
Midwest => Loveland Castle "Castleteers" => Topic started by: Peter Beer Slayer on September 09, 2008, 11:33:15 AM

Title: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Peter Beer Slayer on September 09, 2008, 11:33:15 AM

Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle


Saturday, Nov. 15th, from 5 p.m. until 10 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 16th


Loveland Castle, Chateau Laroche in Loveland, Ohio

The latest details and directions are here


Raise money to help keep Loveland Castle alive.

To that end we have arranged for an evening at Loveland Castle. Good music, good food, fine drinks and award-winning entertainers: Jack Salt, The Pickled Brothers Side Show, and Minstrel Woode.
All ticket sale proceeds ($15 at the gate) go directly to Loveland Castle and the Knights of the Golden Trail.

The tantalizing smell of potluck stew will beckon you to join the warmth of old and new friends around the large outdoor firepit.  You will be entertained by award-winning professional musicians and showmen.  We will be able to drum until 1:00 in the morning so bring your drums and dancing shoes!

Everyone is invited to spend the night in the castle or on the grounds.
(see 'Crash Space' for details)

This is a costume/garb friendly event.


This is not your modern office party type potluck where you sign up to bring a dish and everything is arranged.  This is the ancient communal method with everyone contributing and sharing in the meal!
We start with an outdoor firepit on the banks of a river, in the shadows of Loveland Castle and the light of the moon.
"The Giant Blessed +10 Cauldron of True Potluck" is brought forth and hung over the blazing firepit.
The recipe is simple: Sear the meats, toss in vegetables and spices, add enough liquids to allow a bubble.
Simmer for hours, occasionally stirring with the "Great Stewing Oar of 'Not Burning the Cook'".
The final result is a dinner fit for a King, large enough to feed an army... Or an army of Kings...

We ask you bring:

A merry mood!

A bit of food that you would like to see in our stew.
You may bring anything, hence the name "potluck", each stew is different but every stew is wonderful.  From sausage to venison, from beef to pepperoni, any meat is good. Any and all vegetables give it body.
Bringing the food earlier is better because the longer the food can cook together, the deeper the flavor of the stew.  But don't worry about arriving late with food. We can always speed cook and add any additions as needed.

OR bring something for noshing, and/or bring something for breakfast.


There will be at least one home brewer sharing his craft.
A local winery has generously donated a couple of cases of Wine and Meadfor us to sample.
Despite the contributions, this is a 'Bring Your Own Drink' event. Bring enough of your favorite beverage for yourself and a bit for sharing.

Be Merry:

We are bringing in

Jack Salt,

Minstrel Woode

The Pickled Brothers Side Show

Crash Space:

Speaking of drinking and not driving...we encourage you to spend the night with us in the castle.

Bring your bedroll, air mattress or cot because sleeping space is on the floor.  The Castle floor is made primarily of stone
It is not fancy but it is dry.  There is also lovely garden space for your tent.

We ask that everyone vacate the castle and castle grounds by 10 a.m.
Everyone is invited to loiter at the picnic area longer but the Castle needs to be ready for tours and 'Business as Usual' at its normal opening time.

If you have further questions, or are interested in performing at the Castle fund raiser, please contact Jonathan Lancaster at (502) 640-7977.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Old Tinker on September 09, 2008, 11:42:24 AM
good people recognize a good cause.
our friend Peter, me Belle and me will promote this upcome'n event.
we can not think of a better group to support.
if me's may ask, thee has 5:00pm as start'n time,
would it be possible to get there any earlier, by permission of our "Captain humphrey" ?
with OHRF closed, me Belle and me could arrive a little sooner to help set up and enjoy ale's.
Edit-  answer, as long as we stay down by the river and firepit dur'n open hours (10am to 5pm), the more the merry'er.

  Alright "Castleteers"(and all), hers the chance to repay our "Captain humphrey" and the knights of "Loveland Castle" for be'n great host for our "Gather'ns". so make thy plans now, set the date on thy calendar, (and we's will also on "Calendar of friends")
i be the Old Tinker and his belle...

................................................updated-11/15/08  ..........................................................

Edit- again-   me Belle and me will start a list'n right here, right now.
Edit x 3 (10-07-08) -  thee "Captain" has also includ'd Friday even'n to the schedule (5pm till you leave Sunday), WOW, what a good time will be had.

           those that are plann'n to attend to support (our) "Loveland Castle"-
               ------------ November 15th, 2008 help support of our friends ----------------
                                                       (last update 11-15-08)
"Captain" humphrey
Peter the Beer Slayer
Maeve Nations & Kadden + wench sister- Layla
Poof Bird
Lady Pegos
Sir Jim
Angus & Lady
CapnFayeCutler & Brother
Conte Carl & Contessa Donna
travis, Susan & Erik
Capt Lucy
Sir William Marcus
Curto & Imestra +fri
Sir James & Lady Missy
Old Tinker and his Belle
Katie- in spirit
StareNorthSteve- in spirit
Lady Everclear- in spirit
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Poof Bird on September 09, 2008, 01:45:10 PM
HUZZAH!!  I'll happily attend to help fund our beloved Castle!!
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Lady Pagos on September 09, 2008, 04:39:03 PM
Count me in!
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: kydavid on September 09, 2008, 05:51:27 PM
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: WindChime on September 09, 2008, 10:03:51 PM
I'm gonna try to be there it sounds like lots of fun.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Bugsy on September 09, 2008, 10:05:27 PM
Of course!!!
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Angus on September 09, 2008, 10:24:21 PM
On Chateau La Roche's website the admission price is $10.00, has the price changed since yesterday?

...$10.00 or $15.00 matters little to me, I'll still be there, I just wanted clarification.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: CapnFayeCutler on September 10, 2008, 02:37:14 PM
I'm definitely going to be there!  ;D
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Carl on September 10, 2008, 02:51:46 PM
Count us in .  I think the 10.00 was for the haunted house.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: jinx on September 10, 2008, 04:41:56 PM
Ooooohhh....I'll -try-.  November is a hard time for me to take off at work, especially on a Sunday, since I'm the only one in that day.  But I'll still try.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: AuntyLou on September 12, 2008, 08:09:14 AM
'tis an event most anticipated!  I'll be there with bells on.  (Just try and find them!)  And I believe the Cherry Bounce will be just about ready by then... A grand Fanfare to the Festive Season...
Aunty Lou
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Peter Beer Slayer on September 12, 2008, 10:18:39 AM
I compiled this from an older thread on a different forum... 

Old Tinker told me people are asking when they should arrive, due to them having ingredients for "The Giant Blessed +10 Cauldron Of True Potluck".

Short answer:
We plan on arriving at the Castle by 1:00.
The sooner the food arrives and is in the Cauldron the better it can do its magic.
But we can take and prep food and get it in the stew anytime.

Long Answer:
Our plan is to be there by 1:00.
It'll take about half an hour to forty five minutes to get the charcoal started and the keg of homebrew set up.
Once the charcoal is going, I'll put the cauldron on the heat.
Then we start cutting up the food and tossing it in the pot as the food is cut.

I usually start with the bacon because it sizzles up nicely and provides a good seasoning for the iron.
I then work through the raw meats because the sooner they get in the cooking heat the sooner they are "out of the danger zone" bacteria wise.
Then the cooked meats
Then the "flavor vegetables" onions, garlic etc to get their juices going.
About now is when I add the other spices. Salt, Pepper, Bay, Cilantro or whatever else we have on hand.
Then vegetables that take the longest to cook. Carrots, turnips etc
Then everything else.
Add enough liquid to allow it to bubble
Then all we have to do is to remember to stir the kettle with the "Great Stewing Oar of 'Not Burning the Cook"  occasionally
and to keep everyone well hydrated with the adult beverage of their choice.
(Did I mention the keg will be stationed near our "Kitchen")
We let it cook for a couple of hours.
One hour and it is edible,
Two hours and it is good,
Three hours and it is almost perfect but no one can wait any longer because they have been smelling it cook for three hours.
But generally the longer it cooks the better it is. In fact by adding more and more food it is possible to have an everlasting stew.

I'll set up a bit of the fire for flash cooking anything that arrives late.
Depending on what it is, the late arriving food will probably sprinkled w/ spice, wrapped in foil and stuck directly in the coals to steam in its own juices. This cooks it quickly and flavors it well.
It can be either served strait from the foil or dumped in the stew.
I came up with this when someone arrived at one of my potlucks after we had begun serving the stew with 5lbs of raw chicken quarters.
I'll also have a skillet and a pot of water for boiling if needed.

The key to this whole thing is that the longer the stew cooks the better it gets.


You can picture it now.
The weather is chilly and probably damp.
The heat of the fire draws you in and basks you in heat.
Your cloak and blankets keep the chill out from behind.
The smells; you can smell the river, the wet ground and the fall leaves.
But on top of that is the fire and the stew.
Ohh, yeah the stew. The stew is bubbling, steaming and smelling oh so good.
At least three people have made sure your cup is filled with something good to drink.
Old friends and new friends talk, and laugh and call out to people as they arrive.
And the evening has just barely begun.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Capt Lucy on September 12, 2008, 05:22:59 PM
DUH!  Of course this Capt will be there as well!  :D
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Old Tinker on September 16, 2008, 07:13:26 AM
Quote from: Lucy on September 12, 2008, 05:22:59 PM
DUH!  Of course this Capt will be there as well!  :D

our Lucy, twas good to see thee this last weekend, even thought it sure seem'd short live'd.
me Belle and me will be happy to add thee to the list'n for the fund raiser. hope to see thee soon again, and again, and again..
i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Capt Lucy on September 18, 2008, 08:14:12 PM
Quote from: Old Tinker on September 16, 2008, 07:13:26 AM
our Lucy, twas good to see thee this last weekend, even thought it sure seem'd short live'd.
me Belle and me will be happy to add thee to the list'n for the fund raiser. hope to see thee soon again, and again, and again..
i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...

Papa Tinker, Mama Belle....I luv thee both so very much!  Thanks for all your kind words and it was lovely to see you...this pirate isn't going anywhere!  I look forward to seeing you again very soon!
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Peter Beer Slayer on October 10, 2008, 12:18:03 PM
I will be sending flyers to OHRF With The Captain Lucy and The Captain Faye.  Help them spread the word.
The more the merrier.

Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Carl on October 10, 2008, 01:18:57 PM
Sir William you would be sorely missed if you do not attend .Who will stand guard upon the battlements?
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Peter Beer Slayer on October 13, 2008, 04:25:21 PM
I am bringing 5 gallons of home brewed Irish Stout.  It should be pretty good, but the proof will be in the drinking. 

Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: humphrey on October 14, 2008, 09:55:11 PM
5 gallons? what are the rest of you going to drink?
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: jinx on October 15, 2008, 07:40:40 PM
Quote from: humphrey on October 14, 2008, 09:55:11 PM
5 gallons? what are the rest of you going to drink?

But we need that to make us laugh at your jokes.  =D
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Capt Lucy on October 15, 2008, 08:04:58 PM
ROFL! so stole my reply!  LOLOLOLOL!!!   :D
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: CapnFayeCutler on October 15, 2008, 08:09:20 PM
Quote from: jinx on October 15, 2008, 07:40:40 PM
Quote from: humphrey on October 14, 2008, 09:55:11 PM
5 gallons? what are the rest of you going to drink?

But we need that to make us laugh at your jokes.  =D

I think it'll take more that 5 gallons... Kidding! ;D
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: jinx on October 18, 2008, 05:37:56 AM
Quote from: Capt Lucy on October 15, 2008, 08:04:58 PM
ROFL! so stole my reply!  LOLOLOLOL!!!   :D

Glad to have been of service?  XD

And may actually be right.  O.O
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of Shrewsbury on October 20, 2008, 04:17:52 PM
I have dibs on any Cocca Tequila!

And any types of special fruit treats if they are available!
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: jinx on October 28, 2008, 11:25:04 AM
D= Bad news.

Our lovely Lady Everclear apparently works for the Management Getting Weekends Off Nazi, and they've jerked the promise of that weekend away from her.  Jerks. 

I'm going to do my best to still come, if only for a few hours, but likely won't be able to stay the night due to the fact that Chris and I only have one car.

Or, y'know, we could all organize a raid, get decked out in our garb, and go kidnap her.  =D
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Imestra on October 29, 2008, 06:03:18 PM
Posting herewith our intentions to attend the Grand Affaire at Loveland Castle.  Tis greatly satisfying to support so worthy a cause as this,
after all, tis an actual castle! 
Tink, if yer out there, count on Curtro & Imestra. 
Having found no list'n of food stuffs and the like, I'm wonder'n if stew beef would be more well needed than meaty pies, which are excellent whilst awaiting the stew stew.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Old Tinker on October 30, 2008, 07:14:43 AM
our dear Imestra, me's be always out there a'watch'n. so's we have add'd thee and Curto. can not wait at this point, only a couple more weeks, and we "Gather". the stew meat me's sure our Peter will use in his "Ultimate Cauldren of Pot Luck", and once again, we will share his fantastic brew (well me's geuss we will be'a share'n two of good Peter's brew this "Gather'n" Mmmmm  Mmmm ).

jinx, we also with heavy heart shall line out Lady Everclear  :'(   :'(  , though we shall toast to her at the time we are all together.

alright everyone, now is the time that we push to spread the word of the fund raiser. many a rennie are go'n though withdraw as winter sets in this region, and there is noth'n more that they need but jion in, and visit "Loveland Castle".  so tell some friends, bring a family member that has not been at the "Castle". write a post on a neighbor'n topic. the more the merry'r.
come one, come all,

"Long Live Harry's Dream"

i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Capt Lucy on November 04, 2008, 09:59:13 PM
Did I mention that some of the Wenches for the International Wenches Guild of Local 77 will be there taking donations for wenchings and such???  ;)  Look for the pins!  :D

(also find me if you want more info on becoming a member!)  :D
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Bugsy on November 04, 2008, 10:14:21 PM
Capt Lucy and Capt Faye

lol, I love it.  I commented to tell the photographer your names, hope you don't mind
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Capt Lucy on November 04, 2008, 11:35:22 PM
Quote from: Bugsey on November 04, 2008, 10:14:21 PM
Capt Lucy and Capt Faye

lol, I love it.  I commented to tell the photographer your names, hope you don't mind

OMG!!!  I commented too...the Duck's name is Peking.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Old Tinker on November 05, 2008, 06:47:00 AM
Quote from: Bugsey on November 04, 2008, 10:14:21 PM
Capt Lucy and Capt Faye

lol, I love it.  I commented to tell the photographer your names, hope you don't mind

thanks Bugsey, thats a great shot of our ren-daughters.
me Belle and me will save it and print, to be put with our other family photos.

me's can already smell the fragrance of the "Ultimate Cauldron of Pot Luck".
see all in less than two weeks.
may all be happy,
i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: CapnFayeCutler on November 05, 2008, 08:34:53 PM
What a great pic of us! Thanks for posting the link, Bugsey!

I *had* to comment on it too. :)
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Angus on November 05, 2008, 11:43:30 PM
I have had a few changes in our plans, we cannot attend on Friday, but we will be there on Saturday around noon-ish...

...sorry for the last minute changes.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of Shrewsbury on November 08, 2008, 11:54:52 PM
Gah, I wish I could be there!

I miss Faire season on Ohio already . . . .

*sends wonderful Tequila vibes to Maeve*
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: CapnFayeCutler on November 09, 2008, 11:36:42 AM
Quote from: Lady Everclear on November 08, 2008, 11:54:52 PM
*sends wonderful Tequila vibes to Maeve*

Gack! Don't send tequila vibes to Maeve, she gets crazy! Oh wait....

Yes...send vibes and/or actual tequila to Maeve... Hehehehehe!

I plan on bringing a really nice single malt for my fellow scotch lovers, as well as the other essentials (read: rum)
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Maeve McMayhem on November 09, 2008, 01:10:52 PM
Quote from: CapnFayeCutler on November 09, 2008, 11:36:42 AM
Quote from: Lady Everclear on November 08, 2008, 11:54:52 PM
*sends wonderful Tequila vibes to Maeve*

Gack! Don't send tequila vibes to Maeve, she gets crazy! Oh wait....

Yes...send vibes and/or actual tequila to Maeve... Hehehehehe!

I plan on bringing a really nice single malt for my fellow scotch lovers, as well as the other essentials (read: rum)

Oooh yes! Send me vibes..send me the real thing.. I'm not picky at this point! :D Can't wait! Though looks like we'll be coming up Saturday as opposed to Friday..only because I work til 6:30pm on friday and we wouldn't get there until laaaaate.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Old Tinker on November 09, 2008, 01:42:55 PM
me Belle and me feel the vibes of anticipation.  ;D
"Caste" garb check'd, and laid'd aside,
supply's for the "Cauldron", pack'd,
bed'n prep'd,
now just a few short days and we jion our fellow "Castleteers".
seems like there's something me's is miss'n.  :-\
well we have five days or so to recall it  ;)
all be safe,
i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Poof Bird on November 09, 2008, 09:09:20 PM
lol, Tink, perhaps your pin?
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Old Tinker on November 10, 2008, 06:56:51 AM
Quote from: Poof Bird on November 09, 2008, 09:09:20 PM
lol, Tink, perhaps your pin?

Ah YES, our dear Poofie, once again she saves the day.  ;)
"Castleteer" PIN stash'd, and in safe keep'n for this come'n weekend.
now this Old Tinker is prepared and ready,
is it "Castle" time yet  ;D
(Belle hold Tink down by his shoulders),
"settle Tink, only a couple of days to go."
can't wait, can't wait---
i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: WindChime on November 10, 2008, 11:14:24 PM
Just a question about the sleeping on the floor in the castle.  This will be my first time staying over night and I was wondering what all people sleep on other then the floor?  Lots of blankets, bed roll, sleeping bag?  Thanks for any and all help.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Angus on November 11, 2008, 12:49:02 AM
Our first time spending the night, we slept on an inflatable air mattress in the dining room, in sleeping bags.

I would suggest that you put something between you, and the floor as the floor is stone, and somewhat cold this time of year.

I, and my lady, will prob spend the night sleeping in the back of our SUV, or I might set up a tent in the garden, I'm not sure yet, but floor space occupies quickly within the castle, and this is our 4th visit, so we will be staying outside.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Peter Beer Slayer on November 11, 2008, 11:46:43 AM
(cross posted on KYHRF forum)

I checked the weather. This will be a great weekend for bonfires and those beautiful cloaks we all have but can never wear at faire.

Remember, when you stand or sit at the fire if you hold the cloak open it facing the fire it catches all that heat and keeps it next to you.  This works even better if two people share the same cloak... just saying.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: StareNorthSteve on November 11, 2008, 01:53:19 PM
Sad to say, can't make this event...prior commitments with the young'ens. Looks like it will be a good turnout. Cheers all ... and have fun. Hopefully I can make the next Castleteer event.

Raise your glass and stare north...I'll be there in spirit!

Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Carl on November 11, 2008, 05:31:17 PM
Luckily I will be able to get off work early on Fri. I feel and eye infection coming on (just can't see going to work all day). We should be able to get on the road by noon if all goes well.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: CapnFayeCutler on November 11, 2008, 07:57:02 PM
Since I've slept in the castle during the freezing cold (and survived!) I'm definitely bringing my cot w/the air mattress, my arctic sleeping bag lol, my super awesome flannel blanket (kept me warm at TRF - and it was fricking cold that weekend!), probably some more blankets.... and a plug in heater. What can I say, I'm a wuss once I get cold.  ;D Hmmm...wonder if I can swing borrowing my mom's electric heat suit. Mwuahahahaha! Who knows we may throw a tent in, too. I bro's first time at the castle. Too much to do!

Oh yeah and my brother told me today that he definitely got this weekend off so we're heading up on Friday. LUCY GET READY! ;D
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Capt Lucy on November 11, 2008, 09:40:32 PM
Quote from: CapnFayeCutler on November 11, 2008, 07:57:02 PM
Since I've slept in the castle during the freezing cold (and survived!) I'm definitely bringing my cot w/the air mattress, my arctic sleeping bag lol, my super awesome flannel blanket (kept me warm at TRF - and it was fricking cold that weekend!), probably some more blankets.... and a plug in heater. What can I say, I'm a wuss once I get cold.  ;D Hmmm...wonder if I can swing borrowing my mom's electric heat suit. Mwuahahahaha! Who knows we may throw a tent in, too. I bro's first time at the castle. Too much to do!

Oh yeah and my brother told me today that he definitely got this weekend off so we're heading up on Friday. LUCY GET READY! ;D

WOOT!  :)  I am SO ready...
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Poof Bird on November 11, 2008, 11:26:35 PM
I managed to get Saturday off work, so I'll be there earlier then planned!  Yay!
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Maeve McMayhem on November 12, 2008, 06:38:25 AM
Just a few more days...  ;D

Two questions!

1. Who all is planning to garb up and get use out of their beautiful cloaks that otherwise don't get past the closet due to most faires being in the hot summer?

2. How warm would a tent actually be? We were considering bringing a tent and leaving floor space to others.. but we reaaally don't want to freeze.. I just wonder if any of you have had experience tenting there in the winter temps?

Thanks! Can't wait to see everyone Saturday!
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Old Tinker on November 12, 2008, 09:09:25 AM
Quote from: Maeve on November 12, 2008, 06:38:25 AM
Just a few more days...  ;D

Two questions!

1. Who all is planning to garb up and get use out of their beautiful cloaks that otherwise don't get past the closet due to most faires being in the hot summer?

2. How warm would a tent actually be? We were considering bringing a tent and leaving floor space to others.. but we really don't want to freeze.. I just wonder if any of you have had experience tenting there in the winter temps?

Thanks! Can't wait to see everyone Saturday!

dearest Maeve, #1- me Belle and me do not know anything about anything else but "Garb", and we shall be bring'n our cloaks me Belle made just for "Castleteer Gather'ns", (we call our cold weather garb- "Castle Garb", which we did wear to OhRF at close'n weekend.)
             Remember; "Castleteers are like onions, they have layers."

#2- we have set a tent, in the gardens, dur'n cold weather. FYI- there are electrical plugs in the gardens. me Belle and me just brought a electric blanket, and we were nice and toasty'. what we plan to do this time is drive the van again and sleep in it (with an electric blanket).

there thee are dear one, that's how we handle old man winter at "Gather'ns".
Ohh, count'n down time ***
i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Poof Bird on November 12, 2008, 10:28:41 AM
Maeve,  pretty much everyone garbs  :D
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: StareNorthSteve on November 12, 2008, 10:33:15 AM
Quote from: Old Tinker on November 12, 2008, 09:09:25 AM
... me Belle and me just brought a electric blanket, and we were nice and toasty'. what we plan to do this time is drive the van again and sleep in it (with an electric blanket).

Smarter than the average bear I tell ya!
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Maeve McMayhem on November 12, 2008, 11:01:02 AM
Quote from: Poof Bird on November 12, 2008, 10:28:41 AM
Maeve,  pretty much everyone garbs  :D

Wooo Hooo!  ;D This news makes me very happy!
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Old Tinker on November 12, 2008, 02:07:18 PM
Quote from: StareNorthSteve on November 12, 2008, 10:33:15 AM
Smarter than the average bear I tell ya!

good SNS, now me's understand why me Belle calls me "Ya Old Goat".  ;D
and we shall as before face North, stare, and hold one high and toast thee and yours.

i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: StareNorthSteve on November 12, 2008, 02:25:08 PM
Quote from: Old Tinker on November 12, 2008, 02:07:18 PM
... we shall as before face North, stare, and hold one high and toast thee and yours.
i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...

Since I shall return home late Saturday evening, to most likely find myself sitting around my own firepit...ale in hand...yet not in the company of the Castleteers...I, too, will hold my mug high and return the aforementioned toast. Cheers!
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of Shrewsbury on November 12, 2008, 06:53:47 PM
Quote from: Maeve on November 12, 2008, 11:01:02 AM
Quote from: Poof Bird on November 12, 2008, 10:28:41 AM
Maeve,  pretty much everyone garbs  :D

Wooo Hooo!  ;D This news makes me very happy!

Boo, it makes me even more depressed about not going.


Oh, well I can look forward to next year at least  :D
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Old Tinker on November 12, 2008, 07:13:25 PM
Quote from: Lady Everclear on November 12, 2008, 06:53:47 PM
Quote from: Maeve on November 12, 2008, 11:01:02 AM
Quote from: Poof Bird on November 12, 2008, 10:28:41 AM
Maeve,  pretty much everyone garbs  :D

Wooo Hooo!  ;D This news makes me very happy!

Boo, it makes me even more depressed about not going.


Oh, well I can look forward to next year at least  :D

as SNS, Katie and thyself dear Lady E, all will be join'n us in spirit. and always we hopes for another "Gather'n".
Tink & Belle...
Oh, me's will help drink SNS's share, whom will help out the others (in spirit of course)  ;D.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Angus on November 12, 2008, 07:23:32 PM
"...whom will help out the others (in spirit of course)"

Master Tinker, I will step up, and assist you with this burden, with "Spirits" of course. Far be it that you must be troubled with this task alone.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Old Tinker on November 12, 2008, 07:30:22 PM
Ah, brother Angus, thee be a brave man, it may be a hard undertaker. but with a little help from our friends, we shall prevail.

i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Carl on November 13, 2008, 05:02:33 AM
Michigan " Spirits" will be a roamin' the castle also!
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Old Tinker on November 13, 2008, 08:36:20 AM
Quote from: Carl and Donna on November 13, 2008, 05:02:33 AM
Michigan " Spirits" will be a roamin' the castle also!

and if thee happen's apond this "Michigan Spirits", beware, sip do not gulp.
OT & B
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Imestra on November 13, 2008, 12:02:23 PM
Fixin's for the Great Cauldron please add one pound of stew beef.
Thank you cow, for dying for us.
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Ratman and Bobin on November 13, 2008, 01:15:16 PM
To all our Castleteer friends ,  Have a safe and wonderous time at the castle!!  We will "stare south" and raise a mug of WARM cider to ye!!(
Ratman & Bobin
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Old Tinker on November 14, 2008, 07:09:27 AM
good Ratman & Bobin,
thank thee for thee well wish's.
one of these days we hope to have thee at the "Castle" also, with thee grandyoung'uns of ours.
it really is a wonderful time.
also you must come south to visit our home faire here in Ky. mayhaps this come'n summer ?
be well, take care our close friends,
i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Bugsy on November 14, 2008, 09:17:09 AM
Sadly, I will not be able to make it.  :(

I wish you all a happy happy time!!  I'll be back looking for pictures!
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Capt Lucy on November 14, 2008, 02:12:11 PM
Quote from: Bugsey on November 14, 2008, 09:17:09 AM
Sadly, I will not be able to make it.  :(

I wish you all a happy happy time!!  I'll be back looking for pictures!

DOH!  :(

Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Sir William Marcus on November 15, 2008, 10:29:47 AM
We here at the fortress raise our tankards as well! (
Title: Re: Potluck at the Castle - A Fund Raiser for Loveland Castle
Post by: Old Tinker on November 15, 2008, 11:14:41 AM
Good Sir William and all, leave'n a little later than thought, but on our way now ( need'd minor repair on the carriage, Hmm- hope that duct tape holds  ;D ).
on the road again,
we be off,
Tink and Belle...