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Your Fave Halloween Movies

Started by maelstrom0370, October 18, 2008, 07:36:17 AM

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Anna Iram

Yep, there's lot's of people who get off on "mean" Makes therm feel good I guess...

Going in to a slightly differnt category, but anyone here ever seen some of the new Japanese films coming out. Now those...sorry if your're a fan, but those are sick. The Audition. Yikes!!!

There's scary and theres "Get out of my head".!

For me the first movie that really got in my head was the "Nightmare on Elmstreet" series. The whole get you in your sleep thing...


Set your DVRs for Tuesday night at 8/7 central on ABC, 'It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown'.
~The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves~ Keeper of the Pirate Joe Bear, Capn'Car'nage, Mistress of Mischief~

Toki Bloodaxe

     There is one movie that always gets to me because of its total creepiness...and that is the great British thriller.."Village of the Damned". I am talking about the original black and white one now...not the Christopher Reeve remake...although that one is passable. Because of that movie, I have never been able to allow myself to conceive children. I keep thinking that my half grown children will give me a cold blank stare when I tell them to clean up their rooms, and they will say..."we will not allow you to harm us" a creepy John McCain-like monotone.......and then they will make me burst into white hot flames. It gives me the shivers just to think about it. And, now that I think about it, dogs are easier to raise than children and they are not half as dangerous. But, then, I think of that movie "Cujo" and I get worried again.
     On a much more serious note, the british horror classic "the Blood on Satan's Claw" is certainly great Samhain movie fair.  It stars Patrick Wymark of "Battle of Britain" fame. This film has everything....satanic worship, sexual seduction of priests, self-mutilation, murderous children and a really hot Sunday School teacher....all set in a gorgeously creepy English Countryside. And, it takes place in the 1600's , too. So. it has a Ren tie-in. Check it out if you is a little hard to find, though.


Return to Horror High 80s cheesy movie
Cutting Class early 80s Brad Pitt movie
Tales from the Darkside t.v. show
Friday the 13th t.v. series
most of my fave movies have already been listed so I listed some 80s oldies
Chime'n Penny / Cheiftess Clan O'Maille
Irish Penny Brigade
Guppy #90
IWG #3740 Local #57
Lost Viking
Booth Owner @ KyRF & ORF
Keeper of All Bells & Chimes
RESCU Rally Captain ORF &  KyRF

Rani Zemirah

Something Wicked This Way Comes...
Rani - Fire Goddess

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The Gate
Watchers in the Woods
there is a movie about a severed hand that attacks people. I can't think of the name but I know Michael Cane stars in it.
Chime'n Penny / Cheiftess Clan O'Maille
Irish Penny Brigade
Guppy #90
IWG #3740 Local #57
Lost Viking
Booth Owner @ KyRF & ORF
Keeper of All Bells & Chimes
RESCU Rally Captain ORF &  KyRF

Rani Zemirah

Since we're approaching the season once again, I thought I'd reboot this topic for a new year... 2 years later!  ::)  :D

I was just reminded of...  The THING!!!  Creepy/scary/gory jump-outta-your-seat stuff!!!  
No one mentioned Alien, either...

Any one else have any favorites, new or old?  
Rani - Fire Goddess

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Merlin the Elder

I saw Alien on the big screen, with no prior knowledge of events to come. It was the scariest movie I ever saw. On the little screen, it doesn't have the same impact... Leaving the theater, I told my companions that I would NEVER watch that movie again. I lied.

Favourite? Hard to say... I love horror ...and comedy... How about Young Frankenstein or Dead and Loving It?
Living life in the slow lane
ROoL #116; the Jack of Daniels; AARP #7; SS# 000-00-0013
I've upped my standards. Now, up yours.
...and may all your babies be born naked...

Bonny Pearl

Young Frankenstein was on the other night!  What a great film.

I am not a big fan of scary movies but I do like:

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein with DeNiro & Branagh
Bram Stoker's Dracula with Ryder, Reeves & Oldman
Charlie Brown - The Great Pumpkin! :)
Young Frankenstien

That's what I can think of for now...
Gypsy Wanderer
Kingdom of Onondaga
Order of the Hatchet
Landshark No.88


My halloween movies:

Seconding Bram Stoker's Dracula

also, i always watch Hocus Pocus on TV

then Practical Magic

then Sleepy Hollow
Belle the Kat

Clan Procrastination's Ambassador to the Seelie & UnSeelie Courts

Rani Zemirah

Those last three are all fun Halloween faves of mine as well, Belle.  I really like the fun/scary much more than the scary/scary...  Someone earlier in the thread mentioned The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, and I remember that one from when I was a kid, and I loved it!  It was fun to watch movies in B&W back then, and wonder what everything would have looked like in color. 

Oh, what about all the Abbott and Costello movies?  Abbott & Costello Meet the Mummy, Frankenstein, the Wolfman, the Invisible Man... those were hilarious when I was a kid! 

Oh, yeah... there was a scary/scary one I was thinking about last night, also...  It was an early 70's B flick called The Gargoyles, and it was kinda gory for that time... I watched it at my grandparents house one night while I was supposed to be sleeping.  Freaked me out...  ::)
Rani - Fire Goddess

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Know what i forgot???


How could i forget the Bruce Campbell hotness????
Belle the Kat

Clan Procrastination's Ambassador to the Seelie & UnSeelie Courts

Taffy Saltwater

1972's Tales from the Crypt:  You were mean and cruel right from the start.  Now you really have no ...

The theatre really went all out for this w/zombie ticket sellers; someone in a coffin taking tickets; and nurse ushers.  Now that was fun.


Poltergeist - Amazingly scary when you think about the setting and the idea of a normal family who finds themeselves in that situation.
I still love to watch my mom's favorite movie - The Uninvited.  But, my favorite scary movie of all time and the one that still gives me chills - the original The Haunting.  Shirley Jackson was a genius; perfect story, perfect cast, and it's in black and white.

By the way, any chance for an appearance at a booksigning at TRF on Pirate Weekend?  I'd love to ahve you ladies (Rani and Taffy) sitting at a table, pen in hand, to sign books . . . ?
"It's not the gold that sets our sails, 'tis freedom and the promise of a better life that raises our black flags."

Rani Zemirah

Oh, darn... I'll only be able to get down there for All Hallow's Eve this year.  It's quite a trek for me, and I just don't have the funds to make it more than one weekend a year.  Sorry...  Maybe Taffy can make it, though.
Rani - Fire Goddess

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