
West => Arizona Renaissance Festival => Topic started by: irregularjoe on December 22, 2009, 12:56:26 PM

Title: Owain Phyfe
Post by: irregularjoe on December 22, 2009, 12:56:26 PM
Greetings all!
The clock is ticking down to Faire and at this point I'd just rather forget the unfortunate decision to cancel Owain's appearance.  I still think it's a bad decision but I also know how biased my feelings about the decision are, even though most if not all agree...
Anyway, I've been working with Angela Halifax, Owain Phyfe and Shakespeare's Pub and Grill.  Some of you on this forum may have attended my 3rd Annual Midway to Faire Affair in August and it was a lot of fun.  I think the overall success of the gathering is why Shakespeare's was so accommodating to a request I made.
Owain will be traveling through Arizona on his way to the Southern California Faire.  I have contacted Shakespeare's Pub and they were more than happy to agree to host Owain on April 7th for a one evening show.  There are some minor details to work out such as exact time to start the show but I imagine it will be much of the same for those who have seen Owain play outside of Faire before such as O'Mara's in Michigan  ;)
I waiting a further communication from Shakespeare's but Shaun was very encouraging with his last message to me so I just thought I would let you all know what's in the works.  And since I'm working on it personally, it's hardly rumor.
Last I spoke to Owain on 12/14 I threw another idea out to him; if all goes well on April 7th and Shakespeare's will have him back, he is open to another show on or around his exit of So Cal Faire which would be around May 26th.
Anyway, we have plenty of time to work out the details and plenty of face time at Faire for updates from me.  I'll also post any updates to this site as needed.  I just wanted to share this news with the Faire Folk as we draw closer to fun at Faire.  If anyone wants any other details, you can call me or message me on myspace or facebook.
See you all soon...if not sooner (hmmm...that doesn't make much sense now does it?)   :)
Title: Re: Owain Phyfe
Post by: Marcos Charron on December 23, 2009, 11:21:47 AM

Thanks for the update.

I will put this on the calender for sure.
