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Steampunk and its growing following

Started by eloquentXI, June 01, 2009, 05:12:52 PM

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Quote from: Grov on June 01, 2009, 11:04:13 PM
Just another set of gear I can keep an eye out for.  Don't think there are any events near me, but I can try to get enough together for a TRF invasion for sure.  I was always a fan of the rpg Castle Falkenstein.  Never played it but always had an interest.  Weird science, touch of mysticism perhaps.  Just think League of Extraordinary Gentlemen-ish.  Hat, shoes, mask/goggles, coat, etc... And I just hit the thrift store earlier today, sigh.

Just means ya betta get on it and go back to the thrift store soon! :]
Still Meggers, just a little more grown up now. :)


Windycon science fiction convention (in the Chicago area each November) is steampunk-themed in 2009. I know the con chair, and he wants lots of costumes in attendance! And the Foglios (Phil Foglio is the one who does Girl Genius) are guests of honor at the convention.

I'll be making my first steampunk outfit in the fall or late summer, once Pennsic is over and Bristol ren faire is slowing down. I already have a design and all my fabric, including white batiste for my blouse, black velveteen for my long coat and a beautiful shimmery blue striped fabric for my bustled & draped overskirt.



Quote from: NoBill Lurker on June 01, 2009, 07:33:52 PM

And a incredible online Steampunk comic...

I really love Steampunk!  ;D

Squee! totally love that comic. Its gorgeously done. makes me a little sad when they go into filler stories though.
What does the color blue taste like?

Capt Gabriela Fullpepper

I have been a huge fan of Steampunk for a very long time. Maybe it's the Victorian fashions that drew me in, but none the less I love it. There is a magazine called Gothic beauty which has a lot of Steampunk in it as well as many adds for those looking for Steampunk items.

I have 1 Steampunk dress that is to die for. While not HA it is stunning and I got it off ebay for a pretty penny, but then again most all good Victorian dresses cost a pretty penny. My hat for the dress is posted in the garb section of Show us your hats. I also got it off Ebay
"The Metal Maiden"
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody e



Oh, little sister Elle, you're going in a direction that I cannot follow.... *shakes head*

Hmmm, maybe I took the training wheels off too soon LOL!
Blaidd Drwg

Captain Jack Wolfe

Not that steampunk is my thing, but it would be cool to have one of these...

"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus


Is that, like, something to clean my house or my kids or something?
Blaidd Drwg

Captain Jack Wolfe

"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus


I'm not into Steampunk myself, but over at the Pyracy Pub there's a whole forum on it, you might want to check out.
Being Blond means I have the right to walk into any wall.


Steampunk is cool.  I haven't ventured into making any costumes yet (mainly for lack of somewhere to wear them), but I LOVE Girl Genius. 

I'd also recommend you check out Abney Park (sorry, don't have a link).  They are a steampunk-themed band, and they make pretty cool music to boot. :)
My (infrequently updated) costume blog:

NoBill Lurker

Abney Park    ;D

Their last two CD's that I burned on to one disk has been living in my car's CD player for a month now!  ;D
Really looking forward to their next release!
Also look on YouTube for some of their videos.
So what are you doing this weekend?
I'm going to BARF!!!
You're going to...wait...WHAT???

Lady Neysa

I'm still not really sure what this whole steampunk thing is, I always seem to be behind the times.  Two things come to mind when I envision it.  One is that old Smashing Pumpkins video-"Tonight, Tonight"(which I always thought was really cool.)  Another is "Doc Brown" (Back to the Future) with his steam train time machine.  Is that about right? 

Taffy Saltwater

My name is being bandied about!  I went through a Victorian craze about 15 years ago, so it's no great surprise that neo-Victorianism has bit me - hard.  Although the S word is not Ren, I think it could be fun to vary garb.  I hope we have a nice showing on Halloween weekend - probably Saturday.

This dress - w/some mods - is being made for me:

To be followed shortly by this hat:

I'm in the process of making goggles and this is the Hellboy gun I painted earlier this year:

If you are feeling the need to read the web comic Girl Genius: - free is hard to beat.  It's also oh about 8 years of comics.  I'm working on a Mamma Gkika garb for TRF
Mamma Gkika: AND
Mine - fox skull are in a box waiting for me to put together the skull swag:



Been on the brassgoggle forum over a year and did our own airship crew* at CONvergence last year

*The Royal Airship HMA Todd commnaded by Captain Benjamin Barker, returned to England damaged but victorious from her last mission, and is being refitted with updated weapons and new Babbage engines as well as expanded crew quarters. Although she was named for a long dead Admiral Todd, some bloody smart-a55 crewman nicknamed her the "Sweeny" and that moniker has been adopted as an unofficial name with the result that her ship's badge/emblem is now a pair of crossed straight razors, and much of the crew carries a razor as an unofficial side-arm. Since her new mission is to hunt down pirates and smugglers the same smart-a55 who came up with the Sweeny nickname came up with the slogan that we will be "Shaving the skies clean of pirates!". The expanded crew quarters will be filled with a boarding party of Air Marines commanded by Lt. Mycroft St. John as well as an elite unit of kilted Highlanders under the command of Capt. Andrew C. MacGregor (aka Groomporter). The actual Captain of the Todd is away at Air Command HQ while her officers are recruiting (AKA sending out a press gang) for additional crew (The captain is always away)
When you die can you donate your body to pseudo-science?