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Health and Fitness

Started by Tremayne, June 28, 2008, 07:59:05 PM

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I haven't tried it, nor have I heard it was good for that. Thanks for the tip.


Lilaney, I know just what you're saying about how loosing weight can jar one's sense of self if you're used to seeing something in particular in the mirror. When I was ill for a couple of years and had a very carb-restricted diet because of taking antibiotics, I lost 50 lbs. Most of my adult life, I rarely weighed less than 185 lbs and at the time my illness started was at 200, maybe a little over. As I continued to loose weight, I started to feel sort of withered and insubstantial (this may also have to do with not being active and thus loosing muscle as well). Even though I was getting closer to what should be my normal weight for my height, it made me nervous to begin seeing and feeling bones I hadn't since I was in my early teens (and then didn't even notice).  :D  Not only that, I began to see how I resembled an aunt on my mother's side of the family, which similarity was completely invisible at a greater weight, when I strongly resemble my Dad's side of the family. It was weird and something I wouldn't have anticipated. I worried that getting any leaner (bottomed at 150-155) would be unhealthy when there was probably no cause for concern.  I'm now back up to 170 and would like to get back down to 155 but am more concerned about feeling healthy (because I don't for reasons that probably have little to do with my weight) than achieving a specific weight right now. Forge on and keep your sense of humor!
I am but mad north-northwest; when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. --Shakespeare via Hamlet.


Anyone out there ever tried taking amino acids to improve their health? I'm reading a book called The Diet Cure that makes it sound as though they could be beneficial for me but am not sure whether to make the leap/spend the money.
I am but mad north-northwest; when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. --Shakespeare via Hamlet.

Lady Mikayla of Phoenicia

I have had good success with supplements.  I recall you mentioning in another post you are near a health food store.  Visit their vitamin area and speak with someone from that section, they are usually very helpful.  BTW thanks for your post on the real ginger ale, I picked up some ginger root and have been grating it on my Brie cheese and salads, quite tasty and helps with the heartburn!   ;D
"Embrace those who love you and rid yourself of those who bring you down."


Never thought to put ginger on a salad. I'll try it. Picked up a root when I picked up more ale. I've put "coins" of it in water to boil and sip on it while at my desk. Does seem to result in a more settled stomach. I intend to put some of this "tea" near my bed at night so when I awaken nauseated I can take a swig.

Alas, I did check the health food store. They're long on good food but short on supplements. I think there's a GNC around here somewhere. If not, there's certainly something in Huntsville.
I am but mad north-northwest; when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. --Shakespeare via Hamlet.

Lady Mikayla of Phoenicia

You might try  I order most of my supplements from them and at a substantial savings!

"Embrace those who love you and rid yourself of those who bring you down."


It's been a slow couple of weeks for me, doing really well, then having a set back as some touch up work was done. Don't feel much like exercising when all the exercise clothes press in all the wrong places for the incisions. Better today, though, and I forced myself to at least take my walk. Will perservere and get there eventually.

Heck, my motto has always been that the getting there should be at least as much fun as the ultimate destination.
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Thank you, Tremayne.
I have only ever been at my correct weight when I was a young teenager.
As my gym/FFA/Band/Interior Design teacher said.
"yo just built from lumberjack stock, girl. T'aint no wind what will blow you over."
I know that I am a large frame and when I gain, you cannot tell.
When they learn my true weight (185) they sorta freak and think I am exagerating.
Today's morning did not help. I did really well all week.
I write down what I eat and my exercise. Woke up this morning with a mule's attitude.
Stubborn and resentful of everything.
So, I did not get my morning workout in. Which means I was craving sugar like a fiend.
Therefore, I caved.
Tremayne, I know what I look like when I get to the 168's. Due too illness I was there for about a month and the constant asking if I was Okay sent me racing back up into the unhealthy range, so they would stop.
I am slightly afraid of what people will say when I get back down (the healthy stairs, not the illness slide) to my proper weight range (158-165) as per my doc's instructions.
A lot of my friends like to see 'healthy' women. There terminology for those of thin stature is not evil, just not flattering.
Am I afraid of what they will say? A bit. But, I would like to be able to run really fast again.
Will keep tabs here again, think it is good to vent sometimes. Maybe other people out there are feeling the same.


Lilaney, I know what you mean about how hard it is to stay on track because of things people say. Some of the people I am around will say things that are less than positive and try to get me off track, but I have to believe that it is because they take my weight loss as a threat to themselves. It helps me remember that I do this above all things because of my health, and not to make anybody else happy except for me. Remember, your friends should want you to be healthy, and you'll be a better friend with more energy to devote to your friendships while healthy too.


Very True, Cat.
The ones in my life that really and truly matter, want me to succeed.
"Girl, I don't care if you want to get a master's in Underwater Basket Weaving. If you want to do it, then do it."
It is that handful of people that keeps my spirits up when I am faced with difficulties.
Today, food wise is mildly shot, exercise will only exist in my mind.
But, I can jump back in the game tomorrow.
Thank you for the positive words, it is good to hear them.


I'm training for a marathon in October and I have to start getting really serious now. Problem is I'm not motivated. I've lost thirty pound since I auditioned for MIRF and taken in one piece of garb twice. I have to maintain now and do long runs and the faire soon. I'm really into the faire, but the long runs. I just have to get out and do it, I love it, but the thought of being the last one to get their fat butt over the finish line is depressing. I used to be 320lbs, am now 163, so I'm still no lightweight. I love to run. Just not this summer, but I need to, cause it's my Ironman next summer (yes, like on TV) and I at least need to have my running sped up.

Why does a forty four year old woman do this? Why does a forty four year old woman join the cast of a ren faire, she's freaking nuts.

Someone motivate me. A sharp stick would work just fine, thank you.
My journey from mundane to Ren Actor


*sharpens stick* ;D

When I was a firefighter, we used to have days where we didn't want to run.
Thankfully/regretfully we had a chief who was a tread-head and ran everwhere.
he got it in his head one day to set a tire on fire 3 miles from the starting line.
we were all at that smoldering heap of rubber in about 20 minutes, running flat out.
Once we put out the fire, it dawned on us, we were all victims of an Aesop's Fable.

When one is motivated, even excuses cannot stop them.

Why does a forty four year old women do that voo-doo that you do so well?
I would think that it would be simply because you can!
How many people do you know around your age, or younger that cannot do what you do?
Motivation, escalation, relocation, tire-rotation, it is all part of life and you, hon, are living proof of that!

I am part of the Scarby cast down south and i truly believe the 'renn diet' works, but, only seasonally.
your determination to go from 320 to 163 motivates me!

SO... get runnin'!!!
Thar's a Tire A-FIRE!


um... I feel a little out of place here, but... Is it wrong to admit to having a goal of -gaining- five pounds?

I'm not happy with the way I look. Slender is good, flat skinny is not. And it doesn't help that people tell me I'm beautiful, but nothing ever comes of it. Actions are very rarely made to make it feel as if they mean it.

I've been toying with the idea of taking up belly dancing again, because it helps to build muscle mass in the core area (muscle weighs more than fat and all that), and the physical aspect of work has helped build up a couple of pounds of muscle in my shoulders and arms, but it's still not quite enough.
I've been turned into a cow. May I be excused?


Girl, if you feel underweight (and that is going by the scientific guru scales, not just the mirror) I say go for it!
Go the healthy way, though.
Build up your muscle mass (I love belly dancing!)
Also, if you can, check in with a nutritionist about your height/weight ratio;
and ask how much protein,carbs, and fiber you need to be taking in as well as your caloric intake.

From there you can figure if you can add a protein shake to your meal plan and/or add weight training to your lifestyle to add that healthy five pounds.

Look at Shape, Self, or Fitness Mag for some simple ideas (go to their websites, it's free and they have videos you can follow) on how to safely work your arms into Madonna-worthy Guns.

Oh, gonna break a myth.
Muscle and Fat weigh exactly the same ammount.
Muscle takes up less space and is more dense, than its counterpart in your body shape.

(Example, Five pounds of muscle is about the size of a rolled up Cosmopolitan Magazine, where five pounds of fat is the size of a ten pound bag of flour. DISCLAIMER: everyone wears their muscles and fat content differently, this comparision is for a tangible idea on size difference.)

hope this helps!


Nothing wrong with wanting to gain weight, if it's health gain you're after!  I know several people who are trying to gain weight because they're too skinny.  My little brother is one of them.  It's hard to play soccer at the college level (and up!) when you have half the mass of the other guys. :)

That sucks that people are giving you a hard time about losing weight.  They're probably jealous, and seeing you succeed makes them feel bad about themselves, so they make fun of you/say nasty things because it's easier to get you to stop your hard work then it is for them to start working themselves.  Don't listen to people like that.

I have this crazy idea in my head that I want to start running.  A bunch of people from work decided to have a "mini olympics" yesterday and go have both a mile race and a 4x400 race.  I got talked into doing both.  So, very non-runner me ran (well, attempted to run anyway) 1.25 miles yesterday, without having done any running in like 5 years.  I actually did better than I thought I would.  I successfully ran (very slowly) for about 1/2 of the distance, and finished the mile in 12:40.  I was dead last, and the girl who won finished before I was done with my second lap (she also finished 3rd of all women in the Seattle Marathon, so I dont' feel bad about that one).  BUT!  I finished, and I actually had fun.  :o  That last part shocks me, because I am NOT a runner.  Maybe that is going to change?

The part that sucked was going to gymnastics class later in the evening.  It was a very good class though, and I am starting to see noticable improvements in my skill.  The conditioning exercises at the end were what really sucked, and I am sore today. :)  But it's a good sore, and I know that if I can keep doing stuff like that (running, swimming laps) I will be able to reach my goal.

Gah!  It's not a myth that muscle weighs less than fat, it a matter of semantics.  Yes, a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat.  But as you said, muscle is much more dense than fat, so given the same volume the muscle will weigh more.  And when people say muscle weighs more than fat, they are talking about a per volume basis (i.e.  I lost 2 inches off my hips, but I gained 2 lbs. What gives?  (the same volume of) Muscle weighs more than fat.).
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