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Started by Dev, July 20, 2009, 10:39:43 AM

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This, I believe, is my last year as a troll.

Next year I might want to go either pirate or fop...or a foppish pirate, I'm not really sure...but something more within the time period.

The one thing I want to build my outfit around is Odd Bodkin's Brigantine bodice, and a colour scheme of either cream/gold/red, black/gold/blue, or black/gold/purple (PRF has no rules as to who can wear purple)

My questions are:

Pirate shirt or partlet?

Skirt, tights, bloomers, or bloomers/tights with a hiked skirt?  Any other ideas for the bottom?

What to do with my hair?  It's waist-length with long bangs/fringe, and right now it's black.  I'm not very talented in the realm of hair-fixing, keep in mind.  Did they have sausage curls back then?

Where is a site that sells appropriate hats? ...something I can put huge feathers in...

I like pictures if possible, I'm a visual learner :p

Master James

I guess the first question is pirate, FOP or FOP/pirate?  That will really help to steer what people will suggest because as a FOP you want something that "out there" color wise but as a straight up pirate you won't.  FOP is great fun as is pirate but each are really different so that decision is needed first.
Why can't reality be more like faire?
Clan M'Crack
Royal Order of Landsharks #59
RFC #51


Quote from: Master James on July 20, 2009, 12:21:48 PM
I guess the first question is pirate, FOP or FOP/pirate?  That will really help to steer what people will suggest because as a FOP you want something that "out there" color wise but as a straight up pirate you won't.  FOP is great fun as is pirate but each are really different so that decision is needed first.
Fop foremost.

I'm thinking court makeup and noble fabrics, with colours that are only SOMEWHAT out-there (i.e. not the standard black/white/brown/red associated with the majority of pirates yet not QUITE the flamboyant colours of the typical fop), clothing just a bit more practical-looking than standard noble, and maybe a weapon or two.

As far as the character, definitely a deranged one.


Quote from: DevThe one thing I want to build my outfit around is Odd Bodkin's Brigantine bodice, and a colour scheme of either cream/gold/red, black/gold/blue, or black/gold/purple (PRF has no rules as to who can wear purple)
Using this bodice as a start, I would say this is merchant class or lower peerage, so I would focus on that. Which way do you want to lean? If you go more pirate, it will draw you down into the merchant class look (or outright pirate). If you wish to look more peerage, you'll want to avoid anything that screams of a lower class.

QuoteMy questions are:
Pirate shirt or partlet?
Partlet for a peerage look. The finer the quality, the finer the station. I would suggest a thin silky white or off-white partlet (we call it fairy spit).

QuoteSkirt, tights, bloomers, or bloomers/tights with a hiked skirt?  Any other ideas for the bottom?
Skirt for peerage. Anything else drops you from the peerage look. Again, the finer the material...

QuoteWhat to do with my hair?  It's waist-length with long bangs/fringe, and right now it's black.  I'm not very talented in the realm of hair-fixing, keep in mind.  Did they have sausage curls back then?
Hopefully, some useful links:

QuoteWhere is a site that sells appropriate hats? ...something I can put huge feathers in...
Again, this REALLY depends on your station. An Elizabethan Tallhat is the best for a noble. A riding hat second. Pirates and lower classes can wear other options.

QuoteI like pictures if possible, I'm a visual learner :p
I'll work on some links...
Rogue, Merc and certified RenRat


If I'd have a bit more "artistic license" in merchant class, that's how I'd want to lean, and the required clothes are probably more within my price range.


I'm sorry to say, I don't know what a fop is.  Would someone please enlighten me?


Here are some pictorial ideas for what I think you are looking for:

Upscale Lady Pirates:

Something like that?
Rogue, Merc and certified RenRat


Quote from: tigrlily64I'm sorry to say, I don't know what a fop is.  Would someone please enlighten me?
A Fop is a somewhat derogatory term for someone overly focused on their fashion appearance. More info can be found here.
Rogue, Merc and certified RenRat

Master James

Quote from: Khaalis on July 22, 2009, 07:00:48 AM
Quote from: tigrlily64I'm sorry to say, I don't know what a fop is.  Would someone please enlighten me?
A Fop is a somewhat derogatory term for someone overly focused on their fashion appearance. More info can be found here.

The most renn faire FOPs tend towards latter periods of what FOPs are, which is whiteface and a bit "flitty".  Here is a picture of me in my FOP garb:

Why can't reality be more like faire?
Clan M'Crack
Royal Order of Landsharks #59
RFC #51


What I can't figure out is how the term fop came to be used in all caps everywhere (FOP).  It's not an acronym, it's just a regular ol' noun.  Can anyone explain that?

Several years ago, some fairs started adding Fop Courts to their cast.  The Fop Court at KCRF includes the queen's jeweler, florist, and hairdresser, I think?  We had a forum member here who used to play one of the fops at KCRF:

As Master James mentioned, one of the defining characteristics seems to be a use of the color schemes of later periods (the pastels and whatnot of the Rococo, etc), to evoke that foppish mood.

Some more images:

I'm glad to see more women embracing the fop characters; it originally seemed like it was drawing primarily on stereotypes of gay men, which was unfortunate.


I wasn't making an acronym, I was yelling it XD

@ first pic, I like the sash.  It's different.
@ last pic, orange lady is orange

Master James:
third pic down is somewhat similar to what I'm aiming for, except more matchy.  Bloomers with hose underneath the overskirt instead of tights might be more foppish, am I right?

Adriana Rose

Hmm for the shirt I would go with a partlet, with LOTS of frills!

I would make an over skirt that has room for the under skirt... ( think dangerous beauty style )Like the lady Fop in the picture above. But wear a fun pair of bloomers with some funky socks, Target and Hot topic have lots of fun stripy socks

If your girl is screaming for sausage curls DO IT make sure to put lots of silly bows among the do to make it look extra out there!

A tall hat would look nice but a nice tricorn would look fun with what I see in my head


If my girl is screaming for sausage curls, what would my guy scream for?  I'm always up for some gender-bending.

I just happened upon something...

Venetian courtesan wearing an overskirt and bloomers!

Adriana Rose

Haha male fops would scream for sausage curls too at least what I have seen of them

I'm helping a friend build his fop weather he likes it or not soo I have been noodling alot about fops


(laughing) alright i have to go i must go to marylands day of wrong just to see what master james is going to wear
Chieftess Nailin'
Irish Penny Brigade
Daddy's Princess
IWG # 3894