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Scurvy Dogs (pirate pics posted here!)

Started by DeadBishop, May 21, 2008, 05:07:49 PM

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Welsh Wench

I hope Quiet One doesn't mind, but I 'borrowed' these because I thought they were so good!

Captain Mad Jack Wolfe and WW....

I'm thinking Captain Spleen found out what REALLY happened to the Crude Organ Donor.....better get your story straight, Jack!

Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Captain Kilian

The only evidence of both m'self and the Lady Adela as Maritime Wealth Redistribution Specialists....(A.K.A. I need to upload new pics...but here we are!)
"I'd like to thank all the little people...that just never saw it coming." - Me
Royal Order of the Landshark, Guppy 14


~The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves~ Keeper of the Pirate Joe Bear, Capn'Car'nage, Mistress of Mischief~

Lady L

Former Shop Owner at MNRF


This be me an' me "Winged" Man - Mr. Julian Stone

This be a fav'rite O' mine with My Dearest Dragica at the Scarby Snow Day

but this one from this year at Scarby on Beltane rivals it!  ;D

Cat-like & Mercurial

Reliably Unreliable

Arsinoe Selene

T'aint the best picture, but it's a picture of me in the top I made all by me onesie.

Capt. Bacardi

Yey be warned if you see these two in port.....might want to hide things....

..It is only a flesh wound..
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


Reyna Marguerite Regina d'Navarre
Royal Order of Landsharks #45
Keeper of the Hairless Cats
Artist of Crescent Moon



IWG #3440
Landshark #19

Welsh Wench

Oh, the co-captains writers of El Lobo Del Mar!

What a fun weekend that was!
Thanks, Lavender.   ;)
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....


Ok, I can't resist again!  (since this was once posted in the old forums.)

And then here's one of me....except this was taken before I got my new hat. Darn.


The Lovely Ladies of the Midnight Rose and Admiral Red

Me at the shore

Pennsic Pirates Pirate Court and I am actually wearing a hat  :o
Lady Hermina Dolores De Pagan
Captain of the Tres Flores
Sailing with Ye Pyrate Brotherhood

Lady Amy of York

I guess it is about time i add   my  pirate picture of me   on  here,

Here i am  as Captain  Amy  of  The  Lusty Lady

Here i am with  my young pirate son. Note i was  squinting  in the sun at  the  time  this pic  was taken !
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Gibbet Jones

Here's my pirate garb so far, the frock coat is still a work in progress but I should be done with it by Thursday. Any feed back would be appreciated. Oh and pay no attention to the blue jeans  :P , I have some drop forward breeches coming in the mail yet.
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