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Started by Welsh Wench, December 23, 2008, 01:48:03 PM

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Welsh Wench

The carriage from Bancroft Hall pulled up on the docks. Jack's breath quickened as he gazed towards the harbor.
And there she stood, proud as can be.
El Lobo del Mar.

"Look, Zara! Look! Big boat!"
He held Zara up so she could look out the window of the carriage. Zara's eyes grew wide and her lower lip trembled.
"What is wrong, sweetheart?"
Zara pointed and said one word. "Doggie! Doggie!"
Honour could barely stifle her giggles.
"What is she talking about, Honour?"
She still dissolved in laughter.
"She means the wolf figurehead. She thinks the wolf is a doggy. You know, it does resemble Megan's Irish wolfhounds."
Jack laughed. "I guess it does look like a doggy to you, sweetheart."

Honour looked back at Beaumaris.
"In a way I am glad to be leaving but I will be missing my sisters."
"Darling, they all said they would be down next year to visit. But will we have room?"
She put her arm through Jack's.
"Yes, we do. Jack, the Picou plantation is just gorgeous! Mr. and Mrs. Avery have been doing a marvelous job of running it for me--US!"
"Then I can't wait to see it. Lord, I wish Thomas could see me! He would never believe it."
"Where is your brother?"
"Somewhere patrolling the waters of the Mediterranean, I would daresay. Making the high seas of Mother England safe and protected."
"And you haven't seen him?"
"Oh...I did see him once in port. Morocco to be exact. Of course, I wasn't exactly presentable."
"Jack, you always are presentable!"
"No, it would be hard for an admiral in the King's Navy to introduce his brother, Captain Mad Jack Wolfe. Pirate extraordinaire."
She frowned. "I see your point. Did he snub you?"
"Not at all. I met him in a little tavern on the outskirts of Casablanca and we got rip-roarin' drunk together!"
"So how long ago?"
"Oh, I'd say fifteen years ago. And...Zara, no touch! NO TOUCH!"
Zara had bent over to pet a wharf cat. Honour reached down and scooped her up.
"No, Zara. Bad kitty!"
The wharf cat glared and ambled off.

"Where do you want these chests, Captain?"
Jack motioned to the dock near one of El Lobo's mooring lines. "Right there will be fine."
Honour turned to Jack. "How long has El Lobo been in port?"
"Briggs sent word four days ago they had ported. I sent him a note back for him and the crew to enjoy theirselves in port and we would be down here Friday morning."
"So he is expecting us."
"See for yourself! The gangplank is down. Are you ready to leave Wales and all it has to offer you for a life in paradise?"
She leaned over and kissed hs cheek. "I am so ready. To finally be in a place we can call home."
Zara pointed and started to cry. "Kee! Kee!"
Honour took out a handkerchief and dabbed the tears on Zara's cheeks.
"No, darling. You can't have that 'kee'."
Jack looked quizzically at his wife. "Kee?"
"She means kitty. She wants to bring it with us."
"I wish she had come with sub-titles or a translator."
Honour laughed.
"It won't be long before the baby talk gets clearer."
"Well, at least she isn't speaking Arabic!"

One of the men who was unloading the chests opened up the carriage door. Bounding out was Honour's beloved Muir. Zara laughed.
Muir jumped up on Jack and he grabbed the wolf-dog's leash.
"Come, boy! I just know that Briggs will be happy to see you!"

As the newly formed family walked up the gangplank, the first person standing there waiting their arrival was none other than Eli Meredith.
"Captain! Mrs. Wolfe!"
Honour raised up her finger in warning. He quickly corrrected himself. "I mean...Honour. And this is the little lassie!"
Eli reached out and gently laid his finger on her hand.
"Welcome aboard El Lobo, young lassie!"
Zara rewarded him with a small smile.
To Jack, Honour whispered, "Zara knows gentleness when she sees it. I told you Eli had redeeming qualities."
Jack affected a scowl. "Alright, so you were right....will you ever let me live it down?"
She thought for a moment. "Um...probably not!"
Jack nodded to Eli, "You are looking well, son! How were things in Amsterdam?"
Eli spoke, "It went very---"
"Shouldn't it be ME you are asking?"
There stood Josiah Briggs in all his glory.

"You old sod, you are looking better than I ever saw you look before in your life, Briggs! Acting--and emphasis on ACTING--Captain has agreed with you!"
Jack and Briggs clasped each other.
"And ye can have it back, Captain Wolfe! T'is fun to play captain for a few weeks but after that, it gets tiresome."
In an affected loud voice, Briggs said, " 'Captain, he did this to me!' 'Captain, he ain't doing his job!' 'Captain, can I have some apple dumplings?' And I swear the worst one was, 'Captain, are we there yet? Are we there yet?' "
Briggs looked over at Honour. "And if ye ain't a sight for sore eyes! I swear, Honour, ye get prettier and prettier each time I see you! Oh....and well, here is the one me and the crew have been dyin' to meet!"
He looked at the little toddler that Honour had in her arms.
To Jack, he said, "Can't be denyin' that one, Jackie me boy! It ain't the hair--although them curls are a dead giveaway--but it is something else. That look in her eyes. That chin I just bet juts out in defiance when she ain't gettin' her way. Am I right?"
Jack laughed. "Pretty much so."

Josiah broke out in a grin. "A real chip off the old block, Jack, she is. Here...come to Uncle Briggs...'
As he held his arms out, Zara reached back.
And bonked Briggs on the nose with her rattle.
He covered his nose, looking for blood, his eyes watering.
"Aye, she be your daughter alright, Jack."
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Welsh Wench

Honour gently smacked Zara's hand.
"No! No! We don't do that!"
Briggs turned to Eli, "Is my nose broken?"
Eli looked closely. "If it moves to the left, is it broken?"
"Hell yes!"
"Then it's not broken! It ain't movin'!"
Briggs glared at Eli who burst out laughing.
Jack laughed too. "He got you there, Josiah! I sense there was a bit of bonding between the two of you while you were in Amsterdam."
Briggs grumbled, "The kid ain't so bad."

Honour shifted Zara in her arms. "Why don't I get settled in? I'm sure you have alot of business to catch up on."
Jack leaned over and Zara gave him a kiss.
Muir got up and followed them to the captain's cabin.
Briggs looked at the two as they walked down the companionway.
"You always knew Honour was."
"Not her--the youngun. She's gonna have you in knots, Jack. I just know it!"
Jack sighed. "I know. The rest had better be boys.  Don't think I can fathom having another girl."
"She's as pretty as I thought she would be. Except for that powerful right hook!"
"Sorry about that, Josiah. She's a bit wary of strangers. You should have seen her with me."
"She clobber you one?"
"No, on our first introduction, she tried to scalp me! Bare-handed. Two fistfuls of hair and she was screaming with those Wolfe lungs! But she came around."
"Smacked her bum, eh?"
No, I bought her off with a stuffed rabbit. That and my charming ways with her mother. I guess she figured if Mama liked me, I must be a bit of alright. Anyways, she won't go to sleep without that rabbit."

Just then, Puddin came up to Jack and rubbed against Jack's leg. He scooped the cat up and Briggs pointed at him.
"That one---he's been a right royal pain in the arse since you've been gone."
"What did he do, throw up a hairball on your bed?"
"Yeah, well, that's a given. He just had an attitude, that's all."
Jack put the cat down.
"Alright, let's go down to your quarters and talk a bit of business before we get shipped out. Duckie been around?"
"He sent word he would be here later this afternoon. Some baggage he had to get rid of."
"I'll bet." Jack muttered.
"Come again?"
"Never mind. I have a plan that I want to run by you."

Jack came into the cabin as Honour was folding a few things and putting them away. Zara was bouncing on the bed. Puddin had found his way into the room and as Zara bounced up, the ship's cat bounced down with a scowl on his face.
"I'm just getting a bit of brandy for Josiah and myself. I wanted to run a few things by him and wanted to find out about the Amsterdam transactions."
Honour offered her cheek and Jack kissed her as he headed out the door.
"When do we sail, Jack?"
"Mid-afternoon with the tide."
From the bed came, "Squee!"
Jack shook his head. 'Poor Puddin has met his match in that one....'

Josiah had his ledgers and notes open. Jack poured each of them a snifter and they raise their glasses.
"To El Lobo!"
"Long may she sail!"
They both became quiet as they both knew that Jack was going off account. Josiah cleared his throat.
"Yes, well, it's all in the ledger. De Witt tried to drive a hard bargain, as you told me he would but we held out for the price we wanted. I swear, it was a fine haul! Tobacco, coffee, textiles and spices. Came back with some cheeses and delftware, glassware and some artworks. More textiles and even some of those bulbs that you put in the ground and they give you those flowers that are red, yellow, pink..even a few that look almost black!"

"How did the kid work out?"
Josiah chuckled and shook his head.
"That one! Should have seen his eyes as we pulled into port! If his eyes got any wider, I could have used them for dinner plates! T'was a real eye-opener for the lad!"
Jack laughed, "I'll bet! Remember the first time we took Davis there?"
"We had to comb every brothel in town! Took two days and he was as poor as a churchmouse but we couldn't pry the smile from his face for nigh on a month!"

Jack took the ledger.
"Nice, Josiah! Very nice! This will give you a very nice commission for your retirement plans!"
"What retirement? Jack, I suppose with El Lobo being sold, I'll have to sign on with another ship. I hate to do that, probably will be just another tar. Hard to deal with when you've been second in command and actually acting captain sometimes."
"Which brings me to what I wanted to talk to you about. I've thought long and hard about this, Josiah. This crew is top of the line. I would hate to lose them. Most have been together for a long time. McGlynn, for example. He helped you and Rhys rescue me. If it weren't for Cade finding that doxy, what took me in..."
Jack's face became a mask of sadness.
"dangnubbit, sometimes I find myself missing Cade fierce!"
Josiah nodded. "But the whelp turned traitor on you."
Jack shrugged, "In retrospect, he didn't set out to. He fell in love. And in a strange way, I can't blame him. Oh, sure, I find it hard to forgive but in a way I understand. Rhiannon has a way of undoing men."
"Rhiannon? Wait a minute! You found the woman who got Rhys killed?"
Jack sighed. "I keep forgetting that you've been out of the loop, Josiah. We were right all along. The woman who shares my bed and gave me a child is none other than the Lady Rhiannon Conaway Castlemaine. She was the 'Rhiannon' that Rhys was so anxious to get back to. And if I hadn't been taken prisoner by Mendoza, he would have been with her."
"Jack, ye lost me."
Jack poured another snifter of brandy for each of them.
"It's a long story, Josiah. Better tuck in for this one...."
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Welsh Wench

"I just can't believe it, Jack! What are the chances? And the way you found out. Who would have guessed? Duckie..Rose...Rhys...."
"And now it is all out in the open. No more secrets, Josiah."
"Now we know what really happened to Rhys. And not that he was set up. The man was in love."
"And I believe that Rhys sent her to me for safekeeping. For someone to look out for her and love her like she deserves to be loved."
"Just hard to believe."
"Well, we are moving forward. She will always be 'Honour' to me. As she said, Rhiannon belongs in the past. When she stepped on the ship for Barbados, Rhiannon Conaway Castlemaine died and Honour Bright was born. But enough of that! Let me fill you in on the plans. How would you like to be captain of El Lobo del Mar?"
Josiah choked on his brandy.
"When I saw El Lobo in port, I realized that I could never let her go. So let's do this--I retain ownership. You are the acting captain. Become a legitimate merchant ship if you want. Occasionally plunder if the spirit moves you. I'll make sure you have your letters of marque. Whatever you take or import-export, I take ten percent. And I reserve the right to take back being a captain any time I want. Josiah, I can't foresee letting El Lobo go to someone who wouldn't love her as we do. And I can't separate this crew. The man the crew and I respect is sitting right in front of me. In reality, it will be like Amsterdam but on a very long, extended plan. Do we have an accord?"
Josiah broke out in a grin.
"Aye! Jack, this is the answer for all concerned!"
They spit on their hands and shook on it. Lifting their tankards high, they toasted each other.
Jack wasn't sure--but he thought he saw a tear in Josiah's eye.
Josiah had the crew and ship.
Jack didn't have to give up El Lobo del Mar. He had the best of both worlds.
His ship and the woman he loved and the promise of a new family.
Life was, indeed, good.
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Welsh Wench

Honour held Zara's hand as they walked around the ship. Mostly it was Honour doing the walking with Zara toddling. She picked Zara up so she could feel the wind in her hair.
"See, Zara? It's not so bad. And now take a deep breath."
Honour inhaled deeply and Zara imitated her, then sneezed.
"Ooops! But see? Don't you feel better?"

Jack came up behind them and put his hands over Zara's eyes.
"Guess who?"
She pulled his hands away and said, "Da! Da!"
Briggs, standing behind Jack, shook his head. "I swear, Jack, I never thought I would see the day when some tyke would call you that. And ye be liking it!"
Jack took Zara from Honour and pointed out the crow's nest. "See? Maybe we should put Zara's crib up there? What do you think, Zara?"
Her eyes grew wide. Honour laughed.
"I don't think so, Zara. Don't worry."
"I'm going to show her the helm. Maybe let her steer it."
"Jack! We aren't even out of port yet."
"It's alright. She can just play."

As Jack walked off with his little girl in his arms, Josiah and  Honour looked after him.
"Aye, Honour, it really does do my heart good to see Jack with a young'un."
She gave his arm an affectionate squeeze.
"I'm so happy you feel that way, Josiah."
"He needed something to be grounded with. And you gave it to him."
She looked off to the harbour of Beaumaris.
"Jack gave me something too, Josiah. He gave me a second chance at life."
Honour turned to look at Josiah.
"He told you, didn't he?"
"Yes, he did."
"Can you ever forgive me for what happened to Rhys?"
"Not my place to forgive, Honour."
"I know. But when I met you and Jack that night in the tavern, I was a real mess. I never told Jack--and I don't intend to--but I had reached the lowest point in my life."
"Then I guess ye saved each other, girl. Maybe Rhys Morgan did have something to do with it."
"He was a wonderful man, too. And he rescued me too. He taught me what love is. And Jack perfected it. I don't know what would have become of me if Jack hadn't come into my life."
Josiah patted her on the shoulder. "And now ye have the little lassie."
"She's the best thing that ever happened to me. Besides Jack. "
Josiah looked over at the dock.
"Best I be getting things rolling. Looks like Jack won't be any use for a bit."
They both looked up and there was Zara with her hands on the helm pretending to steer it and Jack giving her a few pointers.
They both laughed.
"Yep. Looks like I will be hearing, 'Mr. Briggs? The ship is yours' alot more often."

Honour watched as Briggs went to join his captain and his little girl on the quarterdeck.
She ran her fingers through her hair and breathed deep the scent of the seawater.
'Jack, you have no idea how you really did rescue me...'

"Mama! Mama! Kee! Kee!"
Honour broke away from her reverie to see Jack and Zara walking towards her. Jack was laughing and Zara had a proud look on her face.
Except her quarry didn't feel the same way.

There, clutched in her hand, was a tail.
And that tail was attached to Puddin. His claws left scratches in the deck. The very deck that Jack was so meticulous about.

Honour laughed and shook her head.
Oh yes, this one will have Captain Mad Jack Wolfe twisted around her finger. No doubt about that.

Puddin glared at Honour as if to say, 'you had to go and have her'.  Honour gently pried Zara's clutches from Puddin.
"No, no, sweetheart. 'Kee' doesn't like to be dragged by his tail through the ship."
The cat looked relieved and tried to resume a measure of dignity as his position as the ship's master ratter. He ambled off casually, but bumped into the mizzen mast.
Honour turned to Jack. "You really shouldn't let her get away with things like that, Jack. Allow Puddin some pride."
"But, Honour, she kept reaching for him and exclaiming, 'Kee! Kee!'  What else could I do?"
Honour put her hands on her hips and said, "You could have said 'No.' "
"And what fun would that be?"
"Puddn would have kept his pride. I think he deserves an extra ration of rum tonight. And now I think Zara and I will head back to the cabin. She needs her nap and I need to put a few things away."
Reluctantly, Jack handed her back to her mother. "I suppose. She has been rubbing her eyes."
He kissed the tip of Zara's nose and then kissed his wife's cheek.
"I'll be on the quarterdeck playing captain. Briggs is only pretending to let me be in charge."

Jack met Josiah up on the quarterdeck. He opened the binnacle and took out his pouch of pipeweed and his pipe.
Lighting it, he inhaled deeply.
"Ahhh! I've been waiting for that!"
Josiah chuckled. "Glad to see you haven't totally gone soft on me! Seeing you with the little one is jarring. I can't quite get the 'Mad' Jack out of my mind.
Jack stood looking out over the port.
"As much as it was nice to spend time in Beaumaris, I'll be glad to get back to Barbados."
"Family treat you right?"
"Megan and Daffyd and the other two sisters--Dilys and Gwyneth--were wonderful! The father was something else."
"Not accepting of you?"
"Not accepting of his daughter although he did look on my daughter as a leaf in the family tree. Not realizing that her name was Zara Wolfe and not Lady Zara Conaway."

The men gazed over the harbor. "Hear anything on what happened? You know....the aftermath?"
"I'm guessing Dolan was the one to see that know...."
"It's not really the kind of thing you want to find out or talk about."
"I don't suppose you have heard where Johnny Dolan is, have you?"
Briggs shook his head. "After Rhys left the account, I heard he was talking about Boston in the Colonies.  I am guessing that is where he ended up."
"Good guy. You all are. Were."

The two men were silent.
Briggs asked, "You think about him often?"
Jack nodded. "I do. Lately I have been playing the 'what if' game. What if I never went into that tavern...what if I never heard of Mercedes...what if you didn't get to me in time."
Josiah clapped him on the shoulder in a brotherly fashion.
"Stop torturning yourself like that, Jack. Things turned out good."
"For me. Not for Rhys."
"Rhys was a grown man who got involved with a girl. A married girl. Not a woman. No sense in wondering what would have been if you hadn't been kidnapped. You were. You were saved. And if you weren't then that little lass would not have been."
"I know, Josiah. The best I can do is take care of her for Rhys. And I will."
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Welsh Wench

Josiah reached in the binnacle and got the bottle of rum out. He put a splash in his coffee and added some to Jack's.
"Heard a really interesting story."
"Yeah. We had stopped in Aberdeen for a day or two. We saved some of that swag to trade off the rum for some Scots whisky and ran into an old acquaintance."
Briggs took a deep drink. "Remember Jonas Corwin of the Golden Phoenix?"
"Yeah, I remember him. Calculating SOB who always ended up with the prettiest tavern wench but he used to rough them up. I remember him and that one tavern wench in Marigot. What brought Corwin to mind?"
Briggs chuckled. "Guess he met his match in one of the ports."
"Oh, really? What did she do? Turn him into a eunuch?"
"No, not quite that bad. Jonas came into port in Aberdeen. His hands were like this---"
Briggs curled each of his hands up in a contortion.
"--it seems he picked up the wrong wench. At least this one was more creative. She threw his clothes out the window. Left him with nothing but his boots and sword. Then it seems he tracked her down and they mixed into it a bit. She kicked him where he wishes he had been a eunuch and then clocked him on the chin. He goes unconscious and she ties him up and then steps on his hands."
"Wow, that is harsh!"
"Corwin says that if he ever lays a hand--" and here Josiah demonstrated again the crippled hands--"he will wring her neck."
"Is he able to function?"
"Aye. Just looks kind of freakish. You know how he prided himself on his looks. Now he really is ticked off."
"Wonder where it was?"
"Didn't say. Just said somewhere in the Caribbean. But I think he's been searching for her when he gets into each port. Barkeep told him she ran off somewhere."
Jack chuckled. "I'd like to meet her and buy her a drink! Pretty creative what she did."
Briggs laughed. "Some of these women get wild ideas. Look at what Honour has done to you. Remember when you kidnapped her to get that Sun key?"
Jack threw his head back and laughed. "Yeah. She took that sgian dubh out of her boot and nailed my shirt--with me in it--against the mast."
"Or when she threw you out of the cabin in what God gave ye and I had to get ye a blanket to wrap in--"
"You would have to bring that one up."
"And when she almost dumped the hot candle wax on your--"
"Alright,  Briggs. That's enough," as Jack winced.
Josiah laughed. "Glad she and that tavern wench never got together and compared notes."
Jack drew deeply on his pipe before he dumped out the remains. He knew how Honour hated it and he didn't want her creative side to kick in.
All of a sudden he had a notion on that tavern wench.
"Naw...couldn't be. No. Not Honour."
"What did you say, Jack?"

"Wonder what is taking Duckie so long?" Jack said. "We should sail as soon as the evening tide. Old Ducks had better be here or he can swim after us!"

Briggs took out his spyglass and scanned the docks. "Well, speak of the devil! I see him over by those barrels. And he ain't alone. Got a woman with him."
Jack grabbed the spyglass out of Josiah's hand.
He put it to his eye and shouted, "Bollocks!"
There, following close behind Duckie was none other than the next to the last person Jack wanted to see.
First place would always go to Colonel Mendoza.
But now there was a new contender for second place.

Rose Gander, widow on a mission.
Or the prowl.
Made no difference, it was all the same to Jack.
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Welsh Wench

Meanwhile in Castara Bay.....

The door to the tavern opened, its bright morning light streaming in behind the tall figure sillouetted in it.
"Bonita? You around?"
A head popped up from behind the tavern bar.
"Her not here. Her went to shore to collect her purification salt and her geckos. What you want?"

Cade Jennings looked over at the woman with the bright red ribbon in her hair,  the dreadlocks swirling around her shoulders.
"Ah, I see you are still here!"
Drusilla broke out in a grin. "I know you! You be de man dat been here when de earth do a shake!"
Cade laughed. "You remembered me."
Drusilla nodded. "You be havin' de face of an angel, dat I remember. And you give lots of coin."
He sat down. "So let me have an ale."
She poured and he handed her the coins.
"Still de same man!"
"And can you give me any information?"
"Maybe. Maybe not. Depend."
"Depends on how much?"
"No. Depend on what I know."
"Has El Lobo del Mar been ported here since I was here last?"
Drusilla wiped the bar down. "Not dat I know. You look for anyone special?"
"Just trying to avoid the captain. And a blonde woman who used to come here with said captain. I seem to have....misplaced her."
Drusilla snorted, "You not be de-placing a person. You not be dat careless, man."
"The woman I am looking for is Honour Bright. Seen her?"
He slid another coin across the bar top.

"I see her. Her on Little Muelle Cay."
Cade turned around to see Bonita standing there, her arms holding four jars filled with salt. She dropped a bag that squirmed and she kicked it under a chair.
"Little Muelle Cay? What the hell? I was with her in Bridgetown. How did she get there?"
"How you t'ink?"
"I have no idea. She was in my bed and said she had to run an errand but she knew I was leaving that morning. When she didn't come back I thought she had been delayed with whatever it was she was doing."
'What she doing was being wit' de great Jack Wolfe. Dey be t'gether."
"He tracked her down? He ported in GlenLIvet as I was planning to leave. I expected Honour to come back quickly and I was planning on taking her with me but I had to leave. I left her a note I'd catch up with her in a week or so but her landlady Mrs Washburn said she never came for her things. I didn't know what to think. Thought maybe she went to Wales to see family. She talked about arranging passage ahd she had planned to go back to Barbardos. So I figured that is what she did and I would catch up with her through Amos."

"Amos not know where de child be but Bonita do. I see wit' my own eyes."
"And what were they up to?"
Bonita took a deep breath. "Dey were looking for de treasure of de Ancients. Dey find it."
She nodded. "It not go too well. But dis I  promise you, young Cade. Bonita get de trreasure. It be wit' dem and dey do not know how to read. It useless to dem."
"So you can have the treasure, Bonita. I just want one thing."
"And you t'ink Bonita not know what dat is? Dat be what dance t'rough you mind, Cade Jennings and get you in de trouble to begin wit'."

She opened up the box she kept beneath the tavern counter and withdrew her tools of the trade.
"Bones. Bones no lie."
She shook them, spit on them and cast them on the table top.
Cade peered over her shoulder.  She looked closely at them.
"De two bones touch. Dis bone off to de side. You pushed to de side. But look! De bone chip. Dat mean somet'ing little come into de lives of dem."

Cade laughed. "Impossible. I know Honour. If she is with Jack then it is to get the annulment and they got sidetracked by a business deal. She loves me, Bonita. ME!  Jack Wolfe treated her like dirt the last few weeks they were together. I know. She told me the whole story."

Bonita shook her head.
"I see somet'ing else. I see two faces. De faces of Jack Wolfe and dat golden child. Dey overlap. Bonita not sure yet what dat mean...but dis I know. Whatever it be, it be serious."
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Captain Jack Wolfe

"Bollocks," Jack exhaled.
"What's the matter?" asked Briggs.  "The father-in-law droppin' in for an unexpected visit?"
"Oh, I wish.  I'd rather see Rhodri than what's walking this way."
"Well, are ye gonna keep it a secret 'til they set foot on deck?"
Jack looked over at Josiah and stole his coffee cup.  He downed the brew in two gulps and handed the cup back.  "It's Rose."
Briggs' eyes went wide.  "Well, don't that beat all.  For a woman, she sure has a pair of brass ones to be showin' up here after the shenanigans she pulled."
"And what's in Duckie's head, bringing her here?  I swear, Josiah, it will be a contest to see what happens to her first; me strangling her, or Honour scratching her eyes out."
"My money's on Honour.  Hell hath no fury like a woman settin' out after another one what has designs on her man."
Jack sighed as Duckie and his sister began to climb the gangway.  "I'll have to get her off the ship fast.  Hopefully it's early enough, and she hasn't been..."
Rose grabbed Duckie's jacket and steadied herself as she almost lost her footing.
"... never mind.  Too late.  Hand me that rum.  No use arguing with a drunk whilst stone cold sober.  It's annoying."
Briggs fetched the rum and filled Jack's cup half way.  "Ye really think she's been tippin' at this hour?"
"Um, did it stop us?"
"Good point."  Josiah refilled his cup and took a healthy swig.  "On that note, I'll be leavin' ye to receive special dignitaries, captain sir!"
"Bloody coward."
"Damned straight.  Now, be charmin' and evasive.  Like usual."
"You're going to pay for abandoning your captain, Mister Briggs."
Briggs grinned, then pretended to smell something.  "Oi!  Smells like smoke!  I need to investigate.  Just doin' me job, captain!"
Jack laughed and slapped the taffrail as Briggs jogged down the steps.  The quartermaster greeted Rose and Duckie, and pointed up to the quarterdeck and Jack in response to something Rose asked.  Rose then patted her brother on the shoulder and walked toward the stairs.  Duckie looked up at Jack and shrugged helplessly, then beat a hasty retreat to the surgery.

Rose stopped at the bottom of the stairs.
"Permission to come aboard, Captain Wolfe!" she said cheerily.
"Rose, you're already aboard.  You should have asked that question way over there when you were still on the dock, and I had an opportunity to say no."
"Oh, Jack!" she laughed as she climbed the steps to the quarterdeck.  "You're not serious!"
"Don't count on it."
Rose paused and sighed in mock exasperation.  "You're still upset about the party."
"And I shouldn't be?  Rose, you tried to destroy my marriage."
"I think that's a bit of an exaggeration."
Jack crossed his arms and stared at her.  "You dragged out a secret that would have torn apart a lesser couple.  But that's where you miscalculated, Rose.  It's been tried before.  And like your attempt, it failed.  So I'm not quite sure what you hope to accomplish by showing up here this morning.  But I'll tell you what – if Honour sees you aboard, I won't stop her from trying to take your head off."
Rose gave him a petulant look.  "I'll have you know, I wanted to see my brother off properly before you take him gallivanting for God knows how long again.  And my, don't you look handsome in your captain's outfit!  What is the nautical term for it?"
"Well, no matter.  It suits you.  But it is a bit threadbare in places.  I thought for certain you'd be more fastidious about your appearance, being a captain and all.  You cut such a dashing figure the other night..."
"Everything looks different in the daylight," he said flatly.
Rose sighed heavily, and Jack could faintly smell the cognac on her breath.  "You're set on being cold towards me, aren't you?"
Jack nodded.  "Pretty much, yeah."
"If you'd give me a chance, you'd find that I'm trying to apologise to you."
"Really?" he laughed.  "And was part of your plan to apologise to Honour as well?  Because she's the one who was hurt the worst by your foolishness.  I was collateral damage."
"Well, I hadn't...  I mean, I should, but..." Rose stammered.
"In other words, no."
"If you'd just give me a chance to explain!"
Jack shook his head.  "No.  I don't give second chances.  Not anymore.  You were crystal clear the other night what your intention was.  To humiliate my wife.  And you accomplished that.  So I can't imagine what kind of 'explanation' you might have to offer.  Frankly, I don't care."
"You will not shut me out, Jack Wolfe!  I'll invite you to remember your place in polite society!"

Jack gave Rose a bemused look.  She was trembling with indignant anger.
"You're the one forgetting their place, Countess.  When you stepped aboard my ship, you left your world and entered mine.  Your title is worthless here.  Mine is the only one that matters.  Now put a sock in it and listen to me."
Rose stared back at him in stunned silence.  No one ever dared to speak to her as Jack just had, and she had no idea how to react.  This was not the Jack Wolfe she remembered.  This was something new, and quite frankly, it frightened her.
"I used to have so much patience, Rose," he continued.  "So much mercy.  But not anymore.  I'm older, and a fair amount of wisdom has come with that.  I can't excuse what you did, or what you tried to do.  I won't.  So I'm going to tell you this one time; leave my ship."
"Jack, you're just being cruel now."
"No, cruel is me telling how I can't stand the sight of you.  But you brought it up."
Rose swallowed hard.  She had underestimated just how much Jack could have changed, how much she had hurt him by her actions at the party, and how far he would go to support his wife.
"Jack, please.  What do you want from me?  Do you want me to beg forgiveness?  Here, in front of your crew?"
"Rose, get this through your head.  I want nothing from you, except to see you off my ship."
"Not until you forgive me," she said stubbornly.
"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus

Captain Jack Wolfe

"Right, then!  Since you don't want to leave, I'll personally let Honour know you're here.  How's that?  Makes no never mind to me.  And I have to tell you, there are a lot of sharp, pointy things aboard a ship like this, all in easy reach.  You know yourself just how talented she is with a blade.  Still want to risk it?"
Rose stared at him in astonishment.  "You wouldn't do that.  Not to me."
Jack locked her arm up in his and started to march her toward the stairs.  "Here we go!  Oh, she's going to love seeing you!  Well, not love.  More like grab the nearest heavy thing she can find and swing it at you.  Then we're right back to that whole her taking your head off thing again.  But if that's what you want, far be it from me to be a poor host..."
She quickly pulled herself free and stepped back from him.  "Fine!  I can see that I can't reason with you."
"Really?  You were being persistent?  I thought you were just being thick.  Doing a fine job of it, too."
"I'm sorry it's come to this, Jack," she said, trying to regain some of her dignity.  "I'll leave.  But I'd like to say goodbye to my brother first.  Would you escort me?"
Jack looked at her impassively.  "Down the stairs, walk toward the gangway.  You'll see a door to your left.  Go in, follow the hallway, second door on the right.  Mind you don't get lost."

Rose took a deep breath, and walked past Jack and descended the stairs.  She could feel his eyes on her back.  While she hadn't really expected him to listen, she certainly never thought he would be so cold.  She stepped through the doorway and paused as her eyes adjusted to the largely unlit hallway.
"Second door on the right," she reminded herself. 
Taking a flask from her clutch, she took several long swallows of the amber liquid to help steady her nerves.  She put the flask back in its hiding place and started down the hall to tell her brother goodbye.  A familiar warm feeling began to spread inside her as the cognac started to work its magic, and she could feel her tension slowly fade.  She continued on until she reached the door of the surgery, which was slightly ajar.  Rose took a moment to smooth her clothes, then knocked on the door.

"Yes?  Do come in, the door's open."
Rose opened the surgery door to find her brother restocking a low cabinet with medicines.  Duckie looked up when he heard the creak of the door hinges to see her there, and went back to restocking.
"I was expecting to see you right about now," he said.
"Jack was... less than receptive," said Rose, obviously embarrassed by what had happened.  "In fact, he ordered me off the ship."
"And what exactly did you expect, Rose?"  Duckie closed the cabinet and stood to face his sister.  "Far be it from me to say I told you so, but there it is."
"Yes, you were right, Drake.  I hope you're happy."
"Far from it.  It's not pleasant watching you embarrass yourself not once, but twice.  Are you all right?"
"A bit shaken.  He was terribly angry with me."
Duckie sighed, then went to his desk and poured her some brandy.  "Here.  This usually settles your nerves.  But this is all you get.  I'm surprised Jack let you come down here after ordering you off.  He's being more generous that I would have."
"I think he did it more for your sake than mine."  She quickly drank the brandy and set the glass on the desk.  "But he's right.  I have no business here.  I suppose I should take my leave before he tells Rhiannon – or whatever her name is – that I'm here."
Duckie smiled at her.  "Her name is Honour now.  And that's the best idea you've had all day.  Still, it was good to see you, Rose.  I promise I'll try to get back to England on a more regular basis."  He hugged her, then held her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes.  "Promise me you'll take better care of yourself?  You worry me."
"I'll be fine, I promise.  Honestly, Drake, you worry too much."  She kissed his cheek.  "I had better go."
"I'll write you when I get to Barbados to let you know everything's fine."
Rose forced a sunny smile.  "I shall look forward to it!  Safe travels, Drake."
"Safe travels, Rose."

She quietly left the surgery and closed the door behind her.  Her head was beginning to buzz from the cognac and brandy, and she found herself unable to remember which direction she had come.  The hall was even darker thanks to someone having closed the door at the end of the hallway.  Rose found herself feeling flustered, so she took another drink from her trusty flask.  Everything was turned around for her.  She tried to settle down and remember the instructions Jack had given her.
"He said the second door on the right," she whispered to herself.
Unsteadily, she made her way down the hall, keeping one hand on the bulkhead to make sure she didn't miss the door.  When she reached it, she pulled up on the latch and opened it.  To her surprise, it revealed a set of steps leading down.  A lamp hung from the overhead, casting a pale, flickering light on the surroundings.  Rose gingerly made her way down the steps.
"Why on earth would he send me this way?" she asked herself.  "This doesn't look right!"
She found herself surrounded by crates and bales and barrels, all stacked and held in place by ropes and nets.  Panic started to rise in her throat.  But she caught herself and stifled the urge to cry out for help.
"Steady, Rose.  Don't go losing your head."  She found a clean looking crate and sat down on it.  "Screaming is undignified and not for the aristocracy.  I shall wait for someone to find me.  Yes, that's what I'll do.  Surely someone will be along soon."
Besides, she was afraid that her shouts would catch the attention of Jack's vengeful wife, and that prospect was far more frightening to her than being lost.

Rose Carlisle sat there in the ship's hold, waiting more or less patiently for someone to come round and discover her.  But she found her eyes getting heavier by the moment, and it was becoming difficult to focus on her surroundings.  She leaned back against the crates, and let her eyes slowly close.  After all, what could a little nap hurt?
"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus

Captain Jack Wolfe

El Lobo del Mar swept out of Beaumaris' harbour on gentle and following winds.  Her course was southerly, plying the cold waters of the Atlantic en route to her home port in Barbados.  Jack had never considered any particular port as "home" until now.  But he could scarcely wait to get back there with his wife and child, and to begin their new life together there... at home.

"Studying those charts won't have us to Barbados any faster," Honour said with a smile in her voice.  She was busy looking at some of the scrolls they had recovered from the Ancient's temple as she enjoyed some tea.
"Oh, I don't know," said Jack.  "Never count out a little Wolfe willpower.  Add a bit of Conaway to the mix and we'll be home in a week!  Maybe I should let Zara steer?"
"And throw poor Josiah into fits?  I feel guilty enough that he's taking most of your duties so you can have more time with Zara."
"So do I, but he insisted.  You know how stubborn he can be.  Besides, he is for all intents and purposes the captain now.  I'm just the owner."
"The men still look at you as the captain, and probably always will."
Jack shrugged.  "That will all change once we make port in Bridgetown again.  Some of the crew will move on, new men will join-- eventually, they'll forget all about Captain Jack Wolfe.    I'll be just another faceless ship owner to them."
Honour shook her head, her long golden tresses glinting in the lamplight.  "You know that's not true.  No one will forget about 'Mad Jack' Wolfe."
"I don't know... there are a few I'd like to have forget about me.  For all our sakes."
Honour got up from her chair and went to Jack's side, and put her arms lovingly around his neck.  "I doubt we'll even encounter those people ever again.  They're ghosts now as far as I care."  She paused and ran her fingers through his hair.  "You're not having regrets again about leaving the account, are you?"

Jack looked up at her and smiled.  "No.  Not a one.  I won't miss it, not one moment."  He looked over at Zara sleeping quietly in her bassinet.  "With her around, I think I'll have my fill of adventure for years to come."
"And her little brother or sister..."
Jack's eyes went wide.  "You mean-- you're not-- are you?  Again?"
"Oh, heaven's no!" she laughed.  "But maybe one day.  And you shall be there with me when the time comes, hearing every name I dream up for you!"
"Mrs Wolfe, it would be my honour to have you creatively conjecture about my family's history."
Jack gently kissed her and drew her to him.  They kissed again, deeply, and Honour looked into his eyes.
"You're not planning on trying to make another little Wolfe just this moment, are you?" she asked.  "We haven't even had dinner yet, and Zara's just gone to sleep..."
"You're ever so practical," he chuckled.  "In fact, I'm glad you brought up dinner because any minute--"

A soft knock came from the door.
Jack gave Honour another kiss then answered the door.  Three crewmen came into the cabin, carrying trays filled with roasted meat, warm bread, plates and utensils, and wine.  Wordlessly, they set places at the large table, laid out the food, and filled two pewter goblets with deep red claret.  Jack thanked them, and as quickly as they had appeared, they departed.
"But... what's all this for?" she asked, dumbfounded.
"To celebrate the start of our journey home, my love."
"You didn't have to do this!"
"Of course, I didn't.  But I do enjoy spoiling you."  Jack pulled out her chair for her.  Honour sat down, taking in the elegant meal arrayed before her.
"Might as well enjoy this now," said Jack, "because we'll both be tired of ship's food over the next month."
Honour took a sip of wine and chuckled.  "Remember the last time you surprised me with a meal aboard ship like this?"
"Oh, do I ever," he said, his face colouring a bit.  "I'm sorry for that.  I should never have behaved..."
She put her hand on his.  "Forgiven and forgotten," she said with a smile.  Jack nodded in agreement.
"But this time, we have an even more precious treasure in our midst," she continued.
"Ask Puddin' if he agrees.  He'll get quite good at hiding whenever Zara is toddling about, just you watch."
"Poor thing.  And poor Zara!  She's just learning to walk; now she has to get her sea legs as well?"
Jack smiled proudly.  "She's a Wolfe.  She'll find a way."

Another knock came at the door.
"That can't be dessert, not yet," said Jack.  "Come in!"
The door opened, and Briggs stepped into the cabin.
"Beggin' yer pardon and all, but, um," he said looking like he would rather be anywhere else at the moment.  "We got us a bit of a problem."
"What kind?" asked Jack.  "Are we taking on water?  Is something wrong with the crew?"  The last thing he wanted was another mutiny.
"I'm afraid we got us a stowaway," Briggs answered slowly.
Jack rolled his eyes.  "Oh, lovely.  Fine.  Give them some blankets and let them bunk with the crew.  Once we make Madeira, off they go."
"I think ye want to see this one for yerself, Jack."  He motioned behind him for someone to approach.  "We found her sound asleep in the hold."
A crewman stepped into the room, bringing with him the stowaway.

A dishevelled, unhappy, and very hung-over Rose Gander.
"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus

Captain Jack Wolfe

Honour called out, "Jack, is there a--what the HELL?"
Jack deftly stepped between his wife and the misplaced Countess of Shrewsbury.
"Now, Honour..."
"How did she end up here?"
Jack said to the crewman, "Thanks, Boswell, for bringing this... problem to my attention."
Rose drew herself up, "Problem? You think this is a problem for YOU? I have house staff who will worry about me! And the annual ball at the Duke of Argyle's next week and--"
Honour cut in with, "I can arrange it so you can get there on time, Countess."
"You can?"
Honour took a step forward. "How are you at swimming?"
Rose took a step back and Jack held up his hand.
"Alright, cooler heads need to prevail. There has to be a way around this."
Honour folded her arms across her chest. "I have a dozen ways to get rid of the problem."
"Honour, I'll handle this."
"Excuse me? She tries to ruin my--our--lives and you won't put her off in a tender with enough liquor for a week?"
Rose looked imploringly at Jack, hoping her doe eyes would win him over. Or at least, buy her some time.
"Jack, you can understand how easy it is to take a wrong turn on your ship. I said goodbye to my brother and well, the next thing I knew, I was in that dark place with all those barrels. You really should get them better organised. And that lamp needs cleaning. Don't you have servants here to do that for you?"
Honour put her hands on her hips and looked at Rose. "This isn't the Good Ship Lollipop, sister. It's a merchant ship."
Honour looked at Jack. "Well, what do you intend to do?"
Jack sat down. "Rose, here. Have something to eat."
Rose sat down and smiled, fanning a napkin out to put on her lap. "Why, don't mind if I do."
Honour took the napkin off Rose's lap and turned to Jack.
"I will NOT share my dinner with that.. that... that..." she pointed to Rose.
He motioned for Honour to be quiet.
"I'll handle this."
Honour shut her mouth but Jack could see the thunderclouds behind her blue eyes.
He sighed. "Rose, yes, have something to eat. Honour, darling? May I see you in the other room?"
He took Honour gently by the elbow.
Rose looked over and said, "Oooh, Jack, is that your baby?"
She rose to take a look at Zara.
Honour broke away from Jack and laid her hand on Rose's wrist. "Touch MY child and you will never lift a flask again. You will have to pay someone to do it for you because your hand will be like this--"
Honour contorted her hand. Rose blanched.
Jack sighed. "Josiah? Keep an eye on Rose for her own health, all right? Honour? Please?"
She looked at Jack and then walked to the next room.

As soon as the door was shut, Honour whirled on Jack.
"John Michael Wolfe, I will not-- I repeat NOT-- sail to Barbados for the next month with that barracuda!"
Jack put his hands out in supplication. "What do you want me to do, Honour? Set her adrift to the elements and certain death?"
She raised an eyebrow and said nothing.
Jack exclaimed, "You can't be serious!"
"Try me. Does Duckie know she is here?"
"Doubtful. Otherwise, he would be here apologising all over the place."
"So what are you going to do, Jack?"
He put his arms on Honour's shoulders.
"I don't rightly know yet. I guess Briggs can share his quarters with Duckie. And Rose can take his room."
Honour said sarcastically, "Oooh, deluxe accommodations for the Countess yet!"
"I don't have much choice, do I?"
"I suggest she bunk with the crew. Give her a hammock and let her sit there for a month thinking about the wrongs she has committed.
He sighed. "You have a better suggestion?"
"Yes, but you won't like it. Sharks will, though."
"Honour, darling, be reasonable."
"Oh, I'll show you how reasonable I can be."
She headed towards the door with a candleholder.
"You-- you wouldn't! Not in the face!"
She retorted, "Nonsense. I just needed more light. But the dear Countess needs to realise the world is NOT her oyster."
Jack rubbed his chin. "We're about ten days from Madeira. She can book passage from there."
"Jack, are you going to make me tolerate her presence for the next ten days?"
"What real choice is there? Besides, I have a bigger problem than our mutual distaste for her presence."
"Oh?" said Honour. "And what that might be?"
"Securing all the alcohol on board. Round-the-clock guards with pistols should do."
"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus

Welsh Wench

Honour stood there and gazed at an imaginary spot on the wall. Jack groaned, "Uh oh, I know that look, Honour. Your wheels are turning."
She turned back to Jack and smiled sweetly, "You are absolutely right, Jack."
He narrowed his eyes, "I don't like the sound of that, Honour."
She patted his face. "We certainly can't have a guest--however unwelcome--be cheated out of our hospitality, can we?"
Before Jack could stop Honour, she breezed back into the room. Briggs was chatting quietly with Rose, as she gave him a dimpled smile.

Honour gave Rose a welcoming smile. "Countess, my manners were a bit out of line. Please chalk it up to the surprise of seeing you so soon after the ball. I would like to extend a warm welcome to you as befitting the Captain's wife."
She let the word hang there.
"Jack, would you please give the Countess a glass of claret and then please leave us to have a little girl-chat?"
Jack and Briggs exchanged looks.
"Honour, I don't know about this...."
"Oh, fiddle faddle! It will be just fine. Frankly, it may be nice to have another woman to chat with for the next week."
Briggs handed Rose a glass of wine which she took readily. Jack looked skeptically at his wife. "Honour..."
She gave him a smile and pushed him out the door. "Please, Jack!"
He whispered, "Don't forget. I know where you live if she disappears and we have shark for dinner...."
Honour closed the door in his face.

Honour poured herself a glass of wine and raised it to Rose. "I want to propose a toast, Countess."
Rose looked quizzically at her. "A toast?"
"Yes. To you. If you hadn't opened up your big mouth, this would have always been between Jack and me. It made our love even more stronger."
"Oh, Countess, no need to thank me! It is I who should be thanking YOU! And while you are staying with us, I want to make you feel comfortable."
Honour flung open the armoire.
"Now there should be some in--ah ha! Here!"
She pulled out a armful of clothes and shoved them in Rose's arms
"These should fit you. I hope you don't mind that they belonged to some of Jack's strumpets. After all, we WERE separated. But then I was no saint, as you have already told him."
Honour walked over to the basin. "Oh, and here's some soap. I'm sorry it is what I use for washing the basin but I am sure your creamy skin can take it. And here's a towel."
Honour piled a rough cloth on top of it all.
"I must say---"
"No need to thank me, Rose. After all, this is the LEAST I can do for you."
She spun Rose around and propelled her to the door. Shoving her gently outside the door, Honour said as the door closed, "Enjoy your stay. And please watch out for Puddin'. Sometimes he likes to show off his latest catch when you are sleeping!"

As Rose stood there with her cast-offs, Jack nodded and said, "Duckie's quarters are down the hall and to the right. The RIGHT. And please tell him he will bunk with Briggs."

As they watched her walk down the hall, Briggs smiled at Jack and said, "Ye keep tellin' me ye will teach me about women, Jack. But I think ye be the wrong gender for it."
Jack smiled. "I don't know what happened...but I think I like it!"
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Welsh Wench

Jack tentatively opened the cabin door.
"Umm....Honour? Sweetheart?"
She poured herself another glass of claret.
"Yes, darling?"
He looked around. "Where did that other Honour go? The one with the morbid ideas?"
Honour waved him off. "Oh...that. That was just a momentary hissy fit. I've calmed down now."
Jack looked at his wife skeptically. "Oh, you have, have you? It's when you get that angel-pie look that I REALLY worry!"

Honour sat down and put her bare feet up on the chair opposite her. She gently nudged it away from her and gave Jack an innocent look. He sat down opposite her and gently began rubbing her feet. She giggled.
"You aren't playing fair, Jack Wolfe!"
He gave her a grin and said, "Take what you can..."
She raised her eyebrow. "..give nothing back?"
He leaned forward and whispered, "You know that isn't how it works around here.!"
She leaned forward and whispered too, "I know."

He kissed the tip of her nose and asked, "I want to know why the sudden change of attitude. You are up to something, Honour Wolfe. And I don't know whether to be proud of you or worried!"
She pulled her foot back. "Are you impugning my hospitality?"
He sighed. "Not at all."
She stared back at him. He relented, "Alright, maybe just a little...A LITTLE!"
Honour took a sip of her claret and ran her finger idly around the rim. "The countess is about to learn a lesson in humility."
"Humility? Or humiliation?"
Honour flared up. "Are you protective of your former sweetheart?"
He sighed. "I wish to God she never set foot on this ship. Ducks is second only to Briggs as my best friend."
Honour stood up. "And it is because of Duckie that I don't rip her to shreds. She can spend her time with her brother and sitting in his quarters. I don't want to see or hear her."
"You won't."
Jack put his arms around his wife and kissed her. She gently took his hands at the wrist and disentangled him from her.
"What do you mean, 'no'?"
She drew the sheets back.
"You can thank your countess for this."
"For what?"
"She ruined the mood. Now extinguish the candle, please. I am going to SLEEP!"

Jack sighed and from the dark, he said, "You sure?"
"I'm sure."
"Damn Rose."
From the other side of the bed, she sighed, "You can say that again."

Rose struggled down the hallway under the burden of the clothes Honour had thrust upon her.
"Whoa now, Rose! What do you have here?" Duckie looked up from his medical book.
Rose peeked over the load of garments she was carrying.
"It seems the esteemed Mrs. Jack Wolfe decided I should wear what is available."
Duckie took the clothes out of Rose's arms.
"Here. Let me take that for you."
"And I am to take your quarters and you are to bunk with Mr. Briggs."
"Oh, I am, am I? Well, if it is alright with Josiah, it's alright with me."

He kicked the door to his quarters open.
"It isn't much, Rose, but I guess it will have to do."
She looked around. "My butler lives in quarters bigger than this, Drake."
"Well, I am not your butler. You should be glad that Honour didn't push you overboard as soon as she saw you."
"Oh, if she had her way, she would have. Jack's gallantry rescued me."
Duckie held up his hand. "Hold it right there! Jack is NOT being gallant. He is NOT your knight in shining armor to rescue you, princess. He's trying to protect his wife from any undue aggravation."

She sat down and crossed her arms over her chest. "I was only trying to protect Jack. I knew Lady Castlemaine. Why Madoc married her is beyond me. He was a well-respected and courtly man. Why, he even was involved with the political machinations to restore the House of Lords!"
Duckie sat down opposite her. "And what did Lady Castlemaine ever do to you?"
Rose said hotly, "She was all wrong for him. Everyone knew about Lord Conaway's wayward daughter. She was in a convent and was turned out for...well, for unseemly conduct. It wasn't hard to figure out. News travels fast in my social circle...."
"...with you being the herald of rumours..."
"..and no one was invited to the wedding. Just family. And it was within a month after she returned home that she was now an....equal!"
"Is that what bothers you?"
"The fact that she was so young and was now your peer. Maybe even the fact that Lord Castlemaine was a rung up on the social ladder than Edward?"
She glared. "It is NOT! She played Madoc for a fool!"
"And what did he get out of it?"

Rose's mouth went into a thin line and she said nothing.
Duckie started laughing.
"You were jealous!"
"Jealous? Of HER?"
"Yes. Because she was young and beautiful and Madoc Castlemaine was rogering her roundly!"
Rose stood up and put her hands on her hips, her face flaming red.  "You never would have talked to me like that before, Drake! Mother would be appalled!"

"You have a bigger problem than that, as far as I can see."
"And what is that?"
"The blue dress on top is Desdemona's dress."
"Yes. One of Jack's....close friends. Jack and Honour were separated for a time. And the man does have an insatiable appetite."
"You mean...this dress....?"
"I wouldn't worry about it. After all, who is going to know if it is last year's fashion. Goodnight, Rose!"
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Captain Jack Wolfe

Honour's eyes slowly opened.  It was morning.  Sunlight shone through the gallery windows, helping to warm the large cabin.  While it had been wonderful to see snow again, she longed for the warmth of the Caribbean sun.  She raised her head and looked over to see Zara playing quietly with her little toy rabbit.  It must still be early, Honour reasoned, because Zara wasn't hungry enough to want food yet.  She smiled, then rolled over to see if Jack was still sleeping.

He was gone.

She stroked the bed where he had been.  It was cool to the touch.  He had been gone for a while.  Honour hated when Jack got out of bed early.  She could understand it when he was responsible for the ship, but now?
Maybe it was old habits.  Yes, that had to be it.  He couldn't possibly be that upset over her not wanting to make love the night before.

Could he?

It was true that Rose's presence had ruined the mood for her.  That shrew from Shrewsbury had invaded Honour's world yet again.  Damn that woman!  It figures she would get "confused" and need a bit of a lie down to sleep it off.  Now she was their guest for the next ten days.  If Honour had her way, it would be the worst ten days of Countess Rose Carlisle's life.

Honour got out of bed and pulled on a heavy dressing gown.  She went to Zara's where the little girl was still pulling the toy rabbit's ears.  She picked Zara up and brushed the little girl's locks out of her face.
"Does Zara want to see how silly mean old Rose looks all tarted up in that stinky dress?"
Zara gave a little laugh and playfully grabbed Honour's nose.
"That's right!  That's my little girl!  Smelly, smelly Rose!"  She looked toward the door, and a sly smile played on her lips.
"I think it's a fine day for your mummy to look especially good, don't you agree?"

Jack looked out over the main deck.  If there was any time he wished he could will El Lobo to move faster, this would be it.  This was supposed to be a pleasant voyage back to Barbados and a new life.  Instead, an aggravating bit of his and Honour's pasts had managed to stow away.  Now Honour was out of sorts in more ways than one.  It was going to be a very long ten days.
"Keep starin' like that, and them waters may just part," said Briggs from behind him.  "Only one man I know of pulled that off, and he had help.  What has you up here when ye should be playing with that wee bairn?"
"Oh!  Good morning, Josiah.  I was lost in thought."
"Broodin' is more like it.  Still upset about the stowaway?"
"Annoyed.  Honour's more upset about it, though."
"How upset?  I know she hates that uppity countess somethin' fierce."
Jack looked at him.  "VERY upset.  To to point of... distraction."
"Distraction?"  Briggs thought about it for a moment, and his eyes grew wide.  "Oh, THAT distraction!"
"Yes, exactly."
"Hmph.  This is goin to be a long stretch for all of us, then."
"Excuse me?"
"If Jack Wolfe ain't happy, ain't nobody happy aboard this ship, and ye know it.  Ten days of no... diversion, ye'll be wound up tighter than a capstan holdin' two anchors.  Not that anyone could blame ye."
Jack laughed.  "I'm that bad?"
"Jack, everyone knows how much you and Honour love each other.  Ye both be... um, passionate people, as it were.  So it stands to reason that if ye ain't able to, um, express them passions, if ye follow, ye'd get a little keyed up after a while.  It's, y'know, normal."
"Very nicely put, Josiah."
"Thank ye."
"That settles it.  YOU get to tell Zara about the birds and the bees."
Briggs nearly spit out his 'coffee'.  "Like hell!  That job goes to the man what sired her!"
"Coward!" Jack laughed.
"Damn straight!  And proud of it!" smirked Briggs.
"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus

Captain Jack Wolfe

"It's good to see you laughing this morning!  May I join you?" called a voice from the weather deck.  Jack looked down to find a sheepish Duckie looking up at him.
"Of course, Doctor!  Since when have you felt the need to ask?"
Duckie jogged up the steps.  "After yesterday, I wasn't sure you'd want to see me."
Jack waved his hand.  "I know it's not your fault, Ducks.  Rose's stowing away was her own doing."
"Yes, well, if I'd known she'd been drinking before I let her have some brandy..."  He shook his head.  "Oh, who am I kidding?  She's a slave to the drink.  Would you believe I found TWO flasks in her clutch?  And both nearly empty?"
Briggs gave Jack a worried look.
"I'll have the men secure the rum stores.  And the wine, and the brandy, and that stuff you're so fond of from Russia," he said as he quickly departed the quarterdeck.

"I've already put a lock on my brandies," said Duckie.  "But honestly, Jack, I feel awful about this.  I know it upset Honour terribly.  I should have escorted her off the ship."
"She's a big girl, Duckie.  One would think even a countess could find her way down a hallway."
"To be fair, it's been years since she was on a ship.  And you had her quite rattled.  Unfortunately, drinking is her way of dealing with stress."
Jack raised an eyebrow.  "Drinking is her way of dealing with her eyes opening in the morning, from what I've seen.  Look, I know she's your sister.  But after what she tried to do, I was in no mood to listen to her half-hearted 'apology'.  I should have let Honour toss her off the ship back in port.  Then we wouldn't have this mess."
"You don't mean that."
"Oh, don't I?  I can't believe you're defending her."
"I'm not defending her, Jack.  I'm just trying to make the best of a bad situation.  Events conspired to create this mess, as you put it.  We have to cope with it together until Madeira."
"You're right," said Jack with a sigh.
"I'll take responsibility for watching over her."
"Damned right, you will.  I've got two women to look after.  I don't need a third!"
Duckie managed to laugh a little at that.  "Especially two at each other's throats.  I hope Honour wasn't as upset as Rose portrayed?"
"Did she tell you Honour wanted to watch the sharks eat her alive?"
"No, she left that part out."
"Between you and me, Duckie, I don't think my wife is quite done with your sister yet.  Best we keep them out of each other's way."
"That will be some trick, Jack.  The ship isn't that big.  Though the clothes Honour gave her to wear should help to keep her in the surgery and out of sight..."
A piercing whistle followed by catcalls from the crew interrupted the conversation.  Jack and Duckie looked down to see what was going on.
"Oh, dear," said Duckie.  "So much for that theory."

Storming toward the quarterdeck stairs with fistfuls of royal blue skirt clenched tightly was Rose.  She tried to ignore the catcalls of "Hey, it's Desi's sister!" and the like as her cheeks flamed red.  Without breaking stride, she climbed the stairs and stood on the quarterdeck facing Jack and her brother.  Jack leaned against the gunwale with his arms crossed, wearing the expression of a man trying hard not to double over in laughter.  Duckie fared only slightly better.
"It's considered polite to ask permission before coming to the quarterdeck, Rose," he said with a barely disguised snicker.
Rose shot her brother a withering glare.
"Not to be a critic, Rose," said Jack, "but blue simply isn't your colour."
"This is what your wife gave me to wear!" she fumed.  "Castoffs from your... your trollops!"
"Well, Desdemona was a lot of things, but she wasn't..."
Duckie gave him a look that said: "Oh?"
"All right, I guess she was."
"Jack, I insist you find me more suitable clothes to wear!  Surely you have something amongst your cargo?"
"Hmm, let me think...  No!  Sorry.  Can't recall dealing with any French ships in the past several months.  Which is just as well, since they'd be out of fashion by now anyway.  I'll tell you what, I can see if some of the younger crew have a clean shift they're willing to donate."
"I will NOT wear pants!" she exclaimed in outrage.
"Them I'm afraid you're stuck wearing the same clothes for the next ten days, or what's been provided you by my wife.  No point of you asking for any of hers, because, well, you wouldn't fill them out as nicely."
The colour of Rose's face matched her name.  "I think you're enjoying making sport of me."
Jack thought about it for a moment.  "As a matter of fact, I am.  Sorry about that.  Consider it penance for the other night."
"Honestly, Jack," said Duckie.  "Things are bad enough."
"Oh, all right.  For your sake, Duckie, I'll stop."

"Can anyone join this party?" came a voice from the stairs.  Honour appeared, dressed in a beautiful seafoam green silk dress with intricate lace work in off white.  Her hair was done up in a matching satin ribbon.  Zara was bundled up in a little off white dress that matched her mother's lace, complete with matching bonnet.  When she saw her father, she began enthusiastically waving her little toy rabbit.
"Da!  Da!" she cried and reached for him.  Jack took her gently from Honour and gave his wife a kiss.
"Well, aren't we the lovely pair!" said Jack.
Honour gave a pirouette.  "Remember this dress?  You bought it for me when we were first married.  It still fits perfectly!"
Rose's jaw clenched tight.  She began to say something, thought better of it, and hastily departed the quarterdeck.
Honour watched Rose leave and turned back the two men with a feigned look of surprise.
"Was it something I said?" she asked with a wink.
"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus

Welsh Wench

"See the moon, Zara?"
The little toddler looked up in the night sky. Her father had her on his shoulders and brought her down to his chest.
"Now look up and say, 'Moon, come closer!' See it? See it come to Zara?"
Her eyes grew wide and she reached her hand out.
Jack laughed. "And now you can hold the moon in your hands, sweetheart!"

"Jack, what are you telling her?"
He turned around to see his bemused wife standing there, her hands on her hips.
"Just showing her that if she wants something, nothing is out of her grasp!"
"But the moon?"
"Why not? She already holds the world in the palm of her hand."
"Yes. YOUR world!"
He leaned towards his wife and as she brought her face near his, a little face stuck hers between the two of them. Zara patted both their faces and laughed.
Jack sighed. "I think she is on to us!"
"Well, I came outside for two reasons. One--please get the baby out of the night air. I don't need her coming down with the sniffles."
Jack protested, "Oh, come on, Honour. I have her bundled up. What is the second reason?"
"Cook brought dinner. Grady caught some fresh fish and we still have some field greens. So come in before the fish gets cold."
Jack put his arm around his wife's waist and whispered, "And you are now over your snit-fit regarding you know who?"
She gave him that smile he loved to see. "I figured why should I punish myself along with you?"
Zara pouted, "Da-da!"
Jack shook her head. "She can't possibly be jealous of her own mother, can she?"
"Certainly not! But you keep spoiling her and she will be the diva of Barbados!"
"Well, why not? I like spoiling my girls!"
He bounced Zara up and down gently as the little toddler laid her head against her father's chest.
Honour leaned over and kissed Jack's cheek. "And we like being spoiled! Now, come in so we can have a nice, quiet dinner."
'"And later?"
"And after dessert?"
"Let's just see what transpires," Honour laughed.
Jack laughed and opened up the door to their cabin.
"After you, munequita!"
As their door shut, her voice was heard to giggle, "No, Jack! Not until after I have my dessert!"
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....