
South => Texas Renaissance Festival => Topic started by: PollyPoPo on October 20, 2012, 02:32:40 PM

Title: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 20, 2012, 02:32:40 PM
On the TRF FB, others post page, someone asked:  So why are people who get up early to get to the festival and get close parking spaces rows 4 or 5 being asked to pay $10? Are we punished for wanting to get to the faire?

Response was:  The Texas Renaissance Festival That is preferred parking.
Parking is free.
~The King

Anybody know anything about the $10 for parking closer?

Didn't see any signs to that effect 1st weekend. 
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Zardoz on October 20, 2012, 07:13:04 PM
for what it's worth, I came in the parking entry off CR302 and parked on row 3 and I can assure you I didn't pay extra. If somebody laid that on me I honestly would have turned around and went home
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Sir Martin on October 20, 2012, 09:15:01 PM
First time I've ever heard of this.   I don't know of anyone who has ever paid for parking at TRF.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: nolekhan on October 20, 2012, 10:44:49 PM
Is this post still up? I couldn't find it. There is a post reinforcing free parking. Did someone get scammed?
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 20, 2012, 11:37:26 PM
The post has disappeared.  It was there (I have a print screen of it).  The poster who asks a question can remove a post and all replies to that post go away.  The owner of the page can also remove a post.  (Kind of like the name the baby Texas Rennaisance page disappeared.)

There was a reply by TRF stating it was Preferred Parking.  I have not found a reference to that on the TRF website or here.  

We were there opening weekend about 8:30 each day and did not see any such Preferred Parking signs in Row 4.

Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: dbaldock on October 21, 2012, 01:41:33 AM
I saw several signs this morning on the drive into the TRF property that said Right Lane for Free Parking, and Left Lane for $10 King's Preferred Parking.  The Left Lane went straight toward the lower numbered rows, and the Right Lane curved around to the higher numbered rows.  Since I was running later than usual, I ended up on row 11.  While walking toward the gate, I did notice several rows (probably 4 & 5) that were empty.  Seems like row 3, where I normally park when I get there really early, was full of cars like usual.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Breandan on October 21, 2012, 02:08:22 AM
i.e., someone there is lying through their teeth if they are still claiming it is free. They say the parking is free, yet are charging for it- even if only for a section- and not advertising it as such on tickets or the website. I just scoured their brochures, not a bloody thing about "preferred parking". I swear, their uncoordinated, frantic, unprofessional flailing to grab an extra buck here and there is just going to wind up LOSING them money. First, the tawdry marketing stunt with the baby naming, then they are associated with a BBB-complaint-ridden company with a long history of fraudulent advertising using bait-and-switch contest marketing tactics at the front gate, and the hyper-commercialization inside with corporate logos all over the place on signs, and now this. What's next, wet t-shirt contests at opening gate? Kirby and Amway salespeople next to the beefeaters? Slapping DuMontrond ads on the horses in the joust? Yeesh!
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 21, 2012, 07:49:14 AM
Curses, Breandon,  ;D because of your post I had to look up yet another name/word with which I was unfamiliar.  DuMontrond, never heard of it until today.  (And I've already had to learn way too much about speakers, db and how to throw a rave because of the raver noise threads.)

Just thinking, this is one of those money-making ideas that might backfire rapidly if rows are left empty by cannon.  

On the other hand, mentioned it to my Son who said he would be happy to pay $10 to park closer.  On the other, other hand, parking near front of row 6 would be a lot closer than parking at end of row 4 or 5.  How about reserved parking next?  People could pay in advance and be issued specific parking places.  (Sarcasm here)  

Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: KiltedPrivateer on October 21, 2012, 09:09:31 AM
Sounds like a page from the book of the airlines (o;
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Breandan on October 21, 2012, 11:46:15 AM
If they want to impress people and not come off as a money-starved desperate theme park looking to milk every penny, and in the process actually make MORE money by showing themselves to be a company of integrity, why not turn those first four rows into family parking for families with small children and strollers? Parking for expectant mothers? More handicapped parking?

Get your hand out of my coin pouch, cutpurse!  >:(
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: dbaldock on October 21, 2012, 12:52:16 PM
I guess setting aside preferred parking is similar to what other Faires do for people who purchase "Friends of Faire" passes/tickets, except TRF doesn't have FOF...
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Breandan on October 21, 2012, 02:07:29 PM
I am not against them having special parking so much as I am honked off that you don't find out about it until you are pulling into the parking lanes. It should be, for full disclosure, on their website at the very least. It just seems like desperation and a disorganized, poorly-thought-out, flailing scatter approach to find any way to squeeze a little more money out of people. This worries me, as it is indicative of a much deeper problem with organization and management. After 90% of the front office were canned and replaced, we were all told things would get better, and in some areas they have. However, I am still very concerned with how this is developing. Some people take my criticisms to mean that I dislike TRF. I dislike Scarby, yet you don't hear much come from me regarding it. Why? Because I could care less if Scarby succeeded or failed, I don't care for it. I care for TRF, I love this faire, hence why I am railing and rocking the boat to try to get the Powers That Be to realize that they are in a wood building with big glass windows, not an ivory tower, and they need to be aware of, listen to, and not condescendingly dismiss the concerns of their patronage. Believe me, they have had enough bad press in the past, mismanagement and poor marketing only lay the groundwork for another fiasco. I don't want to see that happen, but if the people who have the ability to make such changes won't listen, then I wash my hands of the whole mess and walk away from it. I can't fix that which wants to remain broken.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: DonaCatalina on October 22, 2012, 05:08:47 AM
The Friends of Faire reserved parking at Scarborough was advertised at least 8 months before it was ever put in force. Waiting until the faire is already underway to change your policy is BAD Marketing. Saying that parking is free and then trying to get $10 out of people after they are already there can lead to some ugly incidents.
How many people would assume its a scam and possibly get into an alteraction over it?
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Alerrick Afon Adou on October 22, 2012, 05:30:07 AM
When we went on Oct 14. they did not charge us $10.00 to park in the front rows. We parked the second row from the front(I have no idea what number the row was but it was very close to pouchy palace). Sound fishy to me,Maybe somebody needs to call TRF and find out first hand or maybe they don`t know someone is charging the fee to park.................Huzzah
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Fenster on October 22, 2012, 07:06:44 AM
We got there late around 10:00 and had to park on row 7.  rows 3-5? were set aside for the Kings preferred parking.  Some people drove past without paying and the sheriff was sent to collect.  My wife went out midday to move the car closer and rows 4 and 5 were still empty.  I guess their money grab was not as successful as they thought it would be.

I'll never pay to park a little closer, walking is good excersize.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 22, 2012, 09:16:56 AM
On the TRF Facebook Page, the following postings appeared this morning:

Question: Is parking still free? Or is it $10 to park?

Comment: From what I saw of the signs while driving onto the TRF property on Saturday morning, the first few rows past the Handicap Access Rows have been set aside as "$10 King's Preferred Parking", but the rest of the parking rows are still free.

Comment:  Free

Management Answer:  The Texas Renaissance Festival Yes, parking is still free. This weekend we tried out the King's Preferred Parking and it was a success.
~The King

Add this unannounced new fee to the in-your-face advertising and car giveaway fronting for a time-share pitch, result is TRF obviously views all people entering as customers of a theme park, not an immersion into another world. 

It is still a bargain at full price compared to Fiesta Texas or Seaworld.  For now.

Pity; they were making headway in getting the campgrounds to be more pleasant.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: dbaldock on October 22, 2012, 10:04:42 AM
Quote from: PollyPoPo on October 22, 2012, 09:16:56 AM
On the TRF Facebook Page, the following postings appeared this morning:

Question: Is parking still free? Or is it $10 to park?

Comment: From what I saw of the signs while driving onto the TRF property on Saturday morning, the first few rows past the Handicap Access Rows have been set aside as "$10 King's Preferred Parking", but the rest of the parking rows are still free.

Comment:  Free

Management Answer:  The Texas Renaissance Festival Yes, parking is still free. This weekend we tried out the King's Preferred Parking and it was a success.
~The King

Add this unannounced new fee to the in-your-face advertising and car giveaway fronting for a time-share pitch, result is TRF obviously views all people entering as customers of a theme park, not an immersion into another world. 

It is still a bargain at full price compared to Fiesta Texas or Seaworld.  For now.

Pity; they were making headway in getting the campgrounds to be more pleasant.

The comment that is highlighted in red is one that I made.

I arrived at 10:28AM, and parked more than half way down Row 11.  It was ~11:00 when I walked down to the Entrance Gate, and Rows 4 & 5 were empty.  Like Fenster, I walked out to my car in mid-afternoon (~2:30PM) to put some things away, and Rows 4 & 5 were still empty.  Row 3 was the only one of the $10 Parking Rows that had any cars in it.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Hospitaller on October 22, 2012, 10:23:53 AM
Yep. We arrived around 9:45 and had to park at the end of row 8. Saw the signs for the preferred paid parking and the that was the 1st either of us had heard about it. Saw a LOT of open spaces in those close rows when we left around 4'ish.

Tend to agree with others here - If management wants to have a section paid, that's fine. Just please let folks know ahead of time. With discount tickets running twice what I paid two years ago, it's expensive enough and I won't be paying for parking. Looked like few others took the bait. Don't know if we'll be back this year and the wife is alreay talking aobut skipping next year altogether....and I like the faire!
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 22, 2012, 10:27:45 AM
Yes, dbaldlock, I purposely left the names off, didn't know if your FB name was "out there" for all to see, and so if anybody was curious enough they would have to go the TRF FB page and check it out.

The FB page is starting to get some more negative comments from customers, some about the "feel" of the fair changing.  

While the "preferred parking" is something that was sprung on customers after the start of faire, it seems to be a money-maker as far as The King (aka management?) is concerned.  There are people who will pay to park closer this year.  If those first few rows start filling up more as the season progresses, what happens to the next closest rows?

If TRF finds that enough people will pay $10 for preferred parking, do they decide that everybody will pay $5 to park?

Just wondering.

Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: nolekhan on October 22, 2012, 11:15:37 AM
If no one can recall a strong presence in "Preferred Parking," does that mean that even ONE person paying is considered a success? Or is management claiming a success so they can continue charging and hope that more people weaken?
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: valt on October 22, 2012, 11:32:47 AM
Oh yes, I heard from several very upset individuals about the "preferred parking".  It is one thing to announce such things prior to the season so people are expecting it, yet another to start another money grab in the middle of the season.  There are many who get up quite early, depending on their travel time, who get their early to have those close up spots.  Then to arrive and find those spots sudden become paid spots in the middle of the season...  And most of those peoples response is that that is less money they will be spending inside of faire.

"This weekend we tried out the King's Preferred Parking and it was a success."  ...I highly doubt that with the number of regulars that you pissed off with this being sprung on them in the middle of the season.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: BryanPopp on October 22, 2012, 11:52:21 AM
I just about flipped my lid when I saw the preferred parking. Due to the parking lot design. You could be on row 3 but but if you are past the halfway mark then you still have a long walk. yeah that is worth $10. Hell we had a VIP parking pass this weekend due to my step-son's wedding. I had to tell the crew where VIP parking was. They had no clue.
All they are doing is punishing most of their good (Rennie) customers. You already know you are going to pay high food and beverage prices once you get in the gate (Hello it is a faire), now they want to tag you before you even get out of the car.
The only success they are having with this, is pissing people off. The people who show up for rain days, for 100+ degree temps, and the freezing cold (both days) are the ones who would normally park in those areas.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 22, 2012, 11:54:33 AM
New Post on TRF FB Page.

Post:   Just noticed the Kings perferred parking this weekend. Unfortunatly we didn't have $10 cash but you can bet we will next weekend. Thanks for making that available. Nothing worse than the long trudge back to the car after you're already tired from a day full of fun. Yeah preferred parking!!!!!!!!!!

TRF Response:   The Texas Renaissance Festival Excellent! Yes, we had a lot of success with the preferred parking. It gives people a chance to park closer if they want too and all other parking is still free.
~The King
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 22, 2012, 11:56:26 AM
Quote from: BryanPopp on October 22, 2012, 11:52:21 AM
I just about flipped my lid ...All they are doing is punishing most of their good (Rennie) customers...

Glad and sad at the same time to see someone else starting to use the word "customer" instead of patron or playtron. 
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Fenster on October 22, 2012, 12:11:38 PM
Quote from: PollyPoPo on October 22, 2012, 11:54:33 AM
New Post on TRF FB Page.

Post:   Just noticed the Kings perferred parking this weekend. Unfortunatly we didn't have $10 cash but you can bet we will next weekend. Thanks for making that available. Nothing worse than the long trudge back to the car after you're already tired from a day full of fun. Yeah preferred parking!!!!!!!!!!

TRF Response:   The Texas Renaissance Festival Excellent! Yes, we had a lot of success with the preferred parking. It gives people a chance to park closer if they want too and all other parking is still free.
~The King

If a long walk at the end of the day is so bad why not pay for a rickshaw ride?  At least some of that money goes to a hard working driver.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Breandan on October 22, 2012, 12:41:05 PM
Terre! Seriously! I KNOW you read this, what the hell were you thinking?

1: you didn't announce this before implementing it
2: when concerns are raised about it, you state "we tried it out this weekend"... seriously? No forewarning? No advertising? People find out ON SITE? Business 101- DON'T PISS OFF YOUR CUSTOMERS BY SPRINGING UNPLEASANT CRAP ON THEM!
3: I'm not sure what your measure of success is, but empty rows at midday that are normally full before cannon is not what I would call success by any measure. You screwed up, calling a broken vase "modern art" doesn't make it true. This standard MO of doubling-down on mistakes, ignoring and deleting critical comments, wallowing in the sycophantic praises of a handful of people, and when the bad PR gets too severe sweeping the whole thing under the rug and walking away whistling innocently, hoping everyone will just forget and that it will go away is NOT the practice of a business with a hope in hell of surviving. I expect another scorched-earth front office purge in the next 36 months, because its easier to fire people than fix problems. TRF is starting to develop the turnover rate of McDonalds in the front office. Accept responsibility for the screw-ups, apologize, fix them, and next time, for the love of all that is holy, THINK before acting! Focus groups exist for a reason. This site is a good place to do free polling before implementing an idea. Look at your competitors and see how they have done it and how well it worked.

I am also hearing some VERY unpleasant rumours coming from within faire regarding the demonstrators that- if true- will be the nail in the coffin of TRF as anything other than a soulless money-syphoning corporate theme park. Immersion, the Dream, etc. will be thrown under the bus in the vain hope of grabbing a buck or two more, all in an effort to most likely pump up numbers to make the faire appear more profitable than it is to any potential investors or buyers. Even if this isn't some sloppy push to make the faire appear worth the insane sum George has asked for it from buyers in the past, it still appears to be desperate, disorganized flailing to make money any way possible without any forethought or consideration of long-term consequences. Every time I think the faire is turning around, I run face-first into more self-destructive short-sighted behaviour. It's insane.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: BryanPopp on October 22, 2012, 12:54:27 PM
Quote from: PollyPoPo on October 22, 2012, 11:54:33 AM
New Post on TRF FB Page.

Post:   Just noticed the Kings perferred parking this weekend. Unfortunatly we didn't have $10 cash but you can bet we will next weekend. Thanks for making that available. Nothing worse than the long trudge back to the car after you're already tired from a day full of fun. Yeah preferred parking!!!!!!!!!!

To me this looks almost like a canned response.
I think it is crap. You get up early get your but moving to get there before the gate show. Then you park 5 to 6 rows back so people who arrive later can pay for a better spot.
Yeah I am a big fan.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Terre Albert on October 22, 2012, 02:47:44 PM
We tested preferred parking for the first time this week.  It was not advertised because we are working out the signage and bugs.  TRF will always have free parking and no this doesn't open the door for paided parking, we can't do that.  In no way does this require anyone to pay to park.  We added 180' to peoples walk as our rows are 60 feet a part.  When you come you will see that very little has changed in the parking lot except we have worked the traffic so that people get out faster.  We have had VIP parking for years for weddings, media and others, now everyone can get a close spot later in the day. 
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: nolekhan on October 22, 2012, 02:49:55 PM
Quote from: Fenster on October 22, 2012, 12:11:38 PM

If a long walk at the end of the day is so bad why not pay for a rickshaw ride?  At least some of that money goes to a hard working driver.

I was thinking of asking this as well. I've never used the rickshaw though (so I can spend more on food) so how much is a ride?
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: King Cinaeth I on October 22, 2012, 02:54:59 PM
As for the Kingdom of Onondaga, we have to agree with the comments below....this was both absurd and annoying to say the least.  If people wish to park closer to the gates, they should get up earlier and drive in like the rest the faithful to this faire.  If not, then by default they "Prefer" to park in whatever spot is available upon their arrival.  We voiced our opinion to everyone wearing the "Official Logo of the Realm" this weekend and multiple times to some.  Who knows if our voices will be heard or just passed over for the thought of making a dollar.  Discount ticket + $10 doesn't sound like much of a deal to me not to mention that comp. tickets appear to be only good on Sunday's this year?
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Yrose on October 22, 2012, 02:57:28 PM
Quote from: nolekhan on October 22, 2012, 02:49:55 PM
Quote from: Fenster on October 22, 2012, 12:11:38 PM

If a long walk at the end of the day is so bad why not pay for a rickshaw ride?  At least some of that money goes to a hard working driver.

I was thinking of asking this as well. I've never used the rickshaw though (so I can spend more on food) so how much is a ride?

That depends on a lot of things, time of day, distance, and weather. I paid $20.00 once to go from row one parking to the camp row 7. The traffic wasn't moving and he took 3 of us and our camp chairs.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Singed on October 22, 2012, 02:57:54 PM

No belch or rant here, but could you comment on why the LEOs directing traffic were forcing all of us to go left (towards 105) and not right (towards Magnolia) Saturday night at 7:00ish?  The only thing we could do was go down a ways and u-turn on 1774 in to a rather long traffic backup they were creating.  

No skin off my back really, I go that way sometimes when I feel like taking a longer drive with less traffic.  
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Singed on October 22, 2012, 02:59:03 PM
hmm belch was not the word I used...
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Fenster on October 22, 2012, 03:00:55 PM
Quote from: Terre Albert on October 22, 2012, 02:47:44 PM
We tested preferred parking for the first time this week.  It was not advertised because we are working out the signage and bugs.  TRF will always have free parking and no this doesn't open the door for paided parking, we can't do that.  In no way does this require anyone to pay to park.  We added 180' to peoples walk as our rows are 60 feet a part.  When you come you will see that very little has changed in the parking lot except we have worked the traffic so that people get out faster.  We have had VIP parking for years for weddings, media and others, now everyone can get a close spot later in the day.  
And you consider 4 empty rows up close a success?  What was wrong with rewarding those that show up early and stay all day with the close parking?  This just seems like an attempt at a money grab to me. And it seems I'm not alone here or at TRF since the late arrivers didn't want to pay and would rather walk even further.

Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: BryanPopp on October 22, 2012, 03:15:00 PM
I found the post on Facebook. So I do not think they deleted them. They may just be hard to find as other topics and newer post arrive.
I even posted my own $0.02 worth about the parking on their page right under Dbaldock's.
Now if you are talking about other post on the subject please correct me.
I will say again all this does is annoy and put off those who show early and stay all day. That means we are spending money all day.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Fenster on October 22, 2012, 03:18:43 PM
Quote from: BryanPopp on October 22, 2012, 03:15:00 PM
I found the post on Facebook. So I do not think they deleted them. They may just be hard to find as other topics and newer post arrive.
I even posted my own $0.02 worth about the parking on their page right under Dbaldock's.
Now if you are talking about other post on the subject please correct me.
I will say again all this does is annoy and put off those who show early and stay all day. That means we are spending money all day.
Edited my post since you founf the comments.  FB is not easy to use these days, but that's a rant for another time and place.  ;D
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Fenster on October 22, 2012, 03:27:20 PM
Quote from: Singed on October 22, 2012, 02:57:54 PM

No belch or rant here, but could you comment on why the LEOs directing traffic were forcing all of us to go left (towards 105) and not right (towards Magnolia) Saturday night at 7:00ish?  The only thing we could do was go down a ways and u-turn on 1774 in to a rather long traffic backup they were creating.  

No skin off my back really, I go that way sometimes when I feel like taking a longer drive with less traffic.  
What I think they are doing is trying to make the traffic flow better.  In years past those of us that wanted to head north couldn't get out of the lot due to the Houston/Magnolia traffic back up to turn right.  No traffic jams heading north, but we had to wait a LONG time to just turn out of the lot.

Can I ask why you'd want to park in the camp side lot if you are heading to Magnolia? 
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Terre Albert on October 22, 2012, 03:30:56 PM
We didn't have 4 empty rows, we only started with three.  By the end of the day they were all sold out. 

From what I gather they were making people turn left out of 302 becuase traffic was jamming up the main entrance.  They change back after a few minutes of clearing the main gate. 
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Terre Albert on October 22, 2012, 03:33:19 PM
How was the traffic this weekend?  I've heard everyone was able to get home fast.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Fenster on October 22, 2012, 03:36:48 PM
Quote from: Terre Albert on October 22, 2012, 03:30:56 PM
We didn't have 4 empty rows, we only started with three.  By the end of the day they were all sold out. 

From what I gather they were making people turn left out of 302 becuase traffic was jamming up the main entrance.  They change back after a few minutes of clearing the main gate. 
I meant 2 on each side, if they were sold out they must have come and gone quickly.

And traffic wasn't bad, but it gets worse after daylight savings when more people stay later to see fireworks.  Unless fireworks will remain around 8ish this will likely be a problem again.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Singed on October 22, 2012, 03:55:58 PM
Quote from: Fenster on October 22, 2012, 03:27:20 PM
Quote from: Singed on October 22, 2012, 02:57:54 PM

No belch or rant here, but could you comment on why the LEOs directing traffic were forcing all of us to go left (towards 105) and not right (towards Magnolia) Saturday night at 7:00ish?  The only thing we could do was go down a ways and u-turn on 1774 in to a rather long traffic backup they were creating.  

No skin off my back really, I go that way sometimes when I feel like taking a longer drive with less traffic.  
What I think they are doing is trying to make the traffic flow better.  In years past those of us that wanted to head north couldn't get out of the lot due to the Houston/Magnolia traffic back up to turn right.  No traffic jams heading north, but we had to wait a LONG time to just turn out of the lot.

Can I ask why you'd want to park in the camp side lot if you are heading to Magnolia? 

I camp in participants, we don't have any other options at the time I had to take off.  We leave through the campgrounds and they have redirected traffic that way (which BTW, seems to be working quite well other than being pretty confusing the first time). 

Traffic was a nightmare 20 years ago, it still is, but there is not much TRF can do in that regard that they are not doing already.  The LEOs in Magnolia seem to have it flowing better than before, but there are just too many cars, not enough road and regular trains blocking egress out of both TRF and Magnolia.   An 8:00PM train is going to screw things up even if the traffic volume was halved. 
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Terre Albert on October 22, 2012, 04:10:34 PM
Last season when we did the fireworks later traffic was great.  Most likely they will remain late to hold a crowd and allow the lots to clear.  

We may drop to two lanes on the North side this week.  That's why you soft open a new idea and not advertise it.  We are learning and changing to make sure everything runs without messing up regular traffic.  We've had VIP parking for years but it was only available to wedding, media and few others.  We believe it is a great service to offer everyone .  Right now we basically added 180' to everyone walk.  
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Breandan on October 22, 2012, 04:49:48 PM
Terre, you are getting a lot of feedback on this, and you can see it's not just me who finds this problematic. It's not the issue with paid parking, other faires do that, its an issue with it having been done mid-season with zero forewarning. I assume you have experience in other businesses, so you know well how a sudden fee change without any heads-up to the customers NEVER goes over well, and should never be tested "live". The standard practice in every industry I have ever worked in is to feel out the customers first, be it through polls, surveys, focus groups, etc., and balance the positive/negative feedback ratio to the potential profit/loss ratio. Might I recommend that next time you post a poll on the FB page and here before dropping this kind of bomb on your customers with several months of lead time, and- if it is decided to implement the new policy or procedure- post it at LEAST 90 days in advance? Just a suggestion, but it will go a LONG way towards minimizing backlash and upset customers.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Terre Albert on October 22, 2012, 05:07:11 PM
Are you under the impression that everyone had to pay this past weekend? 
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Chandler on October 22, 2012, 05:26:12 PM
Let em charge, every person that pays 10 bucks to get a little bit closer helps keep my ticket prices down.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Alerrick Afon Adou on October 22, 2012, 05:28:57 PM
REALLY TRF REALLY..........Why should we have to pay for parking up close? Are all of you at TRF Money Grubbers. You can`t make enough in the faire so You start as soon as We come through the gate to park. How sad is that?
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Alerrick Afon Adou on October 22, 2012, 05:32:10 PM
I will make sure I let everyone I speak to about TRF to be aware that TRF will charge you for anything they can so be very cautious about attending.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: BryanPopp on October 22, 2012, 05:32:56 PM
Quote from: Chandler on October 22, 2012, 05:26:12 PM
Let em charge, every person that pays 10 bucks to get a little bit closer helps keep my ticket prices down.

I doubt that. How often do you see ticket prices at any venue, not just TRF go down.
That will not happen.
I know personally, if they charge across the board to park, then my trips to TRF will be cut back severely or cut entirely.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Chandler on October 22, 2012, 05:43:31 PM
Quote from: BryanPopp on October 22, 2012, 05:32:56 PM
Quote from: Chandler on October 22, 2012, 05:26:12 PM
Let em charge, every person that pays 10 bucks to get a little bit closer helps keep my ticket prices down.

I doubt that. How often do you see ticket prices at any venue, not just TRF go down.
That will not happen.
I know personally, if they charge across the board to park, then my trips to TRF will be cut back severely or cut entirely.

I didn't say anything about them dropping the prices. I said that if it helps keep them down, meaning not going up in price, then so be it.

He did say that they weren't going to charge for general parking.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Zardoz on October 22, 2012, 06:08:33 PM
The FB post;
"Just noticed the Kings perferred parking this weekend. Unfortunatly we didn't have $10 cash but you can bet we will next weekend. Thanks for making that available. Nothing worse than the long trudge back to the car after you're already tired from a day full of fun. Yeah preferred parking!!!!!!!!!!"

Yeah that seems legit, everyone comes to faire with no money on them

Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 22, 2012, 06:17:26 PM
That my first thought, too, Zardoz. 

Then I'm kinda, like, yeah, well, uh, I know people who do that, walking around only with plastic (not usually experienced renfaire goers, though).  I'm one of those people ::)  for the most part nowadays, but I absolutely refuse to pay the ATM fees :P at faire (even if I wasn't so distrustful of whether the machines would have money or not). 

For faire, I make sure I have plenty of cash, often in gold coins.  Hopefully the Son-in-Law is stocking up plenty for me for the next few years.  They are hard to come by in San Antonio now.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: BryanPopp on October 22, 2012, 06:17:46 PM
When I read "keep ticket prices down" I understood what you meant. I just worded my response wrong.
What I meant to get across, is that a parking fee of any kind in any form will not stop them from raising prices.
I know it was stated that general parking would not be charged. I doubt that will hold long term.
Like the chip commercial. You just can't eat one. That is the nature of most businesses.
In 5 years there will probably be a toll booth when you turn onto 1774.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: BryanPopp on October 22, 2012, 06:19:37 PM
@ Zardoz
I'm glad that I am not alone in that thought. I thought it sounded like a canned response.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: eldatari on October 22, 2012, 09:12:45 PM
REALLY?! A toll booth on 1774?  You have got to be kidding me!  I am so sick and tired of so many people on this forum blowing things out of proportion.  TRF makes a few changes and you people act like it's the end of the world!  Do you really think the constant threats of no longer attending are going to make any difference?  NO, they are not.

I am tired of new people getting on this forum and all they can seem to find are negative comments about our beloved faire!  Has anyone else heard the saying "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all"?

I realized a few years back that the magic of faire is what YOU make!  I was going through a period where all I could see where the changes that I didn't like.  I was not enjoying myself like I did the first few years I went.  Then someone pointed out that I was focusing on the negative instead of the positive.  Now I focus on all the things I love about TRF and I love going and look forward to it every year.

So, my advice to everyone here who has nothing but negative things to say is, that if the negatives outweigh the positives,then stop threatening to no longer attend and just do it!  I personally won't miss you and I will NOT miss all of your negative comments!
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: SolRac on October 22, 2012, 09:50:31 PM
Quote from: eldatari on October 22, 2012, 09:12:45 PM
REALLY?! A toll booth on 1774?  You have got to be kidding me!  I am so sick and tired of so many people on this forum blowing things out of proportion.  TRF makes a few changes and you people act like it's the end of the world!  Do you really think the constant threats of no longer attending are going to make any difference?  NO, they are not.

I am tired of new people getting on this forum and all they can seem to find are negative comments about our beloved faire!  Has anyone else heard the saying "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all"?

I realized a few years back that the magic of faire is what YOU make!  I was going through a period where all I could see where the changes that I didn't like.  I was not enjoying myself like I did the first few years I went.  Then someone pointed out that I was focusing on the negative instead of the positive.  Now I focus on all the things I love about TRF and I love going and look forward to it every year.

So, my advice to everyone here who has nothing but negative things to say is, that if the negatives outweigh the positives,then stop threatening to no longer attend and just do it!  I personally won't miss you and I will NOT miss all of your negative comments!

Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PyroMaster on October 22, 2012, 11:19:23 PM
Most of the hot air here is coming from a limited number of people and the volume of noise doesn't necessarily represent the majoritarian viewpoint. Personally, I think that if you don't bog yourself down in puritanical opinions, faire is quite enjoyable this year.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Endestroy on October 22, 2012, 11:30:56 PM
Well said Eldatari. Faire is my major holiday each year and I look forward to it for months, but the constant negativity on this forum has always disuaded me from joining the community.

I understand that changes can suck at times and constructive criticism has its place, but many seem to just not be happy with faire, ever. I've found that much of life if what you make of it, so I will continue to enjoy whats good about TRF and avoid what's not my cup of tea.

Also as has been suggested by others, I think Sherwood may be a better fit for some who are unhappy. A lot of TRF's negative areas are the strong points of Sherwood (and vice versa). I enjoy both :)
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Zardoz on October 22, 2012, 11:44:10 PM
Just shut up, put my blinders on, and come to faire (and bring money)
Go someplace else.

Message recieved
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 23, 2012, 12:11:32 AM
Quote from: Zardoz on October 22, 2012, 11:44:10 PM
Just shut up, put my blinders on, and come to faire (and bring money)
Go someplace else.

Message recieved
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Breandan on October 23, 2012, 12:28:36 AM
There will always be people who take offense at legitimate concerns about the direction faire has taken want to because they have loyalty to it and will rabidly defend it. I get that. However, attacking me and others who raise those concerns is a waste of time as it still doesn't address the issues. These issues exist with or without our commentary. I see three of you attacking those of us who voiced issues. That's three possible sources for solutions that are wasting time attacking the messenger rather than giving constructive criticism to Terre or explaining to those of us who are concerned WHY these things are good for TRF over the long run.

Additionally, I point out the good of TRF as well as the bad, which you would know if you bothered to read my posts. I praised the renovations to the campground, the increase in security there, the new amenities, etc. I was very happy with the rebuilt Globe stage, the new Barbarian Inn, and the deck in the Sea Devil. I am also going to point out the bad as well in an effort to try to light a fire under peoples' backsides to even further improve- or correct downturns in- the faire. I am not doing this because I feel like bitching and moaning, I am doing this because I love the faire and see unhealthy downturns and erratic management that could potentially cause significant problems over the long haul.

I am a businessman, this is my trade, and what I see concerns me. The unprofessional responses to the criticisms and concerns just further my worries, and frustrates the living snot out of me. I have bodyguarded CEOs of fortune 50 corporations all the way down to the chairman of a non-profit working in the inner city, and in addition to my own business experience I have been front-row for many of the planning strategies in management that these men and women engaged in. A company at the level of TRF should NOT have these sorts of flippant and damaging responses, and this complete lack of marketing and public relations oversight in a multimillion dollar firm is, frankly, troubling to me as a customer.

I get that some of you will NEVER accept any criticism of TRF, and will lash out at anyone who dares do so. This is neither healthy for a levelheaded discussion, nor does it do anything to address the problems that some of us obviously have. So, again, rather than insult us or tell us to go away because you don't like what we have to say, maybe you should try to figure out WHY we have the issues with your beloved faire and either help us understand how these things are good for us and faire, or help the people in charge of faire find solutions to end the backlash.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: DonaCatalina on October 23, 2012, 04:48:56 AM
Quote from: PollyPoPo on October 22, 2012, 11:54:33 AM
New Post on TRF FB Page.

Post:   Just noticed the Kings perferred parking this weekend. Unfortunatly we didn't have $10 cash but you can bet we will next weekend. Thanks for making that available. Nothing worse than the long trudge back to the car after you're already tired from a day full of fun. Yeah preferred parking!!!!!!!!!!

TRF Response:   The Texas Renaissance Festival Excellent! Yes, we had a lot of success with the preferred parking. It gives people a chance to park closer if they want too and all other parking is still free.
~The King

I didn't see this post this morning so I think it was deleted. What a laugh...someone seriously doesn't have $10 before faire even opens?
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Fenster on October 23, 2012, 07:05:03 AM
Opinions both positive and negative are usually welcomed by any business.  If everyone says they love everything when they really don't they are just contributing to the problem. Lots of great new things at TRF this year, this is just not one of them.
Title: Re: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: SolRac on October 23, 2012, 07:27:12 AM
Legitimate concerns? No offense but if it bothers yall that much about the changes why dont you join SCA? I for one love my faire and many of the new friends i have found at faire. The prefered parking bothers you dont park there. If the other things that have come up as to advertising in faire, the new brazilian area and any other things either dont go to the area or go a criticize it. Life is too short to be complaining about the little things. Regardless TRF is my home away from home and i plan to keep it that way for my family.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 23, 2012, 07:56:42 AM
Quote from: DonaCatalina on October 23, 2012, 04:48:56 AM
Quote from: PollyPoPo on October 22, 2012, 11:54:33 AM
New Post on TRF FB Page.

Post:   Just noticed the Kings perferred parking this weekend. Unfortunatly we didn't have $10 cash but you can bet we will next weekend. Thanks for making that available. Nothing worse than the long trudge back to the car after you're already tired from a day full of fun. Yeah preferred parking!!!!!!!!!!

TRF Response:   The Texas Renaissance Festival Excellent! Yes, we had a lot of success with the preferred parking. It gives people a chance to park closer if they want too and all other parking is still free.
~The King

I didn't see this post this morning so I think it was deleted. What a laugh...someone seriously doesn't have $10 before faire even opens?

It's still out there, timed 20 hours ago on my screen (don't know what time zone).  It will have moved far down and perhaps the older posts are not coming up without pressing the "older stories" button or something.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Hercules on October 23, 2012, 08:00:15 AM
On average I pump about $7,500 annually into TRF visits. So $10 ain't gonna kill me. It's management's choice to charge for up-close parking and my choice to participate or not. I won't pay and will remain in free parking since walking a little further ain't gonna kill me either.

Just as a reminder, Scarborough has basically been doing the same thing via their Friends of Faire pass for years.

At Scarby non-FoF people will go out mid-afternoon and move their vehicles into the open FoF spots with no enforcement. Wonder if this will start happening at TRF too?    
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 23, 2012, 08:00:28 AM
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 23, 2012, 08:53:18 AM
Quote from: Hercules on October 23, 2012, 08:00:15 AM
On average I pump about $7,500 annually into TRF visits. So $10 ain't gonna kill me. It's management's choice to charge for up-close parking and my choice to participate or not. I won't pay and will remain in free parking since walking a little further ain't gonna kill me either.

Just as a reminder, Scarborough has basically been doing the same thing via their Friends of Faire pass for years.

At Scarby non-FoF people will go out mid-afternoon and move their vehicles into the open FoF spots with no enforcement. Wonder if this will start happening at TRF too?   

Well played, differing point of view, used first person throughout, offered facts, not adrenaline.  Point.

Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: SirRichardBear on October 23, 2012, 11:31:32 AM
Quote from: Hercules on October 23, 2012, 08:00:15 AM
Just as a reminder, Scarborough has basically been doing the same thing via their Friends of Faire pass for years.

At Scarby non-FoF people will go out mid-afternoon and move their vehicles into the open FoF spots with no enforcement. Wonder if this will start happening at TRF too?    

I think the point was that they did in after opening day and without a lot of notice it was being done.  Scraby made a point of it being part of the FoF package and it did get a lot of comment at the time.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Breandan on October 23, 2012, 11:55:45 AM
Again, my issue with the parking has nothing to do with implementing paid parking, it has to do with how it was implemented. These things are symptoms of a potentially larger problem. My issue is this- if they are being this irresponsible, disorganized and unprofessional in marketing and public relations, what else are they being that way in? I dread that this is an issue that pervades the entire management system of TRF, because it was that sort of short-sighted thinking that led to several major incidents at the faire- the numerous PR and mismanagement disasters by George when he was GM (forcibly seizing food booth assets and the resultant blowback and lawsuit, the breach of contract lawsuits over the sale of TRF- Lance Williams v. George Coulam 2010, for those interested- a few years back that went public and got ugly, the fraud lawsuit filed by numerous shareholders- including his brother- a decade ago which also went public and got messy, etc.), the mismanagement of the campgrounds up until recently that led to a significant rise in all manner of illegal actions, and- most tragically- the cutbacks in security the day Brandon Smith was murdered (which, while it was never conclusively proven in court to be a contributing factor in his murder, AFAIK, it WAS so in the court of public opinion, creating a major PR nightmare for TRF), etc.- that have seriously hurt the festival and its reputation. This sort of mismanagement is WHY TRF had such a nasty reputation for the longest time, and still does in many circles.

I am trying to ride Terre's butt to keep the faire from devolving back to those levels of mismanagement. I am trying to hold him- and TRF as a whole- accountable for their actions and to the basic modicums of corporate responsibility that any sane business is held to. If nitpicking the relatively minor things and ticking them off forces them to step up to the plate and better organize their business to head off any potential disasters, I have done my job. Terre has done a magnificent job cleaning up the campgrounds, and while still VERY rough around the edges compared to a state park campground, it is many, many times better than what I have seen in previous years. This year, opening weekend was spent relaxing, occasionally yelling at the raver mini-camp and rushing my kids away from the clouds of pot smoke coming from it and another camp, but generally a helluva lot better than previous years. A few years ago, my experience in the campground consisted of treating a couple of cases of alcohol poisoning, preventing one date rape, carrying one drugged woman back to her camp with her boyfriend, carrying an underage girl I found passed out in broken glass to the nearest authority, and yet ANOTHER one drugged up the gills back to her boss. In one night. Nor was that uncommon that year.

The campgrounds were fixed because a lot of people- myself included- raised PRECISELY the kind of ruckus we are raising right now. It worked. Now, we are trying to head off the disasters before they happen rather than correct the issue AFTER someone has been hurt. I am not attacking your Sacred Cow to be an asshat, I am trying my damnedest to keep it from becoming a trouble-plagued pariah again. Terre has done some good, and I have praised him for it. He has also screwed up- or people under his management have- and I am going to hold him accountable for it, as I am not a sycophant who will only sing the praises of TRF while blithely ignoring the problems (they get enough buttkissing on Facebook, they don't need any more from me anyway). This is what it means to be a manager, and if I didn't think he had what it takes to step up to the plate I'd be calling for his ouster rather than asking him to fix the issues. His initial responses were disappointing and unprofessional, not even a canned PR response, just ad hominems (FYI, for those unfamiliar with fallacies, I use it in the technical term of challenging the questioner rather than addressing the question) and dismissive responses. He finally stepped up and answered some of the issues, for which I thank him, but that should have been his response from the outset. I ride his butt because I KNOW he is better than that, and CAN fix the issues before they spiral out of hand, if he would but get that company organized and better managed under his oversight. I know George is a major monkey wrench in that, as he micromanages from time to time (and rather erratically), but Terre has shown he can work around that interference. So, if you think I am picking on him, I am not, I am holding him up to the standards I and every other business manager are held to and trying to cut through the ocean of lazy, sloppy and self-destructive business paradigms that have plagued TRF for thirty years and more. Manage like a businessman, play like a rennie.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Zardoz on October 24, 2012, 01:07:05 PM
Wow Karnov, (Cory) thanks for joining the R/F forum just to snark at me and Breandan!

Not sure how telling repeat paying patrons to stay away helps your king though.
If you ever make a constructive post I look forward to reading it.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Karnov on October 24, 2012, 01:22:22 PM
Quote from: Zardoz on October 24, 2012, 01:07:05 PM
Wow Karnov, (Cory) thanks for joining the R/F forum just to snark at me and Breandan!

Not sure how telling repeat paying patrons to stay away helps your king though.
If you ever make a constructive post I look forward to reading it.

And I look forward to hearing a constructive post from you too. I just cant understand how you complain so much?
I came to this festival for the first time a couple of years ago and found this forum and all I see is complaining...
Why...and then attacking the management?
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 24, 2012, 01:24:09 PM
Oh, dear, looks like another thread is about to be locked up.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Karnov on October 24, 2012, 01:25:25 PM
Quote from: PollyPoPo on October 24, 2012, 01:24:09 PM
Oh, dear, looks like another thread is about to be locked up.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 24, 2012, 01:27:58 PM
Ah, playing a game just to do it.

Classic definition of a troll?

Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Terre Albert on October 24, 2012, 01:39:03 PM
Lock it or kick the troll off.  Who ever it is they don't have anything positive to add to the discussion.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Bonny Pearl on October 24, 2012, 01:44:10 PM
Terre, are you aware of what Scarborough does in regards to parking for their more loyal/frequent patrons?  You probably are but as a recap for others: Scarby offers Friends of Faire deals that include a designated parking area. 
Is this something TRF would consider in the future?

Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Terre Albert on October 24, 2012, 02:16:32 PM
I admit I'm not.  I will see if that is something we could do.  Do you know how many people participate?
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Bonny Pearl on October 24, 2012, 02:21:36 PM
There isn't any camping for patrons.  The deal consists of season tickets with a preferred parking area where people gather and tail gate prior to cannon, etc.

Here is a link on the Scarby site about it:

Maybe this is something that can be built from to work for TRF.

Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Fenster on October 24, 2012, 02:23:23 PM
A Friends of Faire type deal would be great for TRF.  A true season pass with added benefits for those that are repeat visitors.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Bonny Pearl on October 24, 2012, 02:24:35 PM
Oh as for participation... I believe it would have a pretty good response from those that don't/can't camp.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Breandan on October 24, 2012, 02:41:51 PM
Quote from: Terre Albert on October 24, 2012, 01:39:03 PM
Lock it or kick the troll off.  Who ever it is they don't have anything positive to add to the discussion.
Terre, according to his own profile his name is Cory Brock and he is the Director of Promotions and Special Events at the Texas Renaissance Festival.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: eloquentXI on October 24, 2012, 02:57:16 PM
Really? This is how we're going to use this forum? To belittle each other, end up in insults, and sit and b**** about every little thing? things have changed.  :-[
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: LibraryPrincess on October 24, 2012, 03:26:45 PM
Opening Saturday I was there at about 8:30, and I believe I parked on Row 4...nobody said anything about $10 for parking...
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Breandan on October 24, 2012, 03:33:24 PM
It got implemented partway through the season, not at the outset. It was a goof up, and from what I understand Terre is now reviewing the way it has been handled by other faires and thus I hope we will see it handled much better by next year.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: DeadBishop on October 24, 2012, 03:42:53 PM
Karnov (Cory Brock) requested to have his account deleted after coming in and being a troll. 

I went one step further and banned him.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: LadyJessica on October 24, 2012, 03:44:50 PM
Yea DB!!
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: eloquentXI on October 24, 2012, 03:45:01 PM
Quote from: DeadBishop on October 24, 2012, 03:42:53 PM
Karnov (Cory Brock) requested to have his account deleted after coming in and being a troll. 

I went one step further and banned him.

DB to the rescue!! *plays theme music* Thanks, dear! <3
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Trillium on October 24, 2012, 03:45:39 PM
My hero!!!  Thank you DB!!   ;) ;D
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Fenster on October 24, 2012, 03:47:42 PM
Thanks, we don't need any trolls round here.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: PollyPoPo on October 24, 2012, 04:12:57 PM
 ;D Administrators rule.

Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Mouse on October 24, 2012, 04:18:33 PM
Ban hammer...No Dr. Horrible jokes.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: nolekhan on October 24, 2012, 06:53:44 PM
But it's a brand new day...
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: DonaCatalina on October 25, 2012, 04:47:26 AM
Quote from: Terre Albert on October 24, 2012, 02:16:32 PM
I admit I'm not.  I will see if that is something we could do.  Do you know how many people participate?

Scarborough limits their FOF passes to 5000 people. The percentage sold has varied from year to year but most of the time they sell them.
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: Hercules on October 25, 2012, 11:13:50 AM
The Scarborough FoF parking spots "un-officially" opens up in the afternoon too. Makes sense since most FoF members should be there and they don't want those spots wasted.

Same should be considered for these preferred spots. If they aren't sold out by a certain time just open those rows up. 
Title: Re: Preferred Parking????
Post by: nolekhan on October 25, 2012, 12:38:25 PM
I do like an option to move the car closer mid-day.