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Need ideas for a friend's Bachelor Party, Renrat style

Started by Mouse, September 02, 2009, 03:45:15 AM

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As in the tradition of most of my friends and their renratness...we are broke..but Opening Weekend is the day mybest friend is to be married...after 6 years of pining. Now, being said we are broke, our bachelor party we are throwing him has..hit a snag...a lack of dead kings printed on paper...and that one Franklin guy. Mainly him. So, all my fellow rennies, I ask of you ideas that are cheap, (free if need be) that we can do for him, to make this last gasp before the plunge something other than a get together....and he has requested no strippers, so that's out the door...(i hate him sometimes). I mean it when I say NO MONEY!....We are having  it at his duplex in Flint, Texas as to save on having to go anywhere..and a 52 inch flat screen may be involved...that's what we have come up with so far...So, ideas can be original, made out of cardboard, or implicated after copious amounts of drinking. All in all, I need your help, in a bad way, or else I am no best man and should commit seppeku....but where to find a ninja? Pirates, help me out here. Thankk you for anything you can think of and no idea is to lame, to brainy, to famous last words-ish, and all bear a resounding thank you from a endeared Mouse.
Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie

"MOUSE,n. "Animalistic man-child which strews it's path with fainting woman"....less so these days :)


A bachelor party with NO strippers?! Say it ain't so!  ;D

Invite lots of people. Ask/hint/tell them BYOB and snacks. Stuff them into your place with the 52 inch TV. Play Excaliber on TV. There is also a movie based on Sir Gwain and the Green Knight starring Sean Connery as the Green Knight but for the life of me I can't remember the movie title. 

If you prefer smaller then invite selected folks and rent a Xbox/Playstation/Wii and play some medievel games...maybe even make a drinking game out of it.

At least take hime to a strip club and buy him a beer. Usually they have a no-cover time. Some of those gals may just take pity on him.  :D
Save the Earth (it's the only one with beer)!


Aye, no probably ex-nay on the club too...he's not reserved its more..him and his haven't...ANYTHING in the six years they have been together...and he hasnt ANYTHING in the 25 years he has been alive....he would rather not get himself so worked up a week before the wedding that he will suffer man than he has there's that reason..I am up for some EXCALIBUR...even if Merlin did play Cagliostro in Spawn..I still love that guy. Medieval games..hmm...any suggestions there? Already was BYOB because we are split on who likes spirits and who likes beer...we all love mead. Thank you for your we can do on women though is include the addendum, You can bring women, but they have to be topless for a little while at least....We have this aimed at a future rengoer in me, TRF would benefit from this girl in a will all thank me for that.
Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie

"MOUSE,n. "Animalistic man-child which strews it's path with fainting woman"....less so these days :)


OHHH Jim and Amanda! I am really upset I can't make it to the wedding! But alas... I have to work at TRF on opening day... and every other day for that matter lol.


Sword of the Valiant is the name of the movie with Sean Connery. Kind of a hokey film but somehow fun to watch.

I understand about your friend's apprehension to strip clubs. Having gone to one (or two, or three) maself I always leave the place horny and flat-arsed BROKE!

Oh...I know. Take him to a male strip joint!  :D
Save the Earth (it's the only one with beer)!


I choose to live by the sword...not die by it. I actually live more by my silver tongue, but women are interested in both tongue and sword I suppose. Either way, the court swords he bought for his wedding will whet themselves on my blood if I even DREAM of a male strip club....they expect you to tip better I hear. I do wish I could find the David Carradine movie "The Warrior and the Sorcereress", or as I like to call it, "Carradine and the two topless chicks", but since his death the price of it has a '84 flick. I will check on that Seannery movie, since Seannery is the man. SUCK IT TREBEK! But seriously, I would be ran through if I deigned speak of an all male nude review. I will save that for their Silver Anniversary, when he's too old and naive to do anything about it.
Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie

"MOUSE,n. "Animalistic man-child which strews it's path with fainting woman"....less so these days :)


How about... instead of strippers... bellydancers for an evening?
Just enough to get your interest up, not enough to make you go screaming over the edge
There are probably some on this forum who might want to help out the cause...
Or, arrange a good old fashioned wenching.

*Or just drown his bachelorhood in rum... that is always fun*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"


I dunno....I haven't had ANYTHING since last week and I'm getting twitchy. If the groom hasn't had ANYTHING for his 25 years then even belly-dancers may send him over the edge.  :D

Save the Earth (it's the only one with beer)!


If you can find it try Sorceress a seriously bad funny barbarian flick.  The main characters are played by the Harris twins who dispite having 38DD chest think they are boys and so do everyone else in the movie.

Another one is The Sword and the Sorcerer it has to have the dumbest sword ever seen in any movie.
Beware of him that is slow to anger: He is angry for something, and will not be pleased for nothing.
Benjamin Franklin


Indeed I believe that even bellydancers will set him off...I see his wandering eye as we pass the gypsey stage at faire...On top of that, his fiancee is a bellydancing type, so that's a double edge sword he is working with there(innuendo was muchly intended)

TEACH: There WILL be shall flow freely, but sadly this man CANNONT get drunk..not will not, CANNOT...Which is odd, since he has alot of native american in him..But he is a descendent of John Lafette, the maybe its just in his bones. He's french-indian. Odd, though

RICHARD: I think we were thinking of the same movie, "Socereress" with Carradine...If not, I need to find me some good old Doublemint action...if yes, I still need to get hold of that movie..and yes, that other movies does indeed boast the stupidest sword.

HERCULES: I can say nothing other than, You have my sympathies. Sadly enough, I'm in the same boat...and what with frequenting this forum regularly and having constant reminders of TRF about and on my mind...I am reminded of the finer things about TRF 24/7...and curse corsets and bodices and the devils that brought them into being...yet want to pay a tribute upon their alter...but since virgins are a myth, I guess that's out of the picture....(You are all welcome to add to that, as I purposely left that open ended)
Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie

"MOUSE,n. "Animalistic man-child which strews it's path with fainting woman"....less so these days :)