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Gardeners come hither....

Started by Baron Doune, May 26, 2008, 04:06:26 PM

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Love the ferns, Lady L!

Thanks for clues as to orchid maintenance, jmk. I've also toyed with the idea of bringing orchids into my home but have hesitated because I know their care isn't the same as other plants.
I am but mad north-northwest; when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. --Shakespeare via Hamlet.

Lady L

Thanks! I had the ferns planted on the north side of the house, where they refused to do anything, so we moved them to the south side a few years ago and now they are huge!
Took a photo of some of my hostas in the backyard today. They really like it back there.  :)

Former Shop Owner at MNRF


Indeed, the gryphon/gargoyle is going to have to make a mighty leap to clear them  :D
I am but mad north-northwest; when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. --Shakespeare via Hamlet.


I love hasta!  When we moved two years ago I was able to split my hasta and bring half to the new house whilst still leaving the sold house with enough landscaping.  The transplanted hasta loves its new home and is thriving....I was able to split a few of them this year to fill in more spaces that needed plants.

Lady L

I didn't expect them to get THAT big! I might have to plant more of my yard with those, because nothing else will grow, except creeping charlie.
I do have wildflowers taking up most of the space in the back and they were doing really well for a few years. The purple coneflowers are still coming back, but the oxeye daisies and tickseed have not. We did plant more annuals for birds and butterflies in the back too. The morning glories are getting bigger, finally. Hummingbirds love them. :)
Former Shop Owner at MNRF

Morgan Dreadlocke

Picked the first 'maters today.

Also found a Jacaranda tree at Home Despot. Theres several huge ones in Tucson. We get a little colder in the next valley over. Hope it makes it. :-\

106 today. Gave the shredder a good workout with prickly pear and cholla. Turns into gooey green slime and keeps the moisture in the pile from getting out. ;D
My intentions are to commandeer a venue, sail to Tortuga, then pick, strum and otherwise play me weasily black guts out.

Tipsy Gypsy

Mmmm, homegrown 'maters rock. Ours are producing too, especially the cherry types. I'm hoping we can grow enough to store for winter use.

Right now, the new deydrator is getting broken in drying loads of herbs. The sweet basil is growing like crazy.

Does anyone have experience with Dominican Oregano? Just like me to buy one on a whim; now I have to figure out what it likes. Oh well, part of the fun of gardening, isn't it? There doesn't seem to be much info on the internet about it, unfortunately, but it looks like a hardy sort, so I'm willing to take a chance.
"It's just water, officer, I swear. And yeast. And a little honey. How the alcohol got in, I have no idea!"


The wife has found 5 four leaf clovers in the yard this week. We figure it's the arsenic in the soil causing mutations. We're not going to mow that little section of the yard in hope of encouraging more. Wonder if we can seal them in plastic and sell them, I've got a small laminator I found in a second hand store we could use.
When you die can you donate your body to pseudo-science?


My tomato bush might be the only thing that really produces this year ... a recent hail storm FLATTENED or shredded all my herbs and nasturtiums in my little porch garden.  I'm hoping they come back.
~All human activity lies within the artist's scope~


Quote from: groomporter on June 23, 2008, 09:38:55 PM
The wife has found 5 four leaf clovers in the yard this week. We figure it's the arsenic in the soil causing mutations. We're not going to mow that little section of the yard in hope of encouraging more. Wonder if we can seal them in plastic and sell them, I've got a small laminator I found in a second hand store we could use.

You might inquire of Lady Nicolette how she has preserved the ones her son finds. He has a talent for finding them and I've got one in good condition. I believe she presses them--but best to go to the source.  ;)
I am but mad north-northwest; when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. --Shakespeare via Hamlet.

Lady Nicolette

Indeed, Aeron has found hundreds of them, all over Nashville, including in our own yard.  We thought of the same idea, perhaps making jewelry with them.  At this point, we press them in a flower press and then I wrap plastic wrap around them.  They do lose their color eventually, though.  I'd thought of laminating, as well, but we never found any good sources to let us know how this would work (and if it would preserve the color better).  Perhaps you might experiment and let us know, since you have a laminator at hand. 
"Into every rain a little life must fall." ~ Tom Rapp~Pearls Before Swine

Lady L

My son found a 4 leaf clover by the joust at a faire, quite a few years ago. We pressed it flat and then framed it on a gold mat. It did fade, but it is still looking good, well, it was, the last time I saw it.
Former Shop Owner at MNRF

Baron Doune

A couple of shots from 06.07.08

White Nancy.  Is finally taking off and spreading.

Pagoda Dogwood in full flower.

Tipsy Gypsy

Today's harvest of basil, from only two plants:

Man, I love this stuff! Good thing, too, I've got a metric boatload of it, this year  :D.

Has anyone tried growing/cooking with lemon basil? I've got one of those, too. Baked some chicken with the lemon basil and some garlic last week. Even milord, who's no fan of "yardbird", thought it quite tasty. (Score!) I'd love to hear a few other ideas for it. Pork loin, maybe?
"It's just water, officer, I swear. And yeast. And a little honey. How the alcohol got in, I have no idea!"


Wow, I'm so happy to find a gardening section!   :D
I'll post pics in a bit, I suddenly want a pond in my yard!
I have a few small gardens throughout the yard, it's a very small piece of property.   I also do container gardening for most of my veggies, since it's where I get best sun and least slugs.

I grow from seeds in milk jugs sown in the winter.