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Opening day fail.

Started by 609wood, October 12, 2013, 05:18:12 PM

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Singed!  I went by the forge looking for you but you weren't there.  Sometime we shall have to schedule a meeting and discuss all of life's injustices and how we should correct them.  I miss chatting with you while listening to the roar of the fire...
Landshark # 97
Member, Phoenix Risen


Quote from: Singed on October 14, 2013, 01:38:27 PM
Especially now that so many of the bread and butter items, things that are pretty quick to make, right there in the booth and sell well are also available, fresh from Pakistan and China, at a dozen or more shops just around the corner.

Bingo.  I laughed the other day at how many different shops had the same (junk) items.  I must've seen four different shops trying to sell the same costume scimitar at a wildly varying price.
It would be incredible to see more hand made items, more real stuff, and less junk from Oriental Trading or BudK magazines.


Quote from: KeeperoftheBar on October 14, 2013, 01:52:18 PM
Singed!  I went by the forge looking for you but you weren't there.  Sometime we shall have to schedule a meeting and discuss all of life's injustices and how we should correct them.  I miss chatting with you while listening to the roar of the fire...

I will definitely PM you if I make it out this year, I may just to go see some friends and hang out a little, and share a little insider gossip. 

Merlin the Elder

I thought that someone had told me that TRF was going/had gone back to being juried. Sounds like that is not the case. I cannot always afford to buy the "real deal" of everything we like, but we do NOT spend money on mass-produced junk. We spent a lot of money with an artist at Scarby who is no longer doing faires, apparently. I hate not getting any more new stuff, but it's saving me a small fortune.

We lost interest in TRF many years ago after a vendor told us that she was thinking of closing shop because they weren't juried anymore.  We were considering making trips there again, but it doesn't seem like it's our sort of place, and that is just our taste, not a condemnation. I know that TRF is beloved by many, many people. We're slowing down quite a bit these days. We like it slow and easy. I think TRF is just a bit too fast for us!  :-\
Living life in the slow lane
ROoL #116; the Jack of Daniels; AARP #7; SS# 000-00-0013
I've upped my standards. Now, up yours.
...and may all your babies be born naked...

Laird Fraser of Lovatt

Slowing down?  But you're only what, 1000? 1200 years old?  ;D
Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh
Alba gu brath
Laird of Dunans Castle
Warrior Poet/Loki God


Quote from: 609wood on October 13, 2013, 07:02:02 PM
The wife and I had to sleep in it and think about it some. some. It's just really really sad. Where to start?  ... What costumes there were there ran the gambit from steam punk to Lolita, pirate, redneck, tattoo exibitionists and a disturbingly large number of anime.  The foxes were absent as was the ent, oger, centar, just about anyone who was there from years past. ...

I know I saw most of the fox family out there on Saturday.  As for the others, the weather may have kept them from coming out.

I think the deluge of wetness really dampened people's spirits (sorry, had to.)  We (the husband and I) were only able to wander around for about an hour before giving into the rain-induced clothing pain and had to return to camp.  After getting my car stuck in the mud at the campgrounds and damaging the alignment trying to get it out, we just gave up and went home.  Although I had a horrible weekend, I know so many others had a wonderful weekend.

Even so, I don't think it's quite fair to judge the current season based on this past weekend, because there were strong factors working against its success.  Now, if everything is the same once the weather dries up, then I'll start being disappointed in my home faire, but until then, I'll hold out hope for a great run.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. - W. Shakespeare

Sir Martin

Anybody know if the "Unofficial Pub Sing" took place either day on opening weekend?


If you are referring to Bedlam's Pub Sing yes it was both days at 6:30pm, although it is now on the schedule. Though I guess you can't call it an unofficial pub sing anymore...
"So long and thanks for all the fish!!" D.N.A.


I think with the change of times, comes the change of everything. :(

Tink, I'm really glad you got out okay. Sorry to hear about the damage on your car.

As for the lines? Well, it will happen.

This show is never about the glitz and glam for me, as long as my faire family is there, I will so glad and happy.
Still Meggers, just a little more grown up now. :)


I only went out Saturday... it was the first day even in the 3 years I worked that I was just was immensly unhappy because of the weather. I have gained weight so I'm already sweating more but by the time I got to the gate from the tent I was DRENCHED without the rain and solely from the humidity. When the rain did not let up on sunday morning we just called it in and packed up. We are hoping for a nice weekend to redo it this weekend.  I was on the verge of tears because I was so unhappy about the weather and felt so gross. Boyfriend was sick and I developed a headache.... it sucked... we enjoyed the things we saw but we just couldn't fully enjoy everything through the weather.


Quote from: FaeHollow on October 18, 2013, 08:05:35 AM
I only went out Saturday... it was the first day even in the 3 years I worked that I was just was immensly unhappy because of the weather. I have gained weight so I'm already sweating more but by the time I got to the gate from the tent I was DRENCHED without the rain and solely from the humidity. When the rain did not let up on sunday morning we just called it in and packed up. We are hoping for a nice weekend to redo it this weekend.  I was on the verge of tears because I was so unhappy about the weather and felt so gross. Boyfriend was sick and I developed a headache.... it sucked... we enjoyed the things we saw but we just couldn't fully enjoy everything through the weather.

We pretty much had the same experience.  I was battling a cold before the weekend started.  It seems that Saturday's rain solidified it and by Sunday I was dying.  At the first lull on Sunday we broke down camp and headed out.  We will try for a day trip later in the season to make up for the Sunday that we lost.

Leigh, Hope your BF is feeling better.  It was good to see you.
Member of Clan Procrastination
Crew of the Procrastinator
Lover of Lady Kitara


I really hate to keep harping on this but The Sea Devil is broke and needs fixing.  The new stage is wonderful but even on the third weekend, there were not enough servers to meet the needs.  Waiting 15 minutes to get a beer because there are only 5 servers working their fingers to the bone is not right.  I only bought one ale there (the least I have ever gotten in over 20 years of patronising the place) because I could not navigate the crowds on StudMuffin to buy more.   And again the deck window was closed.

Please bring back Truly and the rest of the old staff, or at least, sign on more servers to keep the lines flowing as well as the drink. 
Landshark # 97
Member, Phoenix Risen


The Sea Devil comments make it seem like they are hitting their goal to get rid of as many of the old school people as possible. 

It's a Disney takeover, just without the mouse. 


My biggest belch right now is parking.
First the parking attendants need to be better trained, to work together. This way at the end of the day they do not have to figure out a system. They already should have one in place. Every night seems like an experiment on how best to empty the lot. Usually it is a failed experiment. When you have one lane sit for 20 minutes without moving, but another lane is a free flow of vehicles, you have failed at customer service. 
This past weekend we went Sunday to celebrate our Anniversary and my Birthday.
Since we went late (2:30) she convinced me to try the preferred parking (which I have been against from the get go). SO we paid out $10 and were parked at the very end of row 4, I mean 2 spots from the end. bovine poopie. The front half of 3 & 4 were not even in use. They were empty at 2:30pm. Pissed me off to no end. They would not even consider moving us to row 5 which was open from end to end.
It annoys the hell out of me.

Laird Fraser of Lovatt

My two bits... The Sea Devil has become too "Dane-ish".
Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh
Alba gu brath
Laird of Dunans Castle
Warrior Poet/Loki God