
South => Texas Renaissance Festival => Topic started by: mpullen on May 14, 2008, 06:05:52 PM

Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: mpullen on May 14, 2008, 06:05:52 PM
Okay, I had mixed opinions on posting the campground layout last year on a grid map. Some groups were hostile to the idea of being "tagged". Many more loved the idea.

So, do you all want me to do this again this year? I'll have to discover on how to post a picture to this new forum.

Also, do you want me to post the campground guidelines I had posted on the other system? It will take me some time to remember what I had posted, but since they were common sense items, it would be a good discussion item.

Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: brier patch charlie on May 14, 2008, 07:57:33 PM
DO IT! I want to know were everybodys at. I hate walking around all night trying to find someones camp.
Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: KeeperoftheBar on May 15, 2008, 07:30:37 AM
I agree that you should do it and thank you for all the effort it requires.  It is so nice to know where groups are going to be located and figuring out who had the party across the way.
Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: Johann I on May 15, 2008, 09:06:35 AM
Layout the map, if you would.  'Twas the only way I could find you last year.
Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: Lady Ann of Draycott on May 15, 2008, 03:19:37 PM
Yes! Please do!

I referred to that post lots of times last year! I never would have been able to find anyone without it!

Campground guidlines too!  All good information that I know a lot of people counted on.

Thanks Mike!  ;D

Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: brooke on May 16, 2008, 11:51:13 AM
Please post this again.  As a newbie camper last year it helped my tremendously!  I have to admit we didn't go and find anyone (shy) but it did give me an idea of where we should be shooting to put our tent.

And THANK YOU for doing this!
Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: Captain Kilian on May 16, 2008, 12:22:42 PM
Who are you to cave to peer pressure of the few that grumble? Go for it!

Maybe I'll take your work and make an antique looking version of it, so that I might stumble from camp to camp and look slightly less the fool for carrying a map with me!
Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: RenRobin on May 16, 2008, 01:28:40 PM
Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: texanromaniac on May 17, 2008, 03:03:04 PM
Twas very nice to have a printout of the map last year...though like another said, we didn't go searching out the other camps, but twas nice to know who was where!!

I for one, would like one again this year...and any years following you would care to keep it we are making it a tradition of a yearly pilgrimage to TRF for a weekend of camping and faire!!
Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: LadyStitch on May 19, 2008, 04:12:57 PM
Please post it.  It would make life so much easier to find camps, and  allow fellow campers to remember which group had the best party Saturday night. 
I also give a copy of the guidelines to our faire virgins.  That way they know what "the rules" are. 
Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: CahirDochartaigh on May 23, 2008, 11:21:17 AM
DO IT! I was new last year and it helped tremendously.
Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: Ottheinrich on May 23, 2008, 12:32:38 PM
It would have helped me last season find Blue if I could ever find TRF (I got lost on the way there)  ???

luv ya, Blue  ** on knees asking for forgivness**
Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: Element of Air on May 23, 2008, 01:17:36 PM
I found it really handy and Kinda neat to learn where one camp starts and the others end. I do know that the RF camp is right next to mine!
Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: mpullen on May 25, 2008, 06:11:09 PM
I wanted to post a grid map that reflected the present area. Unfortunately, Google has a map over 2 years old. I haven't downloaded Microsoft Earth, so I don't know how update their maps are.

If someone has an updated map of the area, please forward, so that I can set a grid map of the area.
Title: TRF Campground Map
Post by: mpullen on June 22, 2008, 02:56:32 PM
I still need a new aerial/satellite view of the area. Google and Yahoo still have maps over two years old, not showing the massive clearing of last year. If nothing is available, I'll just go with what is available. I haven't subscribed to the new Microsoft Earth mapping utility, so if anyone has, please let me know if it has updated maps.
Title: Re: TRF Campground Map
Post by: Lady Laura on June 27, 2008, 09:38:38 AM's map program has a good aerial view, but I'm not sure when it was taken.  It looks pretty recent.  Just search todd mission TX.
Title: Re: TRF Campground Map
Post by: mpullen on June 27, 2008, 10:54:27 AM
Quote from: Lady Laura on June 27, 2008, 09:38:38 AM's map program has a good aerial view, but I'm not sure when it was taken.  It looks pretty recent.  Just search todd mission TX.

That one looks like about 2 years old, but it does show people in the campgrounds.

Problem is, YellowPages won't allow rotating the image.
Title: Re: TRF Campground Map
Post by: mpullen on July 11, 2008, 06:00:07 PM
Okay, since no one could furnish an updated aerial map, I went ahead and purchased a map from TerraServer. For $20 I downloaded a low (1000x1000) resolution map of the area that was taken in December 2007, so it shows the recent land clearing and the new roads.

I'll be doing a manual edit of the map showing grids and identifying the wet areas (those I know of).

I'll post the map in my sticky thread, along with the weekly group locations that I receive notifications. Please do not post your group locations on the sticky thread. Send me Renmail, so that the thread keeps short and I make sure I get all the updates.

If you don't want your group identified, just sent me a Renmail stating "grid X-Y reserved" (even though space can't be reserved) and I'll so state on the maps.

Be specific as far as which weekend. A Renmail of "possibly week 3" doen't help.

Title: Re: TRF Campground Map
Post by: LadyJessica on July 11, 2008, 11:24:06 PM
You are the man mpullen!  I know your map last year helped me to find several groups!  Lots of kisses for you!
Title: Re: TRF Campground Map
Post by: Valeria Skyye on July 26, 2008, 01:16:01 PM
This year will only be my second time camping. I did not know of this site last year but wish I had. I would LOVE to see a MAP and maybe I can come out of my shell and bit and actually meet some of the other groups.
Title: Re: TRF Campground Map
Post by: Zaubon on July 27, 2008, 01:54:19 AM
Clan Mclotofus will be set up with the kitchen going on Opening, All Hallow's and Closing weekends. We're a good place to get your feet wet. We have one of the quieter camps and are family friendly, but my how the booze does flow. We're normally on row 8 near the road. Stop in ans say hi, or set your tent up with us. Just keep an open mind and you'll have a great time.
Title: Re: TRF Campground Map
Post by: Valeria Skyye on July 27, 2008, 11:56:48 AM
Quote from: Zaubon on July 27, 2008, 01:54:19 AM
Clan Mclotofus will be set up with the kitchen going on Opening, All Hallow's and Closing weekends. We're a good place to get your feet wet. We have one of the quieter camps and are family friendly, but my how the booze does flow. We're normally on row 8 near the road. Stop in ans say hi, or set your tent up with us. Just keep an open mind and you'll have a great time.

My family may just take you up on that offer. It would be myself, hubby and our 2 boys. And my family is very open minded  ;)
Title: Re: TRF Campground Map
Post by: Lord Dragonspyre on July 27, 2008, 02:00:41 PM
::ears perk up::

;D :P
Title: Re: TRF Campground Map
Post by: Pat McGroin on July 28, 2008, 08:54:17 AM
Quote from: Zaubon on July 27, 2008, 01:54:19 AM
Clan Mclotofus will be set up with the kitchen going on Opening, All Hallow's and Closing weekends. We're a good place to get your feet wet. We have one of the quieter camps and are family friendly, but my how the booze does flow. We're normally on row 8 near the road. Stop in ans say hi, or set your tent up with us. Just keep an open mind and you'll have a great time.

With the number of Renn family and friends that are camping with us. We will more than likely take up from row 7 to row 8 next to the road.