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Dresden Files Fans?

Started by maelstrom0370, August 10, 2008, 08:06:45 AM

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Since all these other series?..serieses?...seri? keep coming up, anyone else a fan of The Dresden Files novels?  I first read "Storm Front" in the mid-90's or so, forgot about it, and then re-discovered the series in '06 or so.  Since then, I've devoured the series from "Storm Front" to "Small Favor" but never saw much of the TV series as we don't get the Sci-Fi channel way up here on my tiny Island.

"My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden.
Conjure by it at your own risk."

;) ;D :P



A friend of mine got me sucked into it a few years ago and I've been reading the novels ever since. I even bought the tv series on dvd, though I still wish it'd been a bit closer to its "canon". (okay, mostly I wish Thomas had been in it. Hah!)


From what I saw, NOTHING about the TV show seemed to "jive" with what I had in my head.  No duster for Harry, Bob the Skull becoming some.....FOP!  Dark-haired-and-eyed Karrin, the fact that Harry never seemed to leave his...Magic Shop (!!??) or was that supposed to be his house??  Even the actor playing Harry didn't seem right.  I check the Jim Butcher message board off and on and it seems the TV show was a hit with that crowd.  Guess I'm just too picky.   ::)

I dunno...I only caught an ep or 2 so maybe it was better than it seemed.

As for the books...I just finished "Small Favor" and now I'm stuck waiting EIGHT MONTHS until "Turn Coat" comes out.  Demmit! Why can't they write faster!!??  :P


I didn't mind Bob as a not-skull, actually, though I would've liked to see Bob as Bob in the books, too. I also really did like the actor who played Harry. Murphy was weird, but okay with me because short, blonde Murphy always reminds me of short, blonde cop chick from Angel and that always bugs me.

But then, my first major fandom was Highlander where you just have to assume that each iteration of it is its own canon. That's how I look at the books vs. the tv show. Based off the same idea (Chicago's only wizard detective), but not quite the same implementation. If you look at it as something that stands on its own, it's not bad.

Hee. Have you seen the cover for Turn Coat yet?


Quote from: analise on August 10, 2008, 04:10:20 PM
Hee. Have you seen the cover for Turn Coat yet?

I did and I have to wonder if the sword he's carrying on the cover is just a sword or one of The Swords?


Could be a Warden sword! (finally)


LOL...I'm not sure if the Council is ready for a full-blown Warden Harry Dresden!!


I don't think the Council's ready for full blown anything Harry Dresden.

Stuff tends to explode around him. ;)


True...but it's not always his fault.  ::)

So, d'ya think Karrin will pick up one of The Swords?

And I thought for SURE Harry would find a way to bend Laschiel to his will.  I was kinda bummed when she got "killed off".

Dunno if you know, but JB is planning 20 Dresden Files novels and then a trilogy to wrap the whole thing up.  Probably covering the showdown between the White Council and the mysterious "Black Council".  My prediction is (If he doesn't die, that is) that the showdown will leave the White Council next to non-existent and Harry and Co. will have to recruit, train, etc.  Basically, I see Harry being the most experienced wizard left alive and he'll have to take over the Council.

Anywho...them's my thoughts.


I think Murphy just might. I mean...she's so about to get fired from the cop gig anyway. And someone has to or there's only one able-bodied Knight to do the job (but I do adore Sanya something fierce).

Hah. I don't think she's gone. Nobody's ever gone in this series. Though a friend and I joke that after everything Harry's been through, if Justin were to pop back up, Harry'll be like, "you're not scary anymore and I can squash you like a bug, go awaaaay."

You know, unless Justin is Cowl. Which is one of my favorite theories.

And yeah, I know about the 20 books + Apocalyptic trilogy thing. :) Which is great, except for the part that at his rate of churning out books, that means at least another decade of waiting for this to be finished. Oy.


Justin as Cowl?? now THAT would be pretty cool...
Harry has a tendancy to really pull out the power moves when he's P.O'd and I think a face to face with Justin might just cause him to bring down the sun!!

Yea...the slow progression of the series does suck but JB's really moving towards something HUGE.  I'm thinkin' Harry's gonna one SERIOUS force of nature by the time we get to the trilogy


People keep arguing that JB has said Justin is dead.

Well you know what? Elaine was "dead" too! So was Cowl! Technically, one could argue that for Maggie (his mother) but she even managed to pop up in the soul gaze with Thomas. And then there was his dad popping up as a dream!ghostguy. Hah, and we thought Susan died (or was as good as dead) until we found out she'd just been half-vamped.

You get the idea.


Heck, I finished Small Favor and was just like, "OMG, that felt like a climax right there! Where the hell is JB going to take it NOW?"


LOL have you noticed we seem to have this thread all to ourselves?  :P

I love the fact that JB isn't afraid to hurt/maim/kill ANY of his makes you feel more strongly towards them if you know they could die in point? I honestly thought Michael bit it at the end of SF.  Even with his "connections" I doubt he'll be wielding his Sword any time soon, if at all.

And OH! MY! GOD!! is the Archive (Ivy) a badass or WHAT!!??
I'm still not sure what I think of Kincaid, but my theory is he'll turn out to be Death (as in the Grim Reaper). 

Oh and totally diggin' the Soulfire as a replacement for the Hellfire he lost when he lost Laschiel.


hahah, I was just thinking: "are we REALLY the ONLY Dresden fans here? UNTAPPED MARKET!" I'm going to have to pimp the books to everybody at MDRF this year. LOL

Yes. Very much so. It gets old when you go, "oh, that's a [main] [well-loved] character, they wouldn't dare do anything to that character" and then JIM DOES IT. Hell, I'm not even sure Harry will survive the series.

Or Thomas. (Who is, if you can't tell, my favorite character. I roleplay him too. *facepalm*)

And yes, Ivy is mucho badass. I can't wait to see what JB does with/to her. Kincaid as Death? I kinda like him just for the (mostly) amoral mercenary assassin who can kill you before you ever think about it coming. With the whole Hellhound thing going on, of course.

Soulfire actually doesn't really do it for me. All these people on the forums are talking about how awesome it is and I just keep thinking, "psh *yawn* it's the typical powerup/levelup thing. Bad guys getting stronger so Harry has to get stronger. Bleh." Don't know why, but I don't really like that particular development.


I've been curious about the Dresden RPG.  How is it?

Yea, my Kincaid/Death thing got shot down on the as well!  Oh well, it's just my opinion  :P

See, I'm just the opposite....I LOVE my good guys being uber-badass.  I was rootin' for Harry to take on Laschiel!  And I'm guessing he'll have to be Super Wizard for the final showdown.  There seems to be some pretty heavy hitters involved there.  Cowl/Justin, the Denarians, possibly members of the Fae Court, any number of Black, Red, or White Court vamps, etc

I can't help but like Thomas, I'm a vampire geek (without dressing in black, wearing eye liner or owning a single set of fake teeth).  Although, I do tend to avoid the "Euro-Trash, androgynous" types made popular by Anne Rice and Laurel K Hamilton.  Occasionally, Thomas almost slips into that but manages to avoid the worst of it.  ;D

Bob and Toot-Toot are 2 of my faves ("All Hail the Za Lord" just kills me!!)
I love the way he portrays the Fae and I durn near had tears in my eyes during the Elder Gruff/Donut thing near the end of SF!!!