
Ye Olde Crafting Corner => Crafts and Projects => Topic started by: Crimson on February 11, 2014, 04:33:41 PM

Title: pirate map
Post by: Crimson on February 11, 2014, 04:33:41 PM
I want to make a pirate map that I can roll up and put in a leather holder on my belt.  My question is, what would be the best medium to make this.  I want it to be foldable but hold up well.  I will be painting the map on it.  I'm thinking of maybe muslin fabric but then I'd like to treat it with something to make it water resistant and hold the paints well.  Any ideas?
Title: Re: pirate map
Post by: PollyPoPo on February 11, 2014, 05:11:56 PM
Depending on what paints you use, you might want artist canvas.

For a roll-up muslin seems kind of thin and flimsy, even treated.  If you do go with fabric, perhaps a canvas instead of muslin.
Title: Re: pirate map
Post by: Crimson on February 13, 2014, 07:41:48 AM
Yes,  I didn't think of artists canvas!  That just may be the best.  Thanks so much, Polly.
Title: Re: pirate map
Post by: Crimson on February 13, 2014, 09:44:01 PM
Polly, we are going to have to meet sometime this season of Sherwood.  I'd love to meet you!
Title: Re: pirate map
Post by: PollyPoPo on February 14, 2014, 08:24:35 AM
I'll be at Sherwood most every weekend barring malfeasance of weather, but Sherwood seems to be immune to the worst of that stuff falling from the sky.   :)

Based on my recent experiences, renfestforum regulars seem to recognize me.  I'm a lot older and bigger than my avatar would indicate, but the colors are pretty accurate.

If you think you see me, just give a holler; I'll probably hear you and slowly turn looking.  The next few weekends I'll be using the campgrounds gate. 

See you there!

Title: Re: pirate map
Post by: Rani Zemirah on February 24, 2014, 11:45:16 PM
Crimson, you might consider parchment, as well... or even a piece of soft tanned leather (like garment grade top grain).  The leather would hold colored inks really well (like calligrapher's pigments), and it would be easy to "age", also. 
Title: Re: pirate map
Post by: LordSterben on March 11, 2014, 05:19:59 PM
You've probably finished this project, but just in case anyone else want to make a map...

I made a pirate chart for a customer using a scrap of soft leather from the craft store. I cut the edges ragged and then burned them with a lighter. They curled really nicely and the entire map had a nice authentic look. I also darkened random spots with the lighter after painting the chart.

Voila. Almost indestructible map.

Title: Re: pirate map
Post by: Crimson on March 12, 2014, 10:37:33 AM
I haven't even started on the map yet.  I have so many projects in the works in my head and I'm a planner so I like to know exactly what I'm going to do before I do it. 

I love the leather idea.  I have some leather scraps sitting around the house.  hmmmmmm
Title: pirate map
Post by: 609wood on March 14, 2014, 08:24:17 AM
Leather or sued is what I would suggest.  Then paint the work with leather dye ans scribe it with leather working tools. The. Cruder the better. Make it look like something a cast away could make out of a goat skin and handmade tools. Then grease it with something like beeswax or petroleum jelly. You can get a cow skin remnant and shave parts of the hair off, scorch parts and make it look cool.

Untreated Parchment paper from a crafts store is another option.just crinkle and worry it till it feels like cloth and draw your map. Then wet parts so the ink runs a bit and seal it ol with krylon poly.

Sounds like a great project.
Title: Re: pirate map
Post by: Crimson on March 17, 2014, 08:29:39 AM
Thanks for the suggestions, 609!  I am a mapper by trade in a pirate persona so me not having a map is just crazy.  I'm going to make a leather cylinder to hang from my belt with the rolled up map inside.  I may just start on this map this week.  I'll post follow-ups as I go. 

Thanks again for all the advice!
Title: Re: pirate map
Post by: Rowan MacD on March 17, 2014, 08:46:21 AM
 Crimson-Don't forget the mappers tools-protractor, compass, small sextant (all available at harbor freight pretty inexpensively in a nice shiny brass).
   You can make a production out of 'updating' your map...