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TRF CAMPGROUNDS, categorized by activity and atmosphere

Started by BarbarianQueen, November 09, 2013, 03:07:36 PM

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OK, so here's a new attempt at an informational thread that might be fun to maintain.  It was borne out of my realization that I had NO IDEA of all the subtle (and some not so subtle) activities and "culture" generated by the wonderful and diverse folks who camp.  I had no idea what we were missing!!!
I will be happy to update and maintain it, and if it looks like it's going nowhere, I'll be happy to delete it as well :)  Maybe a Sticky???

The idea is to post a reply telling about the area that you camp - the coordinates on the map, the general atmosphere of the area, some things about the clans that are traditionally in the area, whether your open and enjoy visitors, or really anything that someone might would like to know when choosing a campsite, or a place to go and visit with folks.  I know there is already a "who, when and where" map - I see this is a supplement to that, letting folks who don't know a Chaos from a McLotofus member choose a potential "perfect spot" to camp and "fit in".

Here's the map (click on it to "embiggen") - see the beginnings of the "culture mapping" below.  Please help me (and others) learn about all the culture, personality and history of your clan or camping area!! If you have a cool photo of your camp or clan, add a link and I'll embed it with your info :)
NOTE - Be as concise in your description as possible, or this will be one long post...

* The grid rows 1-12 are designated "quiet" camping, and there are understandings about noise levels and bedtimes.  Many families camp here.
* There is not a lot of trees or shade in the quiet area.
* The grid rows 12-24 are designated "Loud" camping.  Parties can last all night, music may be played, and there's no guarantee that it will get quiet any time during the night, though most go to bed at SOME point.  Very energetic!
* the Main Bonfire is marked, in the Loud camping area just off the main road.  A fun event with drumming, dancing, fire breathers, etc.  But maybe not good for kids after 11pm

(Otherwise known as Camp Naked Knights And Disrobed Damsels)
Location - near 23 or 24 d/e, with camp facing the woods and RV with large banner as a backdrop. Photo of banner below.
We will be camping every weekend except Nov 9/10.
What we do - Friday afternoon we set up camp around 3, and then get a huge fire going in the fire pit. We then set about making dinner.  We try to cook only things we can roast over the pit, saves dragging a grill, and we have HUGE bottle of rum sitting in an ice chest along with some punch, coke, and a bottle of wine. We eat around 5:30-6, and then just relax in camp chairs taking in the stars and enjoying the atmosphere till about 7, at which point we go on walkabout seeing what there is to see, ending at the bonfire. Well usually hang out there until 11 or 12, depending, then head back to turn in.
On Saturday and Sunday, repeat, except after the fair
Your welcome to visit! Just bring something to sit on - too poor for extra chairs! And bring something to roast, if you want to break bread with us. We usually have enough grog to share :). Oh, and remember the title of our camp...


We camp in the area F-22.  Our camp is located just behind Chaos and Red Star.  As you follow the road to the west and around to the north, a visitor will typically find many pirate encampments on their right.

We are in our spot for opening weekend and closing weekend.
Clan P. is a family friendly camp which is happy to host new comers that fit in with our group.
We always have children in camp.
Our adults are known to partake in adult beverages and we usually hangout around our fire pit, conveniently located on our ship deck until 2 or 3 am.
We are not bible thumpers but there are several Christians in our camp.  We pray over our Thanksgiving dinner every year.
We welcome travelers from the road to come aboard the Procrastinator and sit with us around the fire and share some stories and the best rum in the camp grounds.
Wanderers found to be under the influence of chemical witchcraft will be escorted right back out to the road.

We are an open minded group and enjoy visiting with our fellow campers.  That said, the things we will not tolerate:
Excessively loud generators; We are there to listen to drumming, singing, laughter and each other. 
Chemically altered campers who are unable to be civil, likewise, mean drunks.
Teeny-Boppers that move in Saturday night, destroy their camp area, then leave Sunday morning.
Spinning fire next to our tents at 3am while we are sleeping.  No one wants to wake up to a flaming tent.

Most people stop by Clan P. when they want a place to relax and get away from the loud and rowdy.  That is pretty much what we have come to be known for.  So when you need a break from the Viking Bowls, Huzzahs and excessive "I Love You Man", stop by.  Don't forget to ask permission to come aboard.  It's just plain nautical consideration, and the crew like it when a big bunch come by and yell it all at once.


Only camps once a year on AHE weekend. Some of us also camp out there on other weekends (less so these days), but that's the only official McShug campout.
Clan McShuggenah is a ragtag bunch of misfits that like to laugh at each other!  Other weekends those that come out to camp are scattered in amongst other camps such as Claw or PR.  McShuggenah has few rules as we'd prefer our group to have fun but such as they are they do need repeating...

Rule #1 - Have fun!
Rule #2 - No kids between 5 & 17 as there may be partial or full nudity and / or floggings.  Under 5 they don't really know what they are seeing and are usually in bed before 9 pm...over 17, well, they probably know anyway.
Rule #3 - No Tequila Breakfasts!!! (This is a very important rule to have)
Rule #4 - The alcohol table is for everyone if you don't want to share your alcohol do not put it on the table.
Rule #5 - And this is the very most important rule...NO DRAMA!!   You can either:
A.      Handle your drama amongst yourselves leaving the rest of us blissfully ignorant.
B.      Ask one other to help you work out your differences.
If your drama spills out into the rest of us or is so loud that it wakes up the neighbors your butt will be outside of the camp as quickly as I can un-stake your tent and move it.

We are nice to the neighbors and some of us venture out every night but the one night that most of us are on a walkabout is Friday night.  The best night to find us all in camp is Saturday night.  So pull up a chair by the fire and sit a spell with us.

the Queen's Own Highlanders
Highland weekend is the weekend that the Queen's Own Highlanders from Scarby comes down.  We normally have some were around a 100 of us and camp in the area centered on PR but will spill over both sides of the road.    Being Scottish, Irish, and Welsh we are friendly, kilted, and you will hear lots of bagpipes.  We're mostly up start showing up Friday morning, eat and drink till midnight or so and up around 7 for breakfast.  Being so large expect several satellite camps instead of one big centeral one.   The Beare camp is easy to find just look for the Aframe camper flying Scottish and Welsh Flag and a beare banner.

I am Lord Hector from the young Clan Destiny.  We are a small group of quiet happy go lucky folk.  We enjoy some drink, chit chat, song and verse next to the bonfire. I have two younglings so we try to find a site that has natural boundaries to limit their running away. 
We have since moved our camp to 24-C, the end of the cul de sac.  (be wary, when it rains Lake Destiny comes out from the ground like the Lady of the Lake between our camps)
Most of our members are a little less "adventurous" which is how our group started.  We welcome friendly folk to share a drink, story, or song, but courteously point drunken belligerent fools on to the main road.
I will be setting up this weekend by  the time the gates officially open on Friday.

Clan Phoenix Risen-

We are a Fairemily group. We take up the center of the row 0 loop.
We are there in force the big three weekends (Opening, closing & AHE) but there is pretty much someone there representing PR each weekend. AHE we combine our clan with the BS crew which meant this year we had 60 plus in camp while doing inductions.
We are very accepting as a group but we do have the no drama rule. Cause drama for my fairemily and your tent will be relocated ASAP.
There is a quite a lot of drinking in our area but we are pretty respectful and friendly with our neighbors.
We generally have no kids in our camp but we are not exactly opposed to them. They taste good when cooked correctly. (Seriously we don't mind them, we just ask that you keep an eye on any of the little critters you bring in).
We are an adventurous crowd in our walkabouts. Sometime in the evening we will go off as a group (those that can still walk that is) and visit and make friends wherever we can. We pretty much cover most of the older camping areas and a little of the new as we wander in search of rum... er... new friends.
As a side note, we also have a clan area at Sherwood every weekend and go to Scarby Opening and Closing as a group.

*Also I've heard the PR Boss guy likes rum a lot apparently and really appreciates token rum gifts."

Sir Martin

I went over to the campgrounds this evening after the fireworks and did a walkaround.  I could not find anyone I know, but this isn't one of the Big 3 weekends, so that might explain it.  I did not know McShugganah's location, but definitely walked around that circle and asked people camped where Phoenix Risen and McShugganah are listed on the map, and could not locate anyone.  The people I spoke with were camped at the PR and McSug sites and said they had not heard of the clans, BUT they also told me that this was their first time camping at TRF.

I also walked over to where I had visited with friends before at the McLotofus camp, but could not locate anyone I knew there.  Once again, the folks camping said they had not heard of the McLotofus and they also said it was their first time in the campgrounds.  I was searching around row 9 and 10 immediately off the main road, so I may have been in the wrong location . . . . I was just going by memory (which can certainly be faulty).  The rows in the parking lot and campgrounds appear to be in reverse order from the numbering on the map that Barbarian Queen posted, so the row 10 where I looked for McLotofus would be between rows 18 and 19 in the map above.

I made it a point to walk through the Bondage Camp area that was discussed earlier and did not see anything other than folks sitting around fire pits and enjoying some BBQ and a beverage.  There was nothing out of the ordinary at all.

The fire pit had close to 300 people gathered around.  The fire was large, but well tended.  There were at least 3 drummers and a few girls (and a couple guys) dancing.  One person there had a rather large sign that read "Show us your T**s".  Funny thing is, the person holding the sing was a female and she appeared to be about 19 or 20 years old.  Nobody obliged her.

Things might have gotten a bit more risque' after I left, but I deciced to hit the road.  I would like to add that everyone looked like they were having a good time and the people I spoke with were very polite.  I might just buy me a tent.    :)


McShuggenah only camps once a year on AHE weekend. Some of us also camp out there on other weekends (less so these days), but that's the only official McShug campout. If it's not one of the major weekends (Opening, AHE and Closing), the clans tend to have thinner presence. Best bet is to check the Who, What, When thread to get an idea of when  lot of folks from a particular clan will be out there.
Author, bladesmith, and fuzzy teddybear.

"I've fought my wars and drank my mead in this life, the afterlife for me will be one endless renaissance festival with an old-school tabletop game store the size of a Costco next door ;D " - me

Sir Martin

Yes, I didn't expect to see a lot of folks from the clans I mentioned, but went by just in case (also wanted to check out the debauchery that was reported to see how offensive it really was).   ;)  I saw Elaine around noon today, and I think she was camping but I didn't get a chance to talk with her because I was taking some photos for friends.

On All Hallows, I didn't get to the campgrounds because I had to drive home and was pretty much pooped after 10 hours at faire.  I think I'll make a swing out to camp again on Celtic Christmas weekend and see if I can find some forum members.


Thanks for replying with info!
Hmmmm, thinking...thinking...
Ok, maybe the request for info should include a time element, as has been mentioned above. A simple statement like the ones above (we camp on AhE) would let folks know a bit more. I dare say I have made acquaintances on this board that I might would consider planning my camping schedule so that I might have a chance  to meet them and  their clan, group or family.

How could this be different from the who where and when? I truly would like to know more about the traditions and activities of each group. Maybe I'm the only one, but when it comes to meeting folks, I'm terribly shy, and bad at it. If I were to gird up the courage to stop by for a visit, or even more so to plop down our campsite nearby, it would truly be a blessing to know a little bit more about your camp personality.
I'll think about it and maybe post a sample follow up to see if that gets the ball rolling.


Ok, here's a sample. Most of it is made up, for the sake of a trial. MOST of it...

(Otherwise known as Camp Naked Knights And Disrobed Damsels)
Location - near 23 or 24 d/e, with camp facing the woods and RV with large banner as a backdrop. Photo of banner below.
We will be camping every weekend except Nov 9/10.
What we do - Friday afternoon we set up camp around 3, and then get a huge fire going in the fire pit. We then set about making dinner.  We try to cook only things we can roast over the pit, saves dragging a grill, and we have HUGE bottle of rum sitting in an ice chest along with some punch, coke, and a bottle of wine. We eat around 5:30-6, and then just relax in camp chairs taking in the stars and the atmosphere until about 7, where we go on walkabout seeing what there is to see, ending at the bonfire. Well usually hang out there until 11 or 12, depending, then head back to turn in.
On Saturday and Sunday, repeat, except after the fair
Your welcome to visit! Just bring something to sit on - too poor for extra chairs! And bring something to roast, if y&ou want to break bread with us. We usually have enough grog to share :)
(Updated to here)

Ok, I know WE'RE pretty boring, but I've heard about some of your camps. I would love to hear more!


As keeper of the map, let me say that it is a bit incomplete.  Also, note that McShug is incorrectly positioned on that map.  I need to move them over.

As for the info for Clan Procrastination, we camp in the area F-22.  Our camp is located just behind Chaos and Red Star.  As you follow the road to the west and around to the north, a visitor will typically find many pirate encampments on their right.

Clan Procrastination is now a two weekend camp.  We are in our spot for opening weekend and closing weekend.
Clan P. is a family friendly camp which is happy to host new comers that fit in with our group. 
We always have children in camp.
Our adults are known to partake in adult beverages and we usually hangout around our fire pit, conveniently located on our ship deck until 2 or 3 am.
We are not bible thumpers but there are several Christians in our camp.  We pray over our Thanksgiving dinner every year.
We welcome travelers from the road to come aboard the Procrastinator and sit with us around the fire and share some stories and the best rum in the camp grounds.
Wanderers found to be under the influence of chemical witchcraft will be escorted right back out to the road.

We are an open minded group and enjoy visiting with our fellow campers.  That is why we are there.  That said, the things we will not tolerate:
Excessively loud generators; We are there to listen to drumming, singing, laughter and each other.  We don't want a noisy generator spoiling our atmosphere
Chemically altered campers who are unable to be civil, likewise, mean drunks.
Teeny-Boppers that move in Saturday night, destroy their camp area, then leave Sunday morning.
Spinning fire next to our tents at 3am while we are sleeping.  No one wants to wake up to a flaming tent.

Most people stop by Clan P. when they want a place to relax and get away from the loud and rowdy.  That is pretty much what we have come to be known for.  So when you need a break from the Viking Bowls, Huzzahs and excessive "I Love You Man", stop by.  Don't forget to ask permission to come aboard.  It's just plain nautical consideration, and the crew like it when a big bunch come by and yell it all at once.

Lorde Charles
Current Captain of Clan Procrastination
Member of Clan Procrastination
Crew of the Procrastinator
Lover of Lady Kitara


Thanks, Lord Charles!
We'll have to stop in and say hi.
Updated to here


I'll add that Highland weekend is the weekend that the Queen's Own Highlanders from Scarby comes down.  We normally have some were around a 100 of us and camp in the area centered on PR but will spill over both sides of the road.    Being Scottish, Irish, and Welsh we are friendly, kilted, and you will hear lots of bagpipes.  We're mostly up start showing up Friday morning, eat and drink till midnight or so and up around 7 for breakfast.  Being so large expect several satellite camps instead of one big centeral one.   The Beare camp is easy to find just look for the Aframe camper flying Scottish and Welsh Flag and a beare banner.
Beware of him that is slow to anger: He is angry for something, and will not be pleased for nothing.
Benjamin Franklin


Clan McShuggenah is a ragtag bunch of misfits that like to laugh at each other!  We only come out to camp at TRF on AHE weekend as a group.  Other weekends those that come out to camp are scattered in amongst other camps such as Claw or PR.  McShuggenah has few rules as we'd prefer our group to have fun but such as they are they do need repeating from time to time...

Rule #1 - Have fun!
Rule #2 - No kids between 5 & 17 as there may be partial or full nudity and / or floggings.  Under 5 they don't really know what they are seeing and are usually in bed before 9 pm...over 17, well, they probably know anyway.
Rule #3 - No Tequila Breakfasts!!! (This is a very important rule to have)
Rule #4 - The alcohol table is for everyone if you don't want to share your alcohol do not put it on the table.
Rule #5 - And this is the very most important rule...NO DRAMA!! drama.  You can either:
A.      Handle your drama amongst yourselves leaving the rest of us blissfully ignorant.
B.      Ask one other to help you work out your differences.
If your drama spills out into the rest of us or is so loud that it wakes up the neighbors your butt will be outside of the camp as quickly as I can un-stake your tent and move it.

We are nice to the neighbors and some of us venture out every night but the one night that most of us are on a walkabout is Friday night.  The best night to find us all in camp is Saturday night.  So pull up a chair by the fire and sit a spell with us.

Lady Jessica McShuggenah - Clan Matriarch (for lack of a better word)
Lady-in-Lacing to QOE
Director of Social Tourture for the Empire
Gneaitheas Gnomie (DG#290)

Laird Fraser of Lovatt

Clan Matriarch is better than Clan Hag... old bitty... Camp Nazi...

Sounds so much more... respectable...  ;D
Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh
Alba gu brath
Laird of Dunans Castle
Warrior Poet/Loki God

brier patch charlie

The Clan Hag, that was agood one Fraser! Better watch out now, she might put a hex on you laddy! LOL
Charles Coleman


Quote from: LadyJessica on November 11, 2013, 01:49:13 PM
Rule #2 - No kids between 5 & 17 as there may be partial or full nudity and / or floggings.
Lady Jessica McShuggenah - Clan Matriarch (for lack of a better word)

Lady Jessica!!!! Methinks Your comely and demure forum avatar doth hide the wild and wooly spirit within!!
Who would have thought that behind the quiet, refined encampment of clan Chaos, the revelry hidden within camp McShugg would be so legendary!

This is exactly why I started this thread. One night the "Wild Hunt" of the Dragonborn may wheel across the skies in your direction!

(And Sir Martin, it's art.... :)

(Indeed it is, but it is art that contains nudity and that is not allowed on the R/F forum, m'lady.  - Martin)


Good Morrow,
Barbarian Queen,

You may have seen me, a kilted gentleman or a drunken pirate, walking by your camp from mine to McShuggenah's Hallow's Eve weekend.
I am Lord Hector from the young Clan Destiny.  We are a small group of quiet happy go lucky folk.  We enjoy some drink, chit chat, song and verse next to the bonfire. I have two younglings so we try to find a site that has natural boundaries to limit their running away.  Our camp was at 22-D before the new road, we have since moved to 24-C, the end of the cul de sac.  (be wary, when it rains Lake Destiny comes out from the gound like the Lady of the Lake between our camps)
Most of our members are a little less "adventurous" which is how our group started.  We welcome friendly folk to share a drink, story, or song, but curteously point drunken belligerent fools on to the main road (especially drunken belligerent Power Rangers at 930pm and underage girls taunting their goods for a beer at 3am).
Perhaps I'll have a chance to meet you and yours at your camp or at McShuggenah (who so graciously invited me in Opening Weekend).  I will be setting up this weekend by  the time the gates officially open on Friday.



Thanks, One and All!
And keep the info coming...any one else want to chronicle the wonderful life and times of you clan and camp?
I've learned a ton so far, and I bet others have as well.


Clan Phoenix Risen-
We are a Fairemily group. We take up the center of the row 0 loop.
We are there in force the big three weekends (Opening, closing & AHE) but there is pretty much someone there representing PR each weekend. AHE we combine our clan with the BS crew which meant this year we had 60 plus in camp while doing inductions.
We are very accepting as a group but we do have the no drama rule. Cause drama for my fairemily and your tent will be relocated ASAP.
There is a quite a lot of drinking in our area but we are pretty respectful and friendly with our neighbors.
We generally have no kids in our camp but we are not exactly opposed to them. They taste good when cooked correctly. (Seriously we don't mind them, we just ask that you keep an eye on any of the little critters you bring in).
We are an adventurous crowd in our walkabouts. Sometime in the evening we will go off as a group (those that can still walk that is) and visit and make friends wherever we can. We pretty much cover most of the older camping areas and a little of the new as we wander in search of rum... er... new friends.
As a side note, we also have a clan area at Sherwood every weekend and go to Scarby Opening and Closing as a group.

*Also I've heard the PR Boss guy likes rum a lot apparently and really appreciates token rum gifts."
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"


Quote from: *Teach* on November 13, 2013, 10:41:54 AM
*Also I've heard the PR Boss guy likes rum a lot apparently and really appreciates token rum gifts."

Here's an "insiders clan secret":  He LOVES his Rum, and does appreciate rum gifts.  Catch him on a "good night" (pretty much any night he's at faire to be honest), and he'll reward you with a tasty shot of Loki for that Rum gift.  Now don't go running off and telling everybody.   ;) 
Spiced rum....hmmmmm
Greetings, try this.
Starr Gazzer.
2013 TRF AHE RenNado.....heck of a night


Yes, I've heard that about him...
Wonder what Loki "specialty" he carries??
And again, thanks all for the input. Wonderful!

Are there any regular clans or camps that are on here that haven't contributed??  Call 'em out!!

So what's the deal with -
- Chaos
- Gnomes
- Red Star

I never hear anything about them, and never hear anything FROM them. Quite the Enigma, though someone hinted at a "decline" in another post.  Any info?  I would love to know their history, traditions, etc.


Few, if any, of them post here. Many of them are now participants & camp in back.


Quote from: BarbarianQueen on November 14, 2013, 10:15:53 PM
Yes, I've heard that about him...
Wonder what Loki "specialty" he carries??
And again, thanks all for the input. Wonderful!

Are there any regular clans or camps that are on here that haven't contributed??  Call 'em out!!

So what's the deal with -
- Chaos
- Gnomes
- Red Star

I never hear anything about them, and never hear anything FROM them. Quite the Enigma, though someone hinted at a "decline" in another post.  Any info?  I would love to know their history, traditions, etc.
This year I had caramello, cinnamon, butterscotch, apple pie and s'mores. Come find me next weekend and I will let you have a taste or two. Actually, the only ones I have any left of (I think) are cinnamon, apple pie and maybe a jar of butterscotch.
CHAOS has grown smaller in the campgrounds over the years with many members working inside but still manage to pull off some of the best parties in camp and are often a focal point for AHE fundraisers for various things (like rennie relief etc.).
Since Papagnomes passing the Gnomes have been much quieter. They still camp between CHAOS and claw but are a fairly calm zone.
Speaking of CLaw, they are very much a happy party type camp. They are at about row4ish each weekend and are a very welcoming clan. Generally pretty loud until about 2ish on the bigger weekends. No kids in their camp as a general rule although there have been exceptions from time to time.
Hope that helps.

*I get rum for this right?*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"


There is also Celtic Rogues down at the other end,  Large clan the big weekends you'll know they're there by the flags all around their camp.   Mostly a quiet camp I've always found them very welcoming.
Beware of him that is slow to anger: He is angry for something, and will not be pleased for nothing.
Benjamin Franklin


Thanks, Sir Richard!!

And on another note - a fantastic weekend so far for Clan Dragonborn and Camp NK&DD. Not too hot,  not TOO much moisture, blue skies today.
And... Had a nice though brief conversation with a passing officer - he stopped by to let us know our friendly but VERY noisy neighbors would be turning the music down at midnight.

Thanks to those who stopped by to say hello!


Your welcome BarbarianQueen hopefully if not in the next two weekends next season I'll be able to stop by Camp NK&DD and Clan Dragonborn say hello.
Beware of him that is slow to anger: He is angry for something, and will not be pleased for nothing.
Benjamin Franklin


Quote from: SirRichardBear on November 17, 2013, 04:12:23 PM
Your welcome BarbarianQueen hopefully if not in the next two weekends next season I'll be able to stop by Camp NK&DD and Clan Dragonborn say hello.

Come on by!  Just look for the banner proudly displayed on our campsite -


Hello, all.
I'm willing to speak as an ambassador for The HORD. 
We are a bunch of friends who bumped into one another frequently enough on the campgrounds to eventually decide to camp together.  We're loud and raucous (especially around our own camp), bellowing on mead horns and shouting HUZZAHs quite frequently.
Our members are camping at least three weekends of the year, two of which are typically opening and closing weekends.  We used to camp at D-22, before the new campground additions, but since opening weekend 2013 we now camp on top of the hill at C-22.  We fly green and white checks with a thumbs up insignia.  This year our land-claimer arrived moments after Naughtyham, who had set up camp on our hill, so we ended up a short distance closer to the road than previous weekends.  We will be waiting in line for the campgrounds next year.
We welcome visitors to our camp as long as everything remains drama-free and everyone follows the golden rule:  If you don't like what's going on, leave.

If you intend to camp near us, prepare to wake early, because a large number of our clan attempts to be at the gates for opening at least once during every weekend that we attend and our camping festivities typically start at sunrise.


I think Fraser and I should found a new camping clan- the Geriatric Knights. Merlin will be our leader  ;D
Author, bladesmith, and fuzzy teddybear.

"I've fought my wars and drank my mead in this life, the afterlife for me will be one endless renaissance festival with an old-school tabletop game store the size of a Costco next door ;D " - me