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Kitty Shaped candle

Started by Becky10, March 30, 2011, 06:32:04 PM

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Becky, just wondering how the kitty is doing. Hope everything is looking good. Yeah, I'm a man who is a cat person. Blame it on my Rohan she wormed her way in, they have a tendency to do that.


Well her eye kept weeping and still looked deflated and I had a really bad feeling about what the vet was going to say but it seems that not only has the hole started to close but her detached retina seems to to be reattaching!  :o
They lowered her meds and she is being religiously watched to make sure she keeps her cone on but its looking great so far! I was really worried after the last visit it was the end for her eye but I am slowly gaining back hope.

The little devil managed to hook her cone on my ring while i was sleeping the other night and pulled it off so I am having to watch her like a hawk. She also managed to get stuck inside the catbox because of her "hat" so she's not too happy about that right now  :D
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on


I'm glad she is doing better. Thanks for the update.