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A time for courage

Started by DonaCatalina, September 29, 2008, 09:24:14 AM

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Sir Edward led them to the river. In exchange for a few coins, the bargeman took them downstream to a block stone landing. The climb up the bank revealed a section of town made up of modest frame dwellings. Many of these had shops, or workshops on the ground floor. A fair sized house and courtyard at the end of one road proved to be their destination. In passing Violet noted that it was only slightly smaller on the outside than her father's house. Sir Edward stopped to unlock the outer door. "I sent the cook and his helpers out to the market. I do not keep many servants" Sir Edward spoke unexpectedly "I told them that I would be housing relatives of a foreign ambassador." He led Violet and the maid to a suite on the second floor. He continued to explain "I have given you my own rooms, which is what the servants would expect. It is very important that you pretend to speak no English." Wide-eyed Violet only nodded. Sir Edward turned to the maid and asked "Girl, what is your name?" Surprised at being addressed she stammered "M-Mary, good sir." "Very well Mary" he told her "it is worth your life to play your part. No matter what you hear the servants say you must not let them know that you understand English." This time the maid, Mary, also nodded vigorously. Just before he closed the door on the two girls, he added "Hopefully you will only be here for a day or two. Your meals will be brought up to you." The door closed with what seemed to be ominous finality to Violet's overwrought nerves.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


  It was much later in the evening when two women brought in some dishes. The aroma that came from under the dish covers set Violet's stomach to growling. She looked sheepishly at Mary and saw that she had the same reaction. Both women looked askance at Violet and Mary as they set out the meal. True to their instructions, neither Violet nor Mary attempted to speak to the women, even to thank them for the food. Violet had a hard time keeping a straight face when she heard what they said on their way out. One of the women whispered "The young one dinna half look a doxie. Ent she's got a maid wit' her. I tole you the marster wunno bring a doxie 'ere to his own rooms." When it seemed certain that the women would not return, Violet happily began to eat. When she saw that the maid was hesitant she told her "Do not stand on ceremony on my account. We may be trapped in this room together for days. And I know you are as hungry as I am."
Their dinner turned out to be mostly stew, bread and cheese, but it was very welcome. After they had eaten every scrap of food, Violet aimlessly wandered about the rooms. "I do not believe that our good host is married" she mused aloud "I see nothing here such as a lady might use. Nor are there women's clothes in the closet." Mary held up a dirty fingertip and commented "Nor would a lady allow the chambermaids to leave so much dust behind. Men never notice dust until its thick enough to leave footprints in." Violet dropped heavily into the nearest stool. "I wish I had been able to bring some sewing" she sighed "It will be hard to sit here for days with nothing to do." Mary quickly walked up to Violet and said "I have a bit of rag in my pocket. We can tear that up into small bits to use like coins. The good Knight has a pair of dice here on the sideboard. It's not much, but it will help pas the time." Impulsively Violet hugged Mary and replied "You are a godsend. Let's see what games we both know."
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


By the end of the third day, Violet and Mary were heartily sick of dice games. They were also heartily sick of the clothes they were wearing. The maids came in every day and dutifully made up the bed and the trundle, and brought meals for the girls. But there was no other break in their routine. After breakfast on the fourth day, Mary answered a knock on the door to admit Sir Edward. His face was a welcome sight merely as a relief to tedium. The chest that he brought proved to contain something even more welcome, clothes. "Lady Wesley sent these along for you" he told them "Two changes of clothes for Mistress Violet and one change of clothes for Mary. I have given orders for the bathing chamber to be made ready." A crooked smile brightened his face when he saw Violet's pleased reaction. "You will be leaving this house later today" he continued "Your journey north has been arranged. Be ready to travel as soon as you may." Violet impulsively took his hand. With a heartfelt sigh, she told him "Thank you for all that you have done for me. If ever I am in a position to repay you, I shall." Sir Edward blinked in surprise and squeezed her hand in his. In a slightly huskier voice he responded "It has been my pleasure to help Lord Wesley and yourself." He looked down at Violet's small pale hand for a moment before he released it to step backwards. Without another word he turned and left the room.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


  The household maids came up sometime later to summon Violet and Mary to the bathing room. Violet hid her amusement at their attempts to communicate by pantomime. She managed to remain silent through the entire process of disrobing and bathing. That activity as simple as it was, took far longer than it did to pack her meager possessions. Violet elected to abandon the dress she had worn for nearly a week, while Mary kept hers. The dice had been returned to their original resting place. Then there was nothing to do but wait. A light mid-day meal was brought up. But anxiety over the upcoming journey left Violet barely able to eat. She forced down as much food as she could over the butterflies in her stomach. Mary appeared untroubled as she ate her meal. When no one appeared after the meal, they sat down to wait again. In the window seat, Violet leaned back to rest her head against the wall. To her surprise, she drifted into a light doze and was startled awake when the door opened. Sir Edward directed the man with him to take the small chest with the spare clothes. He waved for the girls to follow him, which they jumped to do. In short order they were out of the house and reached the street. Outside the front gate waited a cloth-covered cart drawn by two horses, with a driver on the front.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Two brown-haired young men leading horses walked out from behind the cart. "My Lords" Sir Edward spoke "This is the lady and her maid who will be travelling with you." At first glance Violet took the two men to be as alike as peas in a pod. But the second look revealed one to be older than the other. The younger stepped forward and took Violet's hand. With a twinkle in his eye he said "It will be my pleasure to play Knight Errant and guard such a lovely lady." He winked at her and added "Even though she be travelling incognito, I shall call her my fair Rosamonde." Violet blushed to the tips of her toes. The older man gave the younger a forceful nudge and told him "Brother, you are embarrassing the lady and yourself as well." He smiled down at Violet and added "My brother fancies himself to be a poet. I hope you will excuse his atrocious behavior." His brown eyes also twinkled with merriment, but less impish type. A quick glance back revealed that Sir Edward's expression had grown stormy, but he did not speak. When Violet had collected herself enough to speak she replied "I am thankful for the escort. has done no harm by his humor." The small chest was placed in the cart. Sir Edward stepped forward to help Violet up into the cart as well. "Farewell and safe journey" was all that he said. He slipped away before Violet could reply. Inside the cart, she sat down on a cushion across from Mary. Soon after the cart lurched forward and they were on their way.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


The rough streets rocked and jolted Violet in the back of the carriage. For some time she worried that her whereabouts had been discovered. At any moment she expected the cart to be stopped and she would be dragged out into the street. But as the rough cobblestones of the city gave way to slightly less rough country roads, her fears slowly subsided. The driver and the other servant kept their attention on the road and made no effort to speak to either Violet or the maid. Of course Violet would have been surprised if they had. She smiled halfheartedly when she remembered that Sir Edward had halfway introduced her as a Lady. Violet was surprised to find that the trip so far was not as uncomfortable as she assumed it would be. In fact, the slight rocking motion of the cart lulled her into a state of yawning sleepiness. By the time darkness fell, Violet was fast asleep on her cushions. The cessation of motion roused Violet when the cart stopped. The younger of the two brothers threw open the curtains at the back of the cart and called out "Fair Rosamonde, your palace awaits." His outstretched hand invited Violet to climb down from the wagon. After she stepped down, the older brother explained "We will shelter tonight in this monastery and be off early tomorrow." To clear her eyes of sleep, Violet blinked in the gate's poor light. "Wait" she called out "Can you give me a name to know you by." His expression was hidden by shadow as he answered "Nay, Sir Edward deemed it safer for all to remain nameless. He told us you traveled under great peril." Violet's shoulders sagged in resignation. Then she responded "Then I shall call you Arthur and your brother shall be Kay." An involuntary chuckle escaped his lips, and then he told her "That will suffice, though I esteem myself not so highly as to deserve such a name." He then surrendered her and Mary to the waiting monks who would lead them to their chambers.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


  A restless night on a hard pallet had not left Violet in a good mood. After breakfast she splashed herself and waited for the brothers in the courtyard of the monastery. 'Arthur' and 'Kay' made their appearance before she had waited too long. Mary carried with her a basket with some food and wine for their midday meal. By its weight it was apparent that the monks had been generous. Violet was embarrassed that she had no coin to leave for alms in return. Once Violet was ensconced in the back of the cart, the men on their horses led the way back to the road. A light mist started to fall almost as soon as they were out of sight of the monastery's walls. It brought cold with it, which meant that Arthur and Kay pulled heavy cloaks from their baggage. The manservant and the driver wrapped themselves with a oilskins, while Violet and Mary made themselves comfortable in wool blankets that they found among the cushions. The rain had ceased when they stopped for a mid-day break. But the cold air was thick with the promise of more rain. Arthur passed an earthenware cup of wine to Violet and then commented "The rain kept us to a slower pace than I would have liked. As it is, we will barely make the next monastery before nightfall." "We can be on our way as soon as you wish" Violet replied as she sipped from the cup "I do not need to rest any longer." He gave a rueful chuckle as he took back the cup. "The horses do need a bit more rest though" he explained "The wet road tires them badly." Violet noticed that Kay huddled silently in the shelter of a nearby tree and ate his meal. He was not as mischievous as he had been yesterday. The cold wet ride had dampened his spirits. So she called over to him "How now gallant knight? Does a little rain make you lose all your poetry?" Kay's face broke into a smile and he replied "A kind word from my fair lady does restore it." Arthur smiled at his brother's mood change. It suddenly dawned on Violet that when they genuinely smiled, the two brothers were very handsome indeed.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


  Soon enough Arthur decreed that it was time to resume their travel. Violet and Mary spent the cold afternoon huddled in blankets up to their eyes. Just at sunset their pace quickened. From a crack in the cart's covering, Violet could see the walls of an abbey outlined against the grey twilit sky. Once again there were monks to guide them to sleeping chambers. The only difference from the previous night was that Violet was so tired and cold that she slept like a stone. When she awoke the coals in the brazier were barely glowing. With Mary's help, she changed into her second gown in order that the other might receive an airing. When it was time to reload the cart, Violet was shaken by what Arthur said "This will be our last day traveling together. I will tell you more where there are fewer ears to hear." He let drop the curtain before Violet could bring herself to react or speak. That morning's ride was no less cold than the previous had been. But Violet's anxiety over what would happen to her returned in full force as she pondered the uncertainty of her next steps. When they stopped to rest the horses at mid-day, Arthur walked with her away from the hearing of the servants. Without preamble he explained "Tonight we leave you at the country seat of Lord Horton. I know no more than that." He held out a sealed envelope to Violet and added "Give this to Lord Horton personally, no one else." He said no more, but walked back to the cart to finish his meal. First tucking the envelope safely into her bodice, Violet followed him.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


During the rest of the day Violet spent some time in thought. The speed at which her life had changed had bewildered her. She thought to herself how strange she found all this. Just one month ago she would have not believed anyone who told her that she would be traveling north across England with total strangers. Even the maid who was her erstwhile chaperone and companion was only a name to her. And tonight she would sleep in the house of Lord Horton, who was a total cipher. As the light outside grew dimmer, rain fell intermittently on the fabric roof of the cart. It seemed to Violet that Mary was unusually quiet even for a maid. But she remembered Sir Edward's final words to them and decided that Mary was frightened. Whether of Violet herself, or of knowing too much, she could not tell. Thy sky was still a pale gray when the cart lurched to a halt. Violet could see a stone wall with an open gate. Then she noticed the two armed men who conversed with the two brothers. After a short exchange, they waved the cart in through the gate. The ride from the gate to the house was not long, though it seemed interminable to Violet. When the cart was still, she opened the back curtains to see Arthur's face. He helped her clamber down as a butler opened the door and came outside. "My lady" he said in a low voice "we part here. My brother and I have another destination this night. But it has been my pleasure to be of service." A quick glance to her right showed Kay's unusually solemn face. "I have no words to express my gratitude" Violet responded "You have done more for me than I had any right to expect from a total stranger." Just a hint of a smile touched Arthur's face as he said "Just the memory of you calling me Arthur is all the reward that I could ask." His warm brown eyes lingered for a moment before he turned away and mounted his horse. The two men started for the gate at a trot with the cart following. Violet found herself standing outside a house she had never seen before with her small chest of clothes, Mary and the butler.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Violet turned and looked the house over. It was a wide red brick front with a timbered second story. There was no light visible from the small windows on the upper floor. The butler called out to Violet "My lady, please come inside and I will announce you to his lordship." Violet nodded and walked in through the door just as a small boy darted out and picked up her chest. They all followed the butler deep inside the house to a wide open room. A long sideboard covered with plate lined one wall, while benches lined the opposite wall. "My lady" the butler addressed Violet "Please be seated. I am sure that his lordship will call for you shortly." After looking dubiously at the hard wooden benches, Violet chose one and sat. Mary hesitated before she gingerly sat on another bench. The fireplace at one end crackled merrily and gave out very welcome warmth. The cold had just faded from Violet's hand and feet when the butler returned. "I will take you to see his lordship now." He told her "There is no need for your maid to accompany you. She will be taken to the servant's quarters." He walked away without waiting so Violet jumped up and hurried after him. Two doorways and a short hall led them to a well lit chamber Inside sat the oldest man that Violet had ever seen. Pale, wrinkled and bald, he still sat erect in his padded chair.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Since she assumed this was the mysterious Lord Horton, Violet immediately dropped into a bow. "I see the girl has manners" he chuckled in a surprisingly strong voice "Come closer child and sit. I have not been a threat to any lady in many years." He pointed at a chair near his right, Violet sat down and perched herself on the edge of the seat. The old man leaned back with his hands steepled in front of him. The desk he sat next to was covered in papers, a pen and an inkwell. "I received the strangest request from William.......Lord Wesley." He began "He said that a nameless maiden would come my way needing to get to Northumberland. He also said that she would have dire business with the Earl and there were those who might seek to prevent her." He paused and waited for Violet's reaction. Several minutes had elapsed when he continued "However much I cannot imagine what dire business a pretty black-haired girl might be involved in. I am prepared to take Wil...Lord Wesley's word on the matter. I have known him since he was a boy, you know. He is only a little older than my grandson." A knock on the door interrupted Lord Horton at this point. "Entrez Vous!" he called out. The door creaked open and two men in dark livery came in bearing a two tray tables laden with food and drink. One table was set in front of Lord Horton, the other in front of Violet. Golden yellow wine was poured into Italian glass goblets and set on the tables. The two men bowed and withdrew from the room. After the door had closed Lord Horton explained "I rarely eat in the dining hall these days. My grandson is always at Court and I have outlived everyone else." Surprised at her own temerity, Violet blurted out "You live here all alone? How can you stand it?" She clapped her hands over her mouth but Lord Horton surprised her by laughing out loud. It went on for some time and when his laughter subsided he wiped a tear from his eye. "My dear child" he said "Most people I have known in my life think that a man my age should enjoy my retirement out here with none but my books to keep me company." He paused for a moment to catch his breath. "I suppose that is why I agreed to William's request." He finally added "I wanted to see a new face." He picked up his wineglass and took a generous drink. He gestured at Violet with the glass and ordered "Eat! My cook will be unbearable for weeks if that plate goes back untouched" His smile softened the words. Feeling her hunger at last, Violet devoured the delicious hot food.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


When they were finished eating, the butler reappeared with the other servants. Lord Horton watched as the dishes and tables were cleared away. While the servants were busy, he told Violet "I find is well for me to retire early these days. Master Stephen will show you to your chambers." Violet stood up to follow Master Stephen, the butler, when Lord Horton spoke again "I hope you will not find me presumptuous that I have given instruction for some of my daughter's gowns to be brought out and given to you." Violet blushed from embarrassment that she her wardrobe depended on the kindness of others. She dropped her eyes to the floor and murmured "My Lord, you do me too much honor. I have already presumed on your hospitality too much out of necessity." She glanced up to check his reaction. The grave look on the old man's face was belied by the twinkle in his eyes. "From what was reported to me of the paucity of your baggage, it would appear that bandits have made off with your goods. It would be a shame to me if I sent you from here to Northumberland's Seat in insufficient state." Violet bowed to the inevitable and gave Lord Horton a curtsey and her thanks. Master Stephen, who had waited silently in the doorway, led her back to the main room and up a stairway. The door to the first chamber stood open and Mary waited inside. An empty sideboard, a washstand with basin, and two padded benches were all the furniture that the room contained. Violet survey of the room was interrupted by the butler's voice. "Shall I have your breakfast sent up in the morning, milady?" he inquired "His Lordship does not rise until late morning." Unsure exactly what she should do Violet answered hesitantly "Yes, that would be fine." Master Stephen closed the chamber door behind him. As if the butler's absence were permission for Mary to speak she told Violet "Mistress, you should see the bedchamber. I could hardly believe the evidence of my own eyes." She opened a door that Violet had not previously noticed and revealed another chamber beyond.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Several fat candles, as well as a good sized fireplace, bathed the room in radiance. Inside was the large bed, which seemed to Violet to be twice the size of her parents' bed. Curtains of a rich red color were pulled open around the bed frame of dark wood. Then she saw the other part that had amazed Mary. A nightgown of fine lawn lay on the bed, but beyond that was the wardrobe closet. Its doors stood open to reveal several gowns of plush soft velvet. Violet walked around the bed for a closer examination. She determined that there were two gowns of black velvet and one of a blue so dark it was almost black. The gowns were simple, without fancy adornments, and slightly old-fashioned but of much finer stuff than Violet had seen outside of her friend Margaret's wedding trousseau. The magnitude of Lord Horton's gift left her weak in the knees. She went back into the other room to splash some water on her face. When she returned she saw that Mary had pulled out a trundle bed for herself to sleep on. Violet knew that it was now fully dark outside, so it was unsurprising that she felt the need for sleep. She exchanged her rather old chemise for the nightgown and slipped between the soft linen sheets. Before Mary had even put out all of the candles, Violet was fast asleep.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


  Violet awoke in darkness and did not remember where she was. After her initial panic, her dinner with Lord Horton the previous night resurfaced in her memory. She slid out of the giant bed and padded silently over to the window. The heavy brocade drapes covered a window through which the first pale sliver of dawn could be seen. Mary was awakened by Violet's movements, so she got out of her bed quickly. While Mary set the bedclothes straight, Violet looked more closely at the other items in the clothes chest. Everything necessary for a Lady's wardrobe had been included. With a slight twinge of guilt, she chose one of the black velvet gowns and Mary helped her to dress. The bedchamber had access only to a prayer closet and a small privy, so Violet guessed that bathing chambers were elsewhere in the house. It was still very early when a knock came rapping on the door of the outer chamber. Mary answered this to admit several servants with breakfast dishes. Master Stephen supervised the servants as they set the tables and set out the food. "His Lordship asked me to convey a message to you" he said to Violet "Since it may be some days before your escort arrives, he has asked that you avail yourself of the house and gardens to your pleasure. If you have any needs, you can make the request through me." Feeling out of her depth, Violet replied in what she hoped was a gracious tone "Thank you Master Stephen. And please convey my thanks to Lord Horton for his overwhelming generosity". With a slight nod of acknowledgement, he left Violet to her repast.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


  The thought occurred to Violet that she had willingly let herself be shuffled from one spot to another. The two brothers who had brought her this far had considered it all a romantic and adventurous game. Lord Horton's overwhelming generosity probably owed something to his past association with Lord Wesley. But Violet could only guess at the extent of his true intentions. The novelty of traveling had put thoughts of her stepmother and Mistress Lisle right of Violet's mind. Since she was left to her own devices inside this great echoing house, they came back in a flood. She did not dare to guess what her stepmother's reaction would be to her disappearance. Mentally she tallied up the time. Six nights meant a week since she had last seen her father. Violet was sure that his first reaction would have been anger. How soon would that anger have turned to concern? What would he do to find her? The shocked, sick feeling that Violet had felt when she first discovered that her stepmother was capable of hiring an assassin was something she would never forget. It also left her with the cold certainty that her stepmother would hire someone to find her. Find her, and probably silence her also. Against the fear that threatened to overwhelm her, Violet clung to the hope that Lord and Lady Wesley's assistance would keep her safe.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess