
South => Scarborough Renaissance Festival => Topic started by: eloquentXI on June 01, 2008, 08:52:15 PM

Title: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: eloquentXI on June 01, 2008, 08:52:15 PM
What are some of your favorite moments and fond memories from 2008?

There are too many to write here but I'll start with these and add more later!

...having quite the Opening Invasion, with Anna Iram from FL and Julianne from AZ surprising us with John, Blue6669, LadyJessica, + Lady Guin...

...watching Lady Guiniviere and Sir Marcus meet each other and fall in love over the course of the season, I'm so happy for you sis, he's an amazing guy...

...spending many a time just walking and chatting with our most loved Queen Bonnie...

...Rennie road-kill! several faire uncles giving me a hard time...

...spending my birthday with my ren-family, and making it the most amazing birthday yet!
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: wanderingbard on June 01, 2008, 09:59:29 PM
I had many as well, but here's the top of my list:

Finally taking the time to meet many of my shipmates.
Being introduced to Cast In Bronze and Dr. Kaboom in the same afternoon.
As always, being amazed at the number of veterans in the Memorial day parade, and by how many of them are regulars and/or on cast.
The fifth annual QAL "All Chandler's Wife" Show
The excitement and anticipation of opening day... a feeling I don't get anywhere else! :)
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: CatAshtrophy on June 02, 2008, 10:07:56 AM
My favorite moment:

I was in my fairy garb and a few kids were asking me for fairy dust. I gave them all some, but then the littlest little girl asked me very, very seriously if she could eat the fairy dust. She was disappointed when I told her it wouldn't be good for her to eat. Then, her older sister tried to get her to blow the fairy dust, but she liked it too much and wanted to keep it. So she walked away, fairy dust clutched in her hand.

Other favorites included:
-meeting everybody from R/F

-getting my boyfriend to rent very poofy garb

Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: StefanDeDeva on June 02, 2008, 11:50:16 AM
Standard Faire stuff that I do,

Strut in Parade
Shackle R/F members with my personal Handcuff trinkets
Having Neil pick on me
Running a muck at faire with Gryphon
Getting to wear my Imperial Royal Guard and letting the Dutchess and King get a kick out of it.
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: Nicolas-Antoine on June 02, 2008, 12:24:07 PM

Giving eloquentXI a hard time.
Picking on StefanDeDeva.

Can't member much else  :P
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: Lady Ann of Draycott on June 02, 2008, 12:28:27 PM
Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008...hmmm...well, I would have to say...


Oh, wait! I know something!

When Eloquent gave me a little gold rose pin! I love it!! It is so special and will *always* be part of my garb no matter what I'm wearing!

Thanks again Eloquent! You are so sweet!  :-*
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: Ronald the Bald on June 02, 2008, 12:51:54 PM
Running with Queen Margaret and keeping up. At my age that's something to remember.
An entire afternoon spent with Sarah the Harpist.
Dancing with fairies and a queen. Plus the archduchess, Bo Peep, and a few more "normal" women.
Carrying pike for many weddings and parades.
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: baron snail on June 02, 2008, 01:25:38 PM
After having missed ALL of last season and the first half of this season...

My first day back!!!
Seeing all my Highland Homeboys in the parking lot before opening cannon, seeing Queen Margaret for the first time in 2 years, seeing all my Faire and RF friends.

What a WONDERFUL homecoming!!

Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: *Teach* on June 02, 2008, 03:15:39 PM
Spending the days wandering aimlessly with my Love and our friends
Singing verses with Iris and Rose
Watching my Love sing her own first verse
Hanging out at the hotel with ren-friends

Getting mugged in the parking lot with people who want to give me rum was a nice suprise

*now if I can just figure out where all that rum went...*
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: Al-Nimer on June 02, 2008, 09:44:41 PM
Making new ren-friends and putting names with familiar faces from past years.
Getting to march & drum with the Drums of Isis for 5 parades.
Watching the kids interact with the cast & performers  :D
Just being there  :)
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: Casche on June 02, 2008, 09:59:36 PM
Dancing the korobuska (sp?) with my new guy.

Pretty much everything! This year was a new experience since I started going out with a guy on cast half way through the season... So it was a very different experience.  I even got to help a little girl with the maypole!  So much fun!
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: Var Greyshadow on June 03, 2008, 07:09:42 AM
Lawrence proposing on the Chess Field opening Sunday, followed by a wonderful champagne toast and lunch with a bunch of our R/F friends!

Mornings (and a few evenings) in the parking lot, hanging out and sharing our homebrew (yes, he will make more stout for next year - maybe even for TRF).

The last three hours of closing weekend.  We suffered through the heat for three days, not doing much and somehow survived till the temps started to get tolerable on Monday.  Then, we packed in the Bard O'Neill and Bathos the Muse at the White Horse, a stop to listen to Sarah Mullen at Eagle's Crossing, the King's Pub sing and a bit of rambling around the parking lot.  Best three hours of the weekend!
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: LadyKatherineMcPherson on June 03, 2008, 08:19:31 AM
I was the newbie this year so it was all pretty memorable.  However, I think getting to meet the people who were regulars made it great.  I was impressed by their generosity when it came to helping the "newbie" with any questions.  Those mornings in the parking lot were great.  The homebrew was not bad either.
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: THELADYKAT on June 03, 2008, 09:33:12 PM
Spending time with My guy and the Family that was the best part.........

Then in 2nd meeting everyone I did...
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: Blushing on June 05, 2008, 12:11:46 AM
Spending a most marvelous weekend meeting new friends and spending time with old ones ... this one is a biggest and best.  ;D

Dancing with Queen Bonnie ... AND dancing with court ...

Listening to music from all the talented players ...

Wandering the shops ...
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: lilaney on June 05, 2008, 11:45:49 AM
My favorite moments are plentiful, so I will keep it to the highest Highlights.

-My first year in Chess Match and having a fantastic fight partner who was willing to allow me to drag her around by her hair.

- Meeting even more people from R/, and then getting to see some familiar faces around the Shire (John, Martin, Baron Snail, Teach and Trinn)

- Helping Host our King's Luncheon and all the wonderful character support theirin.

- Hanging upside down from the parapet by my ankle. After that I have officially proved to myself that I can do, or be anything.

Cheers until next season!!
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: SirRichardBear on June 05, 2008, 01:19:27 PM
Dancing with Lady Skye,
All the wonderfull people shooting in the the archery touranment,
Marching in the Parade with QOH,
All the competators in the Highland games who give me pointers and helped me fit in,
"Driving the Bus" for the combined parade units on Memorial day parade
Seeing all the Vets come marching out of the gate for the Memorial day parade
The History, mannerism, and custom lectures under the big tree in the morning.
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: Blue66669 on June 05, 2008, 02:20:08 PM
Meeting my little sister and "Daddy" for the first time- Love ya Elle and John!

Being a part of the "chance" meeting of Mark and Guinny.

Spending hours just chatting with the Courtesan, Lady Marilee Effingham. She was DELIGHTFUL!

Being declared TROUBLE by the King and Queen during the parade.

Learning that nothing scares Rennies more than "low blood sugar".
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: cowgrrl on June 05, 2008, 09:23:56 PM
-My kids interacting with the cast & performers (too many moments to mention)

-Actually seeing blood at the chess match  :o

-Don Juan (of Don Juan & Miguel) commenting on my 'mugs'

-Last Corsairs show

-Watching the in-laws experience Faire for the very first time (& they didn't hate it!!)

-All the stuff I learned at the lectures.
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: Element of Air on June 05, 2008, 10:48:56 PM
I had a great time the entire duration of fair. I have to say some of my memorable moments were taking Queen Bonnie to fair and singing with her to Johnny Cash on the way home, getting Chris the Guitar, spending time with everyone after cannon, and well meeting everyone here on the forums!
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: Lady Bess on June 10, 2008, 09:12:50 AM
...being left speechless not once, but *twice* by "N-Double O-B-L-E-R!"
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: *Teach* on June 10, 2008, 10:19:18 PM
Quote from: Lady Bess on June 10, 2008, 09:12:50 AM
...being left speechless not once, but *twice* by "N-Double O-B-L-E-R!"
Would these be the times you're referring too?

*usually it's the rum that stuns me speechless*
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: Clarendon on June 10, 2008, 11:34:34 PM
These are not necessarily in order of precedence.
-Seeing old friends I only get to see a few days out of the year.
-Meeting new friends that I probably will only get to see a few days out of the year.
-Seeing the very last performance and song by the Corsairs. (I will miss those voices.)
-Finally meeting some of the folks here on RF. (Neat people.)
-Meeting the wonderful Queen Bonnie.
-Hanging out at Faire with my two beautiful daughters.
-Pub Sing at Flynn's each day.
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: Molden on June 11, 2008, 08:11:43 PM
oh, I had just the most rotten tyme, the whole tyme....

I kid!  ;D

Getting t' hang - and Drink with Ottheinrich!

Being surprised by Anna Iram and Julianne (RrRRrRRrrr! Baby!)...

As always, any tyme spent with Lady Bess be a Treasure Indeed! *swoooon*

'avin' me "winged" man, Mr. Julan Stone most pleasurably distract Lady Mum whilst Lady Bess and I...umm, looked on. Ya! That's it!  ;)

Being Honored by visiting with Queen Bonnie, as always.

Meeting are SUCH a Sweetie!

All of the Lovely Flowers who allowed me to appreciate them to the fullest - Thank Ye Lovelies...One and All!
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: Ryk Rakham on June 18, 2008, 01:27:47 PM
This, a perfect opening day sharing with my daughter, her fiance and their 6 kids! They rode all the rides, played with Noobler and Twig (and others), laughed at the shows, ate turkey legs, did archery and swordfighting, marveled at the parade, touched by the Mud-Wench, saw their first joust ever (the two boys thought that the bad guy was definitely dead at the end!), my daughter got to be on stage with Don Juan and Miguel on her first ever Scarby trip, and well, it was a perfect Faire day!!!! This pic says it all...
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: DonaCatalina on July 30, 2008, 08:23:06 AM
I so enjoyed spending time with all you guys. It would be hard to pick a single perfect moment.
Is it time for the countdown yet?
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: CatAshtrophy on July 30, 2008, 09:26:02 AM
I haven't done a day by day count yet, but I have already been counting down the months it is away.
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: VIII on August 04, 2008, 03:11:07 PM
Quote from: cowgrrl on June 05, 2008, 09:23:56 PM-Actually seeing blood at the chess match :o
That is my horror and my dismay.  To watch one of my fellow performers get injured, to watch one cause an injury in full view of the audience.  I shudder.
In 1996, I fell during the chess match and broke my arm.  Not only did I feel like a fool, but I did not want to startle my friends or the audience.  Somehow, we got to the end of the fight, finished the the match, and I walked to first aid.
I returned to faire later that day and made it to closing gate. (
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: BrokenArts on August 05, 2008, 02:59:49 PM
Oh my, thats awful!  :(  I am glad you were able to make it back ok, despite the injuries.

The weather this year was WONDERFUL.  I loved it.  Coming up, very soon, SCREAMS!  Does anyone attend Screams at all?  I love Halloween as well.  ;D
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: dragonslayer808 on August 05, 2008, 10:36:20 PM
Actally there are a number of us who work SCREAMS.  I can usually be found hanging out in the cemetary.
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: BrokenArts on August 05, 2008, 10:40:28 PM
You aren't literally*hanging* around are ya?  :P :D  The cemetery is very cool, very well done.  I can't wait to go! 
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: dragonslayer808 on August 05, 2008, 10:46:08 PM
No not hanging, but there is usually something dangling from the trees.
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: eloquentXI on August 05, 2008, 11:07:07 PM
Depending on money and which weekends I won't be out at TRF, I might have to come out to Screams...

241 days till Scarborough...I'm so rensick right now.  :-\


I remember when we went shopping for John's outfit for TNRF. It was funny, I think there were six of us in Moresca, helping him shop, giving opinions, ooohing when he stepped out. It was great too when Queen Bonnie saw the new things at Moresca, the little white things and her face when she said they looked like "a sheared sheep."

Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: BrokenArts on August 05, 2008, 11:14:19 PM
Quote from: dragonslayer808 on August 05, 2008, 10:46:08 PM
No not hanging, but there is usually something dangling from the trees.
(   :o ;)
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: dragonslayer808 on August 05, 2008, 11:24:26 PM
I work the dungeon during Faire, but at SCREAMS I'm a roaming character spending most of the night in the cemetary.
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: DonaCatalina on August 06, 2008, 10:26:56 AM
Title: Re: Favorite moments and fond memories of 2008
Post by: cowgrrl on August 06, 2008, 09:55:24 PM
Quote from: VIII on August 04, 2008, 03:11:07 PM
Quote from: cowgrrl on June 05, 2008, 09:23:56 PM-Actually seeing blood at the chess match :o
That is my horror and my dismay.  To watch one of my fellow performers get injured, to watch one cause an injury in full view of the audience.  I shudder. 

Just to clarify, lest any misunderstand, I did not enjoy seeing someone hurt.  It just stuck out in my mind because it was so surprising.  I know that the cast works very hard to make sure they do not draw blood or seriously hurt their fellow castmembers.  Knowing that made the cut I saw on a cast members face all the more surprising.