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Another Season Come and Gone

Started by Scarlett, September 28, 2008, 08:48:00 PM

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Ohhh, Ohhhh...My turn, my turn next!! :o ;D

What a long (though not long enough) and strange trip this has been, and you know, I wouldn't have it any other way!  This year was a truly amazing experience for me.  The family I had going in and the family I made along the way are some of the most wonderful people I've ever had the chance to know. 

To our Street Cast: You guys are amazing.  You brought a life and sparkle to this year's Faire that is so hard to describe.   I was there every day of the run, come hell or high water (and we had both) and you guys are what kept people coming back.  It's so fun to talk, laugh, yell nicknames *cough Ham cough cough* and just spend time with you guys.  I wish I could have spent more time, but I tended to stay in the Dell, where the sun was not quite so hot!

To our Stage Acts:  All I can say is WOW....Some of these acts I've know for years, but there was something about this year that just was even more electric about them!  The way they interact with patrons, regular and otherwise, was great to watch.  I loved our new acts and the additions to old acts.   

To the Vendors:  You guys rock!  I spent many an hour visiting with some of my favorite guys know who you are.  The staff at your booths are awesome and I loved getting to know you all better this year. 

And last, but not least the Playtrons:  Ok, so yeah while not a full fledged pub rat, I did spend my share of time in or around the pub.  There is one major reason for Pub Rats!  You guys are great fun and allowed me always to find people to hang out with or people I wanted to hang out with!  Thank you!

Oh and to all my minions, I mean friends, thank you for your help with my Mother's birthday...without your help, I would never have sat back and done nothing  ;D

Ok, I'm done now before I burst into tears.... :'( :'(
Foxglove Lupine
Assassin for Hire
Queen of Kitty Shoes
Girl with the big lens
"Rude...Rude and not Ginger"


I came posting here back earlier in the year asking how I could get involved in this year.
I couldn't be more glad that I did. From Erin Squared (the green faeries), we loved practically every moment spent at the faire.
We truly felt honored to get to spend time getting to know a few of the cast members. There wasn't a day that we didn't go home with a smile on our faces. Thank you to those of you who made us feel welcome and thank you to everyone for letting us enjoy your community and company. You're all so beautiful!


While I missed most of the faire, I'm very grateful that I was able to make it out for the final weekend.  I was expecting to get some welcoming hugs from cast, but I truly didn't expect the response I got from so many playtrons.  THANK YOU everyone for making me feel so much at home and so crappy for missing the first 5 weekends.  ;)  I hope that I'll be able to make it for the entire run next year- I had a really difficult time leaving site and ended up staying until Wednesday just because I love it so much. 

Infinite Blessings,
AKA Flutterby the Social Butterfly (i.e. the spaztic fairy that sometimes dances to the bells)
I do not fear death- I fear a life unlived.

Be Cause.  See Effect.

If anything matters, then everything matters.


As new vendors to the world of Ren, we didn't know quite what to expect! We knew we wanted to be a part of all of this, and hoped that we had made the right decision in undertaking such a huge investment, but just weren't quite sure.

As the Royal Family passed our Enchanted Wings cottage on that first day, we were thrilled and excited to be a part of  Morelandshire being transported back in time. To watch such talent and enthusiasm pass us was breathtaking, to interact with actors, our customers, and the staff will be held closely in our hearts until Morelandshire opens her gates again next season.  When Her Majesty, Margaret Tudor approached our shoppe with a Royal proclamation we were humbled and brought to tears and will forever display it with extreme pride.  As Sadira and her band of Gypsies danced their way into our hearts, we lowly bowed as one gypsy would to another with deep respect. 

We pay all of the actors, players, entertainers and shoppe keepers the highest compliments and respect that words can ever express.

We want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Mr. Jim Paradise, his staff and  Lorie Hughes for giving us the great opportunity of representing our business as we did and for all of the courtesies given to us during our building time of the cottage and as the six weeks quickly flew.  Please know we greatly appreciate your hard work and extreme effort in getting this Shire back on the map and will do whatever it takes to help you accomplish that and more in the years to come.

Vadoma and I, and our families thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for allowing a couple of European gypsies into your shire and count the days until we meet again.

With heartfelt gratitude we remain humbly yours,

Boudicca & Vadoma
Enchanted Wings ~

Terry Griffith

Boudicca, you have wound your Enchanted Wings around all our hearts and we thank you for adding to our experience.  Your whole family was a wonderful addition to our shire and we will be forever connected.  Although it will always be remembered as "Wings 'n at".

See you soon.
"There's a unicorn that's hangin' in what's known as father's room......"