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What is your favorite shtick?

Started by jfdonohoe, July 15, 2008, 01:54:16 PM

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Count Adolfo

OK, at BARF we have our own Colonel Pangolin playing havoc with the puns as the Gravedigger Doug Canbury.  He used a rope to measure me this season for a coffin... had me stand on the end and then declared me to be 8 feet tall.
My son, who didn't understand WHY he was measuring me, still thought it was hilarious.

As a playtron, I do several things at Faire... from the typical Rogues Guild wooings and roguings to the absolutely hilarious (to us, at least) Four Horsemen stage show at TN during RenDezvous.
I love (obviously) doing the wooing contests at BARF with the other Rogues... they're always a lot of fun... but I think this past season my favourite "schtick" I got to do was on Italian Carnevale weekend.

I still have no idea HOW she knew to ask me, but it was students' day and the place was full of kids... and this one girl came over and asked me to sing Happy Birthday to her friend.  Now, the reason it's surprising that she knew to ask me is that, it being Italian weekend, I sang it to her in Italian.  How she knew I speak Italian is beyond me.

The birthday girl, who was turning 14, was blushing as crimson as my doublet and her friends were all having a great deal of fun with the situation.


These are all excellent stories.   My group and I are trying to brainstorm ideas to have our own simple shtick this year.  We want to add a bit more life into our interactions with others.  This is all really helpful.


Quote from: jfdonohoe on July 16, 2008, 12:34:48 PM
These are all excellent stories.  My group and I are trying to brainstorm ideas to have our own simple shtick this year.  We want to add a bit more life into our interactions with others.  This is all really helpful.

On that note, I honestly find that improv is quite successful.  While it does not work in ALL arenas, there are cases where it can prove indispensable. 

HOWEVER, if you are seeking something for a group, you might consider what type of group you are and find something that allows you to focus on each others strengths when it comes to abilities.  IF you are a bunch of Scots, maybe do something that alludes to the EVER popular myth about Scots and sheep (obviously keeping it relatively PG but have the double en tendres' tossed in throughout).  IF you are Pirates, maybe carry a barrel with you, or each member carry a differant part of a ship (Mast, Rudder, Wheel, Keel, mini cannons), and you all walk in formation (I've been wanting to try this one myself).  The thing is you have to find what is going to suit your persona best.
Karl "Dragon" Wolff
The Pirates Cove



There is always talking to paytron about thier "strange" clothing and gagets.  On the other side, I find this gag old and tired myself, but perhaps first time customers find it funny.


Well I hope to buy a small treasure chest and put a rubber buttocks in it with some gold coins and necklaces and gems.

When I attend pirate weekend as a playtron if any cast or acts or playtrons who play pirates ask to see my booty I will open it up and show them!

I just coined a new word "Huzzarrr!", which is what pirates say when they cheer.


Click on my website icon on the left to view my photo album of garb and items.


Quote from: Cobaltblu on July 16, 2008, 01:01:48 PM
Well I hope to buy a small treasure chest and put a rubber buttocks in it with some gold coins and necklaces and gems.

When I attend pirate weekend as a playtron if any cast or acts or playtrons who play pirates ask to see my booty I will open it up and show them!

I just coined a new word "Huzzarrr!", which is what pirates say when they cheer.



Wench  #  3783
Treasure Guardian and giggling interrogator of the "Feisty Lady"

Guppy # 32 ROoL


I have been part of a few as cast at MDRF but one we did last year which has been the most fun so far was the Jack Sparrow hunt. Some of us court ladies would go off into the village seeking Jack Sparrows. Once one was spotted,we would entice him with gold coin until he was surrounded and then we would tag them while conducting a brief interview and release them back into the wild. (one of the ladies got a pack of small sales tags). Ou purpose was to conduct a study as they seem to multiply. The biggest question was how as they all seemed to be males ;)
Lady Elizabeth Poyntz
Ynez de Leon
Catherine of Austria, Queen consort of Portugal
Molly Blair


Quote from: Lady_Glorianna on July 16, 2008, 02:21:53 PM
I have been part of a few as cast at MDRF but one we did last year which has been the most fun so far was the Jack Sparrow hunt. Some of us court ladies would go off into the village seeking Jack Sparrows. Once one was spotted,we would entice him with gold coin until he was surrounded and then we would tag them while conducting a brief interview and release them back into the wild. (one of the ladies got a pack of small sales tags). Ou purpose was to conduct a study as they seem to multiply. The biggest question was how as they all seemed to be males ;)

Oh this is great!  I will have to do this at faire this weekend. 


Quote from: Lady_Glorianna on July 16, 2008, 02:21:53 PM
I have been part of a few as cast at MDRF but one we did last year which has been the most fun so far was the Jack Sparrow hunt. Some of us court ladies would go off into the village seeking Jack Sparrows. Once one was spotted,we would entice him with gold coin until he was surrounded and then we would tag them while conducting a brief interview and release them back into the wild. (one of the ladies got a pack of small sales tags). Ou purpose was to conduct a study as they seem to multiply. The biggest question was how as they all seemed to be males ;)

~gigglesnorts~  OMG, that is almost identical to a plot a dear Scot Friend of mine (William Campbell [character name]) and I along with some others, were going to do with the Fae.  We were going to have special tags (leather bracelets with brass numbered tags) for them and we would log such things as wingspan, height, pitch of sounds when "speaking", etc.. All of which was to be presented to the Queen of the SPCF (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Faeries) so she could keep track of her subjects year after year.
Karl "Dragon" Wolff
The Pirates Cove



I'm on cast at MIRF and I've just spent three days translating, Annie's Song and The Rose into Italian. It might go one of three ways. 1. Everyone thinks I'm nutes (true), 2. They have no idea what it is and then it dawns on them and it's funny. 3. Someone finds it romantic.

Of course I'm thinking of singing it on bended knee to various menfolk, after bringing their wives into the gag.

Don't be afraid to sucketh.
My journey from mundane to Ren Actor


Oh and I've developed something involving kilts and three lengths of blue ribbon, but that one is gonna have to be done in person.
My journey from mundane to Ren Actor


Anatomically correct cabbage patch doll in kilt and blue ribbon.

Cabbage patch child in chainmail and leather diaper, when asked if he was a knight, I responded "Nay, he is not a knight, nor a squire, not even a page"  He is a paragraph"

Dayna Thomas
Nixie's Mom
Bristol FoF Hench
Education Goddess...yeah, right
FoF Merchant Liason/Merchandizing Maven

Count Adolfo

Quote from: Valiss on July 16, 2008, 12:59:32 PM
There is always talking to paytron about thier "strange" clothing and gagets.  On the other side, I find this gag old and tired myself, but perhaps first time customers find it funny.

I agree.  For this to be at all humourous, you must use it as an intro to something else, at this point.

Marietta Graziella

One cold morning at MNRF last year a bunch of us started an imaginary fire (using whatever small twigs and wood bits we could find at hand).  We stood about "warming" our hands and buns.  We even sang a few campfire songs.  We invited others to join us in warming up.  Good fun.
Nothing clever to say here.  Not enough caffine yet.

robert of armstrong

There are so many, and all so much fun.

I had one gentleman offer me a chicken and two pigs in exchange for my wife, until he found out that she had all her own teeth, then he threw in a pig.  Told told him that he had me at the chicken, but then had to pay for it by buying my wife some jewellery a few minutes later.  "It will increase my value so you can get more than a chickern for me."

I had a beggar follow me for a bit after buying a turkey leg, and when I was about done and ready to throw the remainents away, another approached and asked if he could have it, that he was so hungry.  I gave it to him, which promply started a fight between the two, which carried on to the two of them rolling through the mud, each holding onto what was left of the turkey leg for dear life with both hands.  I had to buy them a pint, it was ridicules
Always on the lookout for my next noble cause.

And because a flail don't need reloading, that's why.