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Help with New Project...

Started by Kahlan Rose, September 03, 2008, 09:45:46 AM

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Kahlan Rose

I'm making a half bodice and I was wondering if any one could offer some advice?




Please describe what you mean by half bodice.
Founding member of the Living History Company

"go Secret Squirrels"


i think i have a half bodice. mine stops right underneath my bra line.

is that what you are talking about
Clan M'Crack-Season M'Crack


Are you talking about something like a cropped bodice?


Hi, Alyssa!  The others are right--we need to know a little bit more about what you're doing and what the problems are before we can offer any useful suggestions.  And there are several things that could maybe be thought of as a "half bodice," which is not a term I've heard before, either.  Waist cinchers, cropped bodices, and underbust bodices all come to mind.

Can you give us an idea of what you're looking for and what kind of help you need?

Kahlan Rose

Sorry I didn't get back to you all til now. I spose you would call it a cropped bodice. I want something just comfortable to wear to faire. I'm sorry for not being specific. I need advice on fabrics to choose from, whether or not I should use boning and also if I can use a muslin to fit myself.

Sorry again.


1. ALWAYS use a muslin--particularly for a hard-to-fit item like a bodice!

2. I have bodices in twill, canvas, tapestry, corduroy... basically, it should be pretty sturdy stuff.  All the bodices I make are four layers, typically tapestry|canvas|canvas|corduroy.

3. Boning... eh.  It depends on how much support you want/need/expect the bodice to do.  Do you intend to wear a bra under it (that will make a difference)?  I've never made a cropped bodice, so I'm not sure how/where you'd put the boning, but I'm sure others will weigh in! 

That McCall's pattern I linked to might be a good place to start--definitely do a muslin first and see how it works for you (the one bodice I made from a McCall pattern ran huge, so check that.).

Good luck!!


Are you using your own pattern?  If you are looking for soemthing "not constricting around the stomach", I'd make an early Italian gown.  It's basically a sports bra with a skirt.  ;)

Unless you wear a long shirt/chemise, under the middrift bodices, they tend to look funny in the back.   

As for fabrics, it depends on the look you are going for.  If you want an italian: silks, jacquard, damask, and velvet.  If you want American tribal (modern belly dancing), then you might go for chenille, corduroy, and tapestry.


Well.. I suppose you could also do what my boyfriends mom does under her regular bodice... she has a probalby mid thigh-knee length shirt that she sometimes wears un tucked and then an underskirt, then she's also been known to wear a regular length skirt hiked up under her pups under the bodice to make a shorter skirt, so she gets like three layers.

What i'm getting at is, if you had two or three skirts either of varying lengths or of the same and wore one right at the bottom of the bodice you'd get a nifty teired length...
"A kiss can be a comma, a question mark or an exclamation point.
That's basic spelling that every woman ought to know."

Kahlan Rose

Thanks for your advice. I'm gonna play around with my own pattern and look off another cropped bodice that I have. I'm not wonderful at sewing but I'm quite creative. I spose this will be a look for when I go to the faire with friends who are not dressing up. It will be dressed up for me and my friends to be comfortable. By the way I have a cropped bodice from ophelias, its gorgeous and I wear it with a short sleeve chemise and gypsy pants. Its cool, cute and comfortable I just have extra time on my hands so its time for a project.

Adriana Rose

I have made a half bodice from the simplicty pattern, I was able to get away with not boning it. Yea that worked until I actually wore it! You need to put some boning along the grommets, other wise you will get really annoying bunching!

I used cotton, so my advise is to use what ever fabric that catches your fancy. Make sure that you line it so that its comfy to wear. When you fit it make sure that you are fitting it the way that you are gonna wear it! Like if you are gonna wear a bra with it wear the bra, if not skip the bra for a bit!

Also I have found with the simplicty patterns is that you have to go a size down!

Good luck! and there had better be pictures!


Quote from: Kahlan Rose on September 03, 2008, 06:24:51 PM
I have a cropped bodice from Ophelias, its gorgeous and I wear it with a short sleeve chemise and gypsy pants. Its cool, cute and comfortable I just have extra time on my hands so its time for a project.

I *lurve* Ophelia's!!  They're one of my very favorite garb merchants (and just super, super bodice-makers)!  Don't they find the most amazing fabrics?!

What I'd do in this case is use that Ophelia's bodice as a pattern.  I've already typed this once today, so I won't do it all again  ;D, but I put the instructions for making a pattern from a bodice that fits you well in the "Good Bodice Pattern?" thread.

Have fun!

Kahlan Rose

Okay everyone so I'm finished with my outfit. I love the flame design and I paired it with a long chemise and burgandy shirt. I'm looking for a pin for the middle of the bodice to make sure the flame design is apparent. Thanks for the advice.