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Castleteers -Penta

Started by kydavid, June 23, 2008, 06:57:12 PM

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Muchly discussed, many a recipe extolled, AuntyLou hath arrived upon some savory combinations for fruity pies.  Just You Wait!
Meaty pies are especially requested by me rogue, Curtro.  Mushrooms he would prefer to be omitted, as they qualify not as meat, Curtro does engage in a bit of meat snobbery. 
Should time contraints allow, veggie pies are to make an appearance.  All are requested to post any veggie suggestions, special requests, and reports of past successes should any be recalled.  AuntyLou hath provided a vendor for puff pasty shells, in the hopes that this be simpler than anticipated, but I do go on a bit.....
We are all of us in the gutters, but some of us are lookin at the stars


Well, if needs be to have pies with vegetables, I vote chicken. That is as much vegetable as it should be.

Onions, Garlic and mushroom, not as vegetables, but as flavour for the meat and possibly cheese which makes up the rightful whole of the pie.


The cookies I'll be bringing are a special recipe of Russian tea cakes, and a combination of Cinnamon drops and peppermint drops....and i may bring plain old homemade chocolate chip!
Castleteer, IWG# 3606, MERC# 836, PRIV# 1311
Flog'n M'Crack, Chieftess of O'Cinneide

Corseter, Costumer and Crochete


Unless I misremember, Russian Tea cakes contain neither meat nor cheese.  :(


Quote from: CaraGreenleaf on August 14, 2008, 03:25:16 PM
The cookies I'll be bringing are a special recipe of Russian tea cakes, and a combination of Cinnamon drops and peppermint drops....and i may bring plain old homemade chocolate chip!

That sounds delicious, I love your cookies  ;D
Elvish dragonfly
Bugs'n M'Crack Clan O'Maille
sister of Lady Pegos

Old Tinker

dearest Imestra and Aunty Lou, me Belle and me have update'd thee list'n with thy contributions of delicious food stuffs.
our CaraGreenleaf, and thy morsels of goodness, have been add'd also.
Bugsey, me's like cookies also,  ;)
as we come closer to thee "Castleteer Re'Union"- Penta, the edibles list'n grows.
along with the attend'ees.
less than a month now,  ;D
i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...
Loveland "Castleteer"
Travel Safe, Travel Far


How does one become a Castletter? And if I can join would ye all mind a scruffy Irishman from Great Lakes Medieval Faire being around?



All are welcome here! All are welcome! Walk into the light, walk...oh, wait! Wrong welcome!

Castleteers are those brave souls who spend a night at the Castle and make a new friend in doing so. Any who will join us in doing this is counted a Castleteer and a friend. Both are welcome, no matter what Faire they call home.

If you would be counted in this number, then you too are welcome, Geoffrey_Devaney_of_Tyron.


Quote from: Geoffrey_Devaney_of_Tyron on August 21, 2008, 07:48:35 PM
How does one become a Castletter? And if I can join would ye all mind a scruffy Irishman from Great Lakes Medieval Faire being around?


Geoffrey, I was wondering when you'd find your way over here!

p.s.  I sent you a truth comment  :o
Elvish dragonfly
Bugs'n M'Crack Clan O'Maille
sister of Lady Pegos


Will there be a need to bring firewood? I just picked up a chord and could throw some in ye old trunk if necessary. What say you?
Ale-ing Archer
Loveland Castleteer
Head-Balancer of Ale

Old Tinker

Quote from: StareNorthSteve on August 22, 2008, 06:58:25 AM
Will there be a need to bring firewood? I just picked up a chord and could throw some in ye old trunk if necessary. What say you?

friend SNS, since thee lives in OHIO, and there is no ban for thee to bring firewood, the more the merry'er. but thee good "Captain humphrey" may say otherwise if they have plenty at the "Castle". tis good to hear from thee and that you and yours are still plan'n to make the event. do take care.
Geoffrey, thee will be add'd to the list'n for "Penta" and for attend'n OHRF for the same weekend. great thee can make it.
see all soon.
i be the old Tinker and his Belle...
Loveland "Castleteer"
Travel Safe, Travel Far


Quote from: Old Tinker on August 22, 2008, 11:00:32 AM
friend SNS... tis good to hear from thee and that you and yours are still plan'n to make the event.
i be the old Tinker and his Belle...

Not only planning but, getting down right pumped about it. And...better yet...I've started the necessary "hint dropping" about closing weekend with ye Michigan folk. Now if I could only find a way to be there opening weekend...hmmmm???

Ale-ing Archer
Loveland Castleteer
Head-Balancer of Ale


I do believe Cara has the cookies covered.  Might be a bit of overkill if I brought them along as well.  But fear not!  I will come up with something delicious to bring.

Any requests?
Mischievous Little Imp.

Old Tinker

dearest jinx, whatever thee brings, we are sure it shall be very taste'e also. we be a-watch'n.
also all, me Belle thinks that me's better post an udat'd list'n of our fifth "Gather'n", also now know as;

              "PENTA"- "A Castleteers Re'Union"
                             last update- 8/22

"Penta- A Castleteers Re'union" Sept. 13th, 2008                                foodstuffs bring'n

Captain humphrey
Painted Lady & Lu
Katie (Designated Driver)
David (KyDavid)------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pickl'd Strawberry's
PyroDocs(Peter Beer Slayer)
deckyon & Melissa
CaraGreenleaf --------------------------Russian tea cakes,Cinn./Peppermint drops, ? choc. chip cookies ?
Troy & Tammy
Sir William Marcus & some fellow brethren(actually a dozen)
Conte Carl & Contessa Donna ------------------------------------- Hot Relishes & Fire Quench'n Breads
jinx & friend -----------------------------------------------------------------choca chip/P-B cookies
Bugsay & Lady Pegos --------------------------------------------------------gingerbread
Scotsman & Lady Guinness (wedd'nn annv.)
StareNorthStve & Lady ------------------------------------------------------tortilla chips
Quiet One
Poofbird & friend
Imestra & Curtorio & Squire Eric ----------------------------------------------pie types/w
Aunty Lou ------------------------------------------------------------"  meaty and veggie  "
Angus thee Honourable- a company of 12
CaraGreenleaf -----------------------------------------------------------------cookies
Old Tinker & Belle  ------------------------------------------------------------- Bar/Bread, Chee'es & Grapes 
Evelyn Wolfe

we be round'n the courner of three-quarters of the 100 mark for attendance, :o , not bad good peoples, not bad at all. now all recall that if thee is not a "Castleteer" as of yet, there are three requirements that our most generous "Captain" of the "Castleteers"( good "Captain humphrey"), has proclaim'd as a necessary must to become a "Castleteer".

they are as follows;
#1-  must spend the night in or on thee grounds of "Loveland Castle".

#2-  one must make a new friend.

#3-  dur'n the even'n, one must laugh at some point.

me's knows these are very tough requirements for rennies to accomplish  ::) but our "Captain" has lay'd down the Law. and if thee "Captain" says you must, then we must.
the day grows closer and closer, so prepare thy-selves.
at all's service,
i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...
Loveland "Castleteer"
Travel Safe, Travel Far


Old Tinker and Belle
My Lady and I cannot wait to see thee all again. Hopefully the weather will be fair for camping on the grounds of the castle. We will be bringing an assortment of my Ladys hot relishes for garnish and breads to quench the fire. We will also be at ORF again for the Michigan invasion. Already have our tickets through the special discount the radio station (what ever that may be) offered. We will see you soon at MIRF I hope.Til then our good friends.
Bretheren of the Great Lakes
True heirto the Duchy of Savoy
Rivet'n Penny