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Started by Captain Jack Wolfe, May 12, 2008, 07:16:06 PM

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The El Lobo stretched and yawned as she pulled in close to the docks.
"Oy! You wantin' to be docking at a pier!?"
Briggs glared at the Harbor Master that had swaggered on board and was now guiding them slowly in.
"Of course, where else would we dock?!"
Briggs had done this for years, he knew what these Harbor-types were after. More money.
He fingered his dagger and then thought against it, best leave this Port as unnoticed as possible.
He internally smirked at that idea, 'not with this crew aboard'.

Briggs deliberately ignored the Harbor Master's loaded question and instead asked one of his own.
"Oy, How long's that wreck been in your bay?"
Briggs threw a hand carelessly over at the bedraggled Knight Hammer."
The Harbor Master watched as the ship docked smoothly against the pier before he replied.
"Don' rightly know if'n it is any of your business. But, to those who have the right means of getting information, I can easily be reached over at the end of this pier."

As the lines and such moored the ship up onto the Pier, the Harbor Master existed on the now placed gangplank.

"Welcome to Port."

Welsh Wench

"Welcome to Port."
Never had three words sounded so ominous. Almost as bad as the three words women hate to hear while making love--'Honey, I'm home.'

Wench stood there at the gunwale. Her hat's feathers, once perky, now reflected the depressed state the wearer of it felt. Her feathers drooped along with her spirit.
The entire crew of the Knight Hammer stood there in grave silence. Grave being the key word. They all looked like they were at a wake of a favorite uncle.
Wench took off her hat, and looked at the once proud ship she commanded for a short time. It was hard not to cry. Or put a bullet in the ship for a mercy killing.
Wench said, mostly to herself, "I think it can be fixed. I know it can. All it needs is new canvas and a new hull and a new main mast and a new---"
"It can't be fixed, Honour, " Jack stated matter-of-factly.
She turned on Jack. "Don't tell me it can't be fixed! I can do it! We all can do it. There is nothing that can't be fixed if you really want it bad enough."
Her words stung Jack.
"I see." He said quietly. "That is the way you feel then. You want your ship back."
She didn't even hear him. Her eyes never left the ship. An uncomfortable silence fell over the former crew as they watched the heartbreak that Wench was feeling and the rebuff she gave her husband.
Wench put on her hat again and squared her shoulders.
"I'm going over to the ship and assess the damage."
"I'll go with you, " Jack said.
The crew looked from Wench to Jack. She softened it a bit by saying, "My ship. I need to go over there by myself. Briggs? Put the gangplank over between the two ships."
"Don't do it, Briggs."

Briggs looked from Jack to Wench back to Jack again. He turned away from all of them and walked resolutely back to his cabin.
'I'm sorry, Jack, ' she whispered.
Briggs sighed. "Since the captain--one of 'em--is absentee from here, then I guess I obey the one that is left. But I don't like lettin' you over there by yourself. I insist someone go with you."
She shook her head. "I need a few minutes to assess the damage and take a quick inventory. Give me fifteen minutes, Josiah, and then send Brother Timothy over.
Brother? Is that alright with you?"
The monk nodded.

She put on her frock coat and sheathed her rapier. Without looking at any of them, she mounted the gangplank and walked towards the carcass of once was the grand lady known as the Knight Hammer.


She jumped off the gangplank and looked back at her crew. Martin stood there with a tear trickling down his cheek. That, of all things, broke Wench's heart more than anything. She gave them all a wave and disappeared into the ship.

The Knight Hammer had most of the copper and any other metals ripped off. The deck with her high heel indentations still marked the planks of teak.
'I'm glad Daemon isn't around to see this. He'd kill me.'
She made her way past the bloodstains on the side of the ship.
'Lord, Cade, I hope you are still alive. If only so I can kick your arse.'
A part of her was hoping the blood did not belong to Cade. A myriad of emotions overcame her. Was it that long ago that she lost her ship--and her heart--to Captain Cade Jennings? Not only did he take her ship, he took her dignity too. She felt so foolish.
'Jack was right. Cade was only after one--alright, make that two--things.'
She made her way to the captain's quarters. Amid all the things strewn around the floor, she spied a piece of lacy finery that was not hers.
"Bastard!" she yelled. Her voice echoed off the walls.  Bad enough he left her with no ship, it looked like he brought another woman on board the ship.
Her ship.
Her bed.

She picked up the lace with the point of her rapier and sliced through it.
'Oh, what a shame. Nice Venetian lace, too.'
She looked in her wine cellar. All the bottles of claret and merlot were gone.
'To be expected, I guess. This would be the second to go, besides any gold.'
She glanced over to the marble tub in the alcove. Dirt and leaves were piled in it.
'What the hell?'
And then she looked up. The skylight had been shattered and shards of glass lay in the tub.
She thought back to the marble tub and how she had teased Captain Daemon Vardus about it. How he came in one day when she was in the tub sipping champagne and eating strawberries dipped in chocolate....and how they both ended up wearing bubbles.

She tried not to cry as she looked at the desecration of her ship. She felt..violated.
And not just from what Cade had pulled. The fact that total strangers had dared step on her beloved ship and ravaged it.
But the tears started flowing down her face and she turned her face to the wall, her crooked arm catching her tears. Her body heaved with sobs.
When it was all spent, she wiped her face with her hands.  She had a mission and she needed to see if it was still there.

Wench lined up the second porthole with the boards in the floor. She put one foot in front of the other and counted off.
She dropped to her knees and took out her sgian dubh and inserted it into the upper right corner of the plank. She carefully pried it loose and put her hand into it.
Feeling around, she pulled up a sack of burlap tied with hemp.
She unfastened it and drew an object out.
There it was.
Gwydion's book of enchantments.

As she ran her fingers over the leather cover....
"What the HELL are you doing?"
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Captain Jack Wolfe

There it was.
Gwydion's book of enchantments.

As she ran her fingers over the leather cover....
"What the HELL are you doing?"

Honour turned to find herself looking down the double barrels of a pistol.  On the other end of it was a fat, slovenly fellow.  Horrid teeth, eyes yellowed from the first signs of jaundice, and a balding pate with long stringy hair that looked like his scalp was sliding off the back of his head.  If that were true, in a few years he'd have the warmest seat in the head.  At least the furriest.
"Explain yourself," he growled.
"I'm retrieving my diary," said Honour, clutching the book to herself.
"This is my ship.  Anything aboard is my property," said the fat man.
"YOUR ship?  Like hell!  I am the captain of the Knight Hammer!" Honour erupted.  She leaped to her feet, and the fat man's pistol slowly tracked back to her ample chest.
"This ship was abandoned.  A derelict.  Maritime law says I got salvage rights, and I mean to use them."
Honour gritted her teeth.  "This ship was stolen from me.  Therefore, any rights you think you have are null and void.  Now, get off my ship!!"
An oily grin spread across the fat man's face.  "You're forgetting something, sweet cakes.  I'm the one holding the pistol.  Makes it my ship.  And I think I'll add you to my list of things to salvage..."

The fat man's eyes went wide when he felt the cold edge of a cutlass against his neck.
"That would be a very, very bad idea, mate.  I'm sure I'd have a thing or two to say about it.  After she scratches your eyes out and feeds them to you," said Jack Wolfe.  "But to your credit, you breezed in and laid claim to this hulk sweet as you please.  A brilliant bit, that.  I might even call you a genius if I weren't in the room."
"Who are you?" demanded the fat man.
"My husband," said Honour.
"Her husband," said Jack in chorus.
"My horoscope said this would be a bad day for me," lamented the fat man.
"Horoscopes!  A poor man's divinator," said Jack.  "Guaranteed to steer you wrong under the best of circumstances."
"And what did mine say?" asked Honour.
Jack thought for a moment.  "Fabulous, with only a twenty percent chance of wretched.  Wouldn't want to ruin those boots, yeah?"
"I still have a sword against me neck," the fat man complained.
"Oh, come on," said Jack.  "With a body like that, you're used to being uncomfortable.  No sense whining about it now.  What's your name?"
"Simon.  Simon Temp--"
Jack smacked the side of Simon's head with his sword.  "That's enough!  Don't want to get too chummy, what with you about to leave and all.  Makes the goodbyes easier.  I hate tears."
"Who says I'm leaving?"
"She did.  Remember?  Don't tell me you weren't paying attention.  That's very impolite.  Now be a dear and hand over the gun.  Butt first, nothing cheeky.  Pardon the pun."
Simon carefully turned the gun over in his hand and held it up in the air.  Honour took it and regarded it admiringly.
"This is nice!" she said, looking at the ornate metal scroll work on its sides.  "I always wanted a double-wide."
"Double barrelled.  Never mind..."
"That pistol is mine, and I'll have it back at the end of this!" Simon protested.  "It's bad enough you're taking my ship, but---"
Jack smacked him with the sword again.
"OW!!  Stop doing that!"
"Quit your complaining, then," replied Jack.  He slapped Simon again.
"What was that for?!"
"Oh, I dunno.  Funsies?"

"Jack, no playing with the prisoner," Honour admonished lightly.  Jack couldn't mistake the smile that teased the corners of her mouth.
"What, not even a little?  I never get any fun."
"Excuse me!  That blade is sharp!" yelped Simon.
"That's it!" exclaimed Jack.  "I want a new prisoner.  This one snivels like a little girl."
Honour cocked her hip and mockingly gave Jack a stern look.  "No!  You get one a day.  No exceptions.  You'll have to make do with this one, no matter how much he fusses."
"All right.  Fine then," said Jack, grabbing Simon by the collar of his waistcoat.  "I'm getting rid of him.  He's starting to bore me."
"Getting rid of him?" asked Honour worriedly.
"Getting rid of me?  What do you mean?" demanded Simon.
"You'll find out," said Jack.  "Get walking.  Don't worry, love.  I'll be back in a moment.  Simon and I are going to discuss his exercise regimen."  He gave her a wink and a short nod to let her know he wasn't going to do anything rash.  She wasn't sure what he had in mind, but she trusted it was in their best interest.

Jack marched Simon up to the weather deck.  Once there, he gave the fat man a hard shove.  Simon spun around to find the cutlass inches from his face.
"Where is he?" demanded Jack coldly.
"Cade Jennings.  He's the one sailed this ship into port.  I want to know where he is, and smartly."
"I don't know who you're talking about."
"Oh, come on, fat boy!  A grand ship like this sails into port, and no one says anything about it?  Please!  This is a port town.  Gossip is king.  As information goes, places like this leak like a bad diaper."

"What the hell is he doin'?" said Briggs.
"I'm going over," said Brother Timothy.
Briggs put his hand on the monk's chest.  "Not yet, padre.  Let this play out.  Looks like Jack is interrogatin' this one."
"I won't stand by and be witness to murder."
Briggs turned to face Brother Timothy.  "That's not Jack's way.  Not any more, at least.  Honour saw to that.  Have a little faith, brother."

"I swear, I never heard of no Cade Whatsis!"
"Jennings.  Do you have a hearing problem?" asked Jack.
"I hear just fine!"
"Not by what I've observed."
"Are you going to insult me all night, or did you have something else in mind?"
"Cade.  Where is he?"
"I don't know!"
Jack stomped hard on the deck, his sword never moving.  Simon flinched hard, then backed away cowering.
"All right, all right!!  He came into port a couple weeks ago!  Spent money like water, claimed he'd found riches untold.  Had a couple of dogs with him.  Left them at one of the taverns with a serving wench.  Don't know which inn, but she's a gypsy.  Then he booked passage on another ship and left this one to be stripped.  Said he had no use for it any more.  But that's all I know!  I swear it!"
After a long pause, Jack exhaled.  "I believe you."
"You'll let me live?"
"Yeah, I'll let you live."
Simon broke into a grateful, greasy smile.  "Thank you!"
"But you can't stay."
"I what?"
Jack sheathed his sword and drew his pistol.  "I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry.  Over you go."
"What, you're going to make me swim for it?" asked Simon incredulously.
"Something like that.  It's only a couple hundred yards.  My Aunt Mildred's cat can do that.  Now, off you go."
"Ah!  Shoo!  No debate."

Simon rolled his eyes, then walked to the gunwale of the ship and stepped off.  He hit the cold water with a resounding splash.  And sank like a stone.
"Oh, bollocks," moaned Jack.
Simon's head bobbed back up.  "Help!" he hollered.  "I can't swim!"
"What, you're just remembering that now?  You're a sailor, you stupid sod!  How can you not swim?!"
"Never learned!" Simon sputtered.  "Help me!"
"Oh, shut it, you baby!" Jack yelled.  He found an empty crate with cork floats attached and threw it over the side.  "Grab on!  Then paddle your lumpy arse to shore."
Simon grabbed hold of the crate and gave Jack a rude gesture with his hand, then began flutter kicking his way to the docks.

"Fat lot of good you were," Jack complained.
"Mercy is a virtue," a solemn voice resonated behind him.  "You told me once you had no virtues left.  I'm glad you were wrong."
Jack turned to find Brother Timothy behind him.
"For once, I'm glad to see you, monk," smiled Jack.  "I trust you have business aboard this fine wreck of a ship?"
"I do indeed.  Where's Wench?  Still below?"
"I think so.  But you know how she wanders."
"That I do.  Ooh, butterfly!"
The two men laughed as they went below decks.  In the moonlight, a fat man could be seen paddling and sputtering and cursing his way toward the shore.

"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus


"Oh.. we are gonna be in so much trouble!"
Elinor whispered nervously from the shadowed alleyway.
Lilaney was on alert, they were not followed, but, that never seem to stop trouble from finding them.
"We'll be okay, just have to get back to the ship."
Elinor glanced out the alley and ducked back in.
"Why are we out here again?"
Lilaney searched the brightly lit street for any more potential trouble starters, the three at her feet were ominously quiet.
She nudged one just to be sure, yep, he was out for the count.
"Came to get our Captain's dog, remember? She needs to come home."
"Yeah, I remember that, and I remember the name of the person that has her, and the last known location. What I don't remember is how you planned on getting her, and then getting us back alive. Why we cannot ever port in a pleasant Sea Side Village with simple people and quiet living.."
"Because it would bore you to death?"
Elinor shrugged, but, nodded all the same.
Lilaney checked the street again, and seeing it as clear as possible, signaled Elinor, who casually stepped over the unconsious bodies and followed her back out onto the City streets.
"Now, back to what we were after.."


"Seriously Jack, do you think he'll be ok floating around like that?"
"It's none of my concern but at a guess as long as he doesn't cut himself on any of the coral nothing should bother him, but add a wee bit of blood to the equation and in these waters all bets are off."
"Nice of you to let him keep his shoes."

Jack sidestepped over looking directly up into the monk's face, "You're dam straight it was nice of me, that man held a pistol against my wife, he threatened the mother of my child, the woman I love and it was dam nice of me and very lucky for him that I just didn't slit his wrists and then throw him in the water just to make things interesting."
"Very nice indeed. I wonder where that came from?"
"I not sure either, I can tell you it wouldn't have happen a while back; someone must be rubbing off on me monk."

"By the way Friar, that fish bait you seem all so concerned about was making mentioned that there were some dogs left on shore, your Captain, my love,  feels one of those dogs may be yours."
"That's welcome news since judging by the silence Amber isn't on board anymore."
"Let's find Honour, coming?"

"I'll join you later, I want to check some things elsewhere first."

Leaving Jack behind Brother Timothy made his way down to the gun deck and toward midships. While viewing the Hammer from the bridge of the El Lobo something about that hole just behind old number four didn't feel right. A wise man once commented that "if in doubt look about," well in a few more feet Brother Timothy would be able to do exactly that.

The gun deck appeared to have been abandoned mid fight, the floor covered with the usual battle debris of broken swords, empty pistols and darkened sand. Sand most likely darkened by blood and powder, damage to the ship's wooden structure all started the story of what might have happen to the Knight Hammer, but then there was no conclusion, no final spinning of the tale, something was still missing.

It had nagged at the monk since he first step foot upon the Hammer, there was evidence of a fight, a battle, blood spilled, but no bodies. No sign of remains from the battle upon this deserted hulk. What had happen?

Midway through the gun deck, he reached his destination. The hole just by gun number four appeared on the surface to be just another blow taken by a ship amidst a battle. Yet, look at  the placement of the damage, look at the guns and their rigging, this hole was created by a cannonball shot not from the outside but from the inside of the ship. Was the ship boarded and the fight taken to the crew who used whatever was available, or was the fight lost before it started by betrayal within? Whichever, there were no answers on the gun deck, only more questions.

Before leaving the Knight Hammer he needed to check his berth. True he expected nothing to be left, but one never knew, perhaps the belongings of monk held no value to a pirate.

Then again, looking at the remains of his living quarters, perhaps even a monk held something of value. Anything he had left behind in the room was either gone or lay broken in one of the numerous piles across the floor. Carefully he turned the piles over with his foot, occasionally recognizing a piece of something or a torn remnant that remains like a lost memory. Finding nothing and walking out the doorspace his eyes caught a faint outline on the jam. Something new?

Someone has etched a figure into the wood, like a dog leaving his mark someone made their presence known, his eyes squinted to see the full details. What was that, his hand traced the figure to make sure, the figure had been seen before, and it was not the mark of a friend.

"Oh saints in heaven protect us, this is strange, time to get out of here."

"Badges? We don't need no stinkin badges!"

Elinor Hakebourne

"I'm beginning to think boredom would be nice..." Elinor muttered, following in Lil's stead as they roamed the port town in search of the dogs. They hadn't had much luck so far in finding their quarry, despite Lil's dogged (pardon the pun) determination. It had nearly reached noontime, the sun stretching high above them, when they heard barking off in the distance. Elinor and Lilaney glanced at each other. "Is that..." Elinor began, getting excited in spite of her fatigue.

"But where is it coming from?" Lil asked, squinting into the shops before her. "Some Sun-blocking clouds would be welcome right about now," She muttered.

"I think it's coming from over...there!" Elinor exclaimed, pointing.

"And what would you two lasses be about this morning?" Elinor and Lil heard from behind them. They whirled around in the opposite direction from where the barking was heard, and just in time to see a man who had sneaked up behind them unnoticed.

Blackjack Roberts

"And what would you two lasses be about this morning?" Elinor and Lil heard from behind them. They whirled around in the opposite direction from where the barking was heard, and just in time to see a man who had sneaked up behind them unnoticed.

"Damn your eyes, Roberts!" Lil laughed half nervously as she slid the throwing dagger in her hand back into it's sheath. "You keep mucking about like that and your sure to get yourself shot one fine day."

Blackjack grinned and tapped the mouth of the half empty rum bottle to his left temple. "Have been, Luv. Several times as a matter of fact. Still and all, old habits die hard and with the number of malcontents about I've found a light step to come in quite handy from time to time. True this be no Isle of Traitors, but all ports harbor pirates of one sort or another. Take us for example."

"Light stagger would be more like it." Elinor sniggered. "And at the rate your going it's soon to be a light crawl."

"Point taken, Luv." Blackjack downed the remainder of the amber liquid and tossed the empty bottle into a near by rubbish heap. "I'll not have another drop until we find a suitable tavern. Since the object of our little hunt be in no condition for salvage, save for what the captains and the monk went looking for, I thought it would be far more interesting to join the two 'a ye. With yer kind permission, of course."

Roberts had looked off for a moment in the direction of the harbor before turning back to his two shipmates. "I've actually little desire ta be sitt'n about  on me bum and drinkin' meself half blind. So, if'n ye don't mind my asking again. Just what are ye two about this morn?"


Elinor was glad to see a friendly, if not tipsy, face.
"We are going to go get Amber and Muir! Our Captain said that if they weren't on the ship, they'd be on the land."
Lilaney jumped in "And seeing as the Captains are still absent, me and Elinor assumed that they hadn't found the dogs on.. " she paused for a second as her old ship flashed through her mind, "on the other ship, cause if we know our Captain, she'd a brought'em back immediatley."
"So!" Elinor scanned the street quickly and finished up "We are here, in town, headed towards a place where we think the dogs might be."
Blackjack raised an eyebrow. "Think?"
Elinor nodded "Captain has friends everywhere" Blackjack remained blessedly silent at that remark.
"And according to what she has told me in the past and what my record books says. There is a person on this Island name Athena and she would be the most trusted to talk with about the dogs.
And! Cause she is a woman, she will probably have the dogs."
"I trust Elinor's judgement on things involving previous conversations, her mind is a steel trap with names and locations. If you'd like to join our mission, then by all means, we could and probably need to use the help!"
The trio made there way inward on the main road, with the docks at their backs, the smells around them went from being fish and salt-tinged to beer soaked with each passing step.
"Elinor? Where did you hear the dog barking coming from?"
Elinor scanned the area, and pointed towards a road off in the distance.
"From other there somewhere, I think"
"Aye, with the wind blowing towards us, that would be the best summation."
Lilaney nodded at Blackjack's words and scanned the area. It was a Tavern.
"Well, your books said Athena worked at a Tavern. Let's go."

They made short work on their trek and were soon seated in the great room of the establishment with the sign of a scruffy dog.
"Place seems appropriate for this mission" Black Jack said Mildly.
"Psst! Elinor! Hear that?"
Elinor listened as she watched a serving boy fill their mugs. Her eye's lit up.
"'Scuse. But, be there dogs here?"
Lilaney watched the serving boy carefully filling each mug, trying not to spill. He couldn't be much older than 8 or so.
"Oh, Aye, plenty o' dogs. Two great big ones what help me cart stuff. Need ye sumthin' carted?"
Lilaney thought fast.
"Oh aye, we do lad and ye look ta be grand fit for the task. May I see the dogs?"
No man or boy was averse to flattery, and this young one looked slightly starved for attention.
He sat the pitcher down on the table with a thump and motioned for Lil to follow.
"Best set a dogs we ever had! Glad the Madame brought'em here. Good workers both!"
Lil and the young boy trailed off out the back door of the great room.
Elinor sat straight and watched the door, eagerly hoping that returning with Lil would be the Captain's dog.
BlackJack scanned the room and eased the pitcher of beer closer to his own mug.
It wasn't ten minutes and Lil hurriedly returned to the table looking pleased and somewhat befuddled.
"So! Is it them!?"
Elinor was excited to think that it was this easy to retrieve Amber and Muir. Her luck felt like it was changing for the good.
"Oh Aye, it is Amber and Muir and a whole herd of dogs that look just like them! This place breeds dogs!"
Lil drained her mug with one long pull.
"Yes, and the two 'Big Dogs' Edmund was talking about were not Amber and Muir. I told him I'd have to get things organized before I could promise him the work. Gave'em a penny for the tour anyways."
Elinor frowned and she thought.
"Think we could buy them back?"
Lil shrugged "I didn't ask, seemed a bit eager to do something like that. I did, though, ask to talk to his boss. He said no names and I didn't ask for one. Said he'd send her along when he found her."
"So now ladies we wait and watch. Who's up for more?"
Black Jack cheerfully refilled Lil's mug and the three sat waiting for the next move.

Welsh Wench

She turned to see Jack standing in the doorway, leaning on the doorjamb.
She sighed. "This is going to take alot of scrubbing to clean it up."
"You're considering it?"
She shook her head. "Do you believe in karma, Jack?"
He shrugged. "I've seen alot of things in my life. But one thing I am certain of. What was it you always said to me? Oh, yes---'paybacks are deadly.' Family motto as I recall. In the end, we reap what we sow. And Cade will get his."

Wench tried to fight off the tears. It wouldn't do to show any weakness in front of Jack. She picked up a merlot bottle and upended it. A small drop landed on the marble.
"I really should clean it up. You know how red wine can stain...."
Jack caught her hand by the wrist.
"Honour?" he said softly. "Let it go. Let the Knight Hammer go."

She looked at him and suddenly the enormity of his words flooded over her. She collapsed in his arms, the sobs coming from deep within from the pent-up emotions.
All Jack could do is let her cry until her tears were spent. He held her gently, smoothing her hair and making comforting sounds, slightly rocking her back and forth as he would a young child.
"I--I think I am being punished for alot of things. Daemon....Cade....what happened to Captain Ramzy in Tortuga.....the Spleen brothers...Or is it the Daniels twins?"
Jack tried not to laugh as he remembered the two ships that this one petite woman laid in Davy Jones locker.

He held her by the arms and looked into her eyes. "You aren't being punished so get that right out of your head.  If you were, this would have happened while you were the acting captain. Think of it as closure."
"But, Jack, it represents freedom to me."
"It surely does."
She raised her eyebrow. "I didn't expect you to agree with me."
He gave her a smile. "What happened here gives you the freedom to choose to be with me. With El Lobo's crew. You can choose to continue on with us or you can book passage back to Wales. But I warn you, I shall be right behind. I have my flesh and blood to meet. So, Honour, the choice is yours. The devil you know or the devil you don't."
She nodded. "I see your point."
"There's one other."
"What's that?"
"The Spleen twins--or is the Daniels brothers?--just may book passage on the same ship. And then you have some 'splainin' to do, Lucy!"

They walked up to the quarterdeck. Jack pulled out a bottle from his justacorp.
"Here. It helps. Immensely."
She took a swig and coughed. "What IS that?"
"Something I picked up at Le Ville du Traitre. Some Spanish liqueur."
"Well, it's awful!"
He put it away and she held her hand out.
"Not so fast, Jack!"
He laughed and handed it back as she took another deep swallow.
"So..what is next? And please don't tell me you want that marble tub installed in our---"
She shot him a look.
"--MY cabin."

She stood up and looked over to the port.
"Over there is my friend Athena. She owns a tavern called Le Cur."
Jack laughed. "You mean 'Liqueur'."
"No, I mean 'le cur' as in a mongrel. She loves dogs. And taverns. Her sign boasts a grizzled dog in a ruffled collar. And a doublet."
Honour shrugged. "Don't ask me to explain. It's a private joke."
"And why are you telling me all this?"
"Because Cade knows that Athena is my best friend in this port. And I never fail to visit her. She has a tavern, yes. But in the back she has herbal home remedies and can give you charms and potions. Even read your fortune."
"Too bad she couldn't tell you this before Cade left your ship for desecration."
"Athena will only read palms if a coin crosses hers."
"So how does she fit into the equation?"
"She love dogs. And Cade knows she is my friend. Who else better to leave my Muir and Amber with than her? She has watched Muir in the past. And she spoils him to death. So...I head to Le Cur and I will find my Muir."

Jack took the bottle out of her hand. "Then I guess we go to see your gypsy friend to find the dog. Wonder if she will tell my fortune?"
Wench stood up.
"Jack, you don't need a fortune teller to find out if you will get lucky tonight."
"I don't?"
"No. I can tell you THAT fortune."
"Let's go find my puppy!"
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Captain Jack Wolfe

"Well, that matches what our waterlogged friend had to say.  Muir is with a gypsy girl at one of the taverns.  Has to be Athena," said Jack.
"Waterlogged?  Jack, what exactly did you do with Simon?" asked Honour.  "And I mean EXACTLY."
"I took him up on deck..."
"Yes?  I saw that part."
"And I asked him a few questions.  That's when he told me about the doggies and Athena."
"And I came back down here.  Shall we go?  Muir has to be missing his mummy!"
"Jack, where's Simon?"
"Um, gone."
Honour's patience was beginning to wane.  "Gone, as you put him in a boat and sent him on his way, gone?"
"He was on the water last I saw.  All except for the boat part."
"Jack, what did you do with him?!"
"I made him walk the plank.  Except there was no plank, so he went off like a sack of potatoes.  Only bigger."
"You threw him overboard??"
"What kind of animal do you take me for?  There was no throwing.  Not with his girth.  He walked off."

Honour crossed her arms and cocked a hip.  "I suppose you expect me to think he did this voluntarily?"
Jack gave her a sly smile.  "You know how persuasive I can be, love..."
Honour stomped her foot testily, and Jack's smile vanished.  "You forced him overboard?  To swim for it?"
"He didn't exactly swim at first.  More of a sinking. thrashing thing..."
He put his hands up as Honour's eyes went wide.
"I threw him a crate to hang on to!"
"So he's all right?  As in not dead?"
"Of course!"
"Jack, why the hell didn't you just say so?!"
"I thought you'd be upset if I told you straight out."
Honour took a deep breath and brandished a finger at him.  Jack piped up before she could speak.
"Honour, the man threatened you.  I let him off easy, if you want to know the truth.  If he had laid one hand on you, one finger, it would have been a very different, very immediate ending for him."
Honour blinked, and a smile teased her lips.  "Why, Jack.  You feel that protective of me?  That's almost sweet!"
"There's a lot more where that came from, lover," Jack began.
Honour quickly held her hand up to his face.  "Oi!  Cool off, pirate boy!  We're going to fetch my pup, remember?"
Jack gave a resigned sigh.  "Oh, that's right.  Muir, who's with... what's her name again?"
"Right.  Athena.  So, lead the way, darling!  Alons-y!"
Honour stopped dead and turned back to him.  "'Alons-y'?  Really?"
"Yeah!  It's French.  Means 'let's go'.  Why?"
"I know what it means," she laughed.  "Since when did you deign to say or do anything French?"
"Me?  I like the French just fine.  Love them in fact.  And God!  Do they know how to party!"
"I think you hit your head harder than anyone thought," said Honour warily.
"Why?  I feel perfectly fine."
"You're bonkers!  Even more than usual."
"Honour, I assure you, I'm perfectly all right.  Duckie said so.  To tell the truth, I haven't felt this good in a long time," assured Jack.  "He said it was a mild concussion. Certainly no worse than others I've had."  His face suddenly clouded.  "Hold on a moment..."
"What's wrong?" asked Honour worriedly.
"There's a banana in my pocket."
Jack pulled a healthy specimen of the yellow fruit from his trousers.  "Look at that!  How did it get there, I wonder?  And what did you think I was talking about?"
Honour shook her head.  "I rest my case..."
"Ooh!  We've got rum back on the Lobo!  Fancy a daiquiri, darling?  Though we're short on ice."
"Put the banana away and shift, would you?" Honour said, tapping her boot on the deck.  "But we need to make one stop before we get to the tavern."
"What for?" asked Jack.
"I need a butterfly net.  For you."
"And here I thought we were going to stop at the apothecary's for..."
"Shut up, Jack!"
"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus


"Briggs throw me my staff please."
"Do I look like a personal valet, or even a cruise director?" Yet while shouting at the monk the first mate of the Lobo did grab the tall wooden staff that was leaning against the railing in the corner of the bridge. Tossing it underhanded the staff spiraled down to Brother Timothy who caught it in mid-air with one hand.
In his mind Briggs thought those were pretty good hands for a holy man, there's more than meets the eye to this one.

"Bless you my friend, has the Captain gone ashore?"
"Aye, that they have, both Captain Jack and your lady left but a few minutes back."
Adjusting the bag hanging on his shoulder the monk made his way off the ship, a wave of his staff to the crew, "I'll try not to be too late my friends, but don't wait up."

When Brother Timothy took his first step on land Briggs asked "who has the watch tonight?"
A crew man standing by the wheel answered "Murphy."
"That's good, pass the word I want a team of four men on deck tonight, armed, and ready to head ashore at a moments notice."
"You expecting trouble Mr. Briggs?"
"Ha, I wouldn't wonder, look who's not us who needs a blessing. Just have those men ready."
"Badges? We don't need no stinkin badges!"


Lil was seeing two Blackjacks.
And she wasn't even staring at her cards anymore, they just wouldn't come into focus no matter how hard she tried to make them out.

Elinor giggled and shifted in her seat.
"Luv, you have possibly thee worst poker face I have ever seen."
Elinor looked blankly at Blackjack
"What do you mean? I can't be happy about getting two red Queens and three red Jerks?"
BlackJack flung his cards on the tables and sighed heavily.
"Jerks is right. I fold, and Elinor, they're called Jacks."

Elinor nodded and stared at her cards again.
"Oh, right; Jacks. Now, they're worth more than One cards right?"
Blackjack stared at Elinor and puzzled about her meaning.
"One cards?"
Elinor pulled an Ace from her hand and waved it around.
"Yes! One cards."
Lilaney sighed and tried to catch one of Elinor's left hands as the Ace flew merrily around.
"Elinor, thas' an Ace! Them's the ones you want. Not Jerks."
Elinor reminded her friend; who seemed to be sinking lower and lower to the table.

BlackJack was staring hard at Lilaney as Elinor laid down her plum hand and took the loot from the center of the table.
"I will let this hand slide this time, even though I did notice that Elinor, you had one card more than you are suppose to for a five-card game, but, Lil if you slide anymore you'll be on the deck. Need some help luv?"

Elinor was confused how did she end up with six cards?
"Prolly got it from my cards, I only had four cards last time I picked up me hand."
Lil waved her hand around in front of her face.
Everything looked watery. Like staring through leaded glass; everything bended and shifted as it got nearer or farther away.
"Lil? You alright? You look a little, um, tipsy" Elinor whispered the last word.
"Nope! I am a lot Tipsy!" Lil tried to whisper back, but, to Blackjack's ears the whole room heard her.

Lil pushed abruptly away from the table. Her mind made up.
"Well, I um back for the ship. You two should be al' righ' without me to sit. When you get th' doggies back, let Ca'pin' know."
Elinor stood to help steady her friend. If anything she was going to help her back to the boat.
Blackjack remained calmly seated as he spied someone entering the door of the establishment.
Seeing as the lady's backs were to the gentleman coming up to the table.
If Blackjack had a bet on right now, Lil would sober up quicker than you could say 'Jack catch'.

"Elinor, if you wish to wait here I will take charge of Lilaney and you have my promise that she'll make it safely back to the ship."
The calm baritone voice broke through the fuzzy haze that had encircled Lil's brain. In fact, she was starting to not feel so good as warm arms wrapped firmly around her shoulders.
Lil saw Elinor's grin, it looked all too knowing as she nodded and sat back down again.

Lil was sure who it was, but, she wasn't going to look up at his face and confirm her awful suspicions as she was guided out the front door of the tavern. She was certain she was going to be sick, and at about that time, in her small world the whole place went dark.

Elinor sat back down as Dr. Gander guided Lil out the front door; from their vantage point, Blackjack and Elinor saw Lil pass out and the good Dr. easily pick her up and carry her further down the path.

Blackjack began to gather the cards, when Elinor stopped him.
"Now, which one is it that is worth more? A full house, or three pairs?"
Blackjack, shook his head and began dealing again.

If one good thing could come out of this, it was that Elinor would learn the difference between a Jerk and a One Card.


It was a matter of willpower but in the end he resisted the urge to kneel down and kiss the solid ground. His travels as a brother combined with those from his life before entering the Order of Saint Brendan made him no stranger to ships and seas, yet he would never feel as safe on the moving deck as he did on terra firma. He supposed it was a matter of control, he didn't care to lose it either in himself or his world. Some would suggest that explained his profession as a monk, then again he spent so little time amongst his brothers in the Abbey it would be an unreliable argument.

But now here was a familiar sight, a port village with everything that goes with it. A familiar smell was in the air, aromas of food, drink, and whatever else money could buy. As he slowly walked along he used his smile and the occasional blessing or movement of the hand to reinforce the image of the gentle friar. Yet in reality that movement of the hands, the turning about to offer a blessing to a child or an older woman were coordinated and planned so that whatever came into his field of vision, and everything did, was seen and noted.

The monk was looking for information and soon found what he knew to be a very reliable source. Every town had them, every town ignored them and so these fonts of knowledge were able to travel amongst the rich and the poor across caste lines where normal towns people could not.

Pulling a coin from his satchel and concealing it within his palm the monk crossed over to a man sitting within a door frame, a cup sitting upon the ground where his legs should have been.

"Blessings Leghorn and here's a coin for when the blessings don't ease the ache or fill the stomach."
"Badges? We don't need no stinkin badges!"

Blackjack Roberts

"Now, Luv," Blackjack grinned roguishly as he held up an Ace, "in poker this be the highest rank 'a card."

"How can that be?" Elinor swayed slightly and squinted at the card. "The jerk has a sword, and everyone knows a one is less than two."

Jack sighed. How he had lost nearly every hand was as much a mystery to him as card ranking was to the tipsy scribe. He had seen beginner's luck in play before, but never to such an extent. Still, there was little reason to worry. Rubin's placing of one of the several caches he had stashed in several ports made the amount of gold he had lost to his friends negligible.

While being hunted by Malcolm he had the foresight to hide percentages of his plunder shares in various haunts across the globe. One never knew when one's life could depend on how full your pockets were at the time.

"I believe it has something to do with the French game of Tarot, Luv." He explained. "The original game had 22 trump cards and 56 regular cards divided into four suits. In that game since the Ace, or one, was the first card of the suit it was treated as special."

"Like a firstborn child!" Elinor squealed with inebriated understanding.

"Exactly!" Roberts snapped his fingers. "Now later they removed the trump cards, and combined the knight and page cards to make a jack. That way the deck was easier to handle, and games other than Tarot could be played."

"Do they still play Tay-row?" Elinor interrupted. "It sounds easier to remember than poker."

" 'Fraid not, Luv. 'Bout all those cards are used for now is fortune telling."

"Oooooooo! Can you tell fortunes with these cards, Jack?! Can you tell my fortune?!!"

Blackjack cocked one eyebrow. "I don't need cards fer that, 'Lil sister. Any more rum and it will be the same as Lilaney."

"Oh, no! I'll not be carried back to the ship!" Elinor frowned in defiance. "I can walk on my own! Besides we have to wait here for Athena, so we can bring back Wench's puppy."

"Aye." Jack sighed. "That we do, Luv." Secretly he hoped that Athena wouldn't be much longer. For one he had no idea what the woman looked like, for another Elinor was now at the stage of feeling ten foot tall and cannon proof.

Thankfully the tavern door opened and the two captains of the Lobo strode in.

Elinor Hakebourne

"Ooooh, look, it's the Captains!" Elinor squealed, her cheeks flushed as she clapped in happiness at the sight of Captains Wolfe and Wench. "Look, Blackjack, it's the Captains!" She whispered loudly to her companion, attempting but failing miserably at keeping her conversation secret.

"I can see that, luv," Blackjack answered, taking his eyes off the two figures that just entered and glancing back towards her, a smile on his face. They must be looking for Athena and the dog as well, Blackjack surmised. Good, they can take care of that business and I can get this lass back to the ship. "Captains!" He called, gesturing over to Captain Wolfe and Wench. "Let me guess, you're on the trail of the same dog we are, am I right?"

"What're you looking--" Wench began, then saw the state of her young scribe.

"Wenchie!" Elinor cried, brimming with alcohol-infused happiness. "We're on the case, the case is what we're on...we're waiting for Athena, to get your dog back!" She announced proudly.

"So you're looking for--"Wench began again, only to be interrupted by Elinor once more.

"Dogs are so nice. I especially like Wenchie's dog, don't you, Blackjack?" Elinor asked, rapidly turning back to Blackjack, looking expectantly at him for an answer.

"That I do, luv, that I do," Blackjack muttered, the grin never leaving his face. "Since you've gone ashore too, Captains, I'll be leavin' you to your business, as I think this lass needs leadin' back to the ship," He replied, giving Wench and Captain Wolfe a knowing look.

"I do NOT!" Elinor exclaimed. "I a proper...lady..." She stood up, and made to leave the table where she and Blackjack had been seated, when she spun around to face Blackjack and the two Captains once more. "Which way is the ship again?"