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Need some help with my persona...

Started by Laeoric, May 13, 2009, 05:05:53 PM

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Hey guys. This is my first post. I went to my first RF last Saturday at the TN RF and had a ball. I'm trying to decide on what I would like to dress as for next year's faire (or possibly the GA faire, I'm moving to Chattanooga in a week so it would be closer). I've always been intrigued by medieval archers and "rangers" so I was thinking of doing something like that. I would have either a green or brown hooded cloak, brown leather armor, two one handed swords, a dagger, and a bow and quiver. Because I am new to this I am not sure of the etiquet (sp?) involved and I don't want to offend anyone by chooses a historically inaccurate persona. What do you guys think?

PS. Also if you have any suggestions about where I can find inexpensive armor and weapons and patterns for the cloak, pants, shirt, etc. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks and sorry about the long post.


Sir Ironhead

Well if you went to TNRF last weekend you probably saw a troll and some fairies wandering about, which are not only historically inaccurate they're FANTASY characters.  As long as your appearance passes the "common sense test" (if you wouldn't wear it while visiting your mother) the only person who should worry about the accuracy of your persona and appearance is you.

I'll probably should mention this; purple is usually reserved for the royalty and I've heard that one should not try to "out-dress" the local royalty, neither should be an issue for you as you plan to be a ranger/archer type.
IBRSC #1389
Sandbox Inspector
Iron'n M'Crack
Royal Order of Landsharks #41


Thanks. That is kinda what I thought. I saw the faeries there but I didn't see the trolls. My fiance said she saw one of them with horns coming from his head but I must have been glued to the weapon and armor booths lol. Anyways anyone have an answer for my question about where to get relatively inexpensive garb?


Learn to sew! ;D

Spend some time looking online, look at booths at faires, compare price vs quality, and ask around.
I make my own clothing so I can't give specific recommendations, though there are many wonderful seamstresses on this board!
Natasha McCallister
Bristol Faire 1988-2005
The Wizard's Chamber/Sir Don Palmist
59.2% FaireFolk Corrupt

Var Greyshadow

I'm a Ranger!  If you do the persona right, it crosses over as a huntsman very nicely.

Can't help much on the leather (my stuiff wasn't exactly inexpensive), but Renshirts ( is a great place to get well-made, not too pricey shirts and pants.

This thread under Arms and Armor has a lot of discussion about where to get bows and accessories:

Look around at faire and also at your local Goodwill or antiques mall.  You won't believe the things we find in those places that can be put to good use! 
"All that is gold does not glitter; Not all those who wander are lost..." ~J.R.R. Tolkien "The Fellowship of the Ring"

Whistler Fred

To some extent this may depend on the faire.  Most tend to blend a certain amount of history with fantasy.  Probably anything along the lines of a archer/huntsman/ranger type would fit in quite well at most faires.

Brown would be a good color choice for your character.  So would any other "earth" tones, particularly greens, both because it's likely what folks not in the upper echelon of society would wear and because it's good camouflage while tracking in the woods. ;)
Whistler Fred (Lauritzen)

"Get ready for the Whistler.  I'll whistle along on the seventh day."  Ian Anderson


Yeah I was planning on sewing my hooded cape (with my fiance's help lol. I have no clue how to sew but she is pretty good at it so I'm hoping I can learn.) My fiance wants to sew a corset or bodice anyways. I was also thinking of making my own quiver, bracers, shin guards, boots, etc. if I can find some inexpensive leather. I'm an engineer so I'm pretty sure I can figure it out. The only thing I really need to buy armor wise is the leather breastplate because I'm not sure how to harden the leather to the shape of my body. I'm trying to go as inexpensive as possible sense this is my first garb so I will most likely make everything that can be made myself.

Oh yeah, anyone else in the TN area at the faire last Saturday?


Here are my fail-safe patterns:

-- Simplicity 3519
   I strongly recommend this for all your shirt and tunic needs.
-- Simplicity 4059
   GREAT for doublets and pants too (if he has boots- the pants are knee-high)
-- Butterick 6196
   Good basic wench costume- straightforward bodice, skirts, and great shirt.

For the doublet and bodice patterns... you can find good, cheap tapestry fabric if you shop around a bit (upholstery places, non-chain fabric stores, and the intarwebz are especially good)

And Lady L just posted this gem for accessories- Butterick 5371

<33 Good luck!

Var Greyshadow

If you have Tandy Leather by you, check out their sales.  I picked up a whole side of oiled leather for $40.  If you get lucky, someone at the shop may even be a rennie, and can help you with your specific projects.  (Our guy is actually on cast at TRF and makes wonderful ren-related leather stuff.)
"All that is gold does not glitter; Not all those who wander are lost..." ~J.R.R. Tolkien "The Fellowship of the Ring"


Can't help you on the garb, unfortunately, mine's all ye-ol'-local-shoppe-bought. 

To the basic character, though... Yes, the D&D Ranger archetype fits pretty nicely as a huntsman or woodsman, though certainly more traveled.  It's an easy enough thing to pull off without stepping outside of historical reference at all.  It's simply martial and survival skills used by someone who likes to travel and not be tied to any one place.  Or, maybe you do like your home, but you prefer the solace of the woods.  Many variations to the basic mindset.  As well, the solitary nature of a "ranger", you can add some real mystery and intrigue to your character, while not being bound by any of the "table-top" rules.  A woodsman that helps the common folk by routing a small band of brigands, but also takes jobs for fatter purses by laying an arrow into some minor noble?  Not a problem.  Just watch out for the local guard if that starts spreading around too much.  >.>

What's a Grecian Urn?  Are we talking union, or non-union?