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Started by nliedel, October 16, 2009, 12:23:26 PM

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I'm looking for a leather supplier who is nice to work with, has a variety of stuff, like dyed suedes and soft skins (that I can sew on my machine, not industrial) and unusual skins, like ostrich. I have several ideas for Ren and non-Ren stuff and I want to play. Also buttons. I want me a mess of buttons, so I can have them on hand for whatever I am playing with at the time. I've been buying sweaters from used clothing places and starting to felt. I have a whole winter to make projects, and when I have something down, I can offer it as a class through my local Rec and Ed Department and make bucks to buy fabric to make garb out of. See how I justify my stash? Snort.

Any help is always appreciated and I love this forum. Even though I don't post here much. I read it all.
My journey from mundane to Ren Actor


For most of my leather needs Tandy is my go to place.  You can order on line, but the retail shops tend to have a little more variety.  I am very lucky to have a Tandy across the street from my office.  Well not so much because I spend way to much there. 

I also have a local leather place down the road that has all sorts of odd lots and scraps.  I raid them when I want to play with ideas or need a cool one of a kind piece.

Good luck!


As stated I normally go to Tandy myself-

For buttons i have been known to go to thrift stores to look for items with buttons and then reuse the buttons.


lady serena

I would recommend Tandy Leather Factory as they have suedes on hand that can be sewn on regular sewing machines here is a link to that

and also another place that I recommend is Brettuns Village Leather.

If you or anyone is interested in other leather items and stuff give me a PM and I will shoot you all my links that I have. Serena
Guppy # 81
Fins up


Thank you to everyone who answered my question. I really appreciate it and I'm looking forward to designing some neat things over the winter.  :D
My journey from mundane to Ren Actor