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What should I do with all my scraps?

Started by ArielCallista, September 19, 2010, 10:58:35 AM

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I have a decent amount of fabric leftover from projects and no clue what to do with all of it! I also have a bunch of fabric given to me after grandparents passed away....lots of florals, and christmasy calicos, lots of broadclothy things, lots of plaids, and a decent array of almost everything else in all kinds of dimensions...Most of it isn't really garb-able, more of the mundane sort. Some of it is decent for garb, but there either isn;t enough left, or its just not my style/color scheme I like...I want to make more garb, but I feel like its financially wasteful to go buy more fabric when I've got bunches sitting in my room. I was considering having like swap meet party thing, but I don't know enough people in the area with enough craft supplies to swap...most of them don't end up with leftovers or use leftovers til its gone before buying more fabric, but due to commissions I end up with lots of awkward chunks of random things leftover. I'm sure someone out there would use most of it but I don't know what to do about it...

Any ideas?
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Pretty. Odd.



Can you use the mundane fabrics (calicos and broadclothy things etc) as mockups or linings?

Can you use the awkward leftover bits from garb commissions for extras you can sell, like hats and pouches? (That's what Ophelia's does with their leftovers. They have a fab hat/pouch rack in the back of their booth at KCRF).


If  your going to TRF there is a shop called "the Wee Peeple Doll Shoppe" #145 she makes dolls and uses scrap fabric. If you can fit it in a med sized box she'd love to have them. I used to save all my scraps for her, that was a little to much so now I save a med sized box of the best scraps, the nicest sized amounts and the pretty scraps, trims,ribbons, junk jewlery. A med box is a size she can handle and move on her own, anything bigger is difficult for her to handle.
"Chase the Morning" "Yield for Nothing!"

Adriana Rose

I save mine to use on monster dolls that I sell at craft shows. And I am using them to fix a quilt that one of my dogs desided to eat on the first weekend of faire while I was gone, I like the look of the patchwork better than the original quilt.

If they are a good size maybe a preschool will take them for projects, I take alot of the ribbon that we refresh off the garlands to them and they are more than happy for free stuff


I'm really hoping theres some way I can benefit from them, cuz I don't have much money to spare right now...

I didn't even think about using some of it for mockups and linings...I will have to do that in the future...anything that is garbable is in a separate shelf thing for garbing...sadly most of it is in small amounts...I really need more chemises and skirts and there isn't enough of anything appropriate for this point I don't have an etsy page set up, but I may get one and make a bunch of pouches and simple waist cinchers and such out of what is semi appropriate for that...

I know you can sell supplies on often do people buy supplies on there...would it be worth posting the fabrics I have?

I have a bunch of knits and this wool (I think) plaid that I have a ton of and don't know what to do with that...I've never made a quilt and if I were to ever get into it I wouldn't want to use the fabric I have...its all very old ladyish in my eyes...dull colored tiny floral prints...I kind of want to make a halloween quilt, but I don't have the time/money now...I'm hoping to get a good deal on halloween fabrics after halloween...

as for TRF I won't be making it this year cuz I can't afford to...

My mom is a preschool teacher...they never do anything with fabric really...and if they do its usually felt, or things I don't have...they might use the christmas fabric for something when it gets closer to then...

I just wish there was a way I could trade it all for fabric I'll use...

Things are shaping up to be...
Pretty. Odd.


Freecycle is a place where you can post up things for trade.

Take Care,
David Baldock
Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people... -anonymous

Adriana Rose

If there is enough plaidish and florals make a patch work bodice, I have been noodling about that but that style really doesnt fit the fluffy frilly look that works for my shop


there's definitely enough stuff to make a patchwork bodice, but not really in any colors I like...I'm definitely willing to swap anyone here...I could use lots of any color...I only have 2 skirts and 1 chemise...I usually do the belly dancer thing but last year I got really bored with it...I'd like more options for the future...I've got several bodices and such that I have made from scraps but I never have enough scraps to make skirts or chemises...
Things are shaping up to be...
Pretty. Odd.

Lady Kathleen of Olmsted


Doll Clothes

Reversable place mats, table runners, or even coasters.

Christmas tree skirt

Jester Hats

Jester collars

Front part of men's vests

Cutesy garb for pets

The ideas for scraps are endless. With Christmas just around the corner, there are all kinds of Cratfy patterns out there for inexpensive gifts.
"As with Art as in Life, nothing succeeds like excess.".....Oscar Wilde


I'm making a patchwork skirt.  You would be surprised how many people love the look.  The crazier the better.   My grandmother use to call outfit made from scraps sewn together as "Joesph's Clothes" or "Joesph's  Coats".  IE coats/clothing of many colors. 

I have theater girls that use scraps to make jewerly bags and such.  That way we can keep track of all the boaches, necklaces, rings and such.  Much easier to track that way, and everything has a home.
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.


I've used them to make a patchwork cloak before.   Depending on the colors, you can make a neat looking Christmas Tree skirt or a nice table runner. 


I made a patchwork skirt before but its not BIG enough...I didn;t get the volume I wanted on it...I may retry that...anyone know of any good tutorials or anything? I had issues figuring out how many squares I should do per row to get the epic size I wanted...I don't know if we will have a Christmas tree of need table runners or anything like that here...We'll all be spending christmas with our respective parents and not here...but we may decorate for the season anyway...I'll have to find out...
Things are shaping up to be...
Pretty. Odd.

Dress Your Dreams

 As a shop owner I have done several things to thin the scrap pile... I have a giant trunk I pour all the best looking stuff into & sell it at $4 a big bag (customer fills)...and I allow our actors to raid it for bits to do an inprov that needs a prop or sign. Also when someone comes in & needs a bit of fabric to fix/ cover a wardrobe malfunction, they know to come to the shop ( I'm closer to the lower end of shire...far away from the dressing area for actors !)



so...I was thinking about the patchwork skirt and had another general question for those of you that have made them in the past, what did you do for seams? I had a crap ton of raw edges on the inside and it made my skirt tickle/scratch my legs all got really annoying...I don't want to do anything overly elaborate for the seams tho since theres a ton of them and I don't want to add unnecessary bulk..
Things are shaping up to be...
Pretty. Odd.



:( That would be a smart thing to do...*sigh* I've spent the past several days fighting with lining so I don't even want to consider that right now lol

I'm not sure lining would be best for the style of skirt I have in mind tho...

This is the sort of skirt I'm wanting...I wish I knew who made this so I could at least find out how they figured out how many squares for each row...
Things are shaping up to be...
Pretty. Odd.


so I just came across this and think its an adorable take on a patchwork skirt and it could be fun to go this route...

Things are shaping up to be...
Pretty. Odd.

Lady Rebecca

^That skirt makes me really want calico scraps!


I did something similar to that back in the 70's, but without the fussy ribbon trim.  I then over-dyed it purple.  All the patterns showed as muted ghosts.  Lovely!


Quote from: ArielCallista on September 20, 2010, 10:32:03 PM
so I just came across this and think its an adorable take on a patchwork skirt and it could be fun to go this route...

I LOVE this!  =)
Amanda  =D

"Do not call for your mother.  Who is it that you think let the demons in to eat you up?"


I don't think I'd do the ribbon...I love the idea of overdyeing it!...
Things are shaping up to be...
Pretty. Odd.


If the scraps are long and in the right colours, you could make a sort of rainbow bodice. Each panel could be a different fabric. I don't have any exact examples of it, but something like this bodice:


Oh all my scraps are at least like a foot in 1 direction...otherwise it ends up getting thrown away, unless it was expensive fabric then I keep everything...The rainbow bodice sounds like fun...I'll have to go look at my scraps to see if I can come up with a combination I like...

Apparently the first pic I posted didn't show up :(

Maybe it'll work this time. The site I found this on had some basic directions, but not really detailed...

If you really do want some lady rebecca I've got plenty...

I may end up making both of these skirts between now and
Things are shaping up to be...
Pretty. Odd.

Lady Rebecca

If you still have them in the spring, let me know, but I shouldn't acquire anything before that, since I have to move in April. And I'm booked up on projects right now at least through Christmas!

^Love that skirt, btw!

Adriana Rose

Look through the In Progress thread.. If I am right one of the ladies is making a skirt really similar to it, I think its Cpn' Fae


Ya whoever that was inspired me to make one originally I was dissappointed in how it turned out so I put the idea aside and figured I'd deal with it later...and well I guess now its later...

Lady Rebecca...I highly doubt I'lll use all I've got, but I'll let you may have to remind me tho lol
Things are shaping up to be...
Pretty. Odd.