
The Squire's Tavern => Squire's Tavern => Topic started by: daylight on July 01, 2008, 08:07:53 AM

Title: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: daylight on July 01, 2008, 08:07:53 AM
If you could choose would you work at the Renfairs or just go to one, which would you choose? I thogutht this post would be fun to see what you, a rennie`s take on the fairs are.                                                                                                                                                   I myself love to do both however I do love just the visting part much more. It  is much more relaxed. I `am free to raom around as I please and enjoy alll the shows that are there. I enter react with others in the lanes and still hold to my charcter, even when I`am not working one.  I`am not crunched for time so I can linger where I want. Visting allows me to meet people and a truly take the time that is needed to make them a firend, I love to meet new people and enjoy hearing there stories as well as sharing mine.  ;D
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Scotsman on July 01, 2008, 08:10:44 AM
I like my job too much to switch, plus the money is much better than that of a faire job. My generous paycheck allows me to go, buy and do all the things I like to do at faire. I am a faire-goer.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Lady Nicolette on July 01, 2008, 09:07:58 AM
I've done both...Each has it's charm.  I really enjoy being able to choose my own things to do at my own time, plus be a bit freer in garb than some Faires allow in historical accuracy.  However, combining work into a thing that you already enjoy can be a winning combination as well. 
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: maelstrom0370 on July 01, 2008, 09:10:22 AM
I started doing seasonal resort work in my early 20's (Summer in Michigan, winter in Florida).  Had I known about faire's when I was single and child-less I probably would have done that instead.  Now, I enjoy having a decent job that allows me to make faire a "family vacation"
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: daylight on July 01, 2008, 10:01:49 AM
I do have my own job. Me and my husband own a mech shop, we have been in business at thai shop for `6 yrs;  being the owners of the shop it allows us travel. I do like to work the fairs as well, it allows you to go to more fairs. The people you get to work with are some of the nicest. But in saying this I like just being a fair goer more than working, I have to agree with you, freedom is so good, I`am allowed to go to fairs that I really like and want to attend even it`s for the first time, as well as being able to wear the garb and simply fun. I enjoy both ascepts of the fair and all it has to offer . So I guess I would choose being a fair goer for sure, more than working at one ;D
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Cobaltblu on July 01, 2008, 10:55:17 AM
I want to enjoy all that a faire has to offer and on my own terms and on my own schedule.  I am on my free time when I attend a faire and I do not want to be working then.

The atmosphere of a faire lessens if you are "on the inside" and a member of staff.


Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Ginette on July 01, 2008, 10:56:05 AM
Having never worked a faire I would like to do that at least once.  But it is nice to walk around and see everything.  
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Capt Gabriela Fullpepper on July 01, 2008, 02:04:18 PM
If I could be court and it is a big IF, I would work faire. I'm no actress however. I would never work if it meant selling/cooking food or doing retail. It would have to be court only.

I'm a very shy quite person, until one gets to know me. As a lead singer I could easily speak to crowds. But I find it hard to speak one on one with someone.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Dayna on July 01, 2008, 02:18:54 PM
I work some, I play at some, I've done both at some.  Working does cramp your ability to go where you want when you want, although if you're not gridded that's less of an issue.  There's something to be said for getting there before faire opens, walking the grounds, the quiet of having the place all to yourself, and the adrenaline of "We're Open!!!!!!!!!!" 

Visiting means not really being part of the place, you have to remember you don't belong, you're a visitor, you can't join in with the cast in street bits because you're a patron, you have to play by their rules.  On the other hand, you can wear what you want, have a drink if you wish, get there late, drop character if you want to.  Best is Bristol Friends of Faire, because you Do have a place to go to get 'off the street' with seats and water, so I don't miss not being able to go Backstage as much, and the playtrons do get to know performers and can play more freely.

Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Master James on July 01, 2008, 03:34:48 PM
Well I am on cast for VARF as part of the court and while I completely love it, I also love being to be able to go to a faire and not have to be here by this time and there by that time, etc...  I'm lucky though in the fact that I have MDRF very close as well as PARF and they are at different times from VARF.  I also travel to other faires as well so get I get to play WAY more than I work.  I have several friends that work one faire after the next and I just couldn't do that.  I need a break and the ability to do what I want when I want and if I wake up one morning and decide I don't want to do faire today, I can.  Although that almost NEVER happens!   ;D
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Molden on July 01, 2008, 03:54:41 PM
This one's easy - I'd go to a faire rather than work one...

Bad enough that I seldom follow anyone's agenda - and when I do, it's usually an attendance of one or two events...but ya gotta be pretty special for me to do that.  ;)

I'd probably be perpetually in someone's dog-house for any number of I figure I'll spare everybody the heart-burn and just not do that!
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Joyce "Delfinia DuSwallow" Howard on July 01, 2008, 05:39:17 PM
I too have never worked faire. I don't think I want to either, I love coming and going when I want and doing what I want when I want. So I guess I will stay a Faire Go'er. Just as long as I get to go. ;D
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: GirlChris on July 01, 2008, 05:51:40 PM
Since I started working at faires about five years ago, I've only "just visited" twice. By the end of the day I was doing all the stuff I'd be doing if I was an actual street performer- I'd just paid between $5 and $15 for the privilege.  I'd WAY prefer to work at the faire- that way I get paid (or at least get in free) to do what I'd be doing anyway.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: brier patch charlie on July 01, 2008, 06:33:41 PM
I would love to work the faire, however theres no way it will be able to pay me 48k so it looks like I will just have to stay were I'm at and make faire when I can. Faire would be a much funner job and a lot more enjoyable than what I do. If I didn't have bills coming out my arse, and could get by one what little I would make working faire, I would do it .
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Lady Brandy on July 01, 2008, 09:40:30 PM
I'm a Beer Wench. I get paid to serve drinks, drink drinks, flirt and have fun. And paid WELL (tips only, but the more fun is had the more tips are made!).

I LOVED my one experience of going to Faire - but I have had WAAAAAYY more fun working there - so far.  ;D
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: beeboy on July 01, 2008, 10:14:31 PM
well i work faire.  what i love is being able to wander the faire if you have a substantial amount of free time, while having the knowledge of the faire you gain as a worker
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Lady L on July 01, 2008, 11:14:49 PM
I do both. I enjoy both. Since I have had my shop at MNRF, I look at other shops, at other faires, with a different perspective.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Scarlett on July 02, 2008, 06:21:00 AM
The answer is simple for me.  Cast & employees are not permitted to  drink.  No pub = No way.
I'd never work at faire!  LOL 
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Dirtfarmer on July 02, 2008, 06:55:54 AM
I, for the most part, prefer working as part of cast.  It is nice to have a faire to go to as a paytron, in my case MDRF is my faire to go and drink and do have a good time because I know 200 odd people there on any given day.    I have been on the cast of Virginia, NCRF for 10 years now and have able to come in as guest cast at Bristol, PARF, and TNRF and for whatever reason, enjoy working the streets more than drinking in the streets.  While it is nice to be able to eat off of a paper plate and not worry about it at the other faires that I paytron, I like to interact and play a character much more.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Dayna on July 02, 2008, 10:25:24 AM
I agree with GirlChris, being part of cast means you can actually do your street interactions (and also in my case join another musician and sing along (with their permission of course)).

As for Dirtfarmer, eating off paper plates is highly over-rated, and I don't do it anyway since I'm always in garb, even visiting, and so follow the cast rules of using my own bowl, plate, etc.  I understand though, two years ago I went to a faire in mundanes for one day, That Was TOO WEIRD!!!!

Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Synikul on July 02, 2008, 10:54:04 AM
I work ORF, sort of, and I like it on these terms. My wife and I, her daughter, and three of her daughter's friends sell fairy wings. We all have regular jobs, and we aren't trying to make a lot of money on the wings. Being a vendor gets us in every weekend, and we can stay on the grounds after hours. With 6 people it's easy to keep two in the shop and let the other four do whatever they want.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: robert of armstrong on July 02, 2008, 11:15:23 AM
At this point, I am only a visiter to various Shires and Towns.  But I keep playing the lottery - I get those numbers, and I am going to create another Faire in Southern Ontario.  That would be awesome.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Yrose on July 02, 2008, 12:04:33 PM
I love going to faire! But might be willing to work one sometimes, maybe to help a friend in a booth or if I got time off during the day to enjoy it. Not if I had to be stuck in a booth all day though.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on July 02, 2008, 12:14:43 PM
now i wouldn't mind working at faire if i didn't have to drive two hours to work i know all my money would be spent at faire
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: *Teach* on July 02, 2008, 12:41:38 PM
I've wondered about that many times, for me though one of the great allures of faire is not having a schedule. I love wandering about meeting up randomly with people and then moving on to the next random destination. About the only time I ever look at a schedule is when I want to see a particular show (train wreck).
I also just don't think I want to have the curtain pulled back... it just wouldn't feel right.

*and no rum on the job? forget it*
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Al-Nimer on July 03, 2008, 12:01:03 AM
This year was my first year to be "on cast" at Scarby.  It wasn't an official position, just performing with the  Drums of Isis ( for the bellydancers that show off costumes for the shoppe.  I did this 4 out of 13 days I went to Scarby, and thoroughly enjoyed all of them!  I liked being able to do both, that is "work" for the 4 days, and just go the other 9 days.  On the working days, we do have to adhere to cast rules, but our performing times are short enough that we can catch a couple of other shows and do a little shopping during the day.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: DT_Masters on July 03, 2008, 03:04:37 AM
Go to one.

I go to take pictures; hence, my hobby is photography first, ren fests second.

Plus, my life would have to be probably 180 different to work even a month long faire. I never, for example, do a faire on a Sunday because it takes me 3 hours to get there ...... and I start work at 0000 Monday morning.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Var Greyshadow on July 03, 2008, 07:15:39 AM
I can't really see myself working faire.  I'm definitely not the boothie/hawker type, and I'm not enough of an actress to be comfortable on cast (I stink at the improv games at Royal Guard workshop).  I enjoy being able to come and go as I like, dress as I want, and have my fantasy-based persona. 

Scarby offers up the ideal crossover though.  As a Royal Guard, I get to participate a bit more than just as a paytron.  The only required bit is three parades a season and the garb requirements are not so strict as for cast.  I enjoy escorting Their Majesties to and from their various appearances, guarding the King's Luncheon, escorting the horses in (and after) the parade, and helping to carry "dead" knights off the jousting field.  However, if I want to catch a show, shop or just play, I can go off and do that.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: BLAKDUKE on July 03, 2008, 08:18:28 AM
This one is easy.....   I get to do both twice a year.  As King at both of the Gulf Coast Faires I get to perform as a job of work there and get to roam around.  The only restriction is I have to be at all of the jousts.  It's a difficult, mindless job
but hell, someone has to do it eh??????????? 
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Queen Maggie on July 03, 2008, 08:44:19 AM
Okay, THIS one, I've gotta reply to.... I'd always rather work.
Weird, huh? But as an actor, I'm never as happy as when I'm performing... and even when I go and visit other faires, I'm participating (always remembering never to act in any way to upstage  another or to distract or anything, and ale=ways to mention that I am a visitor) but I still end up saying hello to every one I pass, pointing out the privies, and atms, and suggesting shows to folks who don't know what's good.
I end up bored, otherwise....
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: max and kate on July 03, 2008, 10:25:20 AM
We like going to faire and having fun. After a long week at work we can blow off some steam as faire patrons but we do some charity work at faire for the fun of it.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: CatAshtrophy on July 03, 2008, 12:30:47 PM
I've only been able to go to faire for fun so far, but I want to work at one for at least one season to try it out. I would love to do the acting, but I think I would even like working in a booth for somebody too. It's one of those things I want to be able that I can say I did when I'm 102.  :)
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: raevyncait on July 03, 2008, 12:38:42 PM
I've only worked faire one season, and I loved every minute of it.  I worked part-time for The Rogues, selling merchandise.  I worked from about 5-10 minutes before each show to 5-15 minutes after each show, did parade a couple of times... all total, about 4 hours per day, which gave me the rest of the day to roam, shop, and catch other shows as I wished. Would I do it again, ABSOLUTELY.  It got me in for free ($65 saved off season pass), bought me a significant amount of garb/accessories (all of which I would have bought anyway), allowed me to spend time with some of my favorite people, and best of all, gave me the opportunity to support the act and share their music with a lot more people than I get to sitting on the front row of the shows.

Would I work in a booth? probably not, as I think I would miss the freedom to roam and shop.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Lady_Glorianna on July 03, 2008, 07:25:06 PM
Sir Dragon took me to MDRF for years before we started working there. The experience is night and day. I loved attending faire but feel passionate and honored to work it. We do enjoy visiting other faires for our more flexible play times. This said, once Sir Dragon passes on, I feel I will only be able to attend MDRF and as cast.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: PurpleDragon on July 21, 2008, 09:56:07 AM
This is a tough one for me.. I work at one and go to another.  I get to enjoy my job (which is freaking great) at TRF and I go to Scarborough to play.  Now, if my boss manages to get into Scarborough then I will work at both... can't turn down good money now can we?
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Saoirse_Anam on July 21, 2008, 01:40:38 PM
I came THIS close to getting a job at faire this year, but now I'm glad that I didn't. I'm a free spirit...I need to be able to wander the village all day. I don't think I could handle having to do one thing all day long.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Lady Elizabeth on July 21, 2008, 02:04:09 PM
Quote from: Saoirse_Anam on July 21, 2008, 01:40:38 PM
I came THIS close to getting a job at faire this year, but now I'm glad that I didn't. I'm a free spirit...I need to be able to wander the village all day. I don't think I could handle having to do one thing all day long.

I completely agree. I would rather do things on my own terms and do what I want at the faire. I like interacting with the cast. I cannot be certain which I prefer more because I have never worked there but as of now I know I enjoy the faire more when I have all day to do whatever I please.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Scribe_Wear on July 21, 2008, 10:11:00 PM
id rather work at faire if i could nothing like getting paid to be in a place u love
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Craigmeister on July 22, 2008, 07:34:16 AM
I've pondered this a lot over the last year.  There are 3 events now in Tulsa (including the Scottish Games).  I'd like to volunteer to help organize the event & see things from behind the scenes at least once.  The first event is in the middle of August.  I don't think my health will allow me to sit outside in 100 degree heat for 2 days.  The other 2 events come at the busiest time of year at my office so I'm iffy on those.

Before I got married, I used to wonder if I would sell some kind of wares after I retired & travel the faire circuit around the country year-round.  My wife isn't into Ren faires, so that's out the window now.

I still might call about volunteering if there's work to be done leading up to the faires & not on the actual days of the events.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Will Gamwell on July 22, 2008, 08:37:43 AM
I would have to say that I enjoy working at Faire more than anything.  I do enjoy being a playtron and even a paytron on a few occasions.  But I would miss the afterhours time with my close friends that I wouldn't get if I did not work there. 

Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Greenman66669 on July 22, 2008, 09:32:27 AM
I suppose it all depends on the Faire, and what job I am working at.  I worked a booth for several years, and while I loved doing it, I missed out on most of the Faire fun.  Being stuck in a booth all day means you miss out on lots of other new and fun things to do.  On the other hand, I really made some good friends/family being that close to those people for long streches of time.   I came up with a good soultion for both; work one day then take the other one off.  That way you get in for free, make a little money, build some friendships, and still get to run around and play!!!
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: temper on July 22, 2008, 10:00:58 AM
I have a Day Job I love. They'll have to take me out in a casket ;-)
But I prefer working faires to just attending. I'm not good at being idle and I'm a "fixer." I have the same problem at museums-at the Met I was checking out the lighting, exhibit displays and flow-through, THEN the art!

And it's pretty sad, some of our troupe members went to KYRF for pleasure and they *still* ended up on stage.  I'd rather be helping to create the magic.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: AmazonSage on July 22, 2008, 10:36:52 AM
I love working there... It's just not as fun to be a patron.  There's nothing like the back stage camaraderie and the after hours (workers-only) fun; or just a massive we-all-fall-down after cannon after a hard day.  I just volunteer, so I get in on a workers pass but I still have half the day free to do what I want; best of both worlds there.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: knarlyknot on July 22, 2008, 05:04:49 PM
This is really a tough one for me.  We vend at 2 faires, TRF and 4 Winds.  I love 4 Winds for the fact that there I can be both playtron and participant, it's small enough that we are not constantly busy, so I can visit with friends, take in the occasional show and also work.  While at TRF, I'm lucky if I get a bathroom break or a chance to eat until dinner, but of course the money we make there helps to make up for that.  And there is nothing quite like after hours at faire and the feeling of comraderie from the other participants.  The main drawback I have from working TRF is that my hubby and I were married there, so we used to go every year for our anniversary and now we're stuck in the booth.  We got to walk around together once last year and that was on the Monday after close, but I guess I wouldn't change any of it , this was our dream.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Alacrity on July 24, 2008, 08:48:03 AM
I have always wanted to have a booth at a faire. Since I work in printing, I thought it would be great to recreate an old Gutenburg style printing press and then make posters, flyers and letters for the Rennies. But I can't see myself doing so in the near future, since there is no ORF anymore, so I stick to being a playtron.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Lord Finger on July 26, 2008, 01:10:55 PM
I go to Faire to get away from work and obligations. I would never want Faire to be work.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: jinx on July 26, 2008, 07:44:08 PM
Like others, I do love attending, but I would really like the experience of working a Faire at least once.

Of course, there are days when I'm tempted to just sell everything I can, pack what I can't in my junker, and run off to "join the Faire."

Y'know, kinda like threatening to run off and join the circus when you were little...but with MUCH better clothes.  XD
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Robert Phoenix on July 27, 2008, 02:51:05 PM
If it gets me out of my area, sign me up.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: fluffy tail on July 27, 2008, 04:29:21 PM
I think I'd rather just go.  I'm way to shy to work a booth and suck at improv.
Plus I like to wander with no set path, love playing with the people with my squirrel puppet but that's the closest I get from my shyness.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Lady Eriu on July 27, 2008, 07:58:24 PM
I've done both and I think that I have more fun working at the faires I have attended. The after-hours visiting and revelry, the "families" that you become a part of in each location, it is hard to beat. I just can't do Faire once a year only; there is something magical about being in character and making patrons feel that they are in another time that has very few rewards in mundane life. If it paid as well as my mundane job (which is rewarding,too) I would work faire all year long.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Emerald Shaunassey on July 28, 2008, 12:42:53 PM
Not to tough a choice for me - I will definately work a faire.  But then again, I have the best of both worlds being a stage show.  I get hired to do so many shows per day then have the ability to wander in the lanes interacting with folks (both patrons and cast) and do some shopping when I have the cash.  This enables me to see many more faires than if I were paying for the gas, lodgings, and the tickets to get in to visit. 

Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: DonaCatalina on April 20, 2010, 11:44:32 AM
Faire is a vacation for us. We spent years working our B---- off at SCA events before we realized we never got time to actually enjoy the event.

Working Faire would probably turn out to be the same we'll just enjoy visiting as Playtrons.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: analise on April 20, 2010, 12:59:31 PM
I'm not the sort of person to go in on being cast and I don't really have the time outside of weekends to devote to all the rehearsals, anyway! :) I sing, but not well enough to actually be a performer and I'm not really that talented in any other performing arts!

I do love dressing up in garb and going to wander the faire, seeing shops and performances on my own time, visiting with friends, etc.

But, for the past several years, I've also worked part-time in a booth at MDRF which I think makes for a nice balance for me. I get to wander and see the things I want to see, but for a few hours each day I step in and give the regulars in the booth a chance to take a break if they need it and in exchange I get passage into the faire and something shiny at the end of it (typically pointy AND shiny, ooooh). And I'll agree with whoever said it's nice to come in before the faire actually opens, it really really is cool.

I think I'd hate working full time, to be honest, but I like having a foot in each "world". (having my cake and eating it too? Why, yes!)
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Amras Elfwine on April 20, 2010, 01:08:40 PM
Playtron - YES!
Worktron - NO!

Cheers!! 8)
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: LadyFae on April 20, 2010, 02:21:41 PM
Ever since I discovered Ren Fest I've wanted to be on cast.  I'd like to try it out and see what it is like but now a lot of you have me nervous!  As it is right now anyway I wouldn't be able to audition for a few years (when the kids are older and I don't have to take them everywhere!)  For now I love attending in whichever garb suits my fancy each day, wandering around aimlessly, playing how I want and coming and going as I see fit.  There are a few acts that I would love to "help out" if I were asked but I've yet to find a booth that I feel the same about- other than Twig's!  =D  Anyway, I think that I'll start as a volunteer at a small faire and figure out from there what I'd like to do next. 
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: RSLeask on April 20, 2010, 02:44:42 PM
I dunno, honestly.  Working at one might be fun, to actually be a part of the story for the year.  But I have too much fun and enjoyment just being there and doing my own thing to have to pick one or the other.  So yes, if I had to pick one option, it would just be to go.  I wouldn't mind actually being on cast for a couple seasons, though.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: DonaCatalina on May 20, 2011, 11:06:47 AM
It seems to me that there are a lot of people who start working fair to save on tickets and end up burning out quickly.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: angusmacinnes on May 20, 2011, 11:55:09 AM
I will never work for a faire, why ruin my fun with their rules. ;D
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: raevyncait on May 20, 2011, 03:02:19 PM
I've enjoyed my season this year, working part time in the Majikah Perfumery booth. I can get in early, store what I may need (cold water, etc.) behind the shoppe, play for awhile, and then report to work about 11:30, work a few hours, and then go play for the rest of the afternoon. I've met lots of folks, had lots of fun mixing scents, creating new things, and watching the people visiting the shire from a different perspective.  I'd love to work it again next year as well.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Captain Teague on May 20, 2011, 03:51:12 PM
I have attended as a patron for two decades or more. I would very much like to work a full season to see and experience the other side of things and to say that I have. But having worked many other venues such as Bike Rallies and a few setups and teardowns of standard traveling carnivals, I am well aware the magic sometimes stops on that side...being constrained to an airless booth for hours on end, constant heat, being forced to nicely fend off antics of what I call "Troll Danes" with their purely awful motivations of nothing more than poking rennies with sharp sticks and also twisting your legs into amazing chinese puzzle configurations until at last someone can relieve you to finally be able to powder your nose...etc etc.

But patrons indeed have much more free reign and free license. ;)
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Sir Michael Geare on May 20, 2011, 06:21:04 PM
I've worked and been on cast for majority of the faires that I've attended.  I have attended a few as a patron as well.  Given the choice, like so many, I would choose to be on cast and work at the faire.  The experience and fun is different when working especially the after-hours/back stage fun. 

Some say the rules stop them from working, the rules aren't that hard to conform to.  They are there to ensure the atmosphere for you the patrons.  Look at it from a different point of view.  There are rules regardless if you are a patron or participant.  The rules are roughly the same with some geared for the participant and others for the patron.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: BLAKDUKE on May 23, 2011, 03:20:09 PM
I would never work at one(except for the 2 that we perform in) The only reason is that the 2 we perform in I get to do what I love most, walk around the faire and play with people.  Most other faires that I have seen there are set scenarios and heavy scripting, i.e. stand here. be there, deliver this line with this inflection.  Not for me.  If I choose to play with a patron/playtron, then that is what I do.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Queen Bonnie on May 24, 2011, 04:21:44 PM
 I enjoy working at Sherwood and playing at Scarby and TRF!
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Baron Dacre on May 25, 2011, 11:02:16 AM

I'd been a patron for many years before working, but how many times can you see the same shops and shows.

I have a day job (I'm a C# web developer, so I make decenent money) As a member of Court I don't get paid, I do it because I love it.

My main gig is poetry, and wooing in the streets, if I can make a teenager blush or a tired mother giggle my day is made.

I come home on Sunday night exhausted but fulfilled.

I've made lasting friends, conquered a good deal of my shyness and met the love of my life. This is what working faire has brought me.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Bob of the Lake on May 25, 2011, 12:04:22 PM
I've daydreamed about working at faire but I can't act, sing, play an instrument, or create anything anyone would want, so I think I'll just remain a dedicated faire-goer. Besides, if you're working, you can't drink!   :)
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on May 25, 2011, 12:07:51 PM
but there is always the pub sing at the end of the day bob
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Bob of the Lake on May 25, 2011, 12:12:01 PM
Quote from: Lady Christina de Pond on May 25, 2011, 12:07:51 PM
but there is always the pub sing at the end of the day bob

Oh, I never miss the pub sing. Since half the people there can't sing either, I fit right in!  ;D
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Valiss on May 25, 2011, 03:32:52 PM
Join a guild. It's literally the best of both worlds.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Merlin the Elder on May 25, 2011, 08:30:12 PM
I wish I had the talent—and lived close enough—because I would most assuredly be happy to be on cast.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Welsh Wench on May 25, 2011, 09:15:42 PM
I play by no one's rules but my own.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Lady Kett on May 25, 2011, 09:18:41 PM
Quote from: Bob of the Lake on May 25, 2011, 12:04:22 PM
I've daydreamed about working at faire but I can't act, sing, play an instrument, or create anything anyone would want, so I think I'll just remain a dedicated faire-goer. Besides, if you're working, you can't drink!   :)

2 Thumbs Up, there! I'd much rather play the whole time with no pressure to perform.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Captain Jack Wolfe on May 25, 2011, 09:30:18 PM
I've done both, sometimes in the same day.  Sometimes more than once in the same day.  Of course I meant work!   ::) :D
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Lady Nicolette on May 26, 2011, 07:41:17 AM
I've done both, I really have loved having my own booth, especially when sales are going well!
Just playing is fun, too, but when I have a choice, I prefer to work.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: maeven on May 26, 2011, 07:50:27 AM
Quote from: Bob of the Lake on May 25, 2011, 12:04:22 PM
I've daydreamed about working at faire but I can't act, sing, play an instrument, or create anything anyone would want, so I think I'll just remain a dedicated faire-goer. Besides, if you're working, you can't drink!   :)

I would love to audition to work at faire, but I'm worried about messing up. Plus, I don't think I have any talent either. I have never worked at faire though, so it's hard to say which one I would rather pick. I do love being a playtron, though!
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Norfolk on May 26, 2011, 10:35:56 AM
The Baroness and I were playtrons at our home faire (Colorado) for about ten years, and thoroughly enjoyed every day we spent on the festival grounds.  Last season, we were invited to join the cast, and thoroughly enjoyed that as well.  So much so, that we'll be back this season.

As with most things, there are trade-offs:  As members of the cast, we must be there whether we're in the mood or not, and regardless of weather.  We may not drink during the festival day, and are not allowed to watch any of the stage shows.  The days are l-o-n-g, 11 hrs or so both Saturday and Sunday, most of that on our feet.  We have a very limited amount of time to visit with friends and relatives who come to festival for the day, and when doing so must (at least try to) stay in character.  We are required to attend six weekends of rehearsals, unpaid of course, before opening weekend.  Sounds like a bummer, right?  Quite the contrary.  We love it!  Being part of the story, bringing it to life for the patrons, especially the children, is truly modern-day magic for our souls.  And the other members of the cast feel the same as we do, making cast call a joy.  It's certainly not for everyone, and I'm not sure how long we will last, but for now, as one of the other actors put it, "it's the crack to our inner addict".

Besides, we still get to play as patrons at AZ, MN, KS, Scarby, and TRF now and then.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Master James on May 31, 2011, 11:56:13 AM
I have to agree with the Baron.  Being on cast is a blast.  Yes they are long and sometimes hard days but rewards are HUGE.  I get to be a part of a show that everyone loves and I can contribute to that show so its worth it.  Unlike some faires, our faire is all volunteers.  We get paid nothing to do this and must make/buy all our own garb as well.  We are coming to the end of our run for this year as this coming weekend is our last.  I enter this weekend bitter sweet.  It will be nice to finally after 3 months have my weekends to myself, to sleep late on the weekend if I want to and to not have to travel 2 hours each way to the faire.  On the other hand, I will miss the fun we have every day, whether its in rehearsal or while the show is running.  I will miss the smiles on all the patrons faces that I help put there.  I will miss the comraderie with all my fellow actors and good friends.  And mostly I'll miss the magic that is VARF.  But there will be next year and I'll start it all over again.

I will only work one faire.  I will guest cast on at least one and maybe two more for a weekend, but the rest of them, I go play at and have fun!
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: arbcoind on June 01, 2011, 08:45:57 AM
Master James, we always enjoy your vist to PRF to guest cast.  I hope you can make it again this season.

Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Rowan MacD on June 01, 2011, 10:17:55 AM
Quote from: DonaCatalina on May 20, 2011, 11:06:47 AM
It seems to me that there are a lot of people who start working fair to save on tickets and end up burning out quickly.
I see where you mentioned working the SCA exhibits a couple years back, and I agree. 
  The problem I had with the SCA group, was that in return for free gate, they wanted you to stay in the exhibit area about 90% of the time to 'demo'.  I stuck it out for two seasons, then quit volunteering.  I still come out and help set up the site the night before to show support, but I leave the babysitting to the SCA members who like to do that.  It's ideal for the members who are unable to do any of the more physical demos.
  Now days I try to do other things besides working at the faire to earn free gate passes; like distributing flyers, hanging posters, even dressing up and waving to folks on the main street.  The producers nearly always need volunteers to work behind the scenes to help get the word out, site set up and other non glamorous jobs.
  That way if I or my hubby get hot, tired or ill we can leave without feeling guilty.
Title: Re: If you could choose would you work at a fair / or just go to one
Post by: Master James on June 01, 2011, 11:18:06 AM
Quote from: arbcoind on June 01, 2011, 08:45:57 AM
Master James, we always enjoy your vist to PRF to guest cast.  I hope you can make it again this season.


Should be up there September 24-25 and looking forward to it!  I love doing guest cast there at PRF.