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Medieval-Themed Party

Started by Manwariel, October 04, 2009, 01:14:52 PM

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I'm going to have a medieval/Renaissance/fantasy-themed party for my 19th birthday. Do you have any suggestions for activities, decor, etc. for a group of older teenage girls? :)

Lady Kett

I think it would be great fun to have one of those games where you have to match things up using pieces of armor or parts of a castle. Lots of sources on the 'net but here's 2 quick finds and an example of what I mean. And of course, my descriptions are quick-and-dirty not necessarily 100% proper!!

Armor Parts

1. Gauntlet            a. covers lower leg
2. Greave              b. covers shoulder
3. Pauldron            c. covers hands

Castle Parts

1. Moat                a. gate to keep the enemy out
2. Barbican            b. body of water surrounding the castle
3. Portculls           c. gatehouse through which people enter the castle

Could do the same with heraldry but that is not my forte so I won't even go there!

If all the guests are Rennies, you can do Name that Tune or Act from your home faire too!

Sounds like a blast, hope you have fun!!


how about name that actor /actress or the name of the movie..who was in: Robin Hood Prince of THieves, Roar (celtic midevil, god bless Heath Ledger), Errol Flynn, the best Robin Hood, (Glenn Quinn, played Doyle on Angel and "Mark" on Roseanne) "Covington Cross " tv movie 1992-midevil, "Braveheart", The Tudors, Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007) , King Arthur (2004),,,...etc.   the internet movie database should help

check for appropriate props at discounted sales after halloween, at stores, and costume shops.   library has lots, often a section in history section devoted to "midevil /ren." period.  look there for ideas.
Shannon, ..The Colonial Peddler --see Webshots shadowcat546 (so.-east Mich.) Goods for Sale



I had an idea for a medieval feast at one time. May not work for you, but might trigger some ideas.

I was going to use a long room, banquet table in the center. Decorations on walls and table. A nice feast, many courses.

Everyone present must provide at least five minutes or more of entertainment. They could sing, play an instrument, tell a story, dance, what ever they could do.

That way everyone would be an active participant and not just a sit down stare at each other dinner.

I never was able to get it off the ground, but I thought it would be nice and maybe grow as something fun to do on a regular basis.



This is how we did my brother-in-laws wedding and the same kind of decorations would work for you.

You can pick up candle holders and wooden bowls at the local thrift store very cheap. Just spray paint the candle holders black so they match.

The family crests that are on the wall are made out of plywood and painted.

I hope this helps.
Landshark #77


Count Adolfo

have you looked into, perhaps, learning a dance and then teaching it?
something that would not only be interesting but also allow the guests to acquire a useful skill would be great, no?


Definitely have period food!

(they didn't have Doritos and cheese puffs! )

You can get cheap goblets at any thrift store!

PR ~Faire Daughter~

lady M

I hope you guys don't mind but I want to steal your ideas for a party.  ;D

Manwariel, whichever idea you go with bet it will be a party your friends will never forget.
Happy early Birthday!

Lady Neysa

Woodsman, those photos are gorgeous!


Remember, forks weren't around until the renaissance. Try eating with your fingers and see what fun it can be.
Malcolm Abernethy
Knight Commander, Order of the Blue Ribbon
IBRSC #1272
1608 Society
"Be the best you can be... considering."


Thank you Lady Neysa it was a great day for the family and friends of the bride and groom.

Malcolm I think you may know the happy couple.

Chicken quarters and roasted pig are great finger food.
Landshark #77


Yes, I know the couple very well. I even know Captain Logan.

There's nothing quite as much fun as making your own pulled pork at the table!
Malcolm Abernethy
Knight Commander, Order of the Blue Ribbon
IBRSC #1272
1608 Society
"Be the best you can be... considering."