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Camping Parties! The list - Please add your groups' social!

Started by BarbarianQueen, October 06, 2008, 09:25:31 PM

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JackGonzo, MD

I'm waiting to meeting Dragon, and then following him around as we terrorize the community...
On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.


i'll be mostly at row 8 with my fellow clansmen from Mclotufus, but i always head out to the main fire for a little fun too, but walking around is always a good way to have fun and or get into trouble  ;)


Quote from: Ethan Northforest on October 07, 2008, 05:15:51 PM
Quote from: ladylyn on October 07, 2008, 04:31:37 PMI love the idea of going on a "walkabout".  But for those of us who don't know everybody and who have not camped often (or ever), I'm a little intimidated by just walking up to a group or camp and saying "Howdy!".

I totally agree with this.  M'lady and I want to meet fun people in the camping area, but it's sometimes awkward to just plop in on another groups goings on and try to mix-and-mingle.

Anyone, please come visit us up near the treeline where the "new" road was put in before last season.  We're a couple of the few black campers (we think - well, the few part, not the us being black part,) but totally cool and rennies nonetheless!  :P

Quote from: ladylyn on October 07, 2008, 04:31:37 PMI have a friend who camped for the first time last year. She had a little bit to drink and decided to do the walkabout thing, walking up to a strange group around a campfire to say "Howdy!".

She was subsequently gang-raped and held hostage for the entire weekend, bound up inside their "period-style" tent, and only brought out gagged and trussed for the late night deviant entertainment of the unwashed, garbed and misogynistic horde.

Yikes!  That's quite the ghastly and fanciful story m'lady.

Blaidd Drwg


The best way to meet people though is the "walk about", but if you aren't out going or you're alone, I can understand how intimidating it is.  Most true rennies are extremely friendly and inviting though, which will be the easiest way to weed out the "crazy weekend campers" from the "true rennies".  TRF has turned into the "cool" place to go in the area up there and so we've ended up with randoms and annoying mundanes about....  Back when I first started going, which was really only 5 seasons ago, you could leave all your valuables in your tent and your car door unlocked without the slightest problem.  Also, the big bonfire was "the place to be" and only rennies were there along with tons of drummers and belly dancers.  Now it's the "place not to be" cause all the mundanes and people NOT actually camping congregate there.  Which means you have to walk about and try to find the drummers and belly dancers and alcohol now... so sad!
Queen Elizabeth the 1st
Champagne the Bubbly
Bubbles the Fairy
Frost the Arctic Barbarian
Red the pirate

Ethan Northforest

Quote from: blue66669 on October 08, 2008, 08:42:36 AM
Quote from: Ethan Northforest on October 07, 2008, 05:15:51 PM
Quote from: ladylyn on October 07, 2008, 04:31:37 PMI love the idea of going on a "walkabout".  But for those of us who don't know everybody and who have not camped often (or ever), I'm a little intimidated by just walking up to a group or camp and saying "Howdy!".

I totally agree with this.  M'lady and I want to meet fun people in the camping area, but it's sometimes awkward to just plop in on another groups goings on and try to mix-and-mingle.

Anyone, please come visit us up near the treeline where the "new" road was put in before last season.  We're a couple of the few black campers (we think - well, the few part, not the us being black part,) but totally cool and rennies nonetheless!  :P

Quote from: ladylyn on October 07, 2008, 04:31:37 PMI have a friend who camped for the first time last year. She had a little bit to drink and decided to do the walkabout thing, walking up to a strange group around a campfire to say "Howdy!".

She was subsequently gang-raped and held hostage for the entire weekend, bound up inside their "period-style" tent, and only brought out gagged and trussed for the late night deviant entertainment of the unwashed, garbed and misogynistic horde.

Yikes!  That's quite the ghastly and fanciful story m'lady.


Awesome.  :)

Ethan Northforest

Quote from: LadyElizabeth on October 08, 2008, 10:03:39 AM
The best way to meet people though is the "walk about", but if you aren't out going or you're alone, I can understand how intimidating it is.  Most true rennies are extremely friendly and inviting though, which will be the easiest way to weed out the "crazy weekend campers" from the "true rennies".  TRF has turned into the "cool" place to go in the area up there and so we've ended up with randoms and annoying mundanes about....  Back when I first started going, which was really only 5 seasons ago, you could leave all your valuables in your tent and your car door unlocked without the slightest problem.  Also, the big bonfire was "the place to be" and only rennies were there along with tons of drummers and belly dancers.  Now it's the "place not to be" cause all the mundanes and people NOT actually camping congregate there.  Which means you have to walk about and try to find the drummers and belly dancers and alcohol now... so sad!

This year will be our third year at TRF and I remember our first year there, although we didn't camp, visiting the main bonfire for a bit after closing was great.  Fun people, drumming, belly dancing, and fire acts, but the second year was like "Wow, this is nothing like it was last year."  It became mundane meat fest and pretty disappointing - almost like an outdoor frat party.

I can only imagine how great it was before we started going.

We'll be sure to visit more and try to find rennies like us this year!  Can't wait to see and meet many of you this weekend.


I wonder if there is any way to get permission to do a bonfire and gathering someplace else in the campground, maybe somewhere out of the immediate traffic area.  the space along the Green Flames requested area would be great!  Hidden by the trees, surrounded by good clans, etc.

We have gone to the bonfire for several years, and love the concept...

Last year though, it seemed all a bunch of 20 yeal old mundanes, asking "where are the belly dancers!?!  We want the belly dancers!?!" and throwing their beer cans around. Pfffft....

How great would it be to be away from the traffic, with a roaring fire, drummers drumming, dancers dancing, good friends with good stories, and LOTS of Loki and meade... sigh...

What would it take to get permission to build a fire pit for a bonfire, or even a big campfire, along the back?  Maybe we could just push together a bunch of the portable fire pits and forego the permission :)

By the way, THANKS, SCOUTCOLT for the info on your shindig!  It sound like fun, and maybe I won't be scared to show up and join in!  I'm very shy, as you can see...



Honestly... I think it has gotten to the point that the powers that be may end up putting an end to the bonfire
It's sad to think it, but if they continue causing trouble that may happen just to protect themselves from lawsuits

*at least I still gots me rum*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"


All this is going to take is for the rennies.  The REAL rennies (not the local yokels) to join up together and take back our bonfire.  There must be a show of 'force' to show those idiots that we are there, and that is OUR home, not theirs.  That is OUR fire, and bring back our dancers, drummers, fire breathers, and turn it around again.
Karl "Dragon" Wolff
The Pirates Cove



You know, I'd be ALL there for the rennies showing up IN FORCE to the bonfire again!!!!  It would take at least 30 burly men and 20 extras to really make the numbers weigh out....  There are some really HUGE idiots there who are rude and obnoxious.  I absolutely adore belly dancing around the fire to the drums, but when people are awful like they were last year, I just won't do it!  They don't give us room, they yell and taunt, and then they tried to put $ in my clothing!!!!  It was beyond fabulous just 5 years ago and I really believe we can make it that again if we band together and try!  If it doesn't change back to its original purpose of a RENNIE hang out, then they might as well just get rid of it!!
Queen Elizabeth the 1st
Champagne the Bubbly
Bubbles the Fairy
Frost the Arctic Barbarian
Red the pirate


Blaidd Drwg

JackGonzo, MD

Quote from: blue66669 on October 09, 2008, 09:18:21 AM
DOOOD! Take the money and RUN!!!

Great, now that song is gonna be in my head ALL day long...

But yes, I agree with Dragon, you show up en mass and "highly suggest" they act right or leave
On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.


It just made me feel trashy... I'm totally down for free alcohol, but getting $ put in clothes While dancing rings too close to home...  I am dancing for ME and for FUN and cause I love it, and yet I know it's sexy, but I'm not doing it for $ or for stupid adolescent boys!!!
Queen Elizabeth the 1st
Champagne the Bubbly
Bubbles the Fairy
Frost the Arctic Barbarian
Red the pirate


I'm in for a Rennie revolution. Let's take it back, and get the bums outta there!
Clan McLotofus
Captain, HMS Landshark
ROoL #78, guppy


Isn't trying to find a party at the campground kinda like using a flashlight is broad daylight?

I too lament the downward slide and demise of the drunk jam...I mean drum circle.
Even about 4 years ago it was getting stooopid sloppy.
Some of the drummers from the belly dance show came out to play and even though they were tearing it up, the mob just thrashed along clueless and oblivious.
The badass drummers finally gave up, left and went back inside, when it could have been a fine groove.
If ya wanna play, you first have to be able to listen.

The lizard brain of the mob works thusly:
More Noise=Funner

Not sure what the solution is other than smaller intimate circles at different camps.

One night we had some luck taking back the circle for a bit by creating a decoy drum circle to clear things out.
Some of the more stalwart drummers from Brigadoon & Valhalla moved about a 100 feet from the fire and threw down some beats.
When the zombies shambled and congregated, we slipped out and went back to the big fire for a more orderly bit of drumming & dancing.
It was a brilliant plan and amazed us by working like a charm.

Of course it was already late and the mob was smaller and easy to screw with.
It was like decoy bacon for Sunday breakfast.('fakin bacon)
Dogs don't know it's not bacon!
Good times.

/T-minus 46 hours 15 minutes
"He who shall, so shall he who!"
-Puke & Snot