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Pit Break-ins

Started by William_MacKean, September 08, 2009, 09:08:04 AM

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I am hearing that several cars were broken into Saturday nite in the pit lots.

Anyone here get a 'visit' from the thieving bastards?

Unfortunately, this will all come down on SS to deal with, as if they don't have enough on their plates.  It was likely an inside job by some pathetic loser who is trying to make a point.

If you know who might be responsible, it is your duty to turn this steaming pile of elephant dung in.  If not to SS/Police, I know a few who would have some words for the culprit(s.)

Charlotte Rowan

What a load of crap. I thought parking in the pit was actually fairly pleasant... plenty of space and a very easy walk through the campground. Woe to those who take it upon themselves to make one of our fears a reality...
Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting.