
Market Square => Books / Movies / Publications => Topic started by: Lady_Glorianna on December 17, 2008, 09:46:35 AM

Title: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: Lady_Glorianna on December 17, 2008, 09:46:35 AM
just read that "New Moon" will open Nov 2009
Title: Re: *SPOILER* movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: GypsyWriter on December 17, 2008, 01:18:21 PM
Best news of all:  Taylor Lautner is not signed on to resume the role of Jacob Black! 

**SPOILER ALERT**  Do not read beyond this point if you have not read the book

Nothing against him--he was fine for smiling, happy pre-wolf  Jacob.  But as a 40-something fan, I've been hoping they will find an adult to play Jacob after his "growth spurt."   ;)

Team Jacob: because Jacob never left
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: Trillium on December 17, 2008, 02:39:06 PM
My first thought when I saw him in Twilight was he was too big already.  I always pictured him smaller, since he is younger than the rest of them, and then Bella is shocked by the growth spurts.
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: RenaissanceInBlood on January 02, 2009, 04:00:29 PM
He's a cool guy, but I'm kinda glad they changed him.
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: GypsyWriter on January 15, 2009, 07:11:08 PM
Well, Taylor Lautner was signed after all.  I grudgingly have to give him kudos, as he seems to want the role very badly, and has been very dilligently working to prove he can portray the more mature Jacob Black.

I'm just pouting because I can't, in good conscious, lust after a 16 year old little boy.   :-\
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: Blue66669 on January 16, 2009, 11:40:23 AM
Oh but I can... (get em young and train em up)

Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: RenaissanceInBlood on January 17, 2009, 03:07:55 PM
Well spank my butt and call me Charlie. Or something. Or other.
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: Lady Ashly on March 09, 2009, 11:08:28 AM
So how does everyone feel about Dakota Fanning being cast as Jane in New Moon? I personally love her as an actress and she does an amazing job in all her movies, so I am looking forward to it! I am just keeping my fingers crossed they don't cast that Vanessa Hudgins girl to the movie.
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: Lady_Glorianna on March 09, 2009, 06:53:35 PM
hot topic is runing a contest to visit the set and be in the movie
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: maelstrom0370 on March 10, 2009, 09:22:44 AM
I just watched Twilight last night.  I'd been avoiding it (like the plague, I might add!) due to the whole Dawson's Creek meets Lost Boys vibe it seemed to have.  But then I noticed it was on pay-per-view and I was bored to tears.  I gotta admit, it wasn't too bad.  The whole "sunlight makes us sparkly" bit got my inner vampire geek a bit worked up, but all in all I was pleasantly suprised with the movie.
Going on the theory that the book is always better than the movie, I might just have to check this series out.
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: Lord Figaro on March 10, 2009, 09:47:28 AM
That's one of my fears. I've read the books and fear the movies won't stand up to it. But I did want to see it when it came out, but it was the usual yeah yeah we'll see that , then poof nothing.
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: serenamoonsilver on March 10, 2009, 09:52:07 AM
Quote from: maelstrom0370 on March 10, 2009, 09:22:44 AM
Going on the theory that the book is always better than the movie, I might just have to check this series out.

Normally, this is my theory too...but in this case its a tough call for me.  I think the movie is slightly better than the book actually. 
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: Lady Ashly on March 10, 2009, 10:35:16 AM
I think the book is much better than the movie, but the reason for me was that the actors just couldn't pull off the emotion that is shown in the book. I loved the movie though and it does have some great actors in it. I think it's easy to be let down by movies though because when you read a book it's the way YOU see it in your own mind and it doesn't always live up to that on the screen!
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: serenamoonsilver on March 10, 2009, 11:33:56 AM
Quote from: Lady Ashlyn on March 10, 2009, 10:35:16 AM
I think the book is much better than the movie, but the reason for me was that the actors just couldn't pull off the emotion that is shown in the book. I loved the movie though and it does have some great actors in it. I think it's easy to be let down by movies though because when you read a book it's the way YOU see it in your own mind and it doesn't always live up to that on the screen!

Funny enough, that's why I like the movie better than book--I thought a lot of the supporting characters were a little flat in the book, but the actors in movie gave them a bit more personality.  To each his own I suppose.  I admit though, as much as I like Patterson, he's not how I pictured Edward looking at all.
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: Lady Ashly on March 10, 2009, 12:33:04 PM
Yes I do agree he wasn't so much what I had imagined in the book either, but he is still a great looking guy!  ;)
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: CassandraR on March 21, 2009, 02:11:39 PM
I, as I did with the Harry Potter books, did not join on to reading them until they were all out.  There is nothing I hate more than reading a good story, only to get to the end and find out that there is more- BUT not written yet...and have to wait a year plus to read it. 
So with Twilight, I saw the movie first.  From the movie I got the strong impression that there was a lot more going on then could be conveyed in film.  So, I got the first book...yeah- I couldn't put it down (although, I still can't quite put my finger on the reason why I couldn't put it down) and proceeded the next day (because I read the darned thing in one sitting) to face the fierce storm outside, ended up drenched and cold, just to get the next 3 books. 
Since, I have seen the movie several times more, read Midnight Sun (which she BETTER finish!!!), and went to the release party last night.  Obsessed!  Hah- no....just don't get in my way if there happens to be something Twilight nearby...

I liked the cast of Twilight- thougth it was good.  But, am nervous about the next film (and any subsequent films) because I am hoping that the actors take it to the next level.  Because as is- I can't imagine these actors in a movie version of Breaking Dawn.
SHUTTING UP NOW because unfortunately I could go on....and on...
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: GypsyWriter on March 23, 2009, 08:22:56 AM
Cassandra, it is (as you said) difficult to determine why the Twilight books get so into our hearts/under our skin, but I believe it can be summarized in one word: MAGIC.  The books cast a spell that takes us beyond "suspension of disbelief."  I tried to explain this intense feeling in an article that was published in the Forks (WA) Forum.  Here's the online link, if you're interested in taking a look:
Title: Re: movie sequel to Twilight set
Post by: Athena on March 24, 2009, 09:26:09 PM
I'm loving these books! I've got the movie in my Netflix queue, and can't wait to see it. I've read mixed reviews about it, but I'm still checking it out.