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Gudelines for Posting - PLEASE READ

Started by Magister, January 15, 2009, 12:24:35 PM

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Welcome to the Faire Directory Updates Section!

Our Faire Directory is a part of what makes so special.  It is a volunteer service to our community to assist others in finding the latest information about their favorite faires, and maybe discovering a new event they would otherwise not have visited.

In order for this service to be successful the information we provide needs to be kept current.  As such we've create this section to assist us in this effort.

I would like to welcome all representatives of the various faire and events managements, as well as our vigilant members to use this section to submit updates so we can be sure we are providing the best service of its type on the Internet.

In that spirit we have a few simple requests we would like to ask everyone to follow:


1. All updates submitted through this forum will be verified with the respective events management before being added to the directory.

In order to ensure we are not inadvertently adding incorrect information to the database all information submitted through this forum will be verified either by email to the faire management, or from the official events website prior to being updated in the directory.  Information such as dates for the new calendar year may be easy to verify, where a change in faire management may not.  Please do not worry if it takes us a little time to make the appropriate changes to the faires listing.  It is probably going through the verification process.

If we are unable to verify the information a note will be placed in the thread.

2. Staying on Topic

Please understand this is a single purpose section.  Faire Directory updates, only.  Any other posts not relating to this mission will be deleted.

3. Long Links

On occasion we all run in to those link that seem to go on, and on, and on, and... You get the idea. Well, in order to help control some of that, we ask that everyone please try to use the URL function provided in the form.  The button can be found above where you type your posts.  It looks like a little globe with a piece of paper in front of it.  If you have any questions please just ask a moderator.

This is handy if you are submitting an update to the "Directions Link" using Google Maps, or Mapblast.

4. Format for New and Updated Faire Information

The Faire Directory contains a lot of information, and it would be very helpful, especially if you are submitting a new faire, if you would use this guide when you post your information.  It is somewhat lengthy, but please find the format below.  You can copy and paste this information in to your post, and just complete the fields as appropriate.

Faire Name:     
Faire Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD):    
Faire End Date (YYYY-MM-DD):   
Management Business Name:   
Management Fax:    
Management Email:
Event Web Page:
Event City:
Event Street Address:
Event Zip:    
Directions to the Event: Example: "From I-95 take exit 123 ..."
Event Start Time:
Event End Time:
General Contact Name:    
General Contact Number:
Craft Contact Name:
Craft Contact Number:
Performer Contact Name:
Performer Contact Number:    
Food Contact Name:
Food Contact Number:    
PR Contact Name:
PR Contact Number:    
Number of Booths:
Number of Stages:
Annual Attendance:
Admission Prices: Adult:  Children:
Year Established:
Description of Your Faire: Example: "Discover an enchanted realm ..."
Theme: Example: "English Renaissance"
Village Name:
Village Year:    
Total Days Faire Runs: Example: 4 weekends = 8 days    
Costume Policy:
Camping: Onsite? Offsite? Neither?
Picnic: Onsite?
Alcohol Policy:
Animal Policy:
Hotel City: If different than event.
Hotel State: If different than event.
Weapon Policy:
Nearby Cities:    
Nearby States:    
Directions Link: Google Maps, Mapblast
Ticket URL:

Well I think that does it. I hope everyone is still awake, and I look forward to seeing those updates!

Forum Moderator
Moderator: Crafting Corner, Buy + Sale + Trade