
Market Square => Books / Movies / Publications => Topic started by: daylight on May 21, 2008, 07:22:57 AM

Title: The Tudors
Post by: daylight on May 21, 2008, 07:22:57 AM
 Does anyone watch the Tudors on show time? I love that show is getting so good.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Capt Gabriela Fullpepper on May 21, 2008, 09:21:03 AM
I tried to watch the first season as did Toki. Neither of us liked it. I would much rather have seen someone who fit the bill of Henry playing Henry instead of the skinny Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Steven Waddington who played the Duke of Buckingham would have been a much better choice. The HA of the show also doesn't seem right after reading a ton of Allison Weir, and Richard Starky books on the Tudors.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: DonaCatalina on May 21, 2008, 09:31:59 AM
Run away
Run away!

My sister made me sit through two episodes. It was painful. sorry.

Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Baroness Doune on May 23, 2008, 05:58:53 AM
There are three things that I look for in any TV show or movie that purports to be historical:

1.  Historical accuracy - Extremely hard to find anywhere in TV/film, I know, but there are a few.
2.  Costumes - I like historical accuracy here also, but it is not essential.  I would expect the costuming to exhibit some sense of the period which is being portrayed and the costuming should fit person wearing it.
3.  Characters believable in their roles or an actor/actress that I particularly like.

I can be persuaded to watch a TV show or movie that meets even one of the above criteria.

The Tudors is made of fail on all counts.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: CountessofPhoenix on May 23, 2008, 12:07:02 PM
I recently read a book, "Mistress Anne", by Carolly Erickson. There were so many things in several recent episodes that were direct quotes from her book. I love this series. The Six Wives of Henry the VIII with Keith Mitchell from Masterpiece theatre was my start of facination with Tudor England. While "The Tudors" isn't that H/A, I love it as a fine example of the corruption and soap opera atmosphere of Henry's rule. And we think our politicians are corrupt. This is a series you have to enjoy like "Dallas in the renaissance!" The producers admit it isn't H/A. That was not the goal of the show. But if it encourages others to learn about this time period I'm all for it.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: daylight on May 23, 2008, 01:35:51 PM
 CountessofPhc I do agree with all you said. I like to see what all happens in their life. That Queen Ann you have to love to hate her. Thank you for  your reply
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Lady_Glorianna on May 23, 2008, 07:04:48 PM
I tried watching the first season but the attrocity they commited against Mary and Margaret Tudor turned me right off. >:(  My argument/problem with this is not that they are historically accurate (that is to be somewhat expected) but that they would change historical facts. In terms of Henry, history provided the necessary elements, there is no need to come up with things or to change history to emphasize drama. There are even enough surviving rumors and gossip form the time to "fluff" the story.I have watched some of the more recent episodes and have to admit that they have improved.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: CountessofPhoenix on May 23, 2008, 11:25:19 PM
The producers said they combined the two, Margaret and Mary Tudor into one character, because there were too many Mary Tudors in the storyline.  Didn't want to confuse the viewers between the king's sister and daughter. then add Mary Boleyn and there really are a lot of Mary's.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Lady_Glorianna on May 24, 2008, 08:51:08 AM
Well that only sort of excuses them of the merger and if it would have been only that I might have been ok with it but they had her marry the king of Portugal instead of France and actually kill him...and this is just one of the many...
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Lady_Glorianna on May 26, 2008, 02:00:10 PM
I have seen the last of the two episodes for this season that chronicle the fall  and demise of Anne Boleyn. For as much as they have done one way or another IMHO they "missed the boat" in that they did not have her admittance that she had miscarried her salvation (she instead begs Henry for one more chance with Elizabeth in her arms), there was no portrayal  of her trial, the fact that her uncle was the one to arrest her and preside over her trial and the irony in that she stayed in the same aparments at the Tower both for her coronation and her incarceration.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: DuCoeur on June 29, 2008, 07:18:44 AM
I will agree that the first season  irritated me..especially the Mary Tudor/ Brandon Affair. 

The second irritation was the Field of Cloth of Gold.  This was such a huge event...wish we could have seen more.

The second season was better...less the focus on Big historical events an more on interpersonal relationships, though an easy out, made the show more enjoyable.

As for the season finale I especially liked how they did Anne's Execution....
It is not historically accurate...but then what is from hollywood?

At least it is a period peice on television and doing well.  Looking forward to next season...
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Emerald Shaunassey on June 29, 2008, 08:13:37 AM
Quote from: Lady_Glorianna on May 23, 2008, 07:04:48 PM
I tried watching the first season but the attrocity they commited against Mary and Margaret Tudor turned me right off. >:(  My argument/problem with this is not that they are historically accurate (that is to be somewhat expected) but that they would change historical facts. In terms of Henry, history provided the necessary elements, there is no need to come up with things or to change history to emphasize drama. There are even enough surviving rumors and gossip form the time to "fluff" the story.I have watched some of the more recent episodes and have to admit that they have improved.

Thank you Lady Gloriana!!! Nice to see someone else who dislike that the producers couldn't pull their collective heads outta their butts enough to see that they screwed up history in a BIG way!  Margaret, Dowager Queen of Scotland marrying Charles Brandon?!?!?  Get real... not what happened at all!  And having this "mixed" character of Margaret/Mary marrying the King of Portugal rather than the Dauphin of France?????  Jeez.  I did have high hopes that they would at least get the documentable stuff correct.

Yeah, for the fluff stuff that it is, it's not bad - soundtrack from first season is great!  But, it *really* turned me off to see the screw up with Margaret/Mary/Charles SL.

Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Taffy Saltwater on June 29, 2008, 09:58:13 AM
This one makes me think about the old line about the man complaining about the bad food & such small portions - 10 episodes is a season?  The royals were so well documented so it is odd that they have played so fast & loose w/history.  As far as costuming, well, at least there are no visible zippers and I am crazy about the little plume that curves around to the front of Henry's cap.  This show is like chocolate - if I can't get Godiva, I'll take Hershey's.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Athena on June 29, 2008, 11:09:40 AM
I don't know about this one....I haven't watched it yet because I'm not impressed with the actors they've chosen and the majority of opinions I've heard have not been positive. To be honest, some of the ads I've seen have turned me off. They show modern looking actors in sexy poses with clothes hanging off the shoulders and sleeveless gowns/doublets, throwing sultry gazes at the camera or each other. More Melrose Place than sixteenth century England, IMO.  I certainly don't look for historical accuracy in films and TV shows, (I leave that up to documentaries) but it seems the producers of The Tudors are aiming for a very modern feel to an old story. I'm thinking they're trying to attract an audience that normally wouldn't be interested in historical drama.

Maybe in the future I'll give the series a chance, but for now I'm still holding off.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: jinx on June 29, 2008, 05:48:51 PM
I admit, I like it.  It took some time, but I've managed to separate my knowledge of history from the show.  To me, it's like watching a Harry Potter movie, in a way.  I -know- they're doing it wrong, I -hate- that they're doing it wrong,'s still entertaining.  Yes, the Mary/Margaret thing got on my nerves in a big way, but I pushed it aside, because, feh, I was entertained.  (By the way, did anyone else notice the dramatic change in Henry's voice between the first and second seasons?  The first season he had a rather normal voice.  The second season it was all...crazy and weird and whiney/nasally and higher.  It actually quite irritated me.)

Athena: I'm completely with you on the ads.  They're ridiculous.  Anne Boleyn in a strapless gown?  Hardly.  Thankfully, that isn't in the show.  Doublets with no sleeves are, on occasion, and it annoys the bejesus outta me.  Other than that, the costuming isn't eye-burning or anything.  Except that all the women manage to get out of their gowns far too quickly to be realistic.

I am really curious to see how far they take the series, as in...will they stop with Henry's death?  Will they even make it that far?  Will it continue through Edward/Mary/Elizabeth?  ...Will they leave out Edward and Mary like so much of history does?
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: LadyMeg on June 30, 2008, 06:11:17 PM
I actually rather like this show.  Historicall accurate?  Ha!  No.  But that's alright with me.  It's an interruptation, which means they can take a 'feel' of something or inspiration from something and play with it.  Like all the Camelot movies or the Robin Hood movies or any period movie at all.  Theatre does it all the time and yet... there's not alot of flak that gets tossed into the public about it.  We just go along with it and go: Its theatre, it does that.  Its TV, it does that... with everything and I enjoy it.  Greatly.  It's my indulgence.

The costumes, sure are a little rock and roll, but I like them.  I've always like the fantasy twist on historical stuff.  It's playful, fun, and in performances, costumes are meant to represent and symbolize a character, help an audience subconsciously interrupt the characters in their basic sense.  It's a visual thing.  Every single show does it. 

I like the cast for the most part, but I'm 21, so I like to drool at the  I'm a fan of Jonathan Rhy Meyers, but I haven't seen the new season so I can't attest to the change in voice.  Maybe that was a producer/director decision or something?  Who knows what they tell actors to do.

I like that it's getting a different group of people besides us crazy folks to watch something like that.  Maybe it'll inspire someone to come to a faire?  Or read up on history and get interested?  That's always a BIG plus.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: daylight on June 30, 2008, 07:20:36 PM
For me I just like the show. Does not matter if it is H/A  I don`t watch for a history lesson I watch it  because I like it. It is fun to watch all the stuff that happens and a lot happens in one night so you really have to watch every time it is on. I just like the tudors in fact I love it both me and my husband watch it  together. He really likes the show.  What can I say but I`am hooked on the tudors ;D
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Kiss-me-Kate on June 30, 2008, 09:31:06 PM
I love this show too.  Don't care if is H/A.  Just like attending/working at fest, it is an escape for me.

Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: CountessofPhoenix on July 07, 2008, 12:20:06 PM
I think one of the things I like is that the show reminds us that these were people just like us. The whole Henry, Katherine, Anne thing is not too far off from the Charles, Diana, Camilla situation. Remember the tabloids!!! As we read history books we sometimes forget that these were people just like us, and that is the lure of The Tudors. Flesh and blood, and honey there is some fine flesh being shown here!!!! ;D
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: greenknightslady on July 07, 2008, 05:49:11 PM
I love the show. I don't think anyone ever claimed that it would be historically accurate, did they?
I love the story of Henry and his wives and I am glad to see that there will be another season. I was afraid it would end after the whole Boleyn fiasco. I enjoy period shows and movies and they ispire me when I am ready to sew a new costume. Not to mention they made a crazy King Sexy as h-e- double hockey sticks.
I watch it for what it is, entertainment, not a history lesson...
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Obadiah Jib on July 20, 2008, 11:27:01 PM
While not historically correct I will say 3 good things about the Tudors.  1:  The CGI back shots of the buildings and cities are wonderful!  2: The characters of Queen Katherine and Thomas Moore are well done in spirit.  3:  The series might introduce a few more people to a time period we here on all love.  Who knows, some of them might pick up a book to get a better picture of the story.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: nliedel on July 21, 2008, 03:55:48 AM
It's some of the very little I've got, so I watch. I too am bothered by the fast and loose history, more than anything else. Although it's not nearly as dreadfull as, "The Other Boleyn Girl." Mary raising Elizabeth, bah! Tell that to Kat Ashely.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: renfairephotog on July 24, 2008, 11:19:43 PM
Best Buy has the first season dvd on sale this week.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: daylight on July 25, 2008, 08:19:45 AM
Hey thanks for the info. I got to watch some of the first season and that`s all, but I got to watch all of season 2 so I was wanting to see all of season 1 as well
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Miranda on July 25, 2008, 10:13:34 AM
I do watch it....for the glorious train wreck that it is, Smut with a Henrecian flair.  My biggest issue is the complete muck up of the Charles Brandon and Mary (Margaret) Tudor subplot...mostly because they've completely eliminated Lady Jane Grey from the "Tudors Historical Record" by doing so.
From a costuming stand point, I was irritated by 3 things.  The Degas Ballerina Masque dresses, unbalanced headgear, and otherwise appropriate dresses without smocks....this was a big deal for me in one episode because Anne Boleyn was wearing a dress with two piece sleeves, and you saw bare elbow where there should have been smock.

Mostly, the "What in God's Name was That" moments are priceless,  so watch with your friends and make a drinking game out of it.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Lady Caroline on July 25, 2008, 06:37:18 PM
I agree with every single point already made!  And I still LOVE it to bits.  Glorious eye candy.

Season two was much better than the first, I think I cried for one reason or another, in every single episode.  But the final episode, during the execution, I was literally sobbing.  Actually I sobbed during every execution in season two. (and there were so many!)

The fantasy of the costumes is beautiful.  The actors and actresses are beautiful.  The sets are beautiful.  All unrealistic, of course, but that's the point, I think.

I think I read somewhere that JRM was sick during much of the filming of season two, which might account for the voice change?

Can't wait for season three........
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: daylight on July 26, 2008, 07:58:37 AM
 I to am looking forward to season 3 and can hardly wait for it to get here. I love alll the costumes and the grander of all that it is.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: FortuneRose on July 26, 2008, 11:30:44 AM
I too will admit that Its a guilty pleasure of mine.  Historical accuracy...  heck no, but fun none the less.  I enjoy it.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Danni on October 04, 2008, 01:17:09 AM
We gave it two episodes, and then quit. As a costumer, I was ready to drag theirs out into the street for some good old fashion drawing and quartering (sleeveless, shiftless ballgowns and pleather jerkins?). The prop master too, using guns that hadn't been created for another hundred years!

I know people love the drama in it, and I love a good drama, but I found the liberty that they took with, well, everything, too distracting to concentrate on story. I think if they had just created a fictional village in a non-descript era, with non-famous characters, it would have been great. But instead, I have people at work who are arguing with ME about English history, because they think what they saw on The Tutors is accurate! I fear that this is what the youth of our nation will believe at face value.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: The Lady Mercedes on October 27, 2009, 03:13:47 AM
While I am not pleased w/all the inaccuracies, I am hooked on the show & can't wait for season for this coming spring. However, I am concerned about how far they'll take it...
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: ladylissame on November 07, 2009, 08:26:26 AM
I like the show. I hate how inaccurate it is, but I feel that as a show it is fun to watch. I have the first 2 seasons on DVD ;D
I love all the jewelry too. It gives me ideas for projects
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: wildthingjew on December 21, 2009, 02:39:17 AM
just finished my season 3 dvds that arrived on thursday, love it, it is just so wonderful to be able to see more of princess elizabeth. and what pain henry must have suffered with that leg damage that he had. now i can't wait for season 4, ah what an addiction.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: tiberiusflynn on December 28, 2009, 10:27:34 AM
One of the short coming of The Tudors...(yes just one of many) is that I beleive they could have seriously extended the show by years if it had been done right.

The very title, "The Tudors"!!! I feel they should have started with Henry VII (or even earlier). Shown a little of the War of the Roses and the huge ordeal and turmoil that the country was thrown into, especially the Princes in the Tower and Richard the III.....gone through Henry VII reign, shown the early years of Henry VIII, gone through his reign as well, THEN they could keep the show going through Mary and into Elizabeth!!!

As it is, the show seems that it will be limited to Henry VIII (god I hope so.....)

I also wonder how they are to have him the show is now in the 1540's and he doesn't have much longer left....considering Henry looks to be only in his early 30s...and aside from the leg issue, seems to be in great shape....I wonder how they're to kill him off.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Rapier Half-Wit on December 28, 2009, 04:06:39 PM
Well, with all the innacuracies, why not just have Dexter do it?  ;D
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: The Lady Mercedes on December 28, 2009, 05:55:32 PM
Hahahahaha! :D
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: tiberiusflynn on January 02, 2010, 12:39:24 PM
Quote from: Rapier Half-Wit on December 28, 2009, 04:06:39 PM
Well, with all the innacuracies, why not just have Dexter do it?  ;D

DEAR GOD thats awesome!!!!!

I just don't see why Showtime couldn't do a more accurate show...similar to HBO's Rome. Sure Rome took some liberties, they had too...but they also managed to make a pretty damn good tv series that has lots of accurate details, customs, clothing, and they did they're best to make it as real and believable as possible.

I mean.....I was all getting ready for anne of cleves to be ugly as sin but she was a very attractive woman.....better looking then many of the women Henry's boned in the, oh well.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Rapier Half-Wit on January 19, 2010, 03:56:25 PM
Quote from: knightofistari on January 02, 2010, 12:39:24 PM
Quote from: Rapier Half-Wit on December 28, 2009, 04:06:39 PM
Well, with all the innacuracies, why not just have Dexter do it?  ;D

DEAR GOD thats awesome!!!!!

Oh go for broke; how about Dexter doing his best Blackadder impression while killing the king?  Too far out there?
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Betty Munro on January 19, 2010, 04:13:30 PM
Since they threw H/A out the window from the very beginning ...
how about have his 6th wife kill him?

I have not had Showtime, and so had missed the first 3 seasons ... but recent events have Showtime available and the Tudors just started a full repeat of season 1 ... guilty peasure.  I have to admit, I LOVE it and I LOVE the costumes, and I LOVE the dirty plot.  I wish they didn't call it The Tudors since it is not even remotely H/A, but it is great fun.  They could have called it "Dirty Historical Romance Novel Series".  I am so hooked that I am going to buy the DVD series as soon as finances allow. 

I think the Tudors costumes will make excellent non H/A Ren Wear!
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: DonaCatalina on January 20, 2010, 05:52:10 AM
you mean this thing is still running???
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Sir James of Milford on January 20, 2010, 06:44:53 PM
Dispite all the bad reviews on here, I must admit I love the show.  It may not be H/A, but it is quite entertaining.  I even think the costumes are very nice.  I would much rather imagine people in this garb rather than the H/A garb, I think its  I want some ;)
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: tiberiusflynn on January 22, 2010, 12:05:49 PM
Quote from: Betty Munro on January 19, 2010, 04:13:30 PM
Since they threw H/A out the window from the very beginning ...
how about have his 6th wife kill him?

LOL, yeah Katherine Parr takes Henry out, that'd be sweet. She's all nice and complacent and when he has one of his fits, she picks up a sword and just wacks his head off!!!!  Seriously......I don't know how they can do it, except just have him declining in health for S5 and S6.....without him becoming fat. I mean, they've already missed the boat on that one.....unless for S5 and S6 they put him in a fat suit (LOL!!) which they would never do....

It's just so unrealistic....he should be in his 50s by now and so large that "three men could fit in his doublet".....

Quote from: DonaCatalina on January 20, 2010, 05:52:10 AM
you mean this thing is still running???

Hahahaha, yes its still running. Just like Smallville. People don't care if the shows accurate or good. And I have to admit, I liked it at first but as it goes on I like it less and less. Jonathan Rhys Meyers acting has no evolution, he does the same thing every ep. And his fool, Will Somers came out of nowhere in S3 and I think so far he's the most interesting character to show up....they should make a series about him.

Quote from: Sir James of Milford on January 20, 2010, 06:44:53 PM
Dispite all the bad reviews on here, I must admit I love the show.  It may not be H/A, but it is quite entertaining.  I even think the costumes are very nice.  I would much rather imagine people in this garb rather than the H/A garb, I think its  I want some ;)

lol, yes I love the costumes also.....just about all I love.

Did anyone else get a guilty feeling seeing Katherine Howard naked? She looks so young I felt like a dirty old man seeing Tamzin Merchant all naked. But the actress is 22
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Betty Munro on January 22, 2010, 10:17:45 PM
Yeah, I feel guilty when I see the Hollywood hotties naked ... guilty that I ate all that pie over the holidays and don't look like that anymore.  LOL
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: The Lady Mercedes on March 21, 2010, 04:59:04 AM
Just a reminder for those who may need it: the final season starts Apr. 11...can't wait! ;D
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Bonny Pearl on March 21, 2010, 08:30:06 AM
Quote from: The Honorable Lady Benton on March 21, 2010, 04:59:04 AM
Just a reminder for those who may need it: the final season starts Apr. 11...can't wait! ;D

I know!  I am ready for it.  :)

I am bummed this is going to be the final season.  I don't care that it's not HA or anything, I like the show for the enertainment.

I'm wondering if they will make a spin off series..... Elizabeth.... that would be sweet!
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Athena on March 21, 2010, 08:20:37 PM
Quote from: Rapier Half-Wit on January 19, 2010, 03:56:25 PM
Quote from: knightofistari on January 02, 2010, 12:39:24 PM
Quote from: Rapier Half-Wit on December 28, 2009, 04:06:39 PM
Well, with all the innacuracies, why not just have Dexter do it?  ;D

DEAR GOD thats awesome!!!!!

Oh go for broke; how about Dexter doing his best Blackadder impression while killing the king?  Too far out there?

LOL! I'd get Showtime just to see that!  8)
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: The Lady Mercedes on June 14, 2010, 01:37:29 AM
So it's the series finale next week...what say you about the final season? Me, I'm sad but the memory will live on in dvd lol
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Gauwyn of Bracknell on June 22, 2010, 07:10:31 PM
So whaat did you think of the final episode.  I really liked the first 3 years, but year 4 I thought was a little lacking - maybe trying to put too much in with so little time.  Would have really liked to see the series go through Edward, Mary and Elizabeth  :'(
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: The Lady Mercedes on June 23, 2010, 06:30:48 AM
Ditto! The last scene seemed a bit empty, I was expecting a big ol' heart tugging deathbed scene that never happened & the thing w/the wives could've been done a bit better...but all the same I will miss the show :(
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: tiberiusflynn on July 31, 2011, 01:19:14 PM
I think with the show being called "The Tudors", they should've started with Henry VII, and went on till the end of Elizabeth.

That being said.....I was disappointed in the ending. They did nothing to age him or make him fat throughout except graying his hair. Then suddenly in the final episode they age his face, give him a big gray beard? Eh. I didn't expect an epic finale, but I definitely didn't expect them to suddenly age him when they hadn't been....

Oh well. I still like the series for what it is....and we probably won't get another Henry show for some time....
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: silasraven on October 10, 2011, 02:31:09 PM
it did go by way to fast for the 4th set. but rather good. i like his mental thing he had toward the end i feel like that with alot of people and ex's.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: Sir William Marcus on November 04, 2011, 03:44:42 AM
I finally just finished all 38 episodes. I admit, I was personally entertained with it all.
Title: Re: The Tudors
Post by: dreamwalker on November 16, 2011, 11:45:06 PM
I think they got about 50% of it right. Rhys Meyers isnt even a redhead to start with and it difficult to age people on screen without it looking phoney. They showed grey and the horrible leg infections he got. It would be a really long series to cover also Edwards VI, Mary's and Elizabeth's reigns. There so much material, so it's hard to cover all of even one of them much less Henry 7 down to Elizabeth. Yes, I have all 4 seasons on my shelf also :)

Some aspects I felt were done well such as the Pilgrimage of Grace. Others  aspects like combining Princess Margaret and Mary was a step to far and the whole bit but about shipping her off to Portugal was way off.