
West => Arizona Renaissance Festival => Topic started by: crazyrennie on June 04, 2010, 01:43:20 PM

Title: Boing
Post by: crazyrennie on June 04, 2010, 01:43:20 PM
Title: Re: Boing
Post by: Julianne on June 07, 2010, 04:47:08 PM
I'm taking advantage of this thread to express my opinion.

I've taken a very long sabbatical from this forum.  Watched from the lurkers point of view.
Discouraging and ofttimes mean people is most of what I saw. 
There was however some isolated tremendous improvements, like in the moderators choice of RenDeVous...that was brilliant.

Otherwise, I have to say mostly,'s not really a very pleasant place. Not like at Faire.
Title: Re: Boing
Post by: Merlin the Elder on June 07, 2010, 05:16:42 PM
m'Lady Julianne,

I've been a participant in this forum now for less than 2 months. I haven't read everything that's out here, but what I have read has been quite friendly and welcoming, with very little venom. My interest is centered around Scarborough, and they are just naturally friendly folks, from my vantage point. I hope you'll find the forum inviting enough now to join back in.
Title: Re: Boing
Post by: Julianne on June 07, 2010, 05:25:53 PM
How lovely for you to respond.
And how honest of you to admit you have little time here.  I'm hopeful that your experience as described will be a normal routine for most, if not all, of future endeavors.
Title: Re: Boing
Post by: Gauwyn of Bracknell on June 07, 2010, 07:26:18 PM
I have been on the boards for over a year and I, too, have met no venum (?).  Liked your faire in Arizona, attended for the second straight year and will try to make it an annual event.  A great break for us "Midlanders".  The same for Scarby, our second year this year.
Title: Re: Boing
Post by: Anna Iram on June 08, 2010, 02:33:48 AM
Julie, you know that I agree with you. Some very mean spirited people here, but some nice ones too. I guess it just takes all kinds to turn the world.

It's good to see you. I hope things are well with you away from the forum.

Title: Re: Boing
Post by: crazyrennie on June 08, 2010, 01:59:08 PM
I truly hope that I was not one of the Discouraging and ofttimes mean people that you spoke of.

Welcome back
Title: Re: Boing
Post by: DonaCatalina on June 08, 2010, 02:12:34 PM
I guess I'm lucky that I've only run into 1 or 2 unpleasant people on this forum in the last 3 years.
I'm glad you decided to rejoin us though.
Title: Re: Boing
Post by: Julianne on September 05, 2010, 09:59:12 PM
'tis a sad and small place I see here.  Yet, I came back to see what has reared.  Still love it's humble origins and still love all that is "renaissance"

I met some wonderful people here.  Fought some ridiculous fights.  Put money in the coffer too.

Title: Re: Boing
Post by: Becky10 on September 06, 2010, 12:35:01 PM
I haven't been on this board too long either and when i did join there was some less than friendly experiences (not directed at me) but outside of that I have felt the people here are very pleasant and some of the best. For me I cant imagine anything being as positive as faire. I guess if there are things that go past me its because I know that at faire you're separated from your mundane life and the problems it causes where as here there centered in those problems trying to grab a bit of faire. I know this is my destination when i feel angry or sad and I may have let that into my posts and I regret that but there are some things that you cant control. As far as people intentionally hurting one another I haven't seen that since I very first joined.  

I am very sorry this is a sad place for you and I hope you can one day see it as a haven as I now do.
Title: Re: Boing
Post by: Fairietink on September 07, 2010, 10:21:48 AM
Good day Darling Julianne, guess who else is back  :-*
Title: Re: Boing and a question
Post by: crazyrennie on September 08, 2010, 10:17:10 AM
Good to see that some people are returning-

What would you change about the AZ ren Faire?

Title: Re: Boing and a question
Post by: Fairietink on September 08, 2010, 12:43:50 PM
Quote from: crazyrennie on September 08, 2010, 10:17:10 AM
Good to see that some people are returning-

What would you change about the AZ ren Faire?

Wow, hard to say. Maybe more food choices and lower prices, Maryland has great food and it is way cheaper than any other faire I've been too, same with the drinks. Maybe more Guild action out here like the East coast. Of course that means folks out here would have to join. lol

Title: Re: Boing
Post by: Julianne on November 11, 2010, 10:57:18 PM
I wouldn't begin to change a thing about my faire..unless someday I could afford to be a major financial contributor.

If asked by the owner I would perhaps tell him all the things that are right about my fair and how grand a job I thought he has done.

I love my faire and encourage all others to love theirs too.

It's just play it or don't go.
Title: Re: Boing
Post by: Norfolk on November 21, 2010, 04:08:53 PM
Welcome back, Lady Julianne!  It's nice to see you posting again.

I have occasionally seen mean-spirited posts on various forums, hidden among the hundreds of uplifting ones.  When I encounter one of the former, my response is to ignore it.  If all of us who love our Faires would do the same, I suspect negative posting would largely disappear.

The Baroness and I wish you and all of our Faire-addict friends a most wondrous holiday season.