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Started by Lady Amy of York, February 18, 2009, 06:05:50 PM

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white trillium

Happy to hear that the chest pain is gone. Keep us posted, we are all thinking of you.
Everything starts as somebody's daydream. ~Larry Niven

Lady Amy of York

Went  and  got  some  blood  work  done  today . Now  i  am  waiting  for  my appointment  with  my family  doctor,  so  that  I  can get a    couple   doctor referrals  from  her.   Actually i  asked  to see  her  physican's  assistant.  I  like him  much  better. He  is  easier  to talk  to and  takes the  time  to listen  to  you  and  answer any  questions  you  might  have.
  in the  mean time, i hanging in there.  Taking it one  step at  a  time.     Still getting the  numbness,  tremors,  bluured  vision, and  dizziness,  but  i am trying  to keep  my  strength  and  fight it all  the  way, and  not let my body  succomb  to whatever  is  going on to  me.
   It is  deffinitely affecting my hands  and face. feels  so strange  at  times.  It really  tingles.

  The  hardest part is  that it is  also affecting  my legs  and  my balance.  I'm okay in the house,  but when i go outside or like  today  to the  doctors, i have  to hold  onto  my husband  to keep  my  balance. 
    But i'm hanging in there.  Keeping  the faith   !
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Rani Zemirah

Don't you just love paying your co-pay just so you can get a referral?

Hope the referrals come through! I'll be praying for you, dear!!!
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede


Sending you continuing get well wishes, thoughts and prayers! :)
Wench  #  3783
Treasure Guardian and giggling interrogator of the "Feisty Lady"

Guppy # 32 ROoL


Quote from: Lady Amy of York on March 02, 2009, 01:42:39 PM
Went  and  got  some  blood  work  done  today . Now  i  am  waiting  for  my appointment  with  my family  doctor,  so  that  I  can get a    couple   doctor referrals  from  her.   Actually i  asked  to see  her  physican's  assistant.  I  like him  much  better. He  is  easier  to talk  to and  takes the  time  to listen  to  you  and  answer any  questions  you  might  have.
  in the  mean time, i hanging in there.  Taking it one  step at  a  time.     Still getting the  numbness,  tremors,  bluured  vision, and  dizziness,  but  i am trying  to keep  my  strength  and  fight it all  the  way, and  not let my body  succomb  to whatever  is  going on to  me.
   It is  deffinitely affecting my hands  and face. feels  so strange  at  times.  It really  tingles.

  The  hardest part is  that it is  also affecting  my legs  and  my balance.  I'm okay in the house,  but when i go outside or like  today  to the  doctors, i have  to hold  onto  my husband  to keep  my  balance. 
    But i'm hanging in there.  Keeping  the faith   !

Amy you continue as always to be in my thoughts and prayers. You are such an amazing woman and an inspiration to all of us on here. Hang in there and keep the faith cause in the long run everything's gonna be alright. I promise you that.  :)
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Lady Amy of York

Thanks  everyone  !
   Thanks  for  the  kind words Lord  W  !

I'm hanging in there . I  hang out  with  my  son, and  family,  and      come  on here  when  i need  a few  laughs,  etc  ! I take it one  day  at a time, and  try  to do as  much as my body  will let me  do. ( not going let  whatever  this is   get  the  best of  me.)  I  never  know when the  tremors/ shakes going  to  hit  me., and my vision is  still being affected .Still getting the  numbness in  my hands  and  feet, and  especially in  the  right  side  of  my face.
   My biggest concern right now is  that my hands  and  especially my feet are really puffy.  My right  foot being  the  worse  and  there is  little  feeling  in it. Has me  very concern, but i am trying to think positive  here.
       Tomorrow  i  go  to the  family doctor  . Hopefully  i can get some  answers  and  some  refferals  to    doctors/specialists.  Lets put it this  way, i just won't leave  until  i  do !
      Wish  me  luck  !
        Thanks  everyone  for  the   continuous  thoughts  and  prayers  and  well wishes !
   Hugs  to  you all back !
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Do you have any idea what is causing your hands and feet to get so puffy Amy? Maybe that is something you should mention to your family doctor when you go see them next time.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Lady Amy of York

I plan to today, when i go see the  doctor.I  don't like  the idea of  them being so puffy.  What research i  did  on the internet about  it, says  that  extreme  puffiness like  i am having can  be  signs of  a kidney  or  liver  problem.  Praying that is  not  the  case.   Thinking  positive  here.  Hopefully i get some  answers !    Wish me  luck.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Rani Zemirah

Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede

Lady Amy of York

Yes, Rani I am a diabetic.  I know  what you are going to can get swelling  with  diabetes.

  Well  i went and  saw  my family doctor  today..actually the physicians   assistant  who i really  like.... and  here is  the  scope   :

  My blood  tests  showed  that my cholesterol levels   were  good. Yea !
   My electrolytes  were good.   Yea  !
    MY  kidneys  and  liver are  fine   !   Big  relief !  Triple  yea !
    My blood  sugar  levels were excellent  !  Yea !

So in other words    they did not feel  that my  diabetes  was causing  the  swelling in my  extremities.    Which really surprised  me  !

  They  think , because  of  the  numbness,  tingling, vision problems, and  the  tremors  i  get ,  that there is  something neurologically  going  on and  that i need to get in touch  with  the  MS  specialist in Rochester  NY, which  i have  already  done, and  am waiting to hear  back  from.

I may  still get a second  opinion about  my diabetes  if  the  swelling continues.

so that is  the  latest  news.  Slowly, and  hopefully  making  progress   !
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Rani Zemirah

Sweetie, I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time getting answers so far! I'm glad they're trying to rule out everything, but I'd definitely want second opinions about everything if I were you!

Keep the faith, dear, and remember we're all pulling for you!!!

Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede

Lady Amy of York

Thanks  Rani.  yea, as i have  said  before i am fustrated with  my doctors here.  Time  to move on.  Unfortunately  alot of  the  specialists  won't see you without a referral  from  your  family  doctor,  or  also if  they are willing to see you, it take s for  ever  for  you to get  an appointment.    But  we are slowly  making  progress.

Even the  doctor  yesterday  said  i was  a  complicated case, cause i had  so  many different  symptoms.   LOL, yea..i  was never one  to do  things  the  easy  way.

Yes, I  still don't  buy  the  fact  that    my diabetes  is  not causing  my swelling  in  my feet.  I    think i will still make  an  appointment  with   an endrocrinologist  or  diabetes  specialist.

Oh belive  me, I have  learn  to get second  opinions !

Nope  I  think the  best course  of  action  would  be  to see  probably  both a  neurologist   and  a  diabetes/  endrocrinologist  person.

Right now  though i feel  tired  and  worn out,  so i am  just  going to rest and  realx  this  weekend,  and  handle  it  on Monday.

I tell you,  and  it is  sad  to say, but it is  the  truth,   my  dogs  and  horses  get  better   doctor  service    then  i  do  !     Oh well !  keeping  the  faith  and  thinking  positive  !
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


So where you ever able to get any answers as to what is causing the swelling in your hands and feet from your recent doctor visit Amy?
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Lady Amy of York

Nope, other then they did not think it was  my diabetes, which i don't   totally  buy  for  one  minute.  S o i am taking it easy  this  weekend  like  I said,   and i will make  a few   phone  calls  next week.

right now i am  relying on  prayers  and  faith , which i  know  work.  I am also busy  reading  my health books, and  researching  on the   internet. Sometimes, you  can't always  rely  on doctors. I am  a  strong beliver  in that sometmes  you have  to heal  yourself   with    some  help  from God  above.

Like i said, i am not giving up.  I  am  itred  right  now, so i am going to rest this weekend, and  next week, after i figure out  my next  step, which  will probbaly  be  to contact a neurologist, or  an  diabetes  doctor,  i will make  a few  phone  calls.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Amy the main thing to remember is not to over do it and take it easy.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"