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How much money do you have in garb?

Started by DonaCatalina, July 30, 2010, 11:54:31 AM

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This is only an observation...
I have noticed the price difference between people who purchase garb vs. people who make garb.  I understand not everybody has the skill, tools, or time to make garb.  And some stuff like armor is a no brainer.  But the price difference is amazing!  I am glad I am able to make my own garb. :)
Natasha McCallister
Bristol Faire 1988-2005
The Wizard's Chamber/Sir Don Palmist
59.2% FaireFolk Corrupt

Lady Rebecca

Quote from: Dinobabe on August 21, 2010, 01:04:33 PM
This is only an observation...
I have noticed the price difference between people who purchase garb vs. people who make garb.  I understand not everybody has the skill, tools, or time to make garb.  And some stuff like armor is a no brainer.  But the price difference is amazing!  I am glad I am able to make my own garb. :)
Seconded. The only garb pieces I've bought at faire are my mary janes (~$10), a leather belt and two child cuffs to hold my water bottle and parasol (~$25), my tall hat with plumage (~$40 after I had to replace one of my largest plumes), my pirate hat, plus plumage ($25+$5), and my farthingale ($65). I have a Victorian style underbust corset that I wear with my pirate garb, but I didn't buy it as garb, so I don't really count it.

Of course, I'm really not sure how much I've spent on fabric... And I probably don't want to know.


I wish I knew how to sew.  My mum tried to teach me years ago and it did not go well (I think her attempt to force me into being right-handed might have been part of the issue).  I'm hoping that I'll be able to learn now that I'm a member of a local IWG.  For me, however, it's just been easier to have a skilled corset maker create for me.  I don't wear Irish or noble garb at all; I'm just a corset, chemise, skirt girl with the occasional pirate thrown in there.  If nothing else, it would be nice to learn how to make a chemise and skirt.   

Along that same line, though, being a chainmailler has saved me money and made me money at faire.  When I'm not vending, I'm usually handing out cards for my website (I'm always bedecked in my own jewelry) and sales often result. 

Maybe by this time next year I'll have learned to sew well enough to expand my wardrobe a bit...

aka "V-The Not Quite So Pure"
IWG #3874
Local 42
OTA- Order of the Two Apples


Quote from: Delireus on July 30, 2010, 02:50:01 PM
My friends and I started going to faire our freshman year of high school and could barely dream of owning real garb, so we'd go over to each others houses the night before faire and pull out old scarves, skirts, and any shirt that might resemble a time period before the 70s.

This made me smile because I think it's such a great example of the "spirit of faire": celebrating the period with good friends and a good heart!

While I will admit to a little garb-envy (especially when I read our sewing threads!), I haunt thrift stores and sale racks fro my own.  My current favorite is a Celtic look that totals less than $50.
Garb: lovingly hand-washed, gently pressed, and hung in climate-controlled closet. Mundane clothing: usually on floor.

Adriana Rose

Between my mother and I the cost of it all I really dont want to think about it lol. But its a good thing that I started making our costuming because my monster is growing like a weed and I pretty much have to replace his costuming every other year! I make it a size too big so I can let out hems and seams.


From the price tags I've seen - I'm fortunate. Mine has been a blend of custom sewn pieces, some purchased, some given from other Rennies. Sum total, with cloak and weapons in the coolest climes, I guess I'm around $1000.

However - the sentemental value - Astronomical. Replacement value? PRICELESS!

I am a most fortunate pyrate!
Cat-like & Mercurial

Reliably Unreliable


Wow this could be scary, we have a full walk in closet of garb and accessories. I'd say it's a good split between purchased and made. We probably have 5 or 6 grand in garb and accessories combined. There is a lot of leather so I could be a tad low on my estimate. Some of that garb does date back 15 years though and that does not included garb that has moved on to new homes or finally gave up the ghost.
Founder, MDRF Friends of Faire
Dread Pirate Lumpy
Lump'n M'Crack

will paisley

Quote from: TheAlchemistsStar on August 22, 2010, 10:21:51 AM
I wish I knew how to sew.  My mum tried to teach me years ago and it did not go well (I think her attempt to force me into being right-handed might have been part of the issue).  I'm hoping that I'll be able to learn now that I'm a member of a local IWG.

You're too late for this year, but for next season, remember these words: stitch and belch

Quote from: TheAlchemistsStar on August 22, 2010, 10:21:51 AM
For me, however, it's just been easier to have a skilled corset maker create for me.

After watching my wife hammer in grommets and sew in stays, I concur.
Minstrel, Interrupted, Bard #400 (CD)
Faire Name: "Flo's Husband"
Yeoman-Purser of the Frigate Up Royally

brier patch charlie

I know I've spent well over 4G's on all my stuff and on my brother and father. Theres no way I could ever get my money back out of it if I stopped coming to Fairs.
Charles Coleman


Quote from: Ellaris on August 01, 2010, 06:38:13 AM
Nothing screams rennie like spending $500 on a new dress and having to eat ramen for dinner. *Throws her priority list out the window* I think I'm doing alright.

I hear you there. XD Who needs to eat when I could save that money and buy fabric or a bodice... I'd say probably 95% of the money that comes into my possession during faire season goes to faire. That being said, I'd rather stay ignorant about how much I've spent on garb. I have about four bodices, a few skirts, three chemises, a couple of snoods, a few pairs of shoes, and a few skirts I've made myself as well... and I only really started getting serious about my garb about three or four years ago, so I can't imagine how much garb I'll have ten years from now. Although... I'd much rather have a closet full of garb than a closet full of 'dane clothes. XD
Oh... Shiny!