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If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one

Started by daylight, July 01, 2008, 08:07:53 AM

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max and kate

We like going to faire and having fun. After a long week at work we can blow off some steam as faire patrons but we do some charity work at faire for the fun of it.
Brethren of the Great Lakes
Irish Penny Brigade


I've only been able to go to faire for fun so far, but I want to work at one for at least one season to try it out. I would love to do the acting, but I think I would even like working in a booth for somebody too. It's one of those things I want to be able that I can say I did when I'm 102.  :)


I've only worked faire one season, and I loved every minute of it.  I worked part-time for The Rogues, selling merchandise.  I worked from about 5-10 minutes before each show to 5-15 minutes after each show, did parade a couple of times... all total, about 4 hours per day, which gave me the rest of the day to roam, shop, and catch other shows as I wished. Would I do it again, ABSOLUTELY.  It got me in for free ($65 saved off season pass), bought me a significant amount of garb/accessories (all of which I would have bought anyway), allowed me to spend time with some of my favorite people, and best of all, gave me the opportunity to support the act and share their music with a lot more people than I get to sitting on the front row of the shows.

Would I work in a booth? probably not, as I think I would miss the freedom to roam and shop.
IWG 3450
The ORIGINAL Pipe Wench
Wench @ Large #2
Resident Scottish Gypsy
Royal Aromatherapist


Sir Dragon took me to MDRF for years before we started working there. The experience is night and day. I loved attending faire but feel passionate and honored to work it. We do enjoy visiting other faires for our more flexible play times. This said, once Sir Dragon passes on, I feel I will only be able to attend MDRF and as cast.
Lady Elizabeth Poyntz
Ynez de Leon
Catherine of Austria, Queen consort of Portugal
Molly Blair


This is a tough one for me.. I work at one and go to another.  I get to enjoy my job (which is freaking great) at TRF and I go to Scarborough to play.  Now, if my boss manages to get into Scarborough then I will work at both... can't turn down good money now can we?
Karl "Dragon" Wolff
The Pirates Cove



I came THIS close to getting a job at faire this year, but now I'm glad that I didn't. I'm a free spirit...I need to be able to wander the village all day. I don't think I could handle having to do one thing all day long.
Do it not for glory or profit but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something that did not exist before

Lady Elizabeth

Quote from: Saoirse_Anam on July 21, 2008, 01:40:38 PM
I came THIS close to getting a job at faire this year, but now I'm glad that I didn't. I'm a free spirit...I need to be able to wander the village all day. I don't think I could handle having to do one thing all day long.

I completely agree. I would rather do things on my own terms and do what I want at the faire. I like interacting with the cast. I cannot be certain which I prefer more because I have never worked there but as of now I know I enjoy the faire more when I have all day to do whatever I please.


id rather work at faire if i could nothing like getting paid to be in a place u love
Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal.


I've pondered this a lot over the last year.  There are 3 events now in Tulsa (including the Scottish Games).  I'd like to volunteer to help organize the event & see things from behind the scenes at least once.  The first event is in the middle of August.  I don't think my health will allow me to sit outside in 100 degree heat for 2 days.  The other 2 events come at the busiest time of year at my office so I'm iffy on those.

Before I got married, I used to wonder if I would sell some kind of wares after I retired & travel the faire circuit around the country year-round.  My wife isn't into Ren faires, so that's out the window now.

I still might call about volunteering if there's work to be done leading up to the faires & not on the actual days of the events.
Providing faire information for over 10 years (updated monthly).  Visit to find all the Renaissance & Celtic-type Festivals in North America.  There's much more to see and do in 'The Realm' as well.

Will Gamwell

I would have to say that I enjoy working at Faire more than anything.  I do enjoy being a playtron and even a paytron on a few occasions.  But I would miss the afterhours time with my close friends that I wouldn't get if I did not work there. 



I suppose it all depends on the Faire, and what job I am working at.  I worked a booth for several years, and while I loved doing it, I missed out on most of the Faire fun.  Being stuck in a booth all day means you miss out on lots of other new and fun things to do.  On the other hand, I really made some good friends/family being that close to those people for long streches of time.   I came up with a good soultion for both; work one day then take the other one off.  That way you get in for free, make a little money, build some friendships, and still get to run around and play!!!
Shogun of Japan
Loki Prince
FOKTOP Royal Marshall


I have a Day Job I love. They'll have to take me out in a casket ;-)
But I prefer working faires to just attending. I'm not good at being idle and I'm a "fixer." I have the same problem at museums-at the Met I was checking out the lighting, exhibit displays and flow-through, THEN the art!

And it's pretty sad, some of our troupe members went to KYRF for pleasure and they *still* ended up on stage.  I'd rather be helping to create the magic.
Temper; what makes a good sword, be sure to keep it.


I love working there... It's just not as fun to be a patron.  There's nothing like the back stage camaraderie and the after hours (workers-only) fun; or just a massive we-all-fall-down after cannon after a hard day.  I just volunteer, so I get in on a workers pass but I still have half the day free to do what I want; best of both worlds there.


This is really a tough one for me.  We vend at 2 faires, TRF and 4 Winds.  I love 4 Winds for the fact that there I can be both playtron and participant, it's small enough that we are not constantly busy, so I can visit with friends, take in the occasional show and also work.  While at TRF, I'm lucky if I get a bathroom break or a chance to eat until dinner, but of course the money we make there helps to make up for that.  And there is nothing quite like after hours at faire and the feeling of comraderie from the other participants.  The main drawback I have from working TRF is that my hubby and I were married there, so we used to go every year for our anniversary and now we're stuck in the booth.  We got to walk around together once last year and that was on the Monday after close, but I guess I wouldn't change any of it , this was our dream.


I have always wanted to have a booth at a faire. Since I work in printing, I thought it would be great to recreate an old Gutenburg style printing press and then make posters, flyers and letters for the Rennies. But I can't see myself doing so in the near future, since there is no ORF anymore, so I stick to being a playtron.
Trust me, I'm a Dungeon Master