each family and were going too hide these near each home so the family could load them with they're food and belongings.

This said I have only one last thing I need someone who knows who committed these crimes too stay with me and point out the men too me!.

The jews thought for a while and said "Yes we know!, there is a girl who was with the child who was raped and she got away she can show you but she'll need time too gather her things first!".

I agreed and said my friends now is the time we leave go straight too your homes and gather your things do nothing else now!, I told the girl too come too me in the main street as soon as she could.

We moved out looking like the walking dead in the pale moonlight!, each melting away toward they're homes and I told Caitlyn and Johnny, you know you can call me in your mind if you need me but watch over your charges! and they slipped away with them as I casually strolled down the main street but staying well out of sight but keeping watch and what seemed several hours passed with nothing happening I thought all would be quiet and then a dog commenced too bark and a man down the street came out and saw the lights in the windows of the jews homes!.

He raised an alarm and was soon joined by seven other men, the church doors flew open but the priest wasted little time once seeing the lights to push everyone back inside and bar the doors!.
So I thought seven against me as they advanced up the road not seeing me but cautiously advancing with a torch!.

I stepped forward wearing the ghostly makeup and wrapping sheet and held a hand toward the men declaring "I am the vengance come too deliver justice upon those who killed the child, the rest of you can leave but hinder me not least you die with the wretches!".

Well this didn't go over as I thought and I suppose we'd played the ghost this as far as it would go so I ripped the sheet from myself and drew my sword toward the advancing men as the first two the youngest blades of them charged me I drew my arming dagger with my left hand and swung the huge sword with my right knocking the sword completely out of one of the advancing mens hand, the other swung but I caught his blade with my arming dagger and brought the massive battle sword around and he screamed as the blade bit deep into his head and cleavec down exiting through his neck.
At this three of the men lost faith and began too run away but the last two came ever forward saying "We killed that Jew girl and we'll kill you as well ghost!", I never spoke but met they're oncoming blades as one and easily swept them aside circling around bringing the battle sword through anothers chest as the last of them decided too run but he was too late and my dagger caught the softest spot in his back and pierced his liver as he fell face forward bleeding out onto the cobblestone street.

By now the three men could be seen running down the road so I resheaved my sword and dagger then pulled the bow from my back and took an arrow aiming for the first as he ran and I caught him squarely in the back and he fell dead as a mackrel, of the two other men one ran too his own door and banged furiously but his cowardly family wouldn't open the door and I dispatched the wretch upon his own door step, the last man ran too the church and there pleaded for the priest too open but as before the cowards hid and let they're friend die an ignoble death upon the very steps of this awful church.

I stood now looking down the still empty street except for the crumpled bodies laying to and fro so I got an idea!.

I went too each and severed his head placing them all in a large burlap bag and walked toward the church there upon the spiked fence in front I pinoned a head upon each spike and walked too the doors banging upon them but no noise came from inside so I screamed "Justice has not been done this town is evil and this is just the begining!".

When I returned too the end of the street most of the Jews were out and heading back toward the villa, I had but one last thing too do and that was retrieve the sheet I'd torn off during the battle and we rushed the people back up toward the Villa and safety.

There we told them your belongings as much as we could we've returned too you, your riches ,your food, your personal things, now for your part of the bargin, go too the richest homes in town each of you and bring us gold and valuables and return not if you have nothing for if you bring nothing then you'll leave with nothing we will guard you but hurry the night is almost gone!. 


As the bluish glow of the dawn grew steadily brighter in the East the Jews returned each with an arm load of treasures there was gold, silver, silver plate, jewelery, coins and all sorts of treasures they placed it each in a pile in the great hall of the villa.

I looked upon it and it was a great fortune and I told the Jewish elders too divide it into two piles which they began too do, I turned too Johnny and told him I saw a very good wagon in town and told him where it was and that it was completely enclosed and had sleeping space and would serve us well that he should go get it and the best four mules he could find too pull it.

I turned too the man who was a silversmith and told him there is a furnace type oven and many pots in the basement go and build a fire and soon as the elders finish dividing the pile you shall melt the items down into bars for easy transport and he went straight too work.

Caitlyn looked at me as though I were crazy and I just smiled at her and said they deserve something of the towns riches as well they've lost all except what we got back for them let us give them half this plunder!.

I also asked her if she felt what I did?, Fenella and the others are coming and will be here soon and I asked her to ride too Fenella and lead her and the others around this town through the woods and camp several miles to the South and well off the road, Johnny should be back soon with our wagon and when he does we'll load up lots of this food they have here, blankets, pots, utensils and anything else we need and then he'll join you with this wagon in the new camp too the South, she agreed but knew I was up too something but she didn't know what!.

Soon the elders finished and made two piles each about knee deep in gold, silver and gems I told them too take each too the silversmith and have him work quickly and melt it all down into bars!.

Johnny came back and soon we had the wagon loaded and ready too go, I told him Caitlyn would meet him outside of town and too follow her with the others and too make camp several miles too the South and well off the road and he left as well and I was alone with the jews.

They came up around noon and said it is done eight 35 lbs bars of gold, 18 20lbs bars of silver and a bag of gems.

I told the elders our business is finished take four bars of gold and nine bars of silver load them into your wagons and lead your people too the North over the passes, he didn't want the treasure but I made him take it for the good of the children with them and so they can all start again in another place.

They all thanked me many times and then boarded the wagon with a final word about the body of the dead girl, I told them she had been thrown down the town well and the disease they suffer from the killers brought upon them but not too worry for I'd see she was buried and given rest so with this they left and may they have peace I thought but now my attention was turned too this town!.

But for  now I took the heavy load of treasure for Caitlyn,Johnny and I alone!, I packed it upon my horse and led him out and around town, when I reached the South road coming from town I soon found Caitlyn she had taken them too a good spot and everyone was setting up camp.

I took Caitlyn aside and said we still have another chance at this place, are you interested?, we can offer too rid them of they're ghosts!.


Caitlyn looked at her older brother and smiled.

"I'm up for anything big brother, but let us spend time with our family before we go hunt their ghost."

Robert looked at his little sister and felt they where becoming more alike he was find compassion and she was becoming for of a fighter but they balanced each other. Robert watched as Caitlyn ran to Jasper with a big smile on her face, he still couldn't help but worry about her.

Caitlyn jumped into Jaspers waiting arms and kissed.

"Miss me?"

Jasper laughed and kissed her back. "Of course I did and I can you are already making plans to leave. Remember I have some magic of my own."

"It will be okay don't worry. You know Robert would never let anything happen to me." Caitlyn ran to Robert and draged him back to Jasper. "Tell him you would not let me get hurt."

"Jasper, I just found my family and I am not going to lose it."

Jasper smiled at Robert. "I beleive you but still I worry."

The women in the camp had been busy making food well Caitlyn was waiting for Johnny and than for Robert. They all sat down and eat the stew that was made for them. When Jasper was done eating he watched Sorin, he couldn't help to see the look of sadness and pain on Caitlyn's face as he did this. He knew soon he was going to have to get Caitlyn to tell him what was wrong. Well still holding Sorin Jasper went to Robert.

"Has Caitlyn said anything to you about why she acts as she does around Sorin?"

"No and do not ask. I fear some crulity on the dear Lord's part is the reason. When and if she is ever ready to tell us she will."
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


I looked to Jasper and told him I've had six wives in my lifetime, four I've left ,one I killed and the other well I have no idea what happened too her so you may as well ask me the dynamics of the sun moon and stars as ask me the mind of a woman!.

I have noticed her actions but women are so very much different than men maybe she longs for you too wed her and have her own baby!, you know thats what most women want!, large green fields tended by a man a comfortable home and many children!.

I can honestly tell you nothing! and I won't invade her mind!, Jasper the only thing I can tell you of women is be patient, don't force her and don't fear its something you may have done!.

God knows a woman will tell you when she's displeased that I do know!.

Jasper looked at me with disappointment for he thought I could give him some revalation into Caitlyns mind and I actually wanted too help him but at this type of thing I'm useless and I was feeling down myself when Johnny came bouncing up full of life!.

Brother! what brings you in such a mood this morning?.

He replied nothing its just great too be alive!.

But I know that look its the same I've had many times and theres always a girl at the bottom of it!, well sometimes on top!, eeer but thats another matter!.

Johnny we must build a storage space within the wagon a hidden space!, he asked why and I pulled a blanket off the gold I'd brought from Salzberg and his eyes buldged "Where did you get that?" he said.

Why I followed a rainbow too its sorce and there found a sleeping leprochaun and forced him too give me his treasure!.

Really!!!! he asked?, No dear brother I keep an eye out for such things and Salzberg was very ripe! but we are not finished with it!, we will wait a few days then Caitlyn, you, Fenella and I will go and rid they're problems for them! and make more of this golden baggage!.

I put Johnny too work on the hidden compartment but I was still thinking of Caitlyn and decided maybe I should ask her!.


Johnny came and told me he had managed too make a false bottom inside of a cabinet and it would hold all the treasure he placed inside, poor Johnny he thinks were rich now and has went off too be with his girlfriend.

I was looking for Caitlyn but got distracted when I saw Fenella, I asked her about the Jewish Kabalah tarot cards and she said she knew of this thing and how too do it and it would be a good income for someone in our group during the faires, I told her I thought Caitlyn might want it but she only frowned and said "Ahh yes Caitlyn" I  could tell from her tone she was also concerned but I didn't ask it wasn't the way.

I then went too visit the three families of the men killed at the old knights castle and they were all practicing hard on the acrobatics and proudly told me they hoped too also maybe earn an income as chimney sweeps in larger towns with they're young and acrobatic prowess, the other family was busy practicing the knife throwing and I didn't bother them for they were getting very good and there was no reason.

I visited several other wagons and all of them hard at work on sometype of activity concerning our future faire, so I saddled my horse and rode for a long time toward the South through the dense forests it was a warm day and the sun shinning against the pine sap made everything smell very good I soon found the tracks of a boar hog and followed it Johnny loved sausage and I thought we needed some fresh meat anyway.


I brought the hog back and gave it too the women too fix for everyone too eat in the meantime I got Caitlyn and Fenella for a talk, I told them the scene is set for us too finish within Salzberg but if we wait too long we lose this chance.

Fenella agreed but Caitlyn was still preoccupied and we never really got anything decided so  our meeting broke up for the time but Fenella came too me later and said Caitlyn is troubled and needs too stay here let us finish this thing once and for all!, I agreed of course and she said let us take the knife throwing children they are very profiecent now and may be of great use bring also Johnny along and let us take my wagon it has the traditional gypsy look and they have never seen it before.

Soon we had Fenellas wagon ready and were on our way the children, Johnny, Fenella, myself and a girl Fenella said too bring as a distraction she ca dance very erotic Fenella said and this could come in handy.

We reached the road leading toward Salzberg and soon were at the outskirts of the town but like before it was deserted and seemed even more so than it had the last time we were there, we rode up the main street of town and all the homes were shut tight but were then startled by a blacksmith who suddenly brought his hammer down upon a horseshoe so we stopped the wagon and walked toward him.

He noticed us and yelled "Leave here gypsies this town is cursed and all here are dying!".

Dying I asked him?, he said yes there has been much mischief here and the evil of some has brought the very wrath of god down upon us!", "We die slowly and it grows worse each day!".

Fenella spoke up and told the man "maybe we can help as you see we are gypsies and know things that might be of help!".

The man seemed disinterested but agreed too take us too what was left of the town council, the burgomiester was dead!, once there we asked as if we knew nothing of the plague being here and they seemed hopefull that we could indeed help them so they told us the whole story and that ghosts have been here and death comes too all!.

Fenella wasted no time in telling him that ghosts often roam where there is unfinished business and has anything like this happened here?.

They would not tell us of the expelling of the Jews or the murder of the girl by the townsmen but did say if we could restore this town we would be well rewarded!.

Fenella gathered them into a darkened room and began too divine what they're problems were, this gave us time too roam around the city some and I wasted no time in going too the well where the girls body was supposedly thrown, it couldn't be seen but the brackish smell gave indication that something was within its inky darkness.

It was then that the local priest reared his ugly head and confronted us screaming "Witches!, decievers!, spawn of Satan!, this seemed too incite the people within the church who were now completely under his power and we soon found ourselves surrounded by half insane religious zealots bent on burning us.

All this was stopped by the town guard under the direction of the council who with Fenella had finished the devination and she saw the body of the girl in the well, she told them and they knew nothing of it but believed what she said.

The priest discounted everything and condemned us all so Fenella said "If there is a body down that well then that is the cause of all your problems!, you have us in your power are you afraid too let us prove that this has happened!.

The priest had no choice but sent for a rope and we quickly tied it too a horse and lowered the other end into the well, I climbed reluctantly down the well as everyone watched intently, I found the well too only be about four foot deep when there and easily found the poor girls bloated and ghostly looking body there so I tied the rope too it and cllimbed back up trying too escape the ghastly sight.

We directed the horse forward and soon had her body on the cobblestone outside the well!.

The entire town gasphed and cross themselves not believing such!, when the priest suddenly screamed out "They killed the girl and threw her there! let us burn them!".

The council stopped this and said look!, that body has been there for some time and these people have only arrived today!, they tell the truth and someone here is the murderer and the ghost put they're vengance upon us for this!.

Fenella used her power and said I see there is a murderer here he is the one who wants all the power and will be your undoing!, ask your priest who killed her!, at this the priest turned and ran as fast as his fat legs would carry him but the townspeople quickly overtook him and restrained him!.

Fenella told the people "Here is your murderer, I can appease the spirits and fix your towns well but for this it will cost you the wieght of the dead girl in gold!".

The townspeople readily agreed and made a deal with us, Fenella went too the wagon and brought back three bags of something only she knew and poured the dust and herbs into the well and told them "In two weeks this water will be drinkable, also too appease the ghosts you must bury this dead child with a fine coffin and place her in a good spot for if you do this she could become your town spirit guardian!", they agreed tooo give her a grand funeral.

Fenella told them she could heal all those who were ill from the water but now she was tired and they will have too bring the sick too her wagon and we will camp outside of town, then she warned them, "Do as I say or peace you'll never know!".

Soon the council brought a large bag of gold and laid it beside the girl, no one wanted too weigh her so Fenella said it should do, but now we'd go too the forest outside town and brew a medicene to care the sick and we left still amazed at what had happened!.


Caitlyn watched as Robert, Fenella, and Johnny headed back to the town she had tried to tell Fenella that she was fine and that she could go but in the end Fenella won out saying.

"Child I know what troubles you and you will be much to distracted to this. You need to talk to Jasper he will still love you and besides I think you are wrong." Fenella has said with a glint in her eyes

She just stared at the old women as she walked to her wagon. Jasper came behind her and took her in his arms.

"I see you are the one left behind this time."

"Yes I am she thinks I am to distracted and that we should talk and that she thinks I am wrong."

"Wrong about what?"

"The future, or well one aspect of the future"

"Which would be?"

Caitlyn turned to face Jasper with tears welling up in her eyes.

"Cait love what's wrong?"

She didn't respond, she just stood there in his arms crying. Jasper hugged her tighter and told her he was taking her back to their wagon. Before she could respond he picked her up and carried her.

"You need to tell what is bothering you."

"You are going to not want me anymore. I won't be able to give you a baby Jasper." Caitlyn said to him in a barely audible voice.

Jasper stared at her in shock, of all the things she could have said this was not what he expected. He gently took her in his arms and kissed her.

"Caitlyn please listen. You are women that had haunted my dreams when I was younger, I loved you before you where taken, I loved you when you where lost to us, and I love you know, you are my soul mate no matter what."

"Jasper but"

"Shh, you could never disappoint me Caitlyn never."

"But don't you want children? Don't know what to know why?"

"As long as I have you. And I can't deny that I want to know why you are so curtain you can't but you will tell me when you are ready."

Jasper continued to hold her tight and let her cry herself to sleep in his arms. When she was fast asleep he went outside and tried to contact Robert he hoped since he could reach Caitlyn and Fenella the same way why not Robert.


"Yes Jasper."

"Caitlyn told me what is bothering her. The full mystery hasn't been solved but she will hopefully be back to herself soon"

"Thank you Jasper. We are done in town and we will be back soon."

"Good, I will make sure we have a feast ready."

Jasper smiled as he heard Robert laugh. Jasper checked on Caitlyn who was still fast asleep on the bed, he gentely kissed her and headed out go have the women start cooking and have some of the men hunt.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


Fenella finished her medicene and gave it too the people, then as quickly as we could we started back for the camp, I was happy over the gold we'd gotten but I would be very happy to be away from this place it smells of death and it will be a long time before it doesn't.

The trip back to camp was uneventfull but we stopped a couple of times too gather herbs with Fenella and by early evening we were back and pulled Fenellas wagon back into place and I told her for now I hope everything will settle for a while I'm getting too old for this and Fenella laughed out loud "Child you don't even know what life is yet!" she said, this really made me feel bad cause if things gets worse I'm not sure I'm up too it!.

Once back I hurried along too find Jasper and Caitlyn now my worries have turned too her!.


Caitlyn woke up to the smells of food being prepared by the women of the camp, she quickly got up and headed out to help them. Jasper saw her and headed towards her.

"You can rest love we have everything under control. Robert, Johnny, and Fenella should be back shortly. I know you may not want to but Molly could use a nap being a new mom Sorin has kept her up and Chad is out hunting."

Caitlyn only nodded and headed to her sister's wagon. She could hear Molly trying to calm the baby down.

"Mol, you take a nap I'll watch him for awhile." Cait said as she entered the wagon.

"Oh, Cait thank you so much. I haven't slept in I don't know how long."

Molly handed baby Sorin over to her and laid down in the bed as Caitlyn headed back out to head to her own wagon. She didn't see Jasper watching her, it broke his heart to see her sad and upset about not being able to give him a child of their own.

In the wagon Caitlyn gently laid Sorin down on her bed and laid down next to him.

"I don't know why you where so fussy for your mom you seem happy enough now."

Sorin smiled up at her causing her heart to melt and ache at the same time. Before long Jasper came to join them being with him some flowers he found near the camp.

"These are for you love. How are you doing?

"Shh, he is sleeping. I am okay."

Jasper looked at her and could see in her eyes that she was hurting and though his idea of having her watch her nephew might have been a bad idea.

"Don't look at me like that Jasper I'm fine. Sorin is so sweet and I am glad to spend time with him but it hurts."

Jasper crawled into the bed next to Caitlyn and held her close. He wasn't sure what to tell her. He wanted so bad to for her to tell him what had happened to her. Jasper kissed Caitlyn and held her close before to long there was knock on the door.

"Jasper, are you in there? Robert will be here shortly." It was Chad.

"Alright Chad I'll be out in a moment. Do you want Sorin? Cait has been watchin him so Molly could rest."

Cailtyn heard the answer and came out with Sorin. "Here you go Chad. He has slept most of the time here."
The couple watched Chad head back to Molly and than watched Robert ride into camp with Johnny and Fenella. He headed straight to them.

"Jasper what have you told him?"

Caitlyn knew something was going on and she wasn't very happy about.

"Only that I knew what was bothering you."

Robert stopped just short of them and looked at Caitlyn like he was trying to find in her the cause of the pain.

"Cait what did that pig do to you?" He asked

Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


"Robert please calm down."

Jasper looked at Robert and the look in his eyes burned with hate for the dead lord.

"Why didn't I see it. Cait please." Jasper took Caitlyn's hand

"Both of you stop. I don't want to talk about it." She said as she pulled away from them and back to the wagon

Neither backed off instead they followed her to the wagon.

"Cait please we just want to understand."

Caitlyn looked at the two of them anger was in her eyes as she sat down.

"I don't want to relive the pain"

Robert sat next to her and Jasper got on his knees in front of her.

"Cait please it is driving us all crazy. We don't know what to do." Jasper told.

"I had" Caitlyn could make the words come out.

Robert gave his sister a hug and Jasper held her hands is his.

"We will not judge you. You know this." Robert told her.

"There is nothing to judge we where married."

This made both me stare at her, Jasper knew than part of what was wrong.

"He got you pragent, didn't he?" Jasper asked

"Yes, right after we where married. I had a girl, he didn't want a girl. He took her and.." She cut off.

"You don't need to say more we can guess."

"I held her as she took her last breathe, but he wasn't happy with me and hurt me a lot afterwards. He never got me with child again not for the lack of him trying."

Jasper took Caitlyn in his arms and held her close. "I'm sorry Jasper but whatever he did to me cause me not to be able"

"Caitlyn, if I hadn't already killed him I would kill him."
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


I went quietly too our wagon still burning with hate for this pig that we left dead some time back, death was too good for him I thought!.

It was about then that the Hermit appeared too me, I told him sir I'm not myself right now would you please excuse me! but he said I know what vexes thee and there is something that can be done too bring further torment and exploitation upon this wretch called Harrington!, he went on too say there is a legend or rather a score of legends of whta happens too the dead after they depart and most agree that there is a general destination for most but for those like Harrington there is a void!.

A void?, I asked of my teacher.

Yes a void, you see Harrington was inherantly evil so nothing good would come too his lost soul BUT! there is an old legend thatevil souls are sometimes unclaimed for a time and I happen too know that Harrington soul or essance if you'd rather is such.
Young squire he can actually be brought back!, but not as you knew him he'd be grotesquely deformed for the place where hes been cast but you being a travelling gypsy might find use for such a grusome creature as this for your faire!.
I can instruct you on the incantations you need and you can summon this creature for your own use he simply has too be bound with a magic collar, oh any collar will actually work least it be strong but we engrave the words in side it where it fits against his skin and then he is powerless too follow your commands!.

I asked the hermit is such a thing safe to do?, he replied that if you tangled with zombies and werewolves you'd hesitate too bring back a simple imp from the deadlands? mmmmh?.

I replied we might have such a use for a creature as this in a sideshow display at the italian faire!, is it hard too bring this thing back?.

The hermit said it was easier than most could expect, go too Fenella ask for the five following things the tooth of a werewolf, a piece of the shroud of Cain, dirt from a holy place, the fresh brain of a rat and lastly water from an old crypt, Oh! and a binding collar!.

I went too Fenellas wagon and asked her for the things the old Hermit called for, she was reluctant but as our way she never asked what I was doing she only warned "Take care child those things you have are very powerfull when mixed the wrong way!".

I brought the objects back too the old hermit and he took first the collar placing a runeic form of writing around its inside then he said now pour the dirt into a small pile upon the ground, place the binding collar upon the dirt and push it down some, inside of the collar bury the tooth, cloth from the shroud and the rats brain, doing this I turned too the hermit and he began some words of which I'd never heard of before gesturing toward the vile lump of dirt he'd asked me too make and then said pour the water upon the dirt every drop!.

I poured the water and it immediately began too bubble and steam growing in size and taking form slowly it began too rise upright and then slower it bagan too take a form, the collar rising as the putrecence rose and then it stopped and began too take definition the final product of our work being something like a cross between a bear, wolf and a troll, the hermit said as the collar remains you have complete control over this what was once Harrington, chain him too a tree and use him as a freak show attraction but beware the collar must stay on!.

I chained the beast too a huge oak tree and threw it some clothes as it had slightly the form of a man it should be covered, then I found it could speak only single words and growl intensely, this thing I thought would make us a fortune!.


I went too the wagon and slept the night only too find my creature howling the next morning, I went too the door and found Caitlyn looking at him!, I wasn't sure what she'd think about this but I think or hope she'll relize the value of such a creature at a faire.

Everyone was most excited about my wildman and asked what he ate, I never told them he didn't even need too eat since he's dead anyway but he liked too eat rodents that got around him even though he didn't need for too survive he still craved it, and howled and put on quite a show for everyone but eventually he would settle down.

I paid one of the men who was good at carpentry too build me a cage on wheels with very strong bars too hold this wildman and he got too work on it as soon as he could also I found I'd need some more mules too pull this contraption.

I asked Johnny if he wanted too accompany me back too Salzberg for some wheels for our new rolling cage and too buy any oddities that the starving people might have for sale.


Caitlyn felt a strange energy in the middle of the night and against Jasper's wishes she went to investagate. She was shocked to find what she knew was Harrington chained outside Robert's wagon. What had Robert done was all she could think.

The thing started to growl at her but she just continued to watch it. Before long Robert came out of his wagon and told her what he had done.

"Just watch him and make sure that thing doesn't become lose."

"Don't worry sister I have no intentions in letting him him go."

Caitlyn was still watching Harrington as the rest of the camp woke up and came to see the thing. Jasper came up behind and put his arms around her.

"What is going?"

Caitlyn only pointed to Harrington. She felt his arms tighten around her.

"Yes it is who you think it is."


"The hermit told Robert how to call him up and control him"

"Are you okay with this?"

"Yes, he will get a taste of what he put people through"
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP