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Started by Captain Jack Wolfe, May 12, 2008, 07:16:06 PM

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Welsh Wench

Wench carefully turned her scribe around. "It's over that way, sweetie. You know, on the water."
"Oh! That's right." Elinor let out a giggle. "Where we left it, right?"
Jack reached out to steady Elinor as she started to sway his way. "I think you had better get this lass back to the ship."
Wench said, "Blackjack, will you please take her there and I am sure Lilaney will...where is she? Where is Lil?"
Elinor tried to focus her eyes on the door and pointed in the general direction.
"She's been swept off her feet."
"WHAT?" Both captains said in unison.
Elinor nodded vigorously and then stopped. "I think I sprung my neck."
"Sprained," BlackJack Roberts replied.
Feeling that Ellinor had enough to cope with, Wench asked BlackJack, "Where is LIlaney that she has been spirited away? And by whom? Do we know him? And where is he from? Who are his parents? What do they do for a living?"
Mad Jack took her by the arm and sat her down. "Good grief, Wench! You aren't her mother."
She jerked her arm away. "I am responsible for these women. So don't tell ME---"

Both Jack and Wench looked at BlackJack.
"Duckie?" Mad Jack asked.
BlackJack nodded, "He came here to Le Cur and offered to escort her back."
Elinor giggled again, "Only he picked her up and carried her on account of Lil had a hard time staying verigris--verily---vertable! That's the word!"
Wench whispered in a low voice to Jack, "I TOLD you that Duckie has the hots for Lilaney!"
Jack waved her observations away. "They are two grown people, Honour. Let them figure it out for themselves. Jack, will you take Elinor back to the ship? It seems Mrs Captain and I are on pooch patrol."
BlackJack put two fingers to his forehead in a salute. "Will do. Come on, princess. Let's get you tucked back into the ship."
As the door closed, Wench and Jack heard Elinor say, "If I bark, do you think Muir will come? Woof, woof!"
'Woof, woof' was heard fading down the lanes.

Mad Jack roared with laughter and Wench scowled at him.
"It's not funny!"
"Honour, I swear, your crew is a hoot!" He doubled over with laughter.
She pushed him down in a chair and stood there with her hands on her hips.
"You! SIT! I'll be right back."
"Woof, woof!"
"One more wise-crack, Jack Wolfe, and I will give you a choice."
"What is that?"
"You can sit there and beg or you can play dead."
She held her finger up as he opened his mouth and then he thought better of it.
"I'll be back in a minute."

"Tamas, is Athena here?"
The Romani behind the bar clapped his hand and exclaimed, "It is Rhiannon! You have come back to us!"
He leaped over the bar and kissed her on both cheeks. "Athena she will be so happy to see  you!"
Wench laughed. "And it is wonderful to see you, too. And where is my gypsy friend?"
Tamas wiped his hands on the towel around his waist. "Athena she will be back soon. She had to run a few errands and---"
"It's about time you came to visit me!"

Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Welsh Wench

Tamas and Wench turned around as Jack's head snapped around to see who spoke.
Wench ran up to her and gave her a big hug. "ATHENA!"
Athena laughed and returned her embrace. "It's been too long!"

Jack watched the two women laughing and talking a mile a minute.
Athena was dressed in very colourful clothing. Her skirt was made of silk and tiered in bright colours. She wore a shirt of bright fuscia and her hair was tied back with a yelllow scarf. Bangles and bracelets jingled up and down her arms. Large hoop earrings dangled from her ears. But what caught Jack's attention were her eyes.
They were the colour of warm, melted chocolate and danced with merriment as if she didn't have a care in the world. Her smile showed dimpled cheeks.
"I take it you are here to pick up Muir and his companion."
Wench clasped her hand to her chest. "OH, Thank God!"
Athena nodded, "Cade Jennings left the dogs with me. Said you would be here for them and he gave me coins to take care of them both. And he said to tell you he was sorry."
"Sorry. SORRY? And did he say for what he was sorry for?"
She shook her head no. "He said he'd be in touch with you when you got over whatever it was you were supposed to get over."
"That sorry sack of---"
Athena nodded at the table where Jack was sitting.
"And I take it that is the little one's father."
She walked over to Jack and extended her hand to him. "You just have to be the rotten no-good scoundrel."
Wench could feel her face blush. Jack took Athena's hand and said, "I guess I just have to be."
Athena threw her head back and laughed, "No one else wants to be! Oh, the names she called you!"
Jack raised his eyebrow. "Really!"

Wench could feel her face getting red.  She tried to change the subject.
"How has business been?"
Athena drew up three tankards of ale and sat them in front of Jack and took a seat across from him.  She pointed to a chair and Wench sat down. It was the first time Jack ever saw Wench take an order from anyone.
"It's been busy. Very busy! Being in the Spanish Main isn't too shabby. And I am an equal opportunity establishment. I don't care who they are as long as they have the coin of the realm in their hands."
She folded her arms across her chest and looked at Jack triumphantly.
"And I finally meet the great and infamous Captain Mad Jack Wolfe!"
Jack paused his tankard in mid-air.
"You heard of me? I mean, besides from--"
He waved his hand in Wench's direction. He could see she was beginning to pout. And he was loving every minute of it.
"Athena, please, if I can just get Muir---"
Athena smiled. "Everyone has heard of the antics of Mad Jack Wolfe! About the time you were visiting a friend here in port--was it Mr. Domingo?--and you both got drunk. He decided to show you the new cannon on his roof and when he lit it, you stumbled against it and it swung around and aimed right at the church and burned it to the ground!"
"My finest hour!" Jack grinned.
"And how is the baby?" Athena asked.
"You know about her?" Jack asked.
"Of course I do!"
"Athena, I really hate to break up this tea party but Muir has been gone---"
"I not only know of her, I saw her too!"
Jack looked from one to the other. "But how---"
Athena continued. "Rhiannon and I go way back. I grew up in Beaumaris, Wales. And we have been friends since we were seven. I remember when she first met Rh---"

Just then two bundles of fur hurled themselves through the door and Wench found herself on the floor looking up, her face wet with doggie kisses.
She could hardly hold her tears back.

Muir and Amber had come home.

Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....


The coin went from mid air to a bite of the mouth in a motion that belayed the old and ragged impression a quick glance would give the onlooker. The monk noted that while a bit pale and dirty, the beggar's torn shirt did not completely hide the fact that his arms were arms were muscular and without sores. This was not just an old sailor left at port or even a common street beggar, this was man who knew his business, and the monk hoped everyone else's as well.

"I know you brother." The man looked directly at the monk.

"I fear you are mistaken, but while my memory is not what it was, I do not believe my journeys have ever taken me down this path before. Perhaps you have mistaken me for another, after all, its the robes, we all look alike."

"No, it is you brother, I have heard your tale and know you well enough; you are the monk of the pirates, the brown robe who travels with the wolves and blows islands asunder. You preach of redemption to be found and never ending rum in heaven.  You are the navigator sent by Brendan seeking the ancient logs to the western lands and holy isles. You seek to save the blonde..."

"Cease and silentio! There are people about and at the rate you are going I would rather they not know the color of my undergarments." Smoothing his habit out of the way with his hand, Brother Timothy sat upon the ground beside the man.

In a softer voice he continued, "Now if you know of my search, and appear to know everything else short of my mother's maiden name that concerns me, perhaps you could just tell me where I may find Blessed Brendan's log. I'll collect it and head for home and be done with it."

"Ah brother, a learned monk such as yourself should know that things are never that easy. Your father's words you must seek on your own, I can not help you with that quest. But ignore my warning at your own peril, know that you are not alone on this island.
No, wipe the smile from your rolling eyes monk , I do not mean the people you see about you, I speak of a feeling, a voice on the wind, perhaps a shadow that is too dark in midday. Something has been here since your ship arrived in port."

"You think we brought something with us on the Lobo?"
"No, not the Wolf ship, the other one, the Knight Hammer. There is something amiss since that dammed ship dropped anchor. Collect what you need brother, gather your crew and get out. Do not stay in this port."

Standing to slap the dust from his habit, the old monk took up his staff and looked about trying to decide on a direction when he spotted a flash of blonde hair and boots turning into a tavern two blocks up the street.

Tossing another coin to the legless man, "Blessings on you this day my new friend, may our Father above keep you safe, I will consider your warning but now I believe I have some dogs to find."

Timothy had taken no more than three steps toward the tavern when he heard the man, "Safe travels son of nee McGuckin of Clan McCrack."

Shocked to hear his mother's name, wondering how this had been known, he turned to question, only to find the legless man vanished. "Curious, I wonder, don't say it boyo, let's just get to the tavern and then get safely back to the ship."

"Badges? We don't need no stinkin badges!"


The day was slowly moving West, soon it would be dark and those of the night would be about their deeds.
Ol'Jim watched as the fancy man carried the sleeping lady down towards the docks. He spat on the woods and tried to keep an eye on them. He could tell from their shoes they were sea types; and they had money.

He moved at an ambling pace, he knew they wouldn't move too fast. By the time they made dockside, it be dark enough, and that's how Ol'Jim liked it.
He fingered the knife's blade in his hand and grinned at his victim, it would be a smooth deal.
The gent's hands were full of gal, he wouldn't want it to get messy.
Lil was in a dream, she was warm and comfortable, there were no threats to her or her family, she didn't have to leave or face shame.
For once, she felt like it was all just a bad dream. And then there was coughing.
Lil stirred at the sound, and a small part of heart fell flat again, it was yet again a dream. This was real.
And reality was spinning, she was certain she was going to be sick.
"I don' feel so good.."
Duckie had watched Lil's face in the waning light. It had gone from a warm, sleepy content, to just the right shade of green.
"Well, then, I guess you should be still and soon you will be able to take care of that."
"Can you make the boat stop rockin' Duckie? It ain't helping."

Ol' Jim struck at that moment, knife flashing he came at them from the side.
"S'cuse me sir, can I have a moment of your time?"
The sick blade caught the orange light of dusk, Duckie raised an eyebrow, while Lil peaked out from the shoulder she had been hiding in.
"Na a good idea."  She whispered, she knew what was coming.
Ol' Jim glanced at Lil for a second and in that second, Duckie struck.

He smartly stood Lil up and balanced her with his right arm, and with the left slapped the blade away, kicked the tar square in the torso and frogged him. Ol' Jim toppled to the ground in stunned, gasping silence.
Duckie peered interestedly at the prone man on the ground, and then turned and smiled at Lil.
"Can it wait?"
Lil shook her head fiercely as she darted off down the nearest dark alley and was awfully sick.

Duckie waited paitently occasionally toeing the silent figure of Jim as he lay there.
His thoughts were light on the whole, as silence finally came from the alley.
After counting to sixty, he went in after her.

He found Lil passed out again, shaking his head sagely, he picked up her passed-out body.
"Poor Contessa" he murmured in her hair as he started heading back towards the ship.
Lil stirred as she began to smell tar and blearily spotted the boat, she moaned and shifted in his arms.
"No, no boats tonight. Somewhere, where it is still, please?"
Duckie nodded agreement, and changing course headed off along a different road, leaving the El Lobo to the coming night.

Blackjack Roberts

Blackjack pointed the French pistol to the sky and gently lowered the hammer before shoving the deadly instrument home in his wide belt. Not being encumbered with carrying an extra weight, and simply having to deal with the young scribe's listing to port, or starboard at unexpected times, they had soon come within sight of the Lobo's surgeon and his charge. As well as the dark figure set on following them.

As the former Highwayman expected the unknown figure proved to have ill intentions towards his two shipmates. He breathed a sigh of relief as Duckie handled the situation with practiced ease. Then waited to see if their assailant had any compatriots who had not yet revealed themselves.

"Hey! Ishn't that Lil 'n Ducksy down dere?" The inebriated Elinor said a tad loudly.

Roberts allowed himself a good natured scowl as he held one finger to his lips, then whispered. "Shhhhh! Aye, that it is little sister. But we don't want to be lettin' any what may be hidin' about know that. Now, do we?"

"Others?!!" Elinor drunkenly pulled her dagger, waving it about in lazy patterns in the air. "You jusht let 'em try 'n hurt my Lilly! I'll have thier gushts fer gartersh!"

Blackjack grinned and cocked one eyebrow. He didn't envy the headache the scribe would have in the morning, but he admired the stamina she had shown thus far. By all rights he should be having to carry her as well, yet the feisty scribe held to her unsteady feet with no sign of having to pray to the porcelain god, yet. Perhaps her recent encounter with the darker elements had an unexpected benefit.

"No need, Luv." Roberts nodded. "Looks like the sawbones has things well in hand. Lets go see what we can make of their new friend, shall we?"

"But...but. Their going the wrong way!" Elinor squinted at the backs of the rapidly vanishing duo.

"No worries there, Little sister." Jack offered his arm. "I'm sure Lil's in good hands."

"Or soon will be!" Elinor guffawed at her own joke.

Depositing Elinor on a near by barrel with instructions to keep a weather eye out he knelt down next to the prone figure and began to search the robber. One fairly well kept knife, a fairly fat leather purse with twelve gold pieces of eight, seven silver pieces, and a fair amount of copper. At least the man was somewhat successful at the trade, Jack gave him that. No style though. One second grade pistol that Roberts wouldn't trust on a bet. He tossed it into a rubbish heap after blowing the charge out of the pan.

Fairly certain he had stripped the unfortunate 'Ol Jim of anything of value, Roberts slipped the purse into his shirt. At least it would cover most of his losses this evening. He began to stand up when he noticed the leather cord about the man's neck. Perhaps a silver St. Christopher's medal, or a gold cross? Well, every little bit helped. Jack tore open the rest of the filthy garment and froze. Grabbing the cord he ripped the trinket free with enough force that it jerked the unconscious man upward, smacking his head on the ground with just enough force to pull him back to the world of the living.

"Ohhhhh! Me poor head!" 'Ol Jim grimaced holding one hand to the back of his aching skull. Suddenly he found himself jerked roughly skyward and slowly opened his eyes to find his face scant inches from the scowling countenance of an enraged pirate.

"Where did you come by this?!" The buccaneer hissed holding his cord with the red coral rose dangling at the end in front of his bleary eyes. Jim instinctively fumbled for his weapons, only to be slammed back into the unyielding earth with enough force to drive the air from his lungs. In a flash he found himself pinned beneath the pirate's knee on his chest, and his own knife pressed solidly to his throat.

"I'll not ask you a second time, Man!" Jack growled in fury, all traces of pirate speech driven from his voice. "How came you by this?!"

'Ol Jim stammered as his aching mind struggled to find a plausible lie. Blackjack nodded to Elinor who sat watching the spectacle unfold with growing interest, her forgotten blade dangling from the hand resting across her knee.

"See that lass over there?!" Jack grinned with the purest evil he could conjure forth. "You tried to rob her friends. Answer me, or I'll allow her to exact her vengeance on you. She is deep into her cups, so I've no doubt she will surely bugger the job." Roberts leaned closer. "I've also no doubt she will enjoy every drunken moment. Now, for the last time. Where did you get this?!"

Picking up on Blackjack's lead Elinor tried to smile as wickedly as she could, and fingered the edge of her remembered dagger. Her slight swaying on the barrel perch was all the encouragement the failed thief needed.

"I-I stole it, Mate!" He quickly stammered. "Were a group what came through here 'bout two months gone now! Lookin' fer someone they was! Had a woman with 'em. She dropped that bit 'o shine at a tavern an' I made off wit' it a'fore any spotted me! I swear it be th' truth!"

"If I find you've been telling me porkies, Mate!" Blackjack threatened.

'Ol Jim's hands flew up in supplication. "Tis God's own truth, Mate!! I don't even think she noticed that it had fell! She seemed right upset about somthin' else at the time."

Blackjack drew his fist back and struck the hapless robber in the temple before standing. "Come on, Luv. Lets get you back aboard."

"What was all that about, Jack?" Elinor whispered as she hooked one arm through his offered one.

Blackjack looked at his young charge as he added the trinket to the swag currently occupying his shirt. "Nothing of consequence, Little sister. Perhaps I'm mistaken. Anyway, we need to get you back aboard ship. Captain's orders."

"Aye." Elinor smiled. "At least Wenchie will have her puppies back. Hmmmmm? Maybe one last try? Woof! Woof!"

Martin Montgomery

 After setting the Taylor Brothers on the task of putting together a decent meal from the remaining provisions in the Lobo's larder. Martin had put on a huge cauldron of water telling the younger men that they were about to start a batch of stew. Tim Taylor sorted the pitiful few vegetables that were on hand and trimmed the hard rinds off of the last of the salted beef,putting them in the pot to soften them up. His brother Tom was put to work mixing dough for loves of fresh bread,since the last of the ship's biscuit had gone so stale that a single piece would last a man all day! The big cook had hailed a passing poultry hawker who had shouted to him the availability of fresh roasting hens. Martin had tossed the man a small sack filled with silver pennies,after haggling for several minutes,paying more than the hens were worth but securing the promise of quick delivery as soon as they could be killed,plucked and cleaned. The fresh meat would be a welcome change from the rations of salt beef,pork and ship's biscuit and would help to fill the bellies of the "Lobo's" crewmen. After that he returned to his bunk area,off the galley proper,the big man once more readied himself for a trip ashore. His mind whirling with the memories of the LAST trip ashore with members of his current crew,to a Pirate held port away from the "safety" of the "Lobo's" decks! Buckling his heavy belt around his waist he drew his long knife checked the blades edge with a calloused thumb then returned it to it's sheath. Opening a seachest from , Martin drew forth the padded box containing his cherished French dueling pistols,checking to make sure that they were properly loaded took a matter of seconds and then they too were added to the belt around his portly form. Deciding that his leg felt good enough to walk without extra support,he left his long walking staff standing in the corner. Making his way down the narrow passageway to the main stairs leading to the deck,Martin took the stairs two at a time. Crossing the main hatch's threshold he felt the warmth of the sun,which was already high in the clear sky,on his face. Raising a ham-sized hand to shield his eyes,Martin noticed the ant-like pace of large men,stevedores,working to unload the hold of a true merchantman. The ship's mast's seemed to reach for the sky above and dozens of crews labored to get the many exotic,strange and Costly items into the presumed safety of a merchant's warehouse! Ingenius implements like a windlass and block and tackles were being used to facilite unloading the weighty prizes from the huge ship's holds. Striding down the "Lobo's gangplank he noticed that thanks to the efforts of the good Doctors Ducky and Lilaney,he felt little pain from his healing wound.Wondering aloud "I do hope that the crew stays on their BEST behavior while here,I don't know if I can take another wild escape!" Even as he uttered the words a single dark cloud passed between the Sun and Earth....Muttering darkly to himself,Martin vowed to get the needed supplies on board BEFORE the inevitable happened!!
Half the man I used to be!! 
Member of Culloden Moor


Walking slowly up the street the monk casually looked about taking in the details of the people and the shops. This close to the docks there were the usual stores and shops. A few were in the business of restocking the ships with fresh supplies. But it couldn't escape notice that the majority were in the business of taking everything of value from the visiting seaman. The earnings from six months before the mast would soon be traded for a smile from a pretty face, a bottle of rum and a dirty bed shared with, well let's just say not the owner of that pretty smile.

As he moved further from the docks the quality of the establishments improved as did the patrons. The crowd upon the street leaned toward more experienced hands, officers and even the occasional ship's Captain. These were taverns where information as well as drinks could be had, deals made and for the right price just about anything or anyone could be found. The Captains Wolf had gone into the tavern just ahead.

His step to follow them was brought up short by a nagging in the back of his head that something just wasn't right. What? Something was different, something he must have noticed without realizing, something he couldn't put his finger upon.

There was a empty lot just across and up from the tavern now containing the Captains. Moving for a closer look, Timothy gathered that the lot's former occupant was now the pile of charred timbers decomposing upon the ground.

"If you are going to rebuild it, you'll need more than God's grace." Following the sound of the voice the Brother watched a man step out of the shadows and approach.
"Rebuild it, I'm not even sure what it was?"
"It's a church of course, at least it was until it burned down, besides what would a priest rebuild other than a church?"

"Well actually we build many things in addition to churches; there are schools, convents, monasteries, places of healing, all manner of..."
"But this was a church, and here you are new to town; you probably have a money purse full of silver from Rome, here's a great location for a church, you need to rebuild it."

"Forgive my ignorance, my name is Brother Timothy and I am new here, does the town need a new church? Didn't you build another after the fire?  Or perhaps you are a wealthy patron willing to support such a project?"

"A patron, hell, you could say I'm a patron of my own ways and means. My name is Senor Domingo and I own that lot; when the building accidently burned down I helped the old priest by buying the lot. But the fair market value of an empty lot didn't leave enough to rebuild so he left for another island."

"You would be willing to sell me the lot at this same fair market value?"
"Well of course, but keep in mind there would have to be a small additional amount to cover my expenses. You wouldn't fault a man for making a living?"

"No, I wouldn't fault you, but I'm not the one you should be concerned about. For now I'll just say 'Bless you my son, may you reap the full profit you so justly deserve.' " Leaving Senor Domingo searching for a response, turning about the brown robe monk retraced his steps toward the tavern and the Captains.

Stepping through the tavern's doorway he stopped and loudly dropped the end of his staff upon the floor.
"Where's my wee black doggy?"

"Badges? We don't need no stinkin badges!"

Welsh Wench

"Stop! Stop, you two!"
Wench was torn between laughing and crying.  The dogs were alternating between Jack and Wench, then running to Athena and back again.
Wench sat up and hugged Amber. Muir tried to climb on Jack's lap.
"Let me get them something to occupy their time and their mouths," Athena said.
She filled pewter bowls with lamb stew. The dogs immediately abandoned their objects of affection and shoved their muzzles into the bowls.

Wench dipped a towel in Jack's tankard of ale and wiped her hands.
"Hey! I was drinking that!"
"No one said you couldn't, Jack. I've seen you eat oysters."
"Bu it had dog spit in it!"
"OK OK...."
Wench got up and went behind the bar, bringing Jack a fresh tankard.

"So, Athena, how long have Muir and Amber been with you?"
"About a month. Cade dropped them off. He said you would be by in about a month for them. And he was right. He said he had inside information as to when you would be along."
"Now how....?" Jack started. But Athena and Wench were already catching up on all the latest gossip about their friends....and not so friends.

"Athena, how is Nicolette?"
"Oh, she found her soulmate and is into a happy ever after."
"Anyone I know?"
"Remember that sweet-souled cobbler over on Willow Lane?"
"The one who makes those boots with the heel I would kill for?"
"The very same!"
"She hit a goldmine there! Romance AND boots to die for!"
"I'm very happy for her. I'd like to see her when I am in town."
Jack yawned, "We won't be in town that long."
"Jack, a few days won't be the end of the world."
Athena leaned forward, "And remember that crazy lady that used to wander the lanes?"
"You mean the one with that awful flowered hat?"
"That's the one. They finally had to send her to Bedlam."
"I thought there was an air of serenity in port!"
"Oh, and Lady Renee? She and Sir Stephen are in Scotland, visiting his family. Should be back in September."
"What of that woman with the fancy clothes? The one who always drank her tea with her pinkie finger out?"
Wench made a mockery of her demonstration. Jack rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"The one with the airs? Heard she went back to claim her inheritance. All she ended up with was five shillings and a peat bog!"
Wench and Athena started laughing. Wench said mirthfully, "Not even enough to buy a new hat! Serves her right!"

The more they exchanged information about the townsfolk, the more they dissolved into laughter. And the more Jack wished he could exchange his ale for whiskey.  He was feeling the onset of a headache.
"So, Athena--why Le Cur?"
She laughed heartily. "Really nothing sinister. It just came to me one day. A play on words! Li-quor...Le Cur!"

Wench asked about a few people.
"And what of that French lapdog who hung around that couple who put on airs?"
"The one that claimed his estate was the best even though he was a Frenchman on English soil? He disappeared into oblivion. Think he went back to France."
"GAWD, he was SO simpering!"

The more they talked, the more they laughed as they caught up on all the news. Jack's only consolation was the fine Irish whiskey that Athena kept pouring for him.
Suddenly the door swung open and a voice boomed, "Where's my wee black doggy?"
The dogs leaped over Jack's whiskey, barely clearing the table as Amber just about jumped out of her doggy-hair, her tongue just about dragging on the floor. With a leap, she jumped into the monk's arms.

Wench looked up at the unmitigated joy on Brother Timothy's face, coupled with the tear that threatened to spill over down his cheek. She almost burst out crying herself.

The pups had come home, Wench had Jack idling in neutral ready to do anything she asked..well, just about since everything came with a price.

Ah, life was good in Wench's world!
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....


The morning stretched across the hills and valleys of the small tropical Island.
the light, bright and new, cast itself wherever shadows fled.

A Crisp, brisk and ready sea breeze woke the slumbering port to the
new day.
The Crew of the El Lobo stretched and yawned.
for once, the night had been peaceful.
"Eh, think'll be leaving today?"
"Ah, no, nun them back, and Capt' gone too. Canna leave with out'em."
The sailor nodded balefully, and looked across the turquoise waters.
"It be a beautiful day fer sailin', wish'un they'd be rattlin' their dags. Wanna get 'ome and see me gal."
The other sailer cast a keen eye at his mate.
"And where'un be this gal?"
The sailer looked at his friend a bright smile flashed.

Over on a quieter side of the Island, there was no sounds of the Sea.
A bird trilled and called merrily outside a small cottage window.
Lil cracked one eye and stared ominously at the little fellow.
"If you knew the pain you were causing right now, I'd kill you where you stand. But, seeing as you are simply greeting the day. You shall live to see tomorrow."

A soft, deep chuckle vibrated the bedding under Lil, who's eyes flew open at the sound.
Sitting straight up in bed, she looked to her right and a flash of pain hit her square in the head.
Falling back against the pillows, she let the hangover consume her embarrassment.
Eyes squeezed shut, Lil felt the weight next to her shift as he rolled over, propped his head on one arm and surveyed her.
She could feel his eyes on her.
And for once in her life, she was not as mortified as she could have been.
"Feeling better?"
The pitiful moan in reply illicited  another deep chuckle as he slid out of bed.

Lil felt his weight disappear and when there was no sound for what she felt was too long a time, she dared crack an eye to view an empty room.
Pleasant, clean and small, the cottage room had a few windows and one door that was open to a small garden.
Lil dared not sit up again, so she laid in the silence and waited.

Soon, she felt someone sit on the edge of the bed.
A small cool hand came onto her forehead.
"Och now, shhh.. be still lass, I'll nay hurt yee. A troubled mind mixed with vile spirits will make even the strongest lad wail like a bairn. I have a possive for ye to take, when ye've a mind. Best be still till the pain goes. Or, ye'll make it worse."
The cool voice of the woman was soothing to Lil's rattled brain. She allowed the woman to assist her in sitting up and then drinking something that smelled like death, with a minty aftertaste.
"Now, if'n ye'll promise me ta never be drinkin' like a whale agin, I'll fix ye a fine meal in a few hours time."
Lil nodded at the small red headed woman.
She could have been 12, she could have been 50.
Lil had never met a lady that looked like this one, she was ageless.

Drake leaned casually on the doorjamb and observed the scene with a mild expression.
He knew this cottage and he knew the owner, it was fortune's hand that she was in port this season.
The red head helped Lil lay back down, after covering her with a light blanket, she closed the curtain over the window and came towards Drake, with a quick look at him that spoke volumes, Drake followed her out into the garden.

The small woman took a seat at a wicker table that was laid with a charming breakfast.
Drake sat down across from her, in his usual seat.
"Ah now, Duckie, where'd ye be findin' this one?"
The casual way the old gal made the comment made Drake laugh behind his teacup as she poured another cup for him.
"Amazingly enough, Maggie, she found me."
The little Irish woman cocked an eyebrow at him and resumed her meal.
Drake looked around at the set up, only she would ensure that all her possessions traveled with her.
"I see even the statues made the boat ride across."
Maggie sniffed and added some cream to a bowl and handed it to him, it would have fallen to the ground if he had not taken it.
"I like me comforts, young man, and soon it'll all be packed away again."
Drake sat the bowl down on the small table and looked curiously at her.
"You are headed home?"
Maggie looked at him, she had loved this man since he was a boy. Watching him grow in talent and looks warmed her heart, if she wasn't old enough to be his mother...
"Ach, aye, back to the Erie shores I be headed."
Drake sat back and was thinking, Maggie watched keenly as his faced went thoughtful, to stony, to thoughtful again. She was certain he was going to ask a favor.
She waved a petite hand at him.
"Think nothing of it, it makes perfect sense."
Drake looked at her hard, she knew this was something terribly important to him.
"You will take care of everything?"

Maggie stared back evenly.
"Have I ever let ye down before young Drake?"
Duckie smiled then, he knew all would be in good hands.
"Thanks Mags. You are a dear."
"Ye know I hate ta be called that! And if you were a bairn, I'd make ye mind!"
Duckie laughed then and stood up, kissing Maggie's hand he went to back to stand guard at the
door of the Cottage.
Maggie watched his back as he simply stood there.
"Ach, now, praised be and bless him for I think this time it would truly hurt is something was ta happen to that young woman."

Elinor Hakebourne

It was quite a long while before Elinor opened her eyes and greeted the following day, owing much to her alcoholic indulgence of the previous day. Surprisingly, she awoke without a headache (thankfully), but spent several minutes still groggy from sleep. Seeking solace in the manner she was most accustomed, she grabbed her quill, inkwell, and parchment, and started a recapitulation of the previous day's adventures. She had just gotten to the part where they'd visited Athena's tavern to fetch Captain Wench's dogs when she heard the sound of soft, booted footfalls outside her door. She heard them pause, and then an equally soft knock made the silent room echo with the sound. Thinking it was Blackjack, she smiled. She'd have to thank him for helping her find her way back to the ship... "Come in," She told the person on the other side of the door.

What happened next was far more surprising than the absence of a headache after a night of drinking. The door opened, and Blackjack wasn't on the other side of it.

"Oh, good, you're awake. I'd heard that you'd come back to the ship quite sauced last night, I didn't want to disturb you, but," The speaker paused, biting his lip in nervousness. "I made a mess of things, and need your help to get myself out of it."

Julian didn't wait for social niceties any longer and crossed the threshold of the door, entering into the cabin, closing the door quickly behind him.

Welsh Wench

"And has my wee doggie been a good girl?" Brother Timothy couldn't stop patting and hugging Amber.
Athena grinned broadly, "Of course she has!"
Brother Timothy smiled gratefully at Athena. "And, Miss Gypsy Queen, I can see that you have been feeding her from the fat of the land! She certainly has not been in want for food."
Athena shrugged, "She was well fed when she got here. Cade Jennings took good care of the pups. He knew he would have hell on earth if he didn't."
Athena nodded her head in Wench's direction.

Jack poured Hibernian an Irish whiskey. "It's about time I had a man to talk to. I've been listening to the fishwives here hanging over the fence dissecting everyone's life."
Wench stuck her tongue out at Jack.
"If you feel that way, I can go elsewhere."
"I didn't mean---"
She reached over and grabbed a pouch with gold coins.
"That is going to cost you."
"So anything you drink, put on my tab. I have money to pay Athena."
Wench jiggled the pouch to the satisfactory jingle of coins. "Besides, Athena and I need to shop."
"You have enough stuff."
"And I'll buy you a new pipe."
"You hate it when I smoke."
"Oh yeah..well, I'll go see Mistress Crocker. She probably has a new brownie recipe. She always does."
"Yeah, well, the last time you made brownies, we had to scrape you off the ceiling."
Athena raised her eyebrow and Wench blurted out. "Butter is all the same, isn't it?"
Jack looked askance at her. "Not when it is made from plants."
"Come on, Athena, I don't have to listen to my attempted culinary skills get insulted."
Athena gave her a questioning look. "You baked? I thought that was Martin Montgomery's job."
"He met with a bit of a mishap and I ended up....oh, who cares anyways when I need new boots!"

"I like the white ones, Wench. The heel is nice and pointed like you prefer. 'Good for the instep', you always said. Except it wasn't your instep. It was the instep of whoever you were stomping your boot heel on!"
Wench laughed. "Sharp, pointy things don't always go in a scabbard! But listen, I wanted to get you away from that mistake of a husband of mine."
"Mistake? Oh come now! Anyone can see that you are crazy about him."
"Let's just say crazy and let it go at that.  I have to tell  you what I found when I was looking--"
"--snooping is more like it."
"Do you want to hear this or not?"
"I don't know, do I?"
"Yes, you do! I was looking in Jack's quarters---"
"What do you mean, 'Jack's quarters'? Are you not sharing? He is your husband."
"Without conjugal rights."
"OK so it may have happened once but I don't really remember it."
"How can you not remember?"
"Athena, please! It's complicated enough. I was--alright so I was looking for a nail file and I came across some interesting papers."
"Jack was married before!"
"Jack has a few illegitimate children that Zara has to call siblings!"
"Your annulment papers were there!"
Wench tapped her foot.
Athena sighed. "You know us Greeks. Always expressing our opinions."
"Are you done?"
Athena thought for a minute.
"I think so. Yes, I know so."
Wench motioned her closer and said, "I found half a map."
"Athena, before he died, Rhys whispered to me there was a piece of paper in his frock coat. I was to take it. But I was too distracted with him dying until I was ready to run. I took his coat with me and it wasn't until a month later, I found what he was trying to tell me. He had half a map."
"OK so half a map is better than no map, right?"
"Well, let's just say for the sake of argument, 'sure'. "
Wench reached in her bodice and waved half a map in Athena's face.
"So, you have half the map Rhys left you."
"Oh no, no, no! What I have here is half a map alright! But this was found in Mad Jack Wolfe's book of---well, let's just say it's a book that can enhance your--you know."
"You mean--?"
"I have the map?"
"No, you mean Jack Wolfe needs a MANUAL?"
"Of course not!"
Wench laid it flat out. "I have Jack's half of the map."
"And the other?"
"It's in a chest of drawers under Zara's nappies!"
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....


Lil woke slowly to the soft sway of the waves rocking beneath her.
She sighed happily and stretched her arms wide as she laid flat and looked up at the overhead.
Blinking, she looked again.
"What the.."
Sitting up she looked around furiously, hoping to see something familiar.
The smells, and the sounds were the same; the deck, the room, the furniture, were not.
A stream of violent curses flew out of her, as a man came in who was not an El Lobo sailor, or a Knight Hammer sailor.
"I see you are awake" he said dryly.

Lil was afraid; she had no weapons on her.
Usually she had at least one dagger in her nighdress.
But, with a glance down she was certain she was not in her own clothes. She did not feel the comforting weight of a weapon near her hand and this man had her at a disadvantage.
Thankfully her head was clear, all too clear or she would have sworn this was a dream.

"Who are you and where the Hell am I?"
He raised an eye at her anger, apparently her consent was not given as the woman who had escorted her onboard had sworn to. But, the money was true, so he had taken a bet on her passage.
He had bet wrong.
"My name is of no concern, but, it seems that you may have been had."
Lil went from afraid to near panic now, a sick sensation was starting in her stomach.
"Not again" she whispered.

She was 12 and yesterday was her birthday. The warm Mediteranian breeze whipped her hair asunder much to her nurse's displeasure. She didn't care, Poppa like it messy.
The day was glorious, and she had bullied her Nurse into taking her along the piers and cliffs, to see the ships.
Guns flashing, lights popping and all went dark.
Next thing Illianya knew she was bound and gagged in the hull of a foul smelling boat.
Crying through the gag she screamed and prayed. No one heard her or if they did, no one came to save her. She fought the gag, but, with no reward.
She had to escape and tell Poppa, he would be so mad with her! She knew how protective he was, if she was not home by dark he would be furious with her and throw her out as he had always threatened to do. 'El Bastardo' he used to mock her with when he was angry.
She knew that was not the truth, but, reason never worked when Poppa was mad. She had gotten her temper from him, and she felt it begin to boil in her blood as she fought the bindings.
She would escape and she would show those who had dare harm her how much her swordsmaster, and Poppa had taught her about the Lady Blade.

"Where am I?"
Because this time, she was not bound she jumped up and in two steps stood toe to toe with the Sailor before her.
"You are on my master's vessel, and we are headed to England.."
Lil shoved him aside and bolted through the door, seeing as he had not expected it, she did topple him to the deck.
Lil flew to the Main deck and glanced around.
It was a beautiful day for sailing; franticly she looked around her, she saw no land.
Taking another look, she spotted a small patch of haze in the distance.
'LAND!' her mind yelled to her body and she reacted.
Without another thought in her head, she ran for the railing and did a perfect swan dive
into the ocean's waves.

The Captain was bellowing as the sailor made it to the railing just as Lil's feet hit water.
"I believe that we are minus one passenger." he remarked dryly.
Madge had been strolling casually on deck when she saw the flash of her best nightdress exit over the rail. Sighing and rollinging her eye's to the sky she sent a prayer to protect her Drake.
"Madame! We should turn and retrieve her!"
Madge watched the Captain coming toward her, there was no concern on his face. She knew
he was afraid of the loss of money that might happen due to this.
"Nay, Dear Captain. We go forward, she be well. I have a feeling, she could outswim all your men combined. I account that to two things.. Skill and pure, unadulterated Fury."

The Sailors of the El Lobo were loading stores and enjoying the day before they set sail. Laughing talking and being boisterous.
When a dead silence overcame them.
Briggs looked up from the stores sheet he was reviewing to see a wet hand slap onto the leeward side of the ship's main deck, curiously he watched as what could be the equivelant of a drowned rat heaved itself onto the deck. He would have been ammused if not for the face that she was wearing.
He thought her a nuisance, Lil could never take orders, but, even he was a bit concerned for himself as she stood up, and wetly headed for him.

Through her labored breathing he could hear the anger.
"Where..{breath}.. is..{breath} .. he {breath}?"
Briggs, uncertain of who she spoke of, simply pointed towards the sleeping quarters.
Lil, a sodden mess and bare feet slapping as she stormed towards the Surgery...

Welsh Wench

Athena took the map out of Wench's hand.
"This doesn't say much. Only half the words."
She looked at it closely. " 'Cora----' and 'dia---'? Who is this Cora anyways?"
Wench pointed, "The map Rhys had says, '---zon' and '---blo' Put them together and what do you get?"
"Cora Zon blows?"
Wench snatched the map back. "No! It's Spanish. I means 'Corazon del
She folded the map and put it in her bodice. "It means 'heart of the devil'."

"Athena, Corazon del Diablo is fabled to be the richest deposit of gold that the Muisca  Confederation has hidden away. People have been searching for it since the days of the Spanish Conquistadors. The Muisca towns and their treasures quickly fell to the conquistadors. Taking stock of their newly won territory, the Spaniards realized that — in spite of the quantity of gold in the hands of the Indians — there were no golden cities, nor even rich mines, since the Muiscas obtained all their gold in trade. But at the same time, the Spanish began to hear stories of El Dorado from captured Indians."
"So you have given me a history lesson."
"Athena, what if Jack and Rhys stumbled across the whereabouts of this ancient kingdom? And its treasures of gold?"
"Where did you learn all this?"
"I know it may seem hard to believe, but for all his--earthiness--Jack Wolfe is a very educated man. A voracious reader."
"You told me that wasn't all he was voracious about."
"Alright, let's put aside his proclivities. But here is the thing--he has been very cagey about El Dorado. And he knows that Cade is searching for it too. So...what better way to get even with Cade Jennings than to get to the prize first?"

"Do you think there really is treasure?"
"Athena, El Dorado is also sometimes used as a metaphor to represent an ultimate prize or 'Holy Grail' that one might spend one's life seeking. It could represent true love, heaven, happiness, or success. It is used sometimes as a figure of speech to represent something much sought after that may not even exist, or at least may not ever be found.
But I think Jack found the real deal."
"What if he already found it?"
"What do you mean?"
"You. What if YOU are the El Dorado in Jack's world?"
She took the map back out and waved it in front of Athena's face.
"I think I am holding Jack's world right here. And if I can burn Cade Jennings in the meantime, I will! Remember Salty Sol?"
"The pirate with a hook on his left hand and the eyepatch with the diamond on it? He would get drunk and start running his mouth about going after the fabled gold."
"Yes, I remember him. Died when someone cracked a chair over his head."
"I was waiting tables at the Varlet and Vixen and he would start on his rant. He said the way to get to el Corazon del Diablo was to go through a series of traps."
"What kind of traps?"
"The kind that if you stepped on the wrong stone, the ground would open you up. I'm talking fire and brimstone kind of traps!"
"And you have the harebrained scheme to go after this treasure?"
"Of course not!"
Wench looked thoughtful and then said resolutely, ", not at all. I can't do that. I won't do that."
Athena raised her eyebrow.
"Alright, so it might be a bit...interesting. Just to read some more up on it."
"And where do you go to read up on it?"
"My esteemed co-captain and misplaced husband has books on the subject. As I told you, he is voracious."
"The man does everything to excess, doesn't he?"
"Well, not recently...Now how about those boots over there?"


Jack and Brother Timothy sat in the tavern sipping their whiskey. Jack pulled out the pipe and lit it.
"She hates this thing, you know."
"Then why do you do it?"
"Because it upsets her."
'And you like to upset her."
"You know what they say--bad attention is better than no attention at all."
"Why don't the two of you patch things up?"
"It's more complicated than that."
Brother Timothy pointed at him with his whiskey glass.
"You love each other."
"Not enough for her, I guess."
"There's the child."
Jack broke out in a grin. "Yeah, there's Zara. Brother, we will just have to wait and see. She can't be rushed."
"Do you want to patch things up with Rhiannon?"

Jack looked up sharply, "You know?"
"I've known who she was for quite some time. After all, I am a member of the clergy, in a matter of speaking."
"She confessed to you?"
"Well, it was not exactly, 'Father forgive me for I have sinned.' More like coming from the bottom of a bottle kind of confession. An unloading as it were."
Jack laughed. "Well, the only way I could find out about Zara was to snoop. And all I was looking for was a clue as to who I was married to. Zara is a card that I never thought I would hold."
"Looking forward to it?"
"To what?"
"To holding her."
Jack's face reflected pride. "Yes, I am. An ace that came from a queen and a jack. Yeah, she's a full house!"
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Elinor Hakebourne

"You mean to tell me that you lost your quill, THAT'S your big mess?" Elinor exclaimed. "I thought someone had died, or, or, something else that is terrible, but I can't think of it because I'm so annoyed at you!"

Julian grinned mischievously. "Thought I'd shake things up," He replied, wiggling his eyebrows. Elinor narrowed hers, glaring at the other scribe. "That look doesn't suit you," She responded frostily, putting aside her ink, quill and parchment and flouncing out of the room, leaving Julian standing there stunned at her reaction.

I wonder where Lil has gotten off to... Elinor thought...


That was what Duckie saw. In his mind he was surprised to actually see Lil again.
But, then again, he wasn't. Her sodden self standing in his doorjamb, chest heaving with a
sense of anger he had rarely seen coming from a female and aimed at him, usualy they were aimed at the Captain. He also did not feel like laughing at her, usually she ammused him.
But, this time, it was different.

Lil was in the doorframe of his stateroom, searching him out in the dim light,
and like a preadator catching prey, she sighted him and attacked.
Duckie braced for the impact as Lil upturned the chair he was in.
He rolled gracefully to his feet, if anything Jack had taught him how to recover.

Lil was seeing red.
How dare this man pretend to know her? How dare he attempt to kidnap her?
Feelings, pulsing angrily through her veins made her grab for any all weapons she could find.
Bright red fury gave her strength she did not know she had as she attempted to catch this man.
'what are you to do with him when you catch him' A small voice in her head stated..
she ignored that, because her prey was tricky to catch.

Duckie was glad he was good at evading, because Lil was making it awful hard not to die.
His desk was a mess now, all contents being swept to the floor as she randomly began throwing things at him and trying to stab, strike, kick, punch or just land him off his feet.
He truly did fear what would happen to him, if she did get him off his feet.

And she did;

With a well placed slap of her bare foot, Lil took out Duckie's knee and sent him sprawling on his bunk. Face first he went and like a cat, Lil was on his back, attempting to smother him into his own bedding.
Duckie was not struggling and fiercely as Lil had hoped, which caused her brain to switch on and think. This caused her for one brief moment to release tension and that is when Duckie struck back.
With a quick flip and a twist, Duckie rolled Lil underneath him on the bunk and glared at her.

"Cease." He panted at her.
His breath slowly coming back to him after his sojourn from the smothering, as he stared into her eyes that were still racing with adrenalin. She growled but, remained still. He knew this trick, all he had to do was let up for a second and the fight would be back on.
So, he didn't let up.
"We will stay like this until you come to your senses and we can continue this conversation in a normal manner."