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A time for courage

Started by DonaCatalina, September 29, 2008, 09:24:14 AM

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As Violet struggled her way up the steep stairs, Sandy turned and told her "I should ha' told you sooner. My father is Baron Linton." Violet had already figured out that Sandy's angry father was a baron, but the name Linton meant nothing to her. Her knowledge of the English nobility was somewhat limited, and she knew next to nothing of the Scots.
When the reached the second floor, they entered the baron's chambers to find him standing in front of the single window. He pointed to a bench in front of the fireplace and ordered "Sit down. I will ha' the lass tell me her story." Violet sat gingerly on the bench and began "I was traveling under the protection of Lord Horton's guards when we were attacked by bandits.......of some sort. I was attempting to hide under the cart with my maid when I slipped and fell down the hill. Your son took me under his protection and then brought me here." Baron Linton had been facing the window. When Violet stopped speaking he turned and gave her a hard look. "Do ye mean to tell me" he asked "that the Marquis of Berwick sent his personal guards off with a wee slip of a girl, who I know, is no relation to him?" Violet blinked in surprise at his vehemence before she answered "I said I traveled with Lord Horton's guards and I meant it." Baron Linton transferred his gaze to his son. To the unspoken question he answered "I saw the device myself." The anger faded a little from the baron's eyes before he commented "Then my son, you have either made a very costly mistake, or we will profit by happy accident."
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Baron Linton addressed Violet again "The marquis is a notorious skinflint. He'll not spend a penny to benefit any but himself. What did it cost you to gain his protection?" The man who had showered Violet with presents and gowns was hard for her to reconcile with the man that the baron described. It took her a minute to collect her thoughts before she answered "He said that he aided me because of an old debt he owed Lord Wesley. But he was far more kind and generous to me than any old debt could have called for." Baron Linton sat down on a stool nearby as he visibly digested this explanation. "tis a deeper game than I suspected" he said almost absentmindedly "But what ha' ye to do with Lord Wesley?" This was easier for Violet to answer "His daughter is my best friend. Lady Wesley and my late mother were very close friends." The baron scratched his chin as he commented "Very close friends indeed to expend such expensive favors on ye." His somber worried Violet enough that she resolved not to mention Sir Edward. She wondered if she had said too much already. The discussion of Lord Horton had reminded her of all the beautiful dresses he had given her. Then a worse memory intruded when she remembered poor Mary. Terrified of being involved in intrigue, it had indeed cost her life. A single tear leaked from Violet's eyes even as she resolved not to cry in public. She was deep in her thoughts when the baron thundered at Sandy "Did ye touch her? Because if ye did, then by God, I'll gi' ye to the Ainglish myself!" This brought Sandy to his feet as he shouted back "I did not! To which even James will speak on my behalf. Last night she slept in Master Brown's bed near Harelaw. And their youngest girl slept in the same bed!" With both men standing facing each other like enraged bears, Violet worried that the men would come to blows.
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Then the baron stepped back and ordered Sandy "Leave the girl here and send my wife to me, along with my scribe and someone to ride with a message." Sandy glared at his father for one second more before he stalked out of the room. "What shall I do with ye lass?" he asked of himself as much as anyone. After his display of temper, Violet felt it was best to say nothing until she was spoken to. It was not long before the small pale woman that Violet had seen downstairs walked into the room. The baron gestured diffidently in her direction and explained "This is my Baroness". With a grim tightening of his face he spoke to the lady "It appears the lass is to be our honored guest for a bit. As I am sure ye know, we need to house her somewhere the lads canna bother her. I gi' her into yer charge milady" The baroness nodded and asked "What name can we call you?" Violet stood up to make a small bow before she answered "Please call me Violet milady"
"Well enough Violet" she responded "If you will come with me, we can get you settled in". She turned and walked out the door with Violet close behind. The scribe scrambled past them on the stairway without so much as a second glance and disappeared in the baron's chambers. When the reached the ground floor, Baroness Linton led Violet to the dais in the main hall. "Bess" she called out to a maid who was still cleaning up "Have someone show Mistress Violet here to a room in the south tower. Mind you that it be one with a lock." She paused to look Violet over before she added "And have some clean clothes brought to her out of the late Baroness's chests." Then she swirled away and left Violet alone with the maid.
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  It was Bess's turn to look Violet up and down. "Himself mount tink ye weel brin' a pretty price ta be goan ta sich tribble aboot ye. Coom alon' then. I ha'nt all day ta lighter aboot ta pliss" She left her broom against the wall and went through a door opposite the one from which Violet had just come. It seemed like they climbed an interminable amount of stairs before they stopped in front of a wooden door. Bess turned the heavy iron key and opened it. She then held out the key to Violet and said "Tis yer room. I wouldna wander aboot if ah were ye. The lads ken be a maught rough with an Ainglish lass lak yersailf." She waited until Violet passed her to go through the door. Then she stomped her way back down the stairs. The room was Spartan in its furnishings. A fairly wide but simple bed dominated, with a stool, a bench and a chest as its satellites. There was no fire in the smallish fireplace, and the lack of other distractions left Violet to feel the chill. There was one blanket on the bed, so she stripped this off and huddled in it on the bench.
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A sharp knock awoke Violet. She had fallen into a doze still on the bench. She opened the door to find two women, obviously servants, on the landing. Without a word they pushed past her into the room. One was carrying a bucket with hot coals and the other had a bundle of cloth. A grinning Sandy followed them into the room and behind him came two more men. These were burdened with wood with they immediately dumped into the fireplace. Sandy sauntered over and sat on the bed while the servants got the fire going and put away the clothes they had brought. Violet stood as close to the fireplace as she could and still be out of the servants' way. "Do ye find the accommodations comfortable?" Sandy asked laconically. Violet shrugged and answered "The room is much more comfortable now that it's warm". The last servant trooped out when their tasks were done and left the door ajar. Alone with Sandy lounging on her bed, Violet laid her palm over the reassuring weight of the key where she had tucked it. "I would like to go to .......sleep now please" she told him. His smile turned lascivious and he got up from the bed as slowly as possible. He reached out and almost touched her as he stepped past. "Sleep well. I look forward to seeing you at Mass in the morning." As soon as he was on the landing, she darted over to shut and lock the door behind him. The thought suddenly occurred to her that even though he was handsome, he made her feel much the same way that Hereward always had. This turn led her to realize that she had not thought of him or her stepmother in some days. That morning in Margaret's house, she would never have imagined the turns of fate that had led here.
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During the next weeks, Violet realized that James had appointed himself her guardian, or possibly jailor. Unable to stay idle, she had begged to be allowed the tasks such as she had done all her life. She mended the household's small clothes alongside the baroness; she helped tend the keep's herb garden and other sundry small things. And every where she went, she was shadowed by a young boy or girl. One night upon retiring she caught one of them outside her door giving a report to James. She snatched the man's arm when he tried to vanish. "You set spies upon me" she commented drily "Do you fear I will run into the wild?" His green eyes smoldered as they locked on hers and gave her a momentary thrill of fear. "My cousin is a careless devourer of maidens" he replied in a low menacing voice "Very powerful men have an interest in your well-being. I prefer that the ainglish have no reason to harm my uncle or my cousin". His gaze dropped to where her small hand held his doublet sleeve. Then he shifted forward until there were only inches between them and Violet's back touched the stone wall. Her blood flashed hot and then cold. "Be wary." he told her in a softer voice "With luck you will go in a day or two. The messenger returned from the Earl yesterday." Not for the first time Violet noticed that these people referred to Northumberland as 'The Earl' as if his name was a talisman of ill fortune. James pulled himself from her grasp and disappeared down the stairs.
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  It was mid-day and a light blanket of snow lay over the herb garden when a boy ran pounding up to where Violet stood. "Himself is asking fer ye" he gasped out between breaths "in the Hall noo" He was still gasping for breath when Violet left him there. She stopped just inside the door when she saw the group of men that stood around the fireplace. One was very richly dressed while the man next to him appeared to be a clerk of some type. But what had made Violet stop in her tracks were the liveried guards scattered around the hall. Baron Linton spied her in the doorway and called "Coom here lass. Someone is here for you." When she was closer Violet saw that the richly dressed man was astoundingly young with dark hair and eyes as pale of a gray as her own. She dropped a quick bow and said "Violet Derington at your service milord". The smile that crossed his face as he drawled "So this is the young woman who made such an impression upon my august grandfather, I must say I am pleased to finally meet you. I am Viscount Berwick." His accent reminded her sharply of her father and tears stung her eyes. She managed to reply "I am pleased to meet you milord. And his Excellency, your grandfather, is a wonderful man." The Viscount turned to Baron Linton and told him "As soon as Mistress Violet is ready to travel, we can be on our way. Certes, so many armed men must strain the hospitality of your people." Baron Linton flicked a hand towards Violet and replied "The sairvents wi' be doon wi' her baggage soon." It seemed to Violet that his accent had gotten heavier suddenly. She wondered if it was from nerves, or something else.
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The two nobles resumed their polite small talk while waiting for Violet's things. She scanned the room to see who else was present. There was no sign of Sandy, but James lounged near the main doors. His face was white and strained as he intently watched the men in the room. Before long one of the maids came in carrying a small box. This broke up the forced conversation between the nobles. The Viscount abruptly turned to the main doors and the guards fell into place behind him. When she stepped outside, Violet was surprised to see no less than two carts and a carriage outside. Horses for all the guards who had been outside, as well as more men still mounted filled the forecourt. One of the guards took her small chest and tossed it into the back of a cart. A footman held open the carriage door and helped Violet to step inside. The Viscount climbed inside right behind her. A rap on the wall set the carriage in motion. "My Lord I..." Violet began before a raised hand silenced her. "If it please" he said "I give you leave to call me Thomas when we speak privily. May I call you Violet?" She blushed furiously at the familiarity but replied "yes you". His smile grew even broader and he commented "Thank you. I always thought it awkward when I was being tutored with other boys and we all had to call each other My Lord This and My Lord That. You are obviously not anyone's servant and we will be spending some time in each other's company." He stopped speaking and leaned forward top open a box in front of them. From this he pulled out two metal cups and a jug. When he pulled the stopper, the smell of sweet wine filled the carriage. "This will help us to stay warm" he explained "And now what shall we talk about? It will be days before we reach Alnwick Castle."
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  Four days of travelling with Thomas, Viscount Berwick had taught Violet a great deal about him. While in the carriage, he seemed to be constantly on the verge of carefree and happy inebriation. But once he stepped down into the public eye each evening, he resumed being the polished and educated Viscount. After the first day, Violet had realized that she could not match his capacity for wine and demurred when it was offered. During one particularly long dreary day, he confessed to Violet that his grandfather was beginning to press him on the subject of marriage. But whenever he was at court, he said the constant maneuvering left him feeling either like a prize stud bull on display, or viewing the young women of the court as broodmares themselves. When summoned to rescue Violet, he had been thoroughly relieved to get away from court for while. In turn Violet confessed her misgiving over meeting Northumberland. She did not dare tell him more of the reasons for her journey. Occasionally he would tweak her about keeping her secrets, but it was down in a softly joking manner. The last night before reaching Alnwick was spent at an inn not far from the castle. Thomas arranged for the two of them to eat in a private dining room. Violet was saving her sole surviving black velvet gown for meeting Northumberland. So this evening she wore an old-fashioned gown that Baroness Linton had given her. It was gray-blue, the color of a winter ocean. Her two long black braids hung down her back twined with blue ribbons. Thomas came into the room where Violet sat in between two fat yellow candles. He stopped abruptly and stared as if he had been pole axed
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"Is there something wrong.......Thomas?" Violet asked hesitantly. He seemed to shake himself mentally before he replied "No, I am well. I apologize for my seeming rudeness, but the Innkeeper was just telling me about a local myth. It was something called a kelpie or a calipee, but the description he gave could have fit you as you look just now." A few quick steps brought him out of the doorway where he sat next to Violet. He added with a small chuckle "He also said they use their indescribable beauty to lure unsuspecting men to their deaths in the sea."  Unsure what to say, Violet looked away from his piercing gray eyes. Anything further that he might have said was lost by the Innkeeper's knock before he opened the door to admit the servers. Violet sat quietly with her eyes downcast while the dishes were spread out on the table. When everything was in its place, the servers retreated to leave the two of them along again. Thomas poured them both some wine and began to eat without further preamble. His silence had made her feel that she had failed some sort of test by not responding more graciously to the implied compliment. Her exposure to Hereward Lisle and then Sandy Edmonstone had left more than a little wary of men's attentions. Both of them retired to their respective rooms as soon as the food was cleared away. When she saw that Thomas took another bottle to his room, Violet was slightly dismayed. Somehow she felt that the evening had not gone as it should. She slipped into bed with a feeling of vague regret.
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  The next morning Thomas was his usual cheerful self. Only by examining his eyes closely could Violet tell that he had probably finished more than one bottle after she had gone to bed. The carriage ride that morning was relatively short and Thomas made sure that the conversation did not mention their imminent parting. The cavalcade strung out as the passed into the outer curtain wall of Alnwick. By the time they reached the main forecourt, quite a crowd had gathered out front. As soon as the Viscount had helped Violet step down from the carriage, an older man stepped forward. "You would be Mistress Violet?" he asked politely. After a deep breath she replied "yes I am." Then the man turned towards Thomas and said "If Your Lordship and Mistress Violet will come with me, His Grace has asked to see you as soon as you arrive." With a small flip of his hand, Thomas signaled the man to continue. "My name is John." The man explained as they walked "I am His Grace's Steward." The steward led them to a windowless room that was behind the main hall. Two men inside broke off their conversation at the arrival of the newcomers. The one who was sitting on an oversize chair addressed Violet "I presume you are mistress Violet Derington?" She made a quick bow and replied "Your Grace, yes I am Violet." He gestured towards toe dark haired man who stood to his right and asked "Do you know this worthy gentleman?" She shook her head and replied "No Your Grace. I do not remember ever seeing this man." The Earl cocked one eyebrow at Violet and commented "That is exceedingly fascinating since this gentleman is Baron Whitemount." Her attention snapped back at this revelation and she took a harder look. She could just see a slight resemblance to Mistress Lisle. As she focused on his face it seemed as if her vision was fading to dark around him. A dizzy and sick feeling washed over her as she closed her eyes.
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Violet opened her eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling. A rustle of cloth drew her eyes towards its source. A nun who had been sitting by the bed stood up and loomed over her. "Are you better now dear?" she asked. Nodding her head as she sat up, Violet asked "What happened?" The nun stepped back and tucked her hands into her wide sleeves. "You fainted in His Grace's chamber. The servants carried you up here. If you are well enough to sit on your own, I need to report that you are awake." At Violet's nod, the nun left the room quickly. The servants had laid her out on the bed fully dressed so she got off the bed and looked out the door. One of the housemaids was hurrying up the hallway towards her. When she saw Violet she stopped and said "His Grace asks to see you as soon as you are up. I can show you the way." She turned without waiting for a reply, so Violet simply followed her. The same room was their destination. That the Viscount Berwick was still there made Violet feel slightly less anxious. Some stools had been brought in. The Earl pointed to an empty one and indicated that she should sit there. A servant pressed a goblet of warm spiced wine into her hands. While she waited for the Earl to speak, she sipped the drink slowly. "It did not please me to give you such a shock" he finally said "I hope you are recovered, but I need you to tell me all the details of what you know. Perforce I have kept the Baron unknowing since he came here at my urgent summons." A rueful smile played at his lips when he added "Your unfortunate detour has left him kicking his heels for far longer than I had intended. So I say again, please tell all you know."
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Less than a half-hour was required for Violet to relay everything that she had heard, half-heard and surmised about Mistress Lisle's plot. When they had asked their last question of Violet, the servants returned with more wine. A few moments of silence passed before Baron Whitemount spoke "The day that I left London to come here there was an incident on the riverfront. A small cart broke down and lost several barrels. In the confusion I was separated from my guard for a moment. A man whom I took to be a bargeman came up beside me and tried to stab me. If I had not flinched at his sudden movement, he might have succeeded. As it was he barely escaped my guard by diving into the river." A sip of wine steadied Violet's voice before she responded "So the assassin is still free. Might he make another attempt?" The Baron exchanged a glance with the Earl before he replied "Since hearing your story, I believe that it is possible. Before now I had considered that incident a random attempt at robbery. I am deeply indebted to His Grace for bringing your information to my attention. Now I see the incident quite differently." "What will be your next step?" Thomas, Viscount Berwick, asked. It was the Earl who answered "First I must make suit to the king for of Violet as my ward. It might be expensive, but his Excellency the Baron has agreed to half the cost. Then we will move against Hereward Lisle and the women involved." What Thomas said next surprised everyone in the room "My Grandfather has authorized me to pay whatever is necessary for Violet to become his ward; though he did not explain his reasons."
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  "Well" said the Earl "that is good news for the state of my purse". Violet stared at Thomas in open mouthed surprise. She had expected the Earl to derive some benefit out of her appeal. But for a man she had known only a few brief days to say that he would pay whatever it took to become her legal guardian was beyond her ability to comprehend.
The Viscount did not even glance at Violet, so she wondered what he knew or surmised about his Grandfather's plans. Her line of thought was interrupted when the Earl continued "I would not have expected His Lordship to part with so much gold over this matter. But I for one will not look a gift horse in the mouth." He drummed his fingers on the arm of the chair and asked Thomas "If we manage to get the lady's guardianship to your esteemed grandfather, will he still side with us on the wool concessions bill that the king is asking for?" The Viscount nodded and answered "Yes. He specifically instructed me to remind you that he considered that promise binding". The Earl slapped his leg and stood up. "All is well then" he said "Let us get the young lady settled and I will have the suit of custody brought before His Grace, the King". The bell summoned the steward who led Violet from the room.
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The inner courtyard of the castle was pure white by late afternoon. The rare early snowfall had lent the fortress a magical air. Even the golden stone walls of the castle were covered with frost like a thousand tiny diamonds. The windows of the long gallery gave Violet an open view of the unblemished snow. The wind rattled the panes of window glass as she shivered in the chilly air. Footsteps approached her down the hallway, but she did not turn until she heard Thomas's voice. "I did not expect to find you in this cold place" he said "I looked for you to no avail in the main hall and the solar." Violet managed a half-smile before she replied "I just wanted some time to myself so I could think." Thomas stood beside her and gazed out at the frosty view she had been contemplating. Briefly she turned her face towards him before she spoke "I had no concept of how my life would change when I set out for this place. I only vaguely imagined that His Grace would stop the plot to murder Baron Whitemount and prevent me being robbed of my dower properties. I had a faint hope that a better husband than that slug Hereward would be found for me, but it was disconcerting to stand and listen to men discussing my fate as if they were bidding on a prize mare." This last comment evoked a soft chuckle from Thomas. "Certes I see your point there, having felt much the same myself on occasion" he commented "But such is the way of the world. People of our sort marry out of our duty to advance our families. The interests of your family would be poorly served if you and your dower properties fell into the hands of a scoundrel such as I have heard Master Lisle described." Violet looked at the Viscount and asked pointedly "Do you know who your grandfather has in mind as a match for me?" Thomas face flushed white and then red before he answered "I do not know. My grandfather keeps his own counsel very close." He looked down into Violet's anxious face before he added "I do not think he intends that I be a match for you. I believe he would have shared that with me".  Violet felt unsure that Thomas's words had relieved any of her worries. She turned her gaze back to the window unsure of what she should say next. The Viscount broke the silence when he told her "I looked for you to tell you that I must leave in the morning. Grandfather will be anxious to know that I delivered you safely. So this is farewell." A small cold feeling of dismay filled Violet's chest. "I had hoped to have your company longer" she responded "But I do understand. Give Lord Horton my greetings and safe journey to you." Thomas briefly pressed her fingers to his lips before he turned and walked away.
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