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New faire in town! (well, sorta in-town..)

Started by Natasha, April 02, 2011, 03:27:56 PM

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Hi All

It was GREAT seeing everyone at castle! Had a blast (as is becoming usual : ) even though I froze my tushie off...

I really must be shameless in my advertising..... The Hunting Jaycees Renfaire is in May! This is their second year, and the Tudor Rose Players are playing the court of Mary Queen of Scots! From the castle, it's about 3 hours- approx. 1.5 hours from Indianapolis. All proceeds go to charity, and it's looking like it's going to be a really great faire! (Did I mention Drunk N Sailor will be there?) They just recently put up a post on these forums under "Smaller Midwest Faires"

Okay. *steps off soapbox*. Thank you. Love to all!

<3 Natasha

P.S. If you DO decide to come, you absolutely MUST swing by the Royal court- I will be playing the wife of the Russian Ambassaor (of course!)
Russian Noble
Perpetual Gypsy
Crystal Stix-er

Ulfin Bedwyr

Hi everyone,

Wanted to add my tuppence to Natasha's post.

Huntington is shaping up to be a really kewl faire this year, and wanted to let all of our friends know about it!  It's going to be on the Friday, Saturday, Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, so check your calendars.

I'll be in the Court playing George Seton, 5th Lord Seton, Master of the Queen's Household, alongside Natasha... er... Nadiiya Feodorovna Pisiemsky.  (Now try saying THAT 3x fast!)

Looks like it's going to be great fun, so come visit!

English - Lord Hunsdon
Scottish - Lord Seton
at Bristol - Sir Thomas Hammond
at Eminence - Sir Geoffrey le Scrope


If Joseph and I do make it up, it will be for Sunday only (other than possibly driving up Saturday night and crashing somewhere so we can attend the Faire on Sunday), but we're definitely going to try!  :) 

Oh, and Natasha?  Once we know for sure, if we're coming up, I'll let you know so we can arrange a Bourbon Barrel Stout delivery. ;D
Mischievous Little Imp.


Oooooo you bring so much good news! : D : D : D
Russian Noble
Perpetual Gypsy
Crystal Stix-er