
Quill and Ink => Stories => Topic started by: NORSEMAN on February 11, 2009, 11:30:49 PM

Title: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 11, 2009, 11:30:49 PM
It was nearly midnight when I came down the road in front of the section in Prague that was frequented by rogue knights, thieves, prostitutes and the like I walked rather fast for some reason tonight I was a little nervous and with good reason for as I made the last curve heading out of the cities gates and toward the North I saw them, three young rogues masqueradeing as knights and worse they saw me!.

I began too run but the silver moonlight shone brightly and the knights soon were at the gate and galloping down the road toward me but I'm not so easy too catch and I ducked into the trees which were nothing but black shadows within this bright night.

The knights like so many others no doubt had no income and made their living by stealing from the poor peasants around the city of Prauge these men I knew were such vermin!.

They were some distance from the city walls already so I didn't know if they went back or not so after about fifteen minutes I felt it was time too move and I exited the trees some distance from where I'd entered but they were still there and began  chasing me but I was fleet of foot and stayed ahead of them for about a mile and now I thought this was almost two miles out from the city and their scream won't be heard now so I stopped and turned too face these brave knights and as usual fashion they slowed and the first made his move charging toward me an unarmed man with a huge battle sword.

As he neared me I simply stood there and I could hear him laughing about how easy this was going too be but as he reached me and thrust his sword I grabbed out catching the blade between my hands and throwing him and his vile weapon into a large oak that stood beside the road leaving him unconsious.

Then the second charged me this time using a spear but his luck was no better and soon he also lay upon the ground, the last man lowered his visor and drew his sword and as the others he charged me but as the others he under estimated the powers of a vampire! and in a flash I swung into the saddle behind him and knocked his ridiculas helmet off and buried my fangs deep inside his neck, the blood was warm and salty and I was very hungry and soon found him too be upon the edge of death so I took his sword and beheaded him not wanting too spawn another vampire and I walked back too the second man who struggled on the ground and as the first I bit deep into his neck.

I could taste the alcohol in they're blood and it made it taste that much sweeter too me, then too him as the first I beheaded him and went toward the first man who I'd thrown against the tree but he was already dead his back and neck broken!, but I'd had my fill and this bothered me not.

I took the weapons, money and horses of the knights too have my servant sell during the day for me, the bodies I threw into the brush for whats not found is not investigated!, my night of hunting was over early but the memories of what was once my life rushed back!, I was once a knight!, not like these creatures but a real knight and I founght many battles and as always the winner takes the loosers arms, I rode around remebering what once was until I came within the shadows of my families castle that sat far North of Prague and I entered the main gate and took the horses and booty too the barn where I fed the animals and placed the booty in a special place for my servant too fetch into town the next day.

I then retired too my special built room inside the inner part of the castle to await once again the night.
Title: Re: The Legacy
Post by: SarviaRose on February 12, 2009, 10:07:19 AM

I had heard rumors that there was another vampire in a town not far from where I was staying and hoped I would be able to reach them before the sun rose and take shelter with them.

Luck however was not with me people in the small town I had been staying where started to wonder what had happened to the evil men who had been a constant cause of worry. I had to leave before I got attached to them. The town was to small and to many good people that I might hurt.

I only had one helper here in this place and I knew that she would follow me but I did not wish this of her. I am a danger to her even though I care for her deeply.


"Yes child."

"Stop with the child stuff you can be old than I am"

I shock my head oh if she only knew the truth. I was far older than her grandfather who is ancient to them of this town.

"What is you need Liz?"

"You are planning to leave aren't you?"

"Yes I must."

"You couldn't have had anything to do with the those pigs disappearing"

I could not help but laugh at this.

"I told you when we first meet I would not stay long and I have stayed longer than I should. People don't like others whom are not like them. They could harm you just for your kindness to me"

It was a hard sell for me when I tried to get her to believe that I was allergic to sun light but she finally gave in after awhile.

"I don't believe you Anya you are only sick nothing more."

"Liz I have to leave you can't continue to hide me. It isn't fair to you."

I could hear her father coming to get her. I turn and finished packing my few belonging. I had just put on my sword when Liz came behind me and gave me hug. Oh the temptation was so strong. I needed to leave here now.

"Lizbeta where are you? Your mother is looking for you she needs help." We both heard her father yell as he headed to the barn.

"I won't see you again, will I, Anya."

"I don't think so." I turned around and gave her a hug back. "Now go before your father gets angrier than he already is."

I watched Liz run out of the barn and heard her father yelling at her as she ran towards the house. Her father continued to the barn no wonder wanting to know why his daughter was spending so much time there. Silently and quietly I slipped out the back door and was long gone before he reached the door.

I made my way north at a quick speed and due to the times it wasn't long before I found two men trying to have some fun with a very young girl. I let out a sign of relief I could feed again.

Creeping up behind the men I reached out and touched the closest one to me and felt him stiffen in shock.

"The angel of death is here to see you and your friend off."

The men just laughed at me but it achieved what I wanted they both let go of the girl and she ran. I could still hear her running when the men came at me. They where drunk and it didn't take much for me to back hand the closest into a tree. The other just stared at me.

"What are you?"

"I already told you."

I grabed him and bite into his neck and feed. His friend had woken up and with shock stared as his friend died.

"You're devil"

"Oh and you aren't"

He tried to run but didn't get very far, he met the same fate as his friend. I carried both bodies deep into the woods and beheaded them. I could tell that sun rise would be in another hour. After making sure there was no trace of the men I started to run north again. When it became a half hour to sunrise I stopped running and went off the trail deep into the woods and dug myself a hole to sleep in for the day.
Title: Re: The Imortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 12, 2009, 11:32:03 AM
The old servant Georg awoke early this morning since the night before he'd heard horses and knew there would be things for him too attend too early and as he expected there were three new horses and lots of equipment too be sold, he'd done this many times before and was throwing the equipment into the back of the cart and tying the horses behind it as well almost automatically.

Georg thought back too the olden times when he was squire too the knight who now slept deep within the castle, he was grateful too the knight for he'd have been dead many years before had he not been saved by his master.

He remembered the last battle in which they'd fought vailant knights in the service of the Prince of Wallachia fighting the saracen invaders but fighting a doomed battle against a foe that was far greater than we, his knight had feel in battle several days before and was carried to the palace of the Prince where he was expected too breathe his last and due too the conditions Georg himself had stayed too fight this last day but towards the end of the battle he himself was felled by an arrow and lay there unconscience until well after dark when he awoke too find his master healed and standing over him.

He raised his hand up and his master took it and said fear not noble squire you'll not die this day and he opened a vein and let a few drops of blood fall into his mouth, georg remembered he attempted too push away but death had a grip upon him and he unwillingly swallowed the blood but suddenly his wounds!, they felt better and after an hour or so he was healed!.

He thought how could this be?, what sort of magic had you used upon me and he asked "what have you done too me too cause this?".

His master replied that he himself was near death and was taken too the princes palace where he was given a choice to die as a noble or too have life eternal and when one is so near the icy grip of death anything seems better so he accepted and was made a vampire vassel of the Prince but this comes with a price and he told him of the effects of daylight upon him but also told him of the benefits now open too him!.

Georg thought for a second and asked "Am I also now a vampire?".

His master replied "No Georg you are not I simply healed you with vampire blood even a few drops will keep you alive but not turn you into what I've become and since you've served me so well I will give you life as my servant too do my bidding in the daylight you can live for centuries as long as you take blood from time too time but your not a vampire!"

That was almost 225 years ago now, how time seems unimportant now he thought suddenly realizing he was already nearing the town and he directed his team toward the armorers and there was met ny the greedy smile of the man who bought most of the armor and arms he often sold and he took the bag of coins and then headed toward the stables and disposed of the horses there recieving another pouch of gold from which he took his share and went too the tavern "Not a bad life!" he thought but soon he was heading back toward the castle he had other things too do and his master was genorous too him so he served him well.
Title: Re: The Imortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 12, 2009, 05:48:43 PM
I could feel tell that the last rays the sun was finally going down. Oh how I disliked sleeping in the ground. After listening carefully for noises other than animals I climbed out of the hole. As I expected my clothing and hair where very dirty letting out a sigh I headed towards the sound of a near by creek. I was very happy that it was deep enough to swim in. Quickly I jumped undressed and jumped in to the cold water, glad to at least be clean.

After the bath I changed into some clean and dry clothing. I paused to get my headings for some reason even though I love water I always seem a bit out of sorts after a bath or long swim. Finding north I started to run again hoping I would be able to find the other tonight if for nothing else a safe place to stay.

I missed Liz but knew she was safer with out me there I made that mistake before and watched as they burned him for hiding a witch. Knowing this could happen he wouldn't leave me. He told me before they dragged him away not to go after them and that he did not regret being with me for one moment. Somehow I was able to keep that promise to him but it was hard. The night after they burned him I gathered his remained and gave him a proper buiral.

A sound ahead of me caused me to snap out of my thoughts I was close to a city. I slowed to a normal human walk and put my guard up going into a new city was never an easy thing to do. The trail I was following joined up with a road and I started to head towards the gate when an odd smell came to me. It was a smell I knew well it was the sent of another immortal. I couldn't help but smile, it was true.

The gates of the city where still open when I reached them no one gave me much notice as I entered the city. Now to find them this had me a little worried some vampires where very evil and did not like other to enter their lands. I noticed a man with an empty cart heading for a castle but it wasn't this look that caught me it was his scent it wasn't quite human. Without stopping to weigh the risks I started to follow up. Hoping and praying he would lead me to the other.
Title: Re: The Imortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 12, 2009, 06:12:05 PM
The sun had dropped below the peaks of the distant mountains when Georg heard something coming down the massive stair case and he turned too see his master Knight Jozeph Bartos decending the stairs toward him and said "Master it is still early!".

I know, I know Georg but I don't need that much sleep and today is a special day for me it my birthday, old friend did you take the trappings to town today?.

Yes Jozeph two bags of gold!, and held it up to his master and Jozeph took them both and weighed them in his hands feeling they weighed about the same he gave one too Georg and walked on taking the other with him.

He walked too the main doors of the front entrance and threw them open watching the orange glow of the dying sunset and feeling a great pleasure observing his realm upon the mountainside, it was well maintained and manicured for Jozeph had always paid the gypsies in the nearby village well too work for him, he treated them too grand feasts and saw too they're needs since there was little tillable land in this location he protected them from the outsiders who persecuted them for simply being gypsy and they protected him in return, some of the more comely maidens had even willing given him blood since Jozeph would only take a small amount from them and the wounds would heal quickly especially inside the firm thighs of a dark peasant girl where Jozeph liked too take it from them there was no danger too them and after all he always gave them a gold coin afterward.

It was safe here no other Vampires lived anywhere around and after all he felt he did the people a favor removing the scum bandits and rogue knights that seemed to gravitate there on a much regular basis and no one asked many questions as long as the citizens were kept safe especially the maiden school teacher in Prague, it had always been thought she took him as a lover but since in those times teachers weren't allowed too marry people looked the other way and Jozeph was carefull not too turn her vampire.

He thought back too the night before thats where he had been! when leaving town, he could bedazzle her with a glance and she would unfasten her long night gown before him and let it drop too the floor exposing her naked body her ample breasts seemed too jump free of the garment as it fell and Jozeph loved too rub his hands over her shapely curves and make love too her sometimes seven times in one night before tasting the sooth silky inner thigh of her right leg.

It tasted salty too him and he began too pull away from her but she pulled his head back down and had him take more it was during this time she had an orgasm from the excitement this gave her and she softly laid back down on the bed in a deep sleep which left her so very satisfied she knew Jozeph would leave the door locked for he was vampire and easily went through the space between the door and frame.

By now the sun had completely gone and Jozeph left for Prague, he need no horse the speed of the vampire would take him there much quicker and then he didn't have too fool with a horse once there.

He liked Prague it was a large town as far as medieval towns went and the people there didn't know him so he was welcomed at all the taverns and stores, contrary too belief vampire do drink alcohol it thins the blood and he had a taste for it anyway so he went too the biggest tavern in Prague and took a table near the back drinking maderia and watching the entertainer a young beauty dance around the room taking the mens eyes.

He made eye contact with her and dazzled her easily and much too the dismay of the young blade present she danced toward Jozeph and sat in his lap drinking from his cup even vampire liked company and hers was too him tantalizing, the music played on and they talked for the night was early and he had great patience.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 13, 2009, 05:05:31 PM
The night passed and Jozeph also let the pretty Gypsy dancer escape as well for somewhere in his black soul there still remained a love of beauty and she was so full of life and kind too him he knew he'd meet her again anyway, it was late when Jozeph finally left the tavern and there was a sword fight going on outside and as usual he walked right between the two young blade who were both so thrown by this act they simply stood there and watched him pass neither having the courage too attack the dark stranger who's eyes glowed red when he looked at them.

Jozeph noticed something hiding in the shadows down the cobbled street but paid little head too it for he heard no heartbeat coming from this shadowy figure and realized that it was Vampire but neither did he attempt too approach it for some Vampires were extremely strong and some had very unusual powers he wasn't worried just cautious so he kept walking knowing the shadowy figure followed him very far back.

Jozeph cleared the gates of the castle and slightly turned too see the stranger still following and he walked on at normal pace not using the speed of the vampire too get away for now he thought he might have too kill this interloper and then suddenly when well away from the town he used his powers and moved like a shadow far ahead of the stranger and bounded up into a tree taking cover there.
Soon the shadow hesaw approached at it own vampiric speed and he pouncced down upon the figure grabbing it from behind in a massive bear hug.

Jozeph was almost embarrassed whan as he threw his arms around the stranger his hands grabbed two supple breasts!, this is a girl? he thought!.

He swund her around and asked "why do you stalk me?", she replied she didn't mean too stalk him but had been moving when she found the scent of another Vampire and she didn't know to approach or not for some of our kind protect they're territory fiercely!.

Jozeph could see the stars were setting and told the beautiful stranger too come along with him that he had a place where they could talk safely and they headed toward the castle.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 13, 2009, 05:44:52 PM
Anya followed the vampire into his home, their meet made her laugh. When then where in the castle she could smell the other man's that she had noticed. The vampire sat in a chair and motioned for her to sit in another.

"My name is Anya."

"I am Jozeph. This castle is mine as are the gypsy you may have seen around the here. Well you are visiting here it is my wish that you leave them in peace."

"It is nice to meet you Jozeph, I will leave the gypsies and the man with the strange scent alone. I was traveling north when I heard rumor that their might be a vampire near the city called Prague."

"I would be that vampire, Anya. The man with the strange scent is my servant Georg"

Anya and Jozeph talked for the rest of the night by dawn Jozeph showed her to a room for her to stay in for the day.

"Thank you Jozeph for your kindness."

"Rest well Anya we will talk more tomorrow."

Jozeph walked to his room near by and hoped he would not regret letting this vampire into his castle and territory. Anya looked at the bed and noticed that there was no windows, he must get visitors from time to time.  Anya wondered how old he really was he didn't look much older than herself but she was well over 200 years old but looked between 19 and 20. She placed her sword and bag that continued her belongings on the bed. Opening the bag Anya pulled out a shift to sleep in and heard the sound of metal hitting the floor. Anya bent down and picked up the plain old ring that once belonged to the person she cared for most. She placed the ring back in her bag and crawled into the bed to sleep.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 13, 2009, 07:53:39 PM
I wasn't sure of what too make of Anya, she was young but it wasn't always safe to travel through the vampire territories without a pass from a Judge but this should not be a problem since here I was the Judge of Vampires and controlled the surrounding territories for quite some distance and there had never been many of us around here but now I was the only one it seemed about seventy five years ago there was an uprising.

The Vampire clans had met and offered their services too the humans fighting the Turks in the South but as always once the battle was over the humans became freightened of us and feared we wouldn't hold our bargin and began a massive hunt and this in turn had sent my peers into a blood rage against them and that never took much to start anyway since too most Vampires negotiating with a human is akin too negotiating with your a leg of chicken, you can say you won't eat it but you always do!.

The humans killed many many vampires with the help of a professor from Switzerland who knew our ways but the survivors caught him and turned him vampire and he built a great clan claiming judgeship of this territory for himself so being the true Judge I began a war against the upstarts and finished them all and they were nothing much of a threat too me anyway few even had an understanding of the vampiric powers and for good measure I gave the other traitors here orders too leave my territory or die of course they didn't leave and I eliminated all the others myself leading my gypsy army against them.

I've not started another clan because of the rebelious nature of the last one here and never have had reason too do so, the women I bite give themselves too me freely and I never harm them but rather pleasure them the way no mortal man can and for this they give me their blood freely I never turn them and its been this way now for almost seventy years.

As I lay there I thought seventy years!, that was but a drop in the bucket yesterday I turned 251 years old!, I'd seen the old times pass like dust in the strong summer breeze but then 250 summers had come and gone and that when you say it didn't really sound like many, I remember the plague, the religious wars, I remember my father telling me my people were not from here but Vikings but I knew little of they're ways and now I am vampire!.

I thought too myself its been too long since I had a clan of my own and maybe this woman would be my first recruit if she proves worthy, I already knew her breasts were worth further investigation from when I jumped on her from the tree last night and tonight I shall take her too Prague and let her hunt for I saw there new vagabonds upon the road and here vagrants have a way of disappearing at least according too the burgomiester of Prague, he told me personally they disappear and are never found never knowing who or what he was giving this information too or realizing his mistress had been glamoured by me several times and never even remembered it afterward except for the small puntures inside her tender thighs and the errotic dreams she remembered from the night before!.

But for now I must rest for tonight!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 14, 2009, 12:48:25 PM
Anya knew she was lucky not to have been imprisoned and part of her thought she still might be. She tended to be a loner and a wanderer. Judges in the areas where she tired make a home had been greedy and evil. She didn't mind what she had become but couldn't bring herself to hurt innocent people.

Laying in the bed she thought back to the time when she was human, the memories where fuzzy but they where still there. Anya if you asked her would tell you she didn't dream but she knew deep down she did. She dreamed of her human life and what could and might have been.

She had always been somewhat of a misfit even in her human life. She had been the only daughter of a noblemen and his second wife. Her mother died when she was very young but her father loved her and let her run with her older brothers. The ladies of the house never could get her to focus on what they though she should be doing.

Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 14, 2009, 05:23:33 PM
The evening seemed too come early this day but I didn't mind fore I was excited too talk with my new guest, other than Georg and the few gypsies around there was noone especially noone who had seen much of life and I had little encommon with the current events so I did long for someone too talk too.

As normal I rise well before the sun goes down the old rumors of vampires having too wait until dark are not true I just cannot be exposed too direct sunlight and crosses have no effect upon me even though many priests have tried using them against me but it seems there is a double standard by using the cross you must absolutely believe in it and I've found over the years few truly do as a matter of fact I've found many so called men of God too once finished with their duties too indulge they're mortal habits in wine, boys, money and good living I intentionally left out women for few seem too prefer the feminine sex which is fine with me I certainlly do!

Having Vampire as guests isn't a especially hard thing too have you needn't feed them! but perhaphs she would prefer a bath and change of clothing I mean even the vampire likes too remain clean and wear nice clothing, over the years I had many wives so there is an entire wing in my castle with the things women love although they may be a few decades out of style!.

It seeme the gypsy chieftain has come too pay me a visit for now is nearing the time of spring planting and they are a honorable people and always ask what I want planted in the castles large fields but they know that other than too feed Georg I require nothing food wise and give the entire crop too them but this day he told me not of the crops but of a small detachment of soldiers moving through the area.

He further said the soldiers had ransacked the village below and stolen they're gold and food plus taken two girls and this!, this inferiates me more than they could ever imagine for I love my people and to qoute a much repeated cliche "Vengance shall be mine!", now I bid the old man try not too worry I will provide for the entire village as always and I will return the women plus the heads of the soldiers and I bid him tell me they're numbers and when they had left the village.

Much too my surprise I found this had just happened and unfortunately for the soldiers I can easily intercept them before they reach Prague, he told me there were thirty men a company of mercenaries looting rather than fighting.

I tried too console the old man with the news I'd return the women too them before dawn rather they had been killed or still alive, I called  Georg and bid him give the gypsies a cart with smoked meat, vegtables, bread and liqour and they left for the storehouse.

I was feeling especially vengefull and hoped that soon my guest would tise and wish too feed upon the blood of thirty doomed men, this should please her for seldom  does one get a true vampire feast of all the blood you wish from men who need killing and I could her the door above slowly opening Anya is coming "very good" I thought this should be interesting!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 15, 2009, 07:45:06 PM
Waking up in a bed was such a treat, I couldn't remember the last time I had slept in a real one. I spent most of the night in just laying in the bed thinking and remembering the past which weren't necessary a good things. I could hear voices coming from below, Jozeph must be up. I went down some stairs and was met but an old man who was heading out of the castle she bowed slightly to me and headed out. He must be of the gypsies I thought.

"Jozeph, can I come in?" I asked when I was outside the door to the room I was pretty sure he was in.

"Yes Anya enter."

I entered the room and it was like walking into a dream it was so like my father's study but more regal.

"You have a beautiful room here."

"Thank you. Please sit." I sat down in the chair across from him. " I can see in your eyes that you have not feed in awhile."

"It has been a few nights. I found some men on my way here."

"You're judge must be missing you."

"I have no judge I wander from one area to another. I gave my loyalty to a judge once he was the one who turned me but when he was killed I started to travel. This is the first time in many years I have searched out another of our kind."

"How did they not detect you?"

"I stayed away from the main cities where judges tend to stay more food there."

Jozeph laughed at this.

"So Anya why did you search one out now?"

"I knew I had to leave where I was. I try not to feed on innocents and it was a small village I had already taken the care of there evils. When I heard rumor that there was another so close for some reason I felt complied to find you. And not to hide from at least one other."

"I have been lucky in my life. Georg has been with me since I turned and the gypsies are very loyal to me. I protect them and they protect me also."

"Was the old man who was leaving here one of them?"

"Yes and tonight I ask you to come help me. Two of the young women in the village where taken by mercenaries I promised to bring them back."

"I will help. You already know I pray on evil and that I am hungry"

"Good, Good. I will get ready and I have had Georg leave you some clothes in your room. But we will be running so you may want to wear something you can run and fight in."

"Do not worry. I know what I will wear and I will have my sword ready."

I smiled at Jozeph and headed to the room to change into my hunting clothes. It was not to long until I returned to the study just behind Jozeph. He stared at me, my hunting clothes consisted of a pair of breeches and a leather fitted top. My hair was braided tightly and wrapped around my head and my sword was at my side.

"You look like this is not your first time fighting."

"I learned a long time ago to be a fighter. It is hard to fight in a dress and in loss clothing."

Jozeph offered me his arm. "Shall we go."

"Yes lets go."

I replied as I took his arm and we headed out.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 17, 2009, 12:48:00 PM
I told Anya I find carrying a weapon almost agrivating now and formed my finger into long vampiric claw razor sharp, she smiled and said I still like my sword!.

It took us no time too reach the encampment of the brigands but now it was well after dark and several had already went too bed no doubt drunk we searched around and found there too be four guards placed out and a sergeant patrolling between them I told Anya too take the two on this side and I will take the other two and the sergeant, but lets do this quietly no need too arouse the rest of the camp she agreed and made her way off into the darkness toward her targets as I made my way quickly around and up behind the first sentry.

I grabbed him twisting his head too the left and started too bite him when I could see from the light of the fire the dirt encrusted upon this wretches neck, I asked him "Whens the last time you bathed?" I wasn't that hungry! so I broke his neck and went on toward the rear sentry but suddenly noticed the sergeant coming toward the first man I grabbed up his spear and helmet and took his place as the pompous bastard began too berate him for sleeping as he approached! so I turned and smiled at him as he stopped in his tracks!.

I found this man too be somewhat cleaner and had been drinking Vodka!, mmmmh! "I love bloody mary's!" I dispatched this welp  and turned toward Anya seeing her easily handle the first sentry she walked toward him using her womanly charms and he embraced her as she drained him!, "You were hungry I thought!", then I went toward the other sentry dropping the sergeants body beside the first I thought this would be good too have they're weapons near the outskirts of camp if I did need them, I reached the rear sentry moving as a shadow through the camp and found this man turning toward me just as I moved behind him.

The glow of the fire was bright enough too see the large wet spot in front of his pants growing larger as he started too scream, but I lashed out with my right hand and snatched his still beating heart out holding it before him he fell backward and shuddered some I picked up his boar spear and went through the camp a second time but this time I simply walked along and stabbed with a spear eight men who lay in a drunken stupor around the campfire this totalling thirteen of the wretches dead and I headed back too the edge of camp near where I started.

I observed the others and thought this too be entirely too easy!, so I transformed my voice into that of one of the females tied too a tree in the back of the camp and called out "Whats wrong can't you real men satisfy a woman farmers are better than you!", this arroused several more and I respoke the words so about seven more got up and formed a line in front of them so I hafted the large spear and with all my might I threw it at the last man driving the point through the six left standing in life and as one they fell over too the right totalling nineteen now dead.

The man whith his pants down in the act with the poor gypsy girl was screaming and suddenly the rest of camp began too rise I reached and got one of the swords belonging too the first sentry and slun it like a kinfe into another man splitting him in half, it was quite a shot if I do say so and likely couldn't do this again  but we still had ten too go so now I grabbed the sergeants sword and proceeded fourth.

Anya was already slashing her way through the disgusting wretches most of whom headed straight toward the horses and she placed herself between them and mowed down another four men, I stepped into the fire lit area and and three unsheathed they're swords and started toward me I placed my sword into the position too block and they advanced all three together poised and ready too strike when I showed my fangs and in a flash speed swung the battlesword through the three men as they stood transfixed unbelieveing what they'd just seen!, yes I know it was sneaky but really "One mustn't play with they're food!", I threw the sword into the back of another as Anya finished draining one young blonde soldier she seemed too rather enjoy toying with and she tossed his body into the nearby bushes.

Now all by my count that was left was just one and since I'd seen no leader so far he was hiding among those I'd killed while sleeping so I motioned too Anya too remain still and his heartbeat sounded like a drum thumping under the furtherest blanket, I looked too her and ask "Still hungry?", she smiled and started toward him but this time she wasn't the simple girl she'd been she had the look of a wild beast and the bent up anger in her troubled life was about too be released and it looked like a child throwing a toy around as she punished the man who'd caused all this.

I went too the two girls by the tree still tied and using my claw I cut the ropes with one swing, they were in bad shape one was bleeding where she shouldn't be and the other was clearly beaten badly so I opened one of my own veins and let fall just two drops of blood into each girls mouth, this won't cause the change too vampire but will heal them and act like a narcotic for a few hours so I glamoured them and placed them in a deep stupor.

I turned too see Anya ripping the mans head off and said "Very good Anya now we must remove the rest of the heads!, take they're weapons, money and goods we'll put them in the wagon they have and georg can sell them!, I took an axe and began chopping off heads dropping them into a large burlap bag "Some of these men had really big heads!", so it took five bags for all 30, we finished loading the wagon with the goods and taking the horses last we started back.

Anya was so excited she'd found a jeweled dagger and I told her too keep it we have plenty too sell as for me I already have a room of weapons at the castle, we placed the girls in the wagon and headed back.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 17, 2009, 02:47:50 PM
Once back at the castle it was still far from daylight and the house staff were waiting when we returned, I helped the girls out of the wagon and placed a suggestion in their minds that it was all a bad dream and never happened and gave them over too the maids too carry inside I ordered them washed and cleaned up and given new clothing.

I had George seperate out all the gold them men carried most of which definately was not from the village but still it was a substantial amount and I told him seperate one third for the village and carry them half the horses and weapons in the morning he needn't worry of selling our half tomorrow.

I also was bloody from our evenings entertainment and asked Anya if she'd like a bath as well and moved closer too her hoping she might invite me to join her but she playfully smiled and went back with a maid toward her room.

I retired too my room as well where a very comely dark gypsy woman assisted me removing my clothes and washing my back, she then dropped her own dress being completely nude under it and climbed into the tub astride me, she was a woman who could make all the troubles in the world stop and we made love for a very long time then she draped her ample chest over me and I made a small bite into her ample breasts as she moaned with exstacy and we laid there in the warm water.

She got out without a word and ried herself and then offered drying me she still stood there naked before me and I opened my vein a slight bit and placed a drop of blood upon her tongue and carried her too the bed where she snuggled up knowing I'd return come daylight and I redressed myself and came back down too the large hall where Anya was waiting and I told her I have something too show you she followed me outside and across the yard toward the outter gates and outside where we walked toward a high piece of land overlooking the beautiful valley below illuminated in silvery moonlight but this wasn't the reason I brought her there I wanted too show her seven graves all with beautifully carved marble headstones and I said these were my wives.

She examined the gravestones and  turned too me I told her "sometimes immortality isn't always as attractive as it might seem".
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 17, 2009, 05:24:56 PM
I couldn't help it and gave Jozeph a hug. He looked at me a little surprised. I smiled at him.

"I have human moments."

Jozeph laughed at this and held out his arm and lead me back into the castle. He had decided to give me a tour.

"Anya you are welcome to stay."

"That is very kind of you, Jozeph and when I wear out my welcome just let me know and I will continue on my way."

We went to a wing of the castle where there where windows.

"This is where my wives would come to enjoy the sun or to look over the lands."

I wanted to ask him about his wives but thought better or it. If he wanted to talk about them I would let him. This wing of the castle had a much lighter feeling about it than the area where the room I was staying in had but also who knew how long it had been shut up to block out the sun.

"So young Anya tell me about yourself." Jozeph saw the look of worry in my eyes. "Only if you are comfortable of course."

I didn't have anything to hide but some things I didn't like to talk about so I started to tell him about my human life.

"Well I will 211 this fall, I don't know why I bother to remember my true age as you know I look just the same as I did when I was changed which was 190 years ago last month. Another day that I remember clearly."

"Did you chose to be changed or was it made for you?"

I froze in the hallway we where in and looked out the window and at the moon.

"It was made for me but I didn't try to fight him, the funeral for my son had taken place earlier in the day and I escaped my husband and the rest of our family to go to his grave."

"That isn't a smart thing for a young woman to do now let alone back than." Jozeph commented.

"I know, I had cried myself to sleep which wasn't long after I got there I was exhausted. I woke up to the feel of a hand on my head. I woke and could see his dark red eyes. He asked what a young thing like me was doing out here alone there are dangerous creature around here. I looked him straight in the face and said the only thing I loved was buried here and I did not wish to live anymore. He smiled and said I can grant you that wish. I felt him pick me up and hold me as his teeth sunk into my neck.

I don't think he meant to change me but I found out later that my family had come to look for me and he hide not wanting to have his presence known. My family than carried me back to house not knowing what had happened but he must have felt sorry for me or if he couldn't get into the house until it was to late to stop the change. My family never cared for me much and married me off as soon as they could. My husband wasn't a cruel man but not very caring either. He came into the house and collected me from my bed, he told me that my husband had been drinking and they didn't even seem to notice that I was in all what should have been dead."

"He must have lived close to your home. What was his name?"

"He lived about 30 miles from us, he was a fast runner, faster than you or I. His name was Tor Cromwell. He took me and I lived with him for about 50 years until another vampire came in and tried to over throw him as judge. The other vampire killed Tor and I killed him. Tor's second Rafael offered me to become judge because I had killed Tor's killer but I didn't want it. I declined. I stayed for a few years under Rafael but I never felt comfortable there with out Tor. I said goodbye to Rafael and I have pretty much been wandering since than."

"And you never came across others?"

"I did but I promised I was just traveling and would leave. Most would follow to make sure I left their lands."

Jozeph looked out over the lands the dawn would be coming soon. He once again offered me his arm and we headed back to our rooms.

"Rest well Anya we can talk more tomorrow."
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 17, 2009, 06:37:42 PM
I crawled into the bed beside my beautiful gypsy and she immediately recieved me with a long passionate kiss and began too massage my body, it felt so very good I was so relaxed and she climbed over straddle me and smiling said I want too be a vampire!, I want too be your own vampire wife!.

This threw me because suddenly I realized I could never take the life from those beautiful eyes I adored so much and I told her too ssssh!, and we made love.

I tried my best too stay away from the subject but I knew she was determined but I'm not sure I could do this I remember the other women I'd been married too, they were all beautiful sweet loving women but they all had been mortal I'd never turned my wife I had never needed too and none had ever asked this before!.

She gathered her clothes as was her custom as the room brightened with the light from outside, she bent down and kissed me saying "Sleep well MiLord" and I watched her leave the room I never tired of watching her do much of anything but as I laid there I remembered things I'd not remembered in years I remembered the first girl I was ever with, how sweet and loving she was so tender.
Then I remembered the lady I married Catrina she was the daughter of a knight and we had our entire lives planed but too soon the wars came and all the knights were called too duty the king was sending us too fight for the Prince of Wallachia, she was a real beauty and pregnant with our first child we hadn't realized that in two weeks I'd be gone and would never see her lovely face again, she died in childbirth and they buried her long before I ever had the chance too return from the war and I had no idea she was dead until late one night I returned and found her gone.

Waking the servants they told me she had died, they had written her father and myself as we were both in Wallachia but I never recieved such message and if he did he never told me and he died upon the field as I would have had it not been for Prince Vlad, so the first thing of her I could see was that horrible cold grave lit by fire torches of a lone servant on that cold March night, I'd been married many time since but I never felt towards any as I did toward the gypsy girl who lived with me.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 18, 2009, 11:12:40 AM
The days warmth seemed too penetrate my chamber and I was not sleeping well I remembered back long long ago a time while fighting in Jeruselum the warm stagnant air of the chamber I was assigned there, the smells, the wierd foreign tongues being spoken outside it all seems so long ago but soon I drifted off and didn't wake until the soft blue twilight had begun too cool my room and I knew it was time for another day or night!.

I arose and dressed going down too meet Georg where he informed me of the return of the gypsy girls too the village along with the booty I'd sent them from the Brigands and as always they were gratefull but this day I had something more on my mind than just the local affairs, I had a premanition someone was coming too see me and this usually held true then I was shaken back too the present by Anya.

Anya I believe we have guests on the way! but for now what would you say too some hunting?, Prague is much closer for us than the map would seem and I often hunt there it seems every sort of riff raff, outcast, thief, murderer and the like all come too Prague on the way South its a place one can hide and feel for a while human I actually like too mingle among them sometime.

So what would you say my dear ready for some fun?.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 18, 2009, 02:34:06 PM
I did tell Anya that I never take the innocent there only those who think they own the night and there are plenty of them who would attack a helpless stranger and then I slice the neck so as too not show vampire marks.
There are those who willingly give themselves too you that is fine just harm them not, I'm not sure of the men! but I know the women find a vampire as a lover too be a very great thing as there are things we can do no mortal is capabile of!.

We set out and was in Prague in mere minutes even though it was over a days ride from the castle too Prague I liked that because if anyone should be coming from Prague too assault me they will have too spend a long or rather short night in the woods at my mercy!, I have a sence of trouble anyway.

Once we arrived in Prague I told Anya she may find hunting alone a more exhilarating experience and for her it should be simple the rogues will pounce upon her at first sight!, "Bon Appitite my dear!".
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 18, 2009, 04:53:21 PM
I wasn't too remarkably hungry tonight and really didn't care if I found anyone or not when suddenly the silence of the night was split by a womans scream and using my powers as a vampire I travelled there almost immediately too find a small one room house down a dark alley being burgularized when the thieves were caught in the act by the owner a female!, they slit her throat and left her dead upon the cobblestones.

I became more irrate than I believe I ever had!, this woman was even pregnant!.

I pounced upon the man outside but too simply kill him would have been far too humane for this wretch and I bound him too a walkway post and proceeded on too the others inside, one a great brute with the knife was likely the one who had killed the woman and he I backhanded knocking him against the wall and unconscience.

I turned too the other one and demanded "Who killed the woman?", he shivering pointed too the one I suspected lying on the floor so I asked him "Have you ever thought what it would be like too die?", he replied "No" and began begging this infurated me only more for what mercy had he shown this woman lying dead in the street and so I said "Now you shall find out!" and I thrust my arm through his chest and pulled out his heart as the light of life faded from his eyes he tried too scream but it was too late for that and he fell over backward and now for the great brute!.

This brave man must feel the terror he gave too the helpless one outside lying there dead with her unborn child and I picked this wretch up and carried him outside throwing him into the street and turned back too the first man.

To him I said you are a brave group killing a pregnant woman now see the true power unleashed against you and your kind! and I slapped the brute in the road awake from his stupor and immediately the great hulking man grabbed at me but I just held him off the ground at arms length and let him scream for a bit then tiring of hearing this welp he struck at me again and I ripped his right arm from its socket before his very eyes and too send him on his way in style I took his other arm for good measure and told him "You will die but slowly from these wounds know now I do this for the woman lying there!".

I turned too his friend still bound against the post and bore my fangs for him too see and drank his blood as the great bleeding brute started too run toward the lights of a nearby tavern but I never had any intentions of letting him reach this and simply outrun him and stood before the tavern smiling as he spurted blood and ran about slowly bleeding too death and just when his life was about too pass and a sudden calm came on him I pulled the same knife out he cut the womans throat with and he screamed attempting too kick back but it was no use a vampire has the strength of many men and I held him tight as I slowly cut his throat as he'd killed her.

I couldn't help the woman but I wrote in blood on each of these rogues "Murderer" and I disappeared into the blackness of the cool night I was going too the girl in the tavern the gypsy girl who danced tonight I'd embrace her and I soon was at the tavern and from across the room I spotted her she eventually made it around too me while actting as thought she cared not but one look from my eyes and she was suddenly leading me back too her room tonight will be a night she will remember well.

She shut the door and pushed me down on the bed loosing her blouse as she lay across me then using her hands pushed her skirt down and off being completely naked now and we made love in the most incredible ways she could imagine and not until nearly 3:00 a.m. could she barely stay awake from exhaustion and I stood over her beautiful shapely body and run my hand over her soft sleek thigh and bent down litely biteing her on the upper thigh and she moaned and arched up in complete pleasure, her blood was warm and sweet but I took not enough too harm her and she drifted off into a deep sleep so I slipped out the crack in the locked door and was soon outside.

The cool air felt good against the hot passion I'd felt inside and I felt like walking some before I found Anya and returned home, this place I'd known for centuries and I could see in my head the way it looked long ago with dirt streets and goats on the main road!, how things had changed.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 18, 2009, 08:03:34 PM
I wandered through the streets making notes on where everything in the city so I would be able to make it back to the gates before morning to meet up with Jozeph. I was worried about hunting in the city but Jozeph told me as long as I was careful and made sure to remove the bite mark it would be fine.

I headed down an alley where I could hear a man trying to have some fun with a young girl who was crying and asking him to leave her alone. I came up behind him the girl heard me come and yelled for me to help her.

"Shh sister you better head back home father will be worrying about you."

The man turned to look at me and he smiled he let the young girl go and she ran off as if the devil where behind her.

"You shouldn't butt in where you don't belong but I will have as much if not more fun with you."

"Oh that is where you are wrong. It is I who will be having the fun."

He came at me but with one strong kick he was flying down the alley, I heard him hit the ground and it sounded like his leg broke. I walked to him at a vampire pace this caused his eyes to widen.

"What are you?"

"Have you heard of the angel of death?"


"I'm not that but I will bring about your death."

I smiled down at him and showed him my fangs. He tried to yell but no voice came out and before he could regain it back I glamoured him. I bite into his neck and could tell he had been drinking but it did not matter to me. After he was drained and dead I slit his neck as Jozeph advised.

Brushing off my clothes I continued down the alley thinking about Jozeph's comments about men I had to laugh I'd only been with one human after changing and with Tor both very different very enjoyable experiences. I wasn't sure if I was ready to take a human lover but it was very tempting. I decided to wander the city to become more acquainted with it as I hoped that Jozeph would let me stay.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 18, 2009, 10:47:37 PM
I felt the brush of his fingers across my face
"Essy wake up"
I stirred to his passionate kisses and soon found him on top of me it was hours later as i sat combing out my soft curls that Trent came up behind me
"Essy my Love i can't come back anymore"
I spun off my stool and stood facing him
"Why Trent?"
" It's Catherine she's pregnant"
" Trent for heaven's sake I warned you i told you. If you had only Listened to me. there were other options"
" Essy i loved you from the day i layed eyes on you. I still love you but immortality isn't for me. I need to work  life away and do things for people and in the end of my life die."
" Like i chose this either Trent remember my dear it was your father who hunted down the Vampire it was his son who came to visit and repay your father but your father offered him a romp with me. While i slept waiting your return. his passion and his lust drove him and he couldn't control himself he bit and bit and bit or have you forgotten the way i looked when you returned home and found me on deaths door  only to find me transformed. Remember we both agreed that it would be best for us both if the village believed i died and you had me buried"
" i remember Love i remember you also told me that i shouldn't take another wife and offered to make me immortal as well but i decided i didn't want to live that way. after a time and family telling me i should remarry I did to satisfy them"
" At the very least Catherine doesn't have to worry about your father"
" no but i still do have you heard anything else about him?"
" Trent i told you last i heard was he was seen traveling the roads near Prague"
Trent wrapped his arms around me and ran his hands over my body I turned in his embrace and we shared one last heated exchange before he left.
He was only gone a short time before i pulled out a steak and tossed it onto the grate over the fire I knew Trent would not be back and Catherine would never have to worry about her father-in-law seeing how i had taken care of him shortly after his betrayal. I would never have told Trent this but his father was no more. As i pulled the steak off the rack still raw but enough fire kissed to my taste i decided to move on Trent was the only thing that had kept me in this Woodland Cottage it was time to set out on my own and see what i could find who knows maybe i would even find Love again
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 19, 2009, 07:20:17 AM
As I wandered about the old town reminicing about the olden times a familiar smell attracted my attention it was another vampire but this one putrid and the archtypical sterotype of what a vampire was thought as and I recognized the scent and followed it towards an old ruined church and there upon the beams far in the back of the half collapsed ceiling I found Beezle!.

Beezle as always liked too dine upon children and was thus engaed when I arrived, I judged not one on their tastes only how they left the victim Beezle knew this and smiled a gristly smile through his cadaverous looking face as he swallowed the last sip of blood from it.

Beezle was very old much older in fact than I and he used too tell me stories of the ancient Egyptian courts where he once fed he was the messenger of the queen vampire and no doubt brought news for me.

Why Beezle what brings you here?

Hello MiLord I bring tidings of the Queen she requests all be present at the Equinox and I've visited all save you lord and wished too see my old friend last so I might stay a while with you its been a long time but you've not changed I followed you earlier and you still fight as a knight for the weak mortals slaying righting the wrongs and defending the weak I see!.
It shall one day be your downfall no doubt , but as I said earlier the Queen is in Vienna for the Spring Equinox and wished all judges too attend.

Vienna you say?, mmmh I haven't been there in a long time!.

Oh its changed Milord nothing as it once was its all fops now!, they even wipe they're powdered faces with scented hankies once they've dined upon a victim!, most discusting! and they coddle some humans as you know in the past this was never done I long for the old times when you slept in the dirt and drank too your fill for it was the right way!.

Beezle!, times change and we must change with them for the old ways die and too cling too them would bring death too us as well, if your finished with your supper you know my rules!, now let us depart already the moon sets and I have a visitor now you will like her for she is very beautiful her name is Anya.

Poor child I left her too hunt alone her first night in Prague!, you see the old ways are still in me just a little dusty!, now let us go find her and return too the castle where you must tell me of all the news its very remote here and I have so few guests anymore!.

Milord pardon me but you killed all the others here remeber?, the queen is still mad about that but she loves you and no doubt always will she'll let you get away with it as long as you pleasure her the way you do ha ha ha haa ha ha!.

We entered the fading night and began too seek Anya, as always it didn't take long too find her and we all departed too the castle, Beezle steadily talking as he always did telling of the events and he travels, the old Cappodocian was no telling how old and I liked too hear his stories.

Soon we arrived back home and the gypsies pulled the main gates shut behind us already the sky showed blue in the East and I asked Beezle if he wanted his usual room and by his grin I could already tell the answer and he headed off toward the old crypt, Anya and I went inside where it was more comfortable and sat down in front of the fire I asked her of her hunt but knew already there was a single droplet of blood on her cheek.
I told her not too fear old Beezle he was harmless just a messenger for the Queen and she was calling us for the Spring equinox in Vienna so Anya must find some new clothes as this is like one of the biggest occassions there is and everyone dresses well, maybe except Beezle and he still even finds a new shroud for the occassion!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 19, 2009, 10:47:55 AM
I packed my few bodices my spare chesime and and put on two of the skirts and packed up the third. I put a few coins in my pouch and hid the rest in my hidden pouch under my skirt. i pull on my cloak and close the door to my cottage If only Trent had listened to me and not chose to be mortal we could have stayed in our happy little cottage in the woods.
for last time sakes i strolled through town and stole to Trents house if anyone saw me they would think they saw a ghost everyone believed i was dead and so for them i was. I slipped to the window and watched Catherine piddling in the kitchen then i saw Trent enter and she greeted him happily. I slipped away i knew Trent would not come back to the cottage in the woods not after Catherine had greeted him like that daily and welcomed him home. Trent would be happy with her. I left a Rose on the window seal and i began walking I only discovered that i could walk faster than i had thought.
I neared Prague and decided to find a place to sleep i found a cave and prepared to sleep the day away.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 19, 2009, 12:50:17 PM

"Yes Anya."

"I don't think I have ever been that far south before. And new clothes?."

Jozeph laughed at the light in my eyes he could problely guess I hadn't had new clothing in a long time that I hadn't fashioned myself.

"Though you look stunning in your hunting attire you will need new clothes for the visit with the queen."

I laughed and if I could blush I would have.

"So new clothes, a bath, a bed, so life is pretty good."

Jozeph and Beezle laughed.

"Oh young Anya you have no idea what Vienna has in store." Beezle told me.

Beezle seemed nice enough a little odd but nice.

"So Anya did you enjoy the city?"

"Yes Jozeph I did. I got to feed and I went to a tavern and listened to music and flirted with the young men there."

"Go Anya and take a bath and rest Beezlem Georg and I will make plans for the trip."

I followed one of the maids into the one of the bathing rooms she helped me washed my hair for me as a relaxed in the hot water. I could see why Jozeph like his home here. The young woman held a robe out for me when I got out of the bath and lead me back to my room. She looked like she wanted to ask questions but did not. I smiled she was use to Jozeph but a female vampire was something new to her. I curled up in the bed and feel fast asleep.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 19, 2009, 01:09:58 PM
As always I never slept much or rather long at a time!, but the day had caused me too be confined too my chamber but it had all the lushness of the finest palaces over the years I'd gathered books, art, odd and unique items, I even had a small study and workroom off of the chamber that was completely enclosed with the castles seven foot thick walls so each treshold was more like a hallway than just threshold, when you entered the chamber you came into an antichamber and there was the way I designed it so noone could just walk in upon me.

This antichamber had some unique features including a rolling stone three foot thick that could be rolled in too completely close off the otter door in  case of attack and various hidden slots and loops too shoot arrows through from inside the main chamber and all the doors were heavy iron doors with crossbars.

The entire castle had been fixed more or less this way and since the rooms no longer held my friends I thought I should give one of these too Anya so I rang for Georg who came immediately.

Georg!, when Anya awakes I want you too give her something, one of the special rooms for her own there she will be more comfortable and safe and fetch for her that young man the blacksmith with the large muscles that we hire from the village the one the women like bring him back here and have him scrape all the pig dung off himself and be waiting for her she should like him but make sure he has no qualms of this!, Georg winked and wheeled about leaving the chamber in total darkness now I must get some rest.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 19, 2009, 02:58:12 PM
I awake from dreaming of a time when i was mortal and i was a young bride I sign it wasn't but a few years back. I emerge from the cave i know if the hunting is good then i may stay here a few days before moving on. I had not quiet taken to the taste of human blood I had only tasted it a few times in desperation when hunting was Bad Trent always knew when it was and had offered me some of his blood. it was only a few times and i always found something the following day.
Now things were different i would have to feed when I could but never on an innocent. I began my rambling through the woods only to discover a fellow sleeping apparently out hunting. He was in his 20's probley a woodsman with a young family. i made sure he would not wake up until morning and drank some of his blood. then i wondered off leaving him a small token to find when he woke. thats when i caught a wiff of it.
The smell of others the smell of a vampire i knew that somewhere close there was a vampire if not more than one.
I didn't know if it was the vampire who had turned me an i wasn't sure i was ready to find out. I wasn't going to hunt him or her down I would deal with them when our paths cross still tonight there was more to do more to hunt
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 19, 2009, 05:26:51 PM
I woke up in the late afternoon I could hear someone pacing back and forth in front of the door. Throwing on a long shirt I opened the door, it was Georg. It was hard not to laugh as I watched his eyes widden at the site of me.

"Yes Georg?"

"Jozph has a gift for you."

"Oh this is a surprise. Let me get dressed."

I turned to go back in the room aware that Georg was still watch it didn't bother I was only going to put on my breeches. As I walked back to the door Georg still had a smile on his.

"You will like yours gifts young Anya."

I smiled warmly at Georg and motioned for him to show the way. We went deeper into the castle and we stopped at a door. Georg opened the door and I looked in, I could tell it had recently been cleaned and was in a very regal fashion.

"Jozeph has given you your own suite. Your things are being brought down. There is a bath room, study, a small guest bedroom and a bedroom of your own of course."

I stood dumb struck. As I stood there Georg handed me a key.

"He has given me a home?"

"Yes I have."

I turned to see Jozeph standing behind Georg. I couldn't help it and I walked over to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss.

"I don't know what to say."

"So you like it?"

"Yes I love it and I haven't even made it past the door."

Jozeph laughed and pushed me through the door. There he explain about how this room had come to be and that it was now for me to use as well as everything in it. Georg told me that my shares from our victims would be kept in the small hidden room in the bathroom he than gave me another key and showed me how to access my small treasure room.

"Oh Jozeph I have no clue how to thank you. So many years of sleeping in caves, cellers, under hay."

"There is one more gift in your bedroom. Just so you know I do have another key to this suite in case something should go wrong but you have the only key to the other room. Georg and I will leave you know. Enjoy your other gift."

The two men left and I walked to my bedroom. I could smell a human and hear a heart beat. I opened the door slowly and say a strapping young man waiting on the bed.

"Wow they Georg did not lie. I am Dalibor or Dal for short and I am yours to do whatever you like with."

The man smiled and me and patted the bed for me to join him and I did.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 19, 2009, 06:02:34 PM
Hah! the look on Anyas face was priceless at the room!, I can't imagine what she thought about the blacksmith!, I decided since she would be occupied for the evening I would head toward Prague by myself I always enjoyed long walks and afterall theres nothing whatsoever for me too fear in those woods and I was enjoying the sounds of the wildlife and smells of the forest when another scent came upon me it was the scent of another vampire!.

I threw my head back an sniffed it was close!, there! she saw me and began too run so I chased her for a while she was a comely maiden and I thought maybe this could be fun so I lept up into the tree tops and moved as a shadow across them, she slowed not seeing me behind her and finally stopped with me above her in the trees and at once I pounced down behind her she turned suddenly and I grabbed her and kissed her, she shoved me back and yelled "What the hell!".

I had too laugh "I'm sorry my dear but I've never been able too resist a woman running from me", she relaxed somewhat and demanded "Who are you rogue?", I my dear am Jozeph Bartos .

She yelled at me then "well who is Jozeph Bartos", never mind that my sweet I am judge for this area and the true question is who are you and why are you crossing my territory?.

She didn't speak and I thought for a moment she'd cry, "I'm sorry please forgive me my dear, you must be hungry since you obviously have been in this forest for a while would you like too feed?.

She didn't respond much mostly shook her head but she followed me as I walked off toward the road she reached up too her head and looked faint so I opened a vein in my wrist and let her take from it and once revived some she told me her name "I'm Essy".

Essy I can see your not comfortable with the vampiric conditions and your going too starve here in these woods please accompany me home and there we shall get you a proper meal I do keep some condemned criminals as spares in my dungeons, you can clean up and we'll see what too do for you!.

She talked little but followed me closely back toward the castle, I had Georg bring up a criminal and glamoured him telling him too go too her and present his neck which she pounced upon at once and I left her there with a maid too take her fill I informed the maid too tell her not too leave this man alive!.

I will be upon the battlements!
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 19, 2009, 07:16:33 PM
Now since both of the ladies are occupied I resumed my trip too prague and soon found myself in the tavern where the dark gypsy dancer noticed me she was dancing and danced over beside the table and there for a long time enticed me with her sumptious figure but she had work left too do and the night was young and so am I!.

I walked out into the inky blackness of the Prague night it was darker than most and was tiny flakes of snow falling as was the tempeture I walked about the city and finding no sane person around I just continued my stroll when at the outter gates of the city they were denying admittance too someone the city guards were having a time with these young blade there were seven of them all knights upon horseback and only four guards and freightened ones at that, I could hear they're hearts pounding and they were ready too give in but I stepped forward and yelled "Halt" at these rogues.

The surprise of the knights was only exceeded by the surprise of the guards!, and one of the men yelled "Who is this who dares question a knight on the way too the holy land?".

I replied "None other than a knight stands before you!, now be off with you puppies before you get your tails stepped upon!", this went over about as well as I thought it would and the first knight dismounted and said "I've not been insulted such in all my life and you will now pay with yours!".

I asked the man but one thing much too the guards relief, " sir would you do the courtesy of accompanying me too the forest yonder there is a place I shall allow you too defend your honor but beware young man for you shall die!", he just laughed and said "Old man lead on and I pray this is a good spot for I will bury you there!".

We removed too this location and again he dismounted with his friends laughing as though this should be quick and even took bets on the number of blows!, the young knight raised his sword into position but yet I stood there motionless the night beginning too take on an erie glow as the snow accumulated about us and he yelled "Varlet you want too die you don't even defend yourself!", but yet I answered "I am ready and you will die this is your last warning!".

The knights doubled the bets and when finished I just laughed at them and this infuriated the knight so much he ran toward me sword held aloft too strike and that he did, I reached up and grabbed his sword in mid air between my palms and held it as he jerked too loose my grip but loose it did not come and he pulled a dagger out and thrust deep into my chest too the great laughter of his friends!.

But I didn't fall and they're laughter turned too fear they're hearts betrayed them!, and I pushed down with the knights sword driving the pommel deep through his vizor and into his puny head he feel dead as I held the sword aloft too meet his friends who charged in force!.

I threw the sword killing the closest and withdrew the dagger from my chest and threw it into another but they found that so many horses being used against a single man created more of a hinderance than help, I jumped into the saddle behind another and used his own sword arm too slay another then twisted his thin neck sideways and broke it thus leaving but one left this one was supper!.

He charged me with an axe but as a vampire I easily stepped out of his strike and as he past I grabbed him out of the saddle holding him on the now snow covered ground I told him if he was a knight then make peace with whatever god he worshipped but he just cursed me so I took his blood then ripped his head from his body else he become vampire from the kill, I then gathered the armor, weapons, money and horses and started back toward the castle and again it reminded me of my early days of conquest and booty besides I was anxious too see the wench once she was washed back at the castle!.

Georg met me outside taking the things too the barn and told me the girl waits with Anya in the great hall master I shoved open the massive wooden doors and entered.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 19, 2009, 11:13:32 PM
As I headed down the hall near the entrance I was suddenly called by Beezle the Queens messenger, "Sir I regret but I must be heading back too Vienna is there a message you have for her?", I thought for a second and then told Beezle too come with me into the next room where a desk was and I wrote out an account for her magesty and sealed it with a wax seal.

Beezle appologized again and said "I regret I must go but she wants me back by Sunday and I saw an orphanage on the way here, you know how I love baby back ribs! ", poor Beezle he's always been more ghoul than vampire but I bid him well and sent the queen a small token even queens are women and love gifts!.

I then went on toward the great hall and entered too find Anya talking with Essy, I couldn't help asking Anya if she liked her present, I could tell by her expression she did!, so Essy I said please tell us of yourself we know little about you, what clan do you belong too?, where are you from?.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 20, 2009, 09:28:55 AM
"I'm from Nachod I married a rich merchant he was kind and we had been married a little over a year when he and some men from the town decided to go hunting. for my protection my husband bid me to stay with my inlaws so i did. If i had stayed in our home i might have been safer than under the care of my father-in-law. When vengance came calling the coward handed me over to the vampire and when my husband found me i was on deaths door and when i woke i was a vampire. we discussed it and decided it best if everyone thought i was dead and so i lived in a cottage in the woods for two years with my husband coming to visit nearly every night. I would have stayed there but a few nights back he told me that his new wife was carrying his child and that he wouldn't be back so i packed up and left" I explain
my audience listens carefully to my story
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 20, 2009, 10:46:24 AM
MMMh from what you tell me you must have lived near this area or fairly close by, about two years ago I do seem to remember a rogue roaming the otter areas he was an outcast from a Russian clan and of little significance I caught him and chained against a tree facing East I left him shortly before dawn and returned the next night too find his ashes so if it was he then he is dead for as most vampires I don't particullary like others roaming my territories but for all my precautions there still turn up the odd creature from time too time but they are easy too find and seldom know enough of the powers available too them too be of much threat.

You may remain here at the castle if you wish, Georg will show you too one of the rooms in the East wing fear not contrary too what you may have heard you needn't sleep on the Earth, this room has been converted too our use as a matter of fact its Anyas old room.

I keep the area free and safe for the humans this way they don't hunt me and I needn't hunt the innocent most women give themselves freely too me and I do not kill them, this I expect you too observe and if you do need too kill remove the heads I don't like vampiric surprises.

Also where you bite use your talon too rip it open that is if you kill that way it simply looks like a cut throat.

Well Essy I've let you feed and I allow you sanctuary if you wish too stay?, tonight we go too a new place Dresden Germany its no further than Prague and there is a fat little princeling judge there who has been squeezing money from the merchants using the Elbe river for they're barges normally this would not intrest me but I invest in some of the local bussinesses through Georg so when he squeezes my merchants he squeezes my own purse so you see I think he doesn't realize this tonight I will let him know my concerns, Anya will accompany me as you may if you wish you may hunt while I eeeer talk too this man!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 20, 2009, 11:35:35 AM
The night was growing late so I called for Georg giving him instructiona too sell the items I brought in tomorrow that will be his priority and tell the merchant I will attend too the prince immediately, he bowed and left!.

I had several things upon my plate and I simply wasn't sure of the girl Essy as too I could trust her or not, this I must treat carefully but I believe she is just freightened and alone!.

I didn't really want too take Anya with me too Prague for I knew she'd never let me leave without her but there she will be dealing with real vampires, very old and experienced vampires who survive by killing others but I have no choice but too go too this man and kill him tonight!, he has about ten followers and they all hunt firecely not matter what the situation or regaurd for the humans and I realize now I may have too stay there for a few days too convert his empire into mine or die trying!.

His followers are the ones who concern me usually a vapire clan has a member who desires promotion but this will not be the case I intend too take his castle and if need be remove his followers, for this I can use the help of Anya and Essy, I shall also take my personal guard of the village gypsies who guard me during the daylight, Georg commands them!.

As for the rest I turned too the ladies and asked if they wished too accompany me or not the prince may well kill you and you should remain safe staying here, I shall justify this with the queen later she and I have a odd relationship too say the least!, but for now let us retire least there be anything left as far as questions?.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 20, 2009, 02:03:04 PM
I follow the maid to Anya's old room
"Is he kind?" I ask
"yes he protects my people he does not ask for much"
" his only companions seem to be Anya and Georg"
"Georg has been with him a long time and they are old friends Anya was a traveler he has recently taken in. He found her wondering around much like he found yourself"
"If you were me what would you do?"
" I would stay he is a good master and treats others fairly. He will see that your protected here but own your own there are others out there who might not care that your a vampiress they would have you killed"
"thank you I will sleep on it but i think i might stay then. I just might go with Jozph I've never seen a clan of Vampires before"
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 20, 2009, 02:27:40 PM
I awakened around sunset and made my way toward the great hall, there Georg and my personal guards were waiting, Georg reported the sale of the armor ,weapons and the horses only brought half as much as usual this due too the princes taxes on the river barges!.

I thanked him and paid him well, then I turned too my guards and gave them each one months pay I told Georg too open the armory and let them choose from the armor and wepaons but leave my own personal weapons room locked, then when ready too be off for Dresden with the mortal guards I allow Georg too ride in style in a plush carriage and accompanied by a comely gypsy, she doesn't mind and of course Georg doesn't either I told him too ride all night and gave him orders too kill any vampires that assault them he should be there by morning but I will be there much sooner and have the situation resolved one way or the other and if all was well I'd leave a small red banner hanging from the pole of the rogues castle, he smiled bowed and led the men away.

It was still early and Anya or Essy hadn't arose as yet so I called for my favorite maid and took her into my chambers for a quick bite of supper while awaiting the ladies.

My pleasant interlude was cut short by my anxiety too be on our way and I returned too the great hall the gypsy girl still with me and I sat down in the plush chair and she in my lap soon Anya and then Essy arrived and I told them now you must choose I do not require you too go too Dresden.

Both readily agreed and I lifted my plaything and spanked her bottom as she walked away, come ladies I will show you my own armory there you shall find you some weapons and some things you may have not used before especially you Essy my dear, can you use a sword?, for if not you shall remain close with me!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 20, 2009, 03:35:30 PM
" I know how to use a sword my husband was riding one morning before we started courting and he found me in a swirl of long curls and skirts practicing with my sword. I used to get in trouble for slipping away to the castle and learn from the boys how to fight. Since I've never fought vampires i may stay close to you that way i don't get in trouble" I venture
I choose a few daggers and a sword and attach them to me
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 20, 2009, 05:10:43 PM
Anya took a set of weapons as well consisting of arming dagger hunting knife, sword and crossbow with plenty of wooden staked tips, I myself don't usually travel highly armed but this time was an exception I took down a leather bandolier with loops for fifteen wooden stakes and loaded the well polished stakes into it, I took my large two handed battle sword an arming dagger and three other daggers too hide in my boots and various places then grabbed another crossbow and large quiver of wooden tipped arrows "Vampire arrows!" and lastly I took three large boar spears and handed one each too Anya and Essy keeping one for myself and locked the armory behind us and now is time for us too begin our journey toward the city of Dresden.

It won't take long for vampires too travel this distance and soon we had bypassed the men who were already a quarter of the way along, the countryside began too change drastically and the fields opened up more and great farms surrounded this old part of Germany it sparkled in the moonlight as the frost had already formed and soon we reached the city gates of Dresden itself but this was not my goal we bypassed it and continued several miles too a high ridge over looking the Elbe river and there stood the castle of prince Nicholas.

I easily bounded over the walls and stood there looking over the courtyard not seeing any movement I motioned for the ladies too follow me and we proceeded across the yard too the main house once inside I barred the door from the inside and told Anya and Essy now beware!.

We proceeded down the halls of the palacial palace but found nothing vampire or human they were likely out on the hunt but I couldn't help notice that the princes coat of arms adorned three doors along the sleeping chambers, I pushed open the first door and nothing but darkness greeted us from inside then we went too the second door we could hear movement inside but it was feminine sounding so we moved upon toward the third door and there inside you could hear the deffinate sounds of a vampire feasting on something.

I motioned too the girls too follow me and we creapt back toward the door where the women were and I whispered kill them as they come out!.

Anya nodded taking a position across from the door with a crossbow and waiting Essy stood beside the door with a sharp sword too strike the heads off as they exited.

I went back to the door I believed held the prince and with all my powered I kicked the door open and it broke from its hinges and sailed inward striking a small vampire as it leap toward me!, I stepped back but four others ran toward the door not grown men but vampire boys! the lovers of the prince!.

I thrust the boar spear through the first but the next three were upon me in a flash not that I could not handle the boys!, I sent one each flying with both hands and grabbed the other standing before me and ripped his puny head from his body, now the other two resumed the attack but this time I threw a wooden stake through ones heart and grabbed the other by the feet dragging him through the princes door as the hero hid leaving his lovers too fight for him and with this wretch I drug along I now used as a club too beat the prince as he hid beneath the covers smashing most every bone in the pathetic childs body and impaled the little trick upon a bed post if front of his male lover!.

In the mean time Anya and Essy were occupied with five furious vampiress's Anya fired a wooden bolt through the firsts heart and she fell back the second dove for Anya but Essys sword cleaved her head off as she lunged the other three hid back in the shadows now afraid and just watching as Anya loaded another bolt into the crossbow.

I in the princes room ordered the sniveling varlet too come out and face me, he offer me many things gold, jewels, his women but just too not kill him but this had already been decided and I flung the covers off this naked wretch and buried my hand deep into his chest pulling his black heart out and tossing it into the fire across the room then I pulled the large battle sword and chopped his disgusting head from his body and grasped it by the hair carrying it into the hall towards where Anya and Essy fought.

I tossed the head at the door frame and it bounced and rolled around for a minute then came too a stop facing inward, the women inside moaned and ran too itcrying for they're fallen leader, Anya and Essy looked too me as they carressed the head and I said "Kill them!", Essy struck with her sword and Anya fired dropping both women almost instantly.

Essy smiled and said that was easier than I thought!, but I told her "Those are not his followers but his lovers!", her smile faded and she looked tired.

I told them his followers are no doubt out feeding and plundering and will return before dawn hopefull one at a time!, so I chopped the heads from these vampires and carried enough spears from his home too line the walkway too the palace with they're severed heads!, but as luck would have it just finishing this we looked up too see the ten followers standing before us and manuvering around too have they're vengance upon us when suddenly the sound off "twing" "twing" "twing" could be heard and I saw Georg and the guards had arrived and were dropping them one after another with the special wooden tipped crossbows we didn't have too lift a hand and soon they all lay dead before us!.

I was never more glad too see Georg and the gypsy guards in my life and thats quite some time!, unfortunately the dawn was now breaking in the East and Georg yelled "Master you must go inside!", I led the girls with me and quickly ran upstairs too find a room that had no windows and pushed them inside as the first rays of the sun hit my arm so I followed them into it!.

I told them too take the bed I'd take the large chairs, Georg knocked on the door and yelled "Master we've secured the building!", good!, thank you old friend!, I barred the door from the inside and we sat talking until sleep came upon us we had pulled off the impossible and we had acually won!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 20, 2009, 07:01:05 PM
The day passed qickly and the sun set in Dresden just as it does in Prague and I excused myself too find another room too freshen up in while the ladies did the same, the Princes bedroom was rather not too my liking or rather disgusting beyond my expectations so I located a room in the backside of the castle that was no doubt used as a royal guest room.

The furnishings here were more elaborate than I truly like but still it was comfortable and fortunately Georg brought me some clothes of the Princes that he found that weren't too extreme, there were German servants here but oddly enough they seemed relieved too find this tyrant dead, of course Georg's men had long burned all the bodies but the bloody stains told the entire story.

I talked too the staff shortly before dark in the inner dark hallway, they reported no problems working for me as long as the wages were the same so I increased them and found a loyal crew of servants who had often been beaten by this foolish prince, so with that done I came down too the main hall and found Anya peering out a window overlooking the Elbe river so I joined her it was a beautiful view!.

Essy soon came down wearing a very elaborate gown and said she'd found it in the womens room so her and Anya went off too seek more I on the other hand must clear the affairs here soon but first I began a search of the castle looking for the prince's hidden vaults, I followed them deep down into the subbasement and into the crypt there with the flickering of a torch I found nothing special in the way of crypts until I came upon a marble one decorated with cupids! I thought too myself "mmmh this is got too be something else!", finding the catch too the lock in the most disgusting but likely place I entered the vault too find a vast storehouse of treasure Georg stood beside me his eyes unbelieveing!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 20, 2009, 10:38:47 PM
Essy and I found gathered up all the fine woman's clothing and things we could find, Jozeph had stated I would need new outfits to visit the queen and I was sure that Essy would need some also. I wasn't sure but I knew Jozeph would now if the gypsy women would be able to create the clothing he thought would be fitting for the visit from what Bezzle had told us court was going to be an interesting place.

"Anya, how long have you been a vampire?"

"About 200 years or so."

I went on to tell Anya my story. Tor had taught me how to refine my skills with weapons and that I was always a misfit in my human life. I couldn't see Essy's reaction about my story my heart still ached for my son he was truly the only thing in my human life I missed.

"Essy do you think you will come with us to visit the Queen?"

"I don't know yet."

I smiled at her and gave her a hug.

"Jozeph is kind he will not harm you unless you cross him. I have not known him very long but he has been beyond kind to me."

I wanted to get back to Jozeph's castle I had grown attached to having a bed and room. I also wanted Jozeph to train me on how to hone some of the skills I knew I had but never used and I knew Essy would also benefit. There may only be about 50 years between Jozeph and myself but I have been by myself to long. After Tor dead I had no one to teach me how to use the skills I had.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 21, 2009, 01:58:32 PM
"You think he would teach me as well?" I ask Anya
"I supose there is much to learn for you" spoke Anya
"I didn't even know there is a vampire queen, are there social orders to vampires?"
"I don't know about social orders but I know jozeph will know"
" I'll make a point to ask him then"
Anya and i found severel dresses and dressed and even servants who combed out our hair and did it up. 

Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 21, 2009, 04:35:58 PM
I must resolve too set the affairs here in order for if I do not I will be forced too destroy this castle and that isn't an option considering its strategic value, I wish not too stay here and the obvious choice for leader here is Georg but he has already requested too return with me so I was forced too promote the leader of my personal guard Hans, he has been with me for quite some time and will make an excellent and trustworthy leader I will leave the rest of my guards there too assist him and they're families will be sent too join them here creating another safe haven and place of revenue for me in Germany that is if I can persuade Queen Zarah too allow me too keep this posession.

I confered with Hans and he readily accepted taking the appointment of my Chamberlain here, I as well promoted Georg too Chamberlain in my castle at Prague!,  this pleased him greatly and my old friend deserves it and as for Hans I must require him too drink a drop of my blood this will give him additional strength, longer life, but mostly will bind him too me for now there is a blood link it will not turn him vampire but for a human too take vampire blood is like being given life afresh.

I ordered Hans too create a small army here, I instructed him in what I expect of him as a leader and for taking the tolls and division of the revenue for the castle, himself and for me this being done Hans seemed too have things well in hand but I advised him too ally with a small impoverished village nearby give them work and pay them well, give the great feasts and see too their needs and they shall serve you loyally.

We now loaded down Georgs plush carriage with the monitary spoils of the castle and started him back toward Prague with a small mercenary force as protection the ladies and I shall remain here one additional night for I want too see Essy hunt in Dresden, I had seen her in action in the castle and she is most appealling woman had I not be 250 years older than her!.

The night is now half gone and we have around six hours left so I proposed we go into the city which they readily agreed and soon found ourselves in the city it is about the same size as Prague but of course more German, Essy I said do you know of the vampiric ways and she embarassingly said no.

I told her there is nothing for her too be embarassed about we vampires have many powers but some of those attributed too us are completely false, we cannot fly but we can move as fast as the wind thus covering the ground between here and Prague in minutes, we as well have the power too climb a shear smooth wall as simple as a cat climbs a tree, we have the strength of the ages through our blood and it grows all the time mortals cannot defend themselves against us even when we are unarmed.

Your hearing, eyesight, smell and touch as you already know are greatly enhanced, I can become as a shadow moving along a darkened alleyway completely unnoticed but this is perticular too me and you may have powers I do not there are others but you are only bound really by your own boundries if you find little too restrain you then you will find there is little that can restrain your power, you can see in the dark, you can put thoughts in mortals minds and make them do your bidding and on of the greatest tools is the glamouring of a mortal its very simple your simply make eye contact with them and as the first time you had sex it will all come naturally too you but I warn you even though you are far above mortals you can be killed!.

Your head being severed,direct sunlight, staking through the heart are the most common and you should not give them the chance too do this, glamour them and disappear while they are in a daze.

Now ladies you may begin your hunt as I stopped outside a merchants guild hall I see the lights burning within and that means some merchant yet toils and I need someone too handle my bussiness here so go fourth while I recruit another!.

I slipped up the large wooden stairway inside the guild hall and found a man sitting there at a large table with a ledger before him also spread out were a bottle of schnaps and a dagger I've seen this scenario many times and knew what he contemplated and I appeared out of the dark before him he noticed me but I glamoured him instantly.

I asked "merchant why do you contemplate taking your life is your business yet so bad that you would not live or is it your own fault for your use of the drink before you what vexes you tell me?"

The merchant answered I was a sucessfull merchant and built up a good business here and invested heavily in a ship too carry my goods across the ocean seas and I went too the prince Nicholas for help, I could easily repay this but the ship was taken by pirates and I was forced too take the prince as a partner not being able too repay him without my proceeds from the sale of the goods!.
He tricked me several times and even took my young wife as a concubine but tonight he told me he was through with me he had all my things and said "I may have been powerfull once but now I'm ruined too leave here forever and took my own wife before me", I haven't even the money too leave so I bought this bottle and pistol and am using one too gain enough courage too use the other!.

Merchant the prince is dead as your wife is dead, I need a man with the talents of a honest merchant too serve me thus I offer you a chance too thrive, I can give you equal too everything you once had but you must make a contract with me else I cannot help you.

The merchant said "sir I have no talent left I think how could I help you mine is now death! but if you could offer such a thing I'd accept readily!".

Then merchant I can forfill my offer but you must drink from my blood too seal this bargin, drink of your own free will! and I brought him out of his trance and he dreamily looked up toward me and I bore my fangs and he fell backwards in the chair as I pounced upon him and said "Merchant now is your time choose life and wealth or death for I haven't time for you any longer!", he began too cry and said in a whisper "Yes I want too live", so I opened a vein and bid him drink some too bind this contract.

He drank and coughed almost gaging then the blood mixed with his own and his thoughts cleared, his mood rose and he saw the world as through new eyes!, he asked me "Am I now a vampire?".

No you are my partner now with the blood you took we have a binding and I will know your mind, I will honor my bargain with you if you serve me well!, he readilly said he would serve me and asked my bidding so I took a sheet of paper and wrote out orders too Hans too take this man in and give him a room in the castle he will manage the business but Hans is in charge! and sent the man too the castle and then myself returned outside for a short hunt before finding the women and returning too the castle.

Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 21, 2009, 05:45:46 PM
I wondered down the streets of the city alone wondering what vampire powers i had and how would i even think of using them. It was then i saw him he was gorgeous he spotted me and began toward me
"Madam it is not wise that a woman of your beauty and statur should be out here alone"
I dazzled him and lead him to an ally and was careful about how much blood i had taken from him I didn't wish to kill him only play and left him a token when i left him. i enjoyed a few more handsome gentleman before i had my fill and strolled around the city until Jozeph and Anya felt it was time to leave. I attempted to dazzle a few rodents and move like a shadow but that didn't appear to be my power I only felt like a woman slinking around. trying to figure it out it. then it happened i was trying every thing i even bumped my nose into the wall attempting to walk through it. I saw a bone in front of me but managed to push it out of the way i spent the rest of the evening walking around pushing things around
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 21, 2009, 06:35:18 PM
I had met Anya coming from her hunt I beleive she was beginning too enjoy this and she took my arm and we strolled along the main street of Dresden window shopping and I was little paying attention until we had come upon a store with several gentelmens walking canes there and some of them had sword blades, I stopped and professed an interest in the cane sword.

Anya formed a sharp claw with her index finger and sliced a circular cut through the large glass and reached inside taking the prettiest and said "a gift from me", why think you Anya you knew exactly what I wanted!.

She laughed out loud and she nuddged me saying "Look there is  comely looking prostitute heading home are you hungry Jozeph?", we strolled across the street directly at her and she stopped and eyed us over no doubt considering that we might want a threesome which was exactly what we wanted just not quite how she thought!.

The prostitute looked at us and said "Goodevening MiLord and Lady you are out quite late might I be of service too you?", we played along and Anya reached up touching her cheek and said "what beautiful complexion you have!", the prostitute brushed her hand across me then saying "my complexion is even better pleasing such an attractive couple! shall we enjoy the pleasures of the flesh I know Egyptian secrets I can do that would bring you the greatest pleasures!".

I smiled and suggested the prostitute suggest somewhere we could go too be alone and she said "My apartment is just around the corner and there we can spend as much time as we wish", so she took my other arm and led us through the dark alley toward her door and unlocked it taking us inside and offering us a seat upon the bed where she began a very exotic dance before us removing her clothing and reavealing her figure.

Anya said "Enough of this!" and grabbed the girl who giggled thinking something else was in store for her and sank her teeth deep into the harlets throat I took her blood from another more centrally located place on her chest and soon we'd drained the girl and dropped her plae bloodless body upon the bed Anya said "I love dinner shows!", we both laughed and removed her head too eliminate the traces of the vampire and were now on our way too find Essy and head back towards the castle.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 21, 2009, 10:42:28 PM
 I am playing and rearraning things around town when I see Anya and Jozeph  coming and i think to hide in the shadows and play with my new discovery but i knew they could smell me so i waited for them to reach me and fell instep with them. I didn't say anything just kept in step with them then i pushed Jozeph's cane aside for a moment he was quiet puzzled at what has happened he actually stopped and sniffed
"what are you doing" ask Anya
"sniffing for intruders"
"I don't smell anyone but you and Anya" I comment
"was that a magic cane shop Anya? ask Jozeph
" not that i noticed"
I do it again this time Jozeph catches on
"So you've discovered something tonight"
"Yes I have and you and Anya smell like a prostitue did you chase one down and have a wrestling match"
Anya Laughs
"drained her blood yes wrestle no" says Jozeph
"I was going to hide back there but then i realized you could smell me what would be the point"
"true we would have smelled you" says Jozeph

we head back to the castle and are emmited in no time Anya retires to sleep but i stop Jozeph
"You will eventually get tired of my questions but I've spent all my time as a Vampire in the woods secluding"
"ask your questions i understand"
" do normal male vampires have dozens of mistresses or was he the prince the oddity"

Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 22, 2009, 11:22:08 AM
Every vampire is different of course, the princeling he was an oddity too say the least he preferred the company of little boys but maintained a very irritated harem for apperance sake its truly unfortunate I hadn't the chance too offer them my protection but back too your question!.

Most vampires love sex vampiric sex is the greatest gift for it can take you too new hights the mortal could only dream of, most vampire judges have several mistresses but its not a marriage as such they enjoy each other and have certain feelings for each other but both knows that they must feed upon a mortal and its no great secret that male vampires prefer female mortals as female vampires prefer male victims the sex with them is optional but in cases of a volumptious female I often satisfy they're desires as an atonement too them and plus just because were dead doesn't mean we cannot enjoy it as well.

Yes the percentage of females is greater than males so maales often have several mistresses, I have never had such for I always had kept a wife, perhaps you've seen the large marble grave stones beside the castle?, none were ever vampires I had not the black soul too take the life from the eyes who adored me even when they grew old I cared for them of course not exactly in the same way!.

My last wife died 25 years ago since then I've taken no other and no longer will the pain of loss at they're death grieve me mortals lives are so short!, I take what I need and use they're bodies not only too satisfy them but myself as well, I do miss my wife she was a beautiful woman and we lived so long ago she died in childbirth while I fought in the holyland I returned as a vampire too find her dead and the loss of love even for a vampire is painfully real!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 22, 2009, 03:16:09 PM
"I'm sorry Jozeph"
I gave Jozeph a hug then i felt his hands playing with the  back of my gown. Jozeph looked at me and then lead me to the room he was staying in he shut the door behind us and came to me. His arms around me his hands on the laces of my gown. His Mouth was on mine searing, hot, passionate demanding a respounce. my mouth answered back with the same passion  I felt the excitement that flowed through me. I felt Jozeph's hands as they were interested in more than just laces they had began to wonder over my body. Then Trent's face came to my mind. I pulled back
"Jozeph I can't I'm sorry I got you aroused and shut you down. I can't being a single vampiress is too new to me."
"I understand"
Jozeph hugged me and i supected if day had not been nearly apon us he would have satisfied himself with Anya or one of the servants as it was he turned in for the day and bid me to do the same. as the sun set i arouse and dressed and prepared for our return to Jozeph's estate along with Anya and Jozeph
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 22, 2009, 04:53:25 PM
The excitement flowed through me as I felt the firmness of Essy's breasts and softness of her lips and I longed too have her but I think I understood better than most what she felt and I thought of Anya alone but over the years I've learned that patience can sometime bring better results, I was once a knight a real knight of the Prussian King I am above rape I never pushed myself upon a woman I never had too and wouldn't start now.

I went too meet Georg who was already loaded and had the wagons waiting outside the front door too carry back the treasures from here and bid him and the mercenaries a safe trip and I would be along soon.

I sent the treasures back too Prague for I felt certain that the Queen will be irrate that I had done this but she and I were something more than just friends and I knew she might be mad but I had always been able too talk her out of it in the past and I thought then of her, she looked barely 22 years old but was well over 450, she might have been beautifull but I've senn her drain an insolent naive vampire in her own throne room before but I had hope this she'd never find out of!.
Queen Zarah had been both good and bad too me over the years but with mostly justified reasons but I'd never killed one of her judges before so I was somewhat nervous at the thought of her anger but as most thing I began watching Anya's little behind as she walked past me and I forgot it all!.

The sun was setting blood red and this I thought too be a bad omen but more likely a cloud blocking the setting sun, so I said ladies are you ready too return too Prague?, they both nodded yes and like shadows we vanished into the winds blowing South.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 22, 2009, 05:46:31 PM
We took the shortcut heading back toward the castle and easily outrun Georg and his men we arrived at the castle and the gypsy guards swung the huge gates open at my calling and we went inside all happy too be back home and safe in the castle, we all retired as daylight approached but this time with my gypsy maid too keep me company and the day passed without incident but early the next evening there was a commotion outside the gates and I heard Georg yelling too open them and I went too meet my new visitors but then my heart sank when I saw the closed special coach open and out stepped Beezle, Sasha and Ivan.

She knows I thought!, Sasha and Ivan were enforcers for the queen and as my intuition told me Beezle stepped forward with a rolled scroll and said "I'm sorry my Lord that I must deliver this!", I almost knew it would happen and took the scroll from Beezle and shook his cadaverous looking hand and invited him inside, too Sashs and Ivan I said "For now I'm still Lord of this castle and I say who may enter and who is a servant and you two smell, sleep in the barn if the horses will tollerate you!", they looked surprised at this and lost the smug grins they had when they arrived for they knew I had more than enough strength too kill them both so with a scowl they turned toward the barn as Georg laughed.

Beezle said "she is infuriated this time Jozeph! thats all I know she found out very quickly you know the other judges kiss up too her and thats how she knows everything almost as soon as it happens!".

The girls came down the main stairway and I asked them too excuse us for there is business too attend in the study and Beezle and I entered and began our talk.

Georg came in and the ladies asked him "Georg what is happening?, "Georg said "he went too far this time he killed another judge and even if he had reason thats not the ways its done!, the Queen no doubt has called for him too come too court and I fear this its not the first time shes called him by any means for doing things he should not have but never this!, she even sent those two mortals outside they are vampire hunters who enforce her rules and this she has never done before!".
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 22, 2009, 09:58:19 PM
I looked at Anya and i looked at Georg
"How soon do you think she will give him to come?"
" I'd say two weeks"
" would it take him that long to arrive?"
"No but she will expect him within a week but she will wait two then he's dead after that"
"Georg when he calls for his things to be packed would you see to it our things have been packed as well we are going with him. he could have taken what he wanted from us and then killed us but he took us in we shall go with him"

later i passed Jozeph in the hall I could see the desire in his eyes he stopped me. His hand rested on my waist. as he looked into my eyes i felt his hand moving up my side
" I would never force myself on you or Anya for that matter but come to me when your ready" spoke Jozeph
I smiled as he started to walk away. When he turned and stopped i nearly went to him knowing the queen could kill him if she wanted.
" might i also suggest you sleep with one of the gypsies men they will do your bidding you live here now"
I thought on it a while and went walking in the camp I found a man to my liking and returned to my room with him. he was passionate and did what he could to please me before he left he said I could call for him anytime
I was sipping tea and reading later when i found Jozeph in the room with me
" I see you took my advice"
" I did have a seat if you would like" i smiled
" actually I came to ask a favor from you i would approach Anya but she's occupied at the moment and i saw him leave"
" Jozeph you brought me in from wondering around ask"
" I have been busy trying to prepare for a quick departure to visit the queen and haven't ate I am really not in the mood for dazzled criminals could i?"
" yes ofcourse where from?"
" I normally prefer inner thighs but since I don't think we are ready for that i'll go for back of your neck
I stood up and turned my back to Jozeph i pulled my hair to the side and i felt his arms around me i felt him bite down and his hands roam upward. He didn't suck long but played a little Knowing he had aroused me again he left me for the day to sleep
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 22, 2009, 11:33:15 PM
Essy's neck was long and slender and her blood was sweet, she didn't know how much I needed her right now much less how much I wanted her sleek body and too make love too her she would be in for quite a surprise with a vampire as a lover and the ways I could please her were almost endless but for now I must seek Georg and give him my orders for the day.

I found the old friend of mne sleeping soundly in his chambers and hated much too awaken him but I had little time and much too do, "Georg"  "Georg" he roused up and answered YES yes! I am awake sir!.

Georg it is worse than we thought, don't tell the girls but I must leave before the sun rises, the carriage the queen sent is a vampire carriage and completely dark so Beezle and I can travel inside unharmed those two baffons aren't here too kill me but I suspect if I don't go they shall try!.

But I am going we are leaving shortly!, my orders for you are this, the queen demands my presence and its likely a little game shes playing ut I want you and you alone! too load 115 lbs of gold and the chalise from the special safe you remember it, no wait maybe you should bring a couple guards as well for your safety old friend and bring them too the main palace in Vienna you should be there in three days but tell the girls not too go for if this gelous queen know I had some women she'd take them rather or not they be my lovers!.

I think try too persuade her that this wretch was stealling from me and was asked too stop but continued then maybe she will only put monetary sanctions against me but the chalise is the only reserve thing I have if this doesn't work so guard it carefully goodbye old friend and tell the girls if I'm sentenced too death too flee from here for she will appoint someone too take my place, my cousin reigns in Latvia they might find sanctuary there!.

Goodbye my friend!.

I followed Beezle out too the iron carriage and entered it wasn't too bad inside and the baffons were ordered too ride front and back as guards and soon we were well on the way toward Vienna.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 23, 2009, 09:52:28 AM
 Anya and i wake and find Georg working on loading the last of the things Jozeph bid him to pack
"Georg where is Jozeph?"
"Mi Lady I'm sorry but he's gone to the queen. I would have had yours and Anya's things packed but he said not to bring you the queen is the Jealous type and he fears the queen would presume you both are his mistresses and take you both from him. I believe he enjoys both of your company he wants to protect you both. He also said for you too to stay here and if word comes that she's sentanced him to death. Jozeph believes the queen will give the estate to someone else and thinks you ladies my wish to fly away. His cousin in Latvia will take you in if it should come to that"
"thank you Georg have a safe trip and come back to us soon with Jozeph"
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 23, 2009, 10:31:09 AM
"Essy, I do not like this."

"Me either."

"I don't dare give the Queen any more reason to be mad a Jozeph. I have heard tales and saw her once."

"Anya, I am not sure what to do either."

"We will think of something. I worry for Jozeph he has been nothing but kind to both of us. I can't help but worry. Do you want to go hunt? I think we both need food and time to think about what to do."
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 23, 2009, 11:17:37 AM
I agree and we both go out and hunt the whole time i keep thinking and wondering what we should do. I dislike waiting so i began planning.
I wondered how much Anya knew of this queen and wondered if we could arrive at court unnoted. I'm not a greedy vampire but i wondered if we could over throw the queen.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 23, 2009, 12:33:09 PM
We seemed too make excellent time in route too Vienna and luckily arrived there nearing dark so maybe I might speak too the queen this very night but my thoughts were soon abandoned as her Bailiffs met us outside the palace and proceeded too show me toward a dingy tower across the courtyard and there I was placed in a closed cell and left alone there wasn't much in the way of accomodations here stone walls and straw on the floor for sleeping!.

It wasn't long until I heard a key rattling in the door and it creaked open there stood the queens messenger with a proclomation for me and he proceeded too read it, "By order of the Queen of all Eastern Eourpe I qUeen Zarah by hereby remove and revoke the judgeship granted too Jozeph Bartos the Justice of Prague and further pending the following charges against him!.
1 Murder of a Vampire of the royal blood
2 Using his authority out of his jurisdiction and not notifying the reigning judge for action
3 Murder of the inhabitants of said castle
4 Illegally removing the treasure from said castle too his own
5 Illegally appointing a interm commander too the castle and bringing a mortal merchant into it as an  agent of your own bidding

These charges do not require an answer at this time but this is the charges upon which you are incarcerated and the door slammed behind him filling the blacked room with further gloom, I laid down upon the hay and soon drifted off for what seemed a short time but then the door opened again and the Queens own bailiffs removed me and took me back out into the night and across the courtyard toward the palace, I asked them isn't it almost daylight now but they laughed and said it is only recently dark you've been inside the cell for three days!.

I was brought before the Quen and what appeared too be a hastily assembled court and placed into the box before her throne, she looked toward the bailiff and bid him read the charges then toward me and asked my plea?.

Well since I had no representation I felt my only chance was too hold out until Georg arrived with my bribe so I plead "Not Guilty".

She then bid me justify the bringing of a mortal into the princes castle!.

I told her it was merely a business move he had been given my blood and was under the supervision of my servant he was no threat!.

She simply said "Guilty!"

She then said justify the moving of the treasure too your own castle!.

My Queen I simply did this too safeguard it!, it was taken under heavy guard and was always safe!.

The Queen replied "MMMH Gulity but perhaps justifyable!".

Next justify the charge of the inhabitants of the caetle and do hurry up I'm bored with this!.

I told her I killed the inhabitants for they were also guilty in the theft of illegal taxes with the prince, I'm sure if your majesty would have your records checked the totals would not nearly amount too the treasures he had aquired!.

This interests me!, Chamberlain check the tax rolls and we shall return too this charge!

Next she said, justify using your authority outside your own territory!.

Majesty I used my authority for I was the nearest Judge available too handle this as you know the prince was judge is Dresden I felt under the circumstances I was justified too cross the border and assult this castle it not being my intentions too kill them only too bring them before you but he had made lovers of male children and turned them, these he sent forward too kill me and I became irrate at the violation of your order not under any circumstances shall you turn a mortal child much less for his depreved purposes!

The Queen rose from her seat and demanded "You say he turned mortal children into his sex slaves?", this is an unexcusable violation of my own rules!, this changes everything!.
Jozeph Bartos you I doubt were actting valiantly in my service too kill a royal but if he did what you say then this justifies all your claims and exhonorates you completely can you prove this?.

No your majesty I cannot!.

The court turned almost silent then suddenly Beezle stood up, majesty may I bring fourth a witness who can prove this?.

The Queen replied yes of course!.

Then my good friend Beezle brought in Georg!, Georg shuffled up toward the Queens throane and poured the contents of a small velvet bag into his hand, "Teeth your majesty!, child Vampire teeth!".

She became irrate and yelled Jozeph this is anothe rof your tricks!.

But Beezle jumped up and said "Majesty sniff them!, see if they do not smell of this pedofile prince!".

She did and with a rage greater than any other demanded!, "these charges are untrue!, Jozeph I reinstate you as Judge and I further promote you too chief justice!, now Baliff remove judge Bartos too my chambers this court is dismissed and I shall attend too the details of the monies involved in private!, now everyone leave me!.

I was taken back too the Queens chambers where she returned very soon showing me exactly what she had on under her robes, but she has sworn me too secrecy about her actions and all I can say is that for me it was a happy ending, for her unless I miscount she had about 18 happy endings but that is a secret!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 23, 2009, 04:36:40 PM
Well at least I wasn't going too be killed but the Queen unless it might be from dhydration!, but neither was I being released from the palace I had Georg take the gold too a goldsmith and melt it down and shape it into a large golden puffed heart and inscribe on it "To Queen Zarah from her most gratefull servant Jozeph and presented it too her this evening along with the Chalise, "the chalise of Lilith!", I had known she sought it for years na dhad saved it for just the right occassion.

Georg told me he expected Essy and Anya here anytime, he told them too stay behind but he said "Of course no one ever listens too me!".
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 23, 2009, 05:29:23 PM
we arrive at court looking very much like we belonged there and were admited in as if we had been there all our lives
"that was easier than i thought" i wisper to Anya
"I think they only let us in because we looked like courtiers"
"guess we better do what we can to find Georg and Jozeph hopefully he's still alive"
"yeah lets find Georg he may have information or heard of what has happened to Jozeph" spoke Anya
"I agree thats probley our best routte"
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 23, 2009, 05:52:03 PM
Essy and I tried to stay in the shadows as much as we could I wasn't worried about anyone knowing her scent but their might be a few who knew mine. We turned a corner and I whispered to Essy that Beezle was coming. Essy quickly opened a door and we entered, we got lucky Georg was in the room.

"Girls what on earth."

"Georg. Oh thank goodness it is you."

I gave Georg and hug and so did Essy.

"Georg what news of Jozeph?" Essy asked.

He went on to tell us what had happened to Jozpeh. Both Essy and I let out a sigh of relief that he had not been harmed. I started to get edgy well Georg was talking.

"Anya are you alright?"

"Someone is coming I know the scent it is Rafael."

I started to head to the window. But Georg stopped me.

"Anya it is almost day time."

"I have to go I do not wish to see Rafael."

We all stopped when we heard the door open. A vampire entered looking as if he was 30, he had long brown hair, it was Rafael.

"Oh my dear Anya it is good to see you again it has been what 120 years?"

"Something like that, Rafael."

"Come let us walk together it has been to long. I will bring you back to your friend do not worry."

Essy and Georg both gave me a worried look as I left the room with Rafael.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 23, 2009, 06:19:25 PM
Fortunately the queen did allow me too stroll the palace even though I could not leave and as poor Rafeals luck would go just as they turned the corner too head down the next hallway who should they meet but the new chief Justice!.

Anya broke free of his grip immediately and ran toward me, I percieved from the look of her face she was not comfortable with this rogue and as a matter of fact he was one of the accussers against me.

So I grabbed Anya and lifting her up off the ground I gave her a passionate kiss and said "Play along!", I then carressed her  and must admit I was rather enjoying this ruse until Raphael cleared his throat, I turned and said "well Raphael how can I thank you for finding my sweet Anya for me?.

The look of surprise upon his face wasn't too be taken lightly and he became even more enraged when I said "Thank you Raphael that will be all!", his face turned the most interesting color of red but not even the great Raphael would go against the Chief Justice and grudgingly bowed and left qurtly!.

I smiled slightly too Anya and she hugged me again and asked me everything that had happened but I told her I imagine Essy is with you as well! shall we find her and I'll tell you all about it for as it seems I'm now the Chief Justice and while I'm still being held here I'm in no danger other than the trials of the Queens court and fools like Raphael.

We entered Georgs room and Essy ran toward me and hugged me now I felt fortunate that two such beautiful women were actually concerned about me and I explained all too the girls bur rold them the Queen has not given me leave and shes taken the prince's castle in Dresden from us but other than that shes not upset.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 23, 2009, 10:01:21 PM
"How much longer will she keep you here?" I ask
"not much longer she is easily bored" answered Jozeph
" you know Anya i think you and i should stroll around and find us a vampire or two for lovers there seems to be an abundance here" I tease
"your becoming awefull spoiled if this was my holding i would take you over my knees" teases Jozeph back
" Is that a threat" I laugh
Jozeph looked at me
"Just wait then" He teased
I laughed
"alright Ladies i must go to the gathering with the queen tonight if you wish to come don't stay long I don't need word that i have two mistresses here. rumor that i have one is bad enough I will ask how soon i might be able to return home. Georg protect them best you can if you will hand me the gifts i have for the queen I shall go"
as soon as he walked out the door i looked at Anya
"shall we go?"
" I'd rather not run into Raphael again"
" O.k. you and Georg stay put I won't be gone long i just want to see her."
I slid out the door and was gone in a flash smelling the direction that Jozeph had taken
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 24, 2009, 08:22:14 AM
"Georg can go with Essy. I just need to think for awhile and I'd like to be alone for awhile"

"Anya I can stay here."

"No go I'll be fine."

It took a lot of prodding but Georg finally left. I had to get a hold of my thoughts Rafael was evil but since Jozeph "claimed" me he would not dare harm me but it didn't mean I could not play with him. A plan started to form in my head I knew Rafael very well and I could guess he was still not happy that I had chosen to leave after Tor dead rather than become his mistress.

There was a knock at the door but I knew it was Rafael his scent filled the air I was about to curse my vampire nose. He knocked at the door again I knew he wouldn't barge in as he had done before. I slowly walked to the door.

"Rafael how can I help you?"

"Anya I apologize for earlier I did not know you where under the protection of Jozeph."

"Do not worry Rafael. How can I help you?"

"I want you to reconsider coming back with to me."

"Rafael I was never yours. Tor was my heart and he is long gone."

"I would treat you better than Tor ever did."

"No you would lock me in a room only to be seen when you wanted to impress or wanted something more."

"Anya why do you hate me so?"

"You know why Rafael. I still choose who I take as a lover I will not unwilling be yours again."

This mad Rafael's eye burn he knew I spoke the truth. Tor and I had been more than lovers and Rafael never understood that.

"Anya I would not do that to you, I am so sorry about what happened."

"No you're not. Now leave."
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 24, 2009, 11:13:55 AM
I nearly run into Jozeph as i round a corner
" I knew that sweet smell was you"smiled Jozeph
" O.k. i thought you were going to the queen's gathering what did you stop for"
" to sniff your sweetness"
"ohhh sure you did" i laugh
"no really i smell trouble"
"Anya I left her back in the room she was afraid she would run into Raphael"
"I don't think he's at the gathering lets get back to the room"
we quickly returned to the room and quickly over took Georg who was following me. the door was open Jozeph motioned for us to stay still near him.
We could hear Anya inside
"Leave now" spoke Anya
" ahhh but you didn't say please" clucked Raphael
" If you don't leave I will see you brought before the queen for interferring with my personal interest" spoke Jozeph
" are you so big a fool you would bring not only one but two mistresses with you to see the queen?" asked Raphael
" It is not i brought them it's more or less Anya and Essy are old friends and well they found each other and have been reconnecting now get out of our rooms" bellowed Jozeph
Raphael left in a huff
"are you O.k. Anya?" I ask
" Yes i'm glad you three showed back up"
"It was Jozeph he smelled trouble"
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 24, 2009, 04:08:46 PM
I couldn't help but throw my arms around Jozeph I was happy that he had gotten Rafael to leave.

"Essy and Georg follow Rafael make sure he goes far from this room." Jozeph told them.

"Jozeph that is not needed I can take care of myself."

I felt like a little kid and almost stuck my tounge out at him. Rafael was a pain but I was trying to think of a way to get him away.

"Anya, listen they can do some snopping and see if they can come up with any dirt on your friend."

After some more protesting from myself Essy and Georg left the room. Jozeph took ahold of my arm and sat me in a chair.

"Jozeph I am not a child."

"Tell me what is going on between you and Rafael."

"I told you he was Tor's second in command. After Tor was killed I left."

"Anya I know there is more to it than that."

I sat silent, Jozeph knelt in front of me.

"It will be okay I know you are strong I've seen it."

"Tor and I where married and happy, Rafael betrayed us out of jealousy. He made plans with another vampire to take over Tor's lands. I watched as Tor was killed but before Rafael's friend had a chance I killed him. I didn't know at the time that Rafael was behind it so I stayed. It wasn't long after that I started to suspect and he made it know to me that he wanted me to be his mistress, I did not want to be. One night he gave me a potion to make me think he was Tor, it was to late by the time I came to, he was already in my bed. When I woke it was with full fury he may still bare the mark I left on him. I told him I would never be his he gave me a wicked smile and said I already was. I left the castle that day"
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 24, 2009, 04:20:54 PM
This evening the Queen began court as usual there was the boring reports, then thenews accounts of the events within her realm, I thought once she was going too drain a courier who misspoke every other word, then came the finacial reports.

It all seemed endless and very tedious I almost felt sorry for her you could see the loneliness within her eyes, then came the fatal report!.

There had been a spotting of Orthodox Monks near her Western Borders this meant trouble for these men were maniacal hunters of vampires and any other thing that even smacked of witchery the worst thing of the report was that they were within my own territory and moving toward the SouthWest ravashing even innocents who still practiced the old ways anyone whos thoughts were not of they're approval came under the tyrantical yoke of they're warrior Bishop who thought he raged a Holy war against all evil.

Queen Zarah immediately became most interested and turned toward myself, "Jozeph you must attend too this at once!, I don't particularly care what these men do but they are and always have been trouble for us I charge you with the destruction of this force and removal of Bishop Stanislas they're tyrantical leader do you think you may be able too handle such a task?".

I reported too the Queen "I will give it my upmost too stop this religious fanatic and protect the people within your realm your Majesty I will fight them in your name and vanquish them!".

She smiled that certain smile she does from time too time and pulled a small signet ring from her finger and kissed it running a thong through it she bid me come forward and kneel before her which I did and she placed  the token around my neck and whispered into my ear some words I cannot repeat and then bid me speedy return too my castle too begin a war against the tyrants, she did just one more thing before we left she placed Raphael and his small force in our company!.

This I didn't know was rather a help or some perverse punishment she'd set for stricktly for me but I thanked her and kissed her dainty hand and swore by my sword too vanquish this man or die with honor for her Queen Zarah, and thus we were dismissed from court and immediately returned too Georgs room too gather his things, the girls asked me what of my things inmy room?.

I told them she had appointed that room as my own room within her palace and I may use it so my things will be well cared for.

Then Raphael showed up with his ten scraggly followers I called them not knights for I did not see them as such none were ever knighted that I know of even thought they used the title like a banner too wave before all.

We decided too meet at the courtyard those of us who could would use they're powers and return too my castle the others including Georg would come as best they could I only had hoped that Essy had learned the tricks of the shadow and could now keep up with us for if she couldn't I would charge Georg with her safety.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 24, 2009, 06:15:04 PM
as we moved along Anya and I stayed close to Jozeph
"they aren't both your mistressess hay?" taunted Raphael "then when i get to your holding i request an audience with Essy I'll take her"
I glared at Raphael Jozeph looked at me
"who says she isn't head of my warband?" answered Jozeph
"I don't care if she is i want her or i want that sweet Anya"
Jozeph looked at me raised eye brows and i shook my head i knew what ever he was thinking  would be for both Anya's and my protection
"actually being that she is leader of my warband she sleeps in my room that way i have acess to her if i want it if i don't she is still there and no one else's to mess with. this way i am certain she stays loyal and doesn't stab me in the back with some other vampire under my roof" spoke Jozeph
"what kind of sport are you? you have two beautiful ladies and one who is your mistress and one you can take as such at anytime. are you a greedy boy with your toys? Do you still have a soft spot for your gypy's maybe i should ravage one of them?"
" Let me make this clear Raphael you and your band has been sent here to help vanquish the Vampire killers that is all once your done you and your war band will be gone from my region or i will have you staked to a tree and killed and make it look as if the gypsy's did it. If it is under my roof or my protection then you do not have acess to it unless i grant it"
" why Jozeph your getting soft in your old age" taunted Raphael

Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 24, 2009, 07:02:16 PM
We arrive back at the castle long before Georg but not that long before daylight, I immediately give orders too Raphael too barrack in the North tower and if he finds a gypsy who'd have him he's welcome but let it not be heard by me that he's forced himself upon one for I remind you I am judge and I will Judge you as well!.

Anya says she wants a hot bath before bed and I take young Essy by the hand, "now missy for appearances sake it looks as though we are doomed too spend the day together and I lead her back too my chamber, I shut and bar the large door and turn too find her standing behind me her dress already loosened and exposing much of her ample firm breasts.

I tell her well you've went too far this time! and scoop her up lying her upon the bed as I slide the silky dress down her long sleek legs exposing one of the most beautiful bodies I've seen in my 250 years, she recieves me again and again we both have been longing for this and now its happening and its wonderfull, every position every thing was tried and as she recieved me for the ninth time I pull her up from the bed and during this I siftly bite her upon the tip of her breast.

She moans with exstacy and arches her head back too realize we now float about three feet off the bed, I whisper too her this can happen with vampires together and I drink from her soft inner thighs and she from me, we caress and hold each other until we collapse in a sweaty sleepy orgy together and I hoped she enjoyed for now there was no way I'd let her leave.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 24, 2009, 08:01:33 PM
I awake to arms firmly around me I think of everything that happened with Jozeph I understood what Jozeph had ment that i would enjoy it very much
"He was a fool" spoke Jozeph as he felt me stir in his arms
" who" I ask rolling over to see his face
" Trent the mortal was a fool when he let you go" spoke Joseph as he moved his hand down my leg His lips met mine again and he swept me under him . afterward he called for a bath and we both bathed and dressed came downstairs to see Anya armed to the teeth and a wooden steak in one hand Raphael's second in command in front of her Anya holding onto him like a Vampire shield daring Raphael or him men to come forward
"what is going on here?" demanded Jozeph eying Raphael
"we only asked her if she would like to dine with us"
" Enough there is work to do leave her be or there will be consiquences" boomed Jozeph
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 24, 2009, 09:05:23 PM
"Rafael if you come near me again I will kill you."

I pushed the man in front of me towards Rafael. Jozeph looked at me and sighed.

"Rafael I will let her kill you and believe me I will not stop her."

I spat at Rafael as Jozeph ushered me into his study. I was steaming only to dine my behind.

"Anya calm down has your blacksmith bored you already?"

"He is still strong as ever, Jozeph. Can I go hunt in Prague?"

"Yes I will keep Rafael in meetings until you return. Don't be to long you and Essy need to know the plans"

I turn and leave I can hear Jozeph telling Essy. "There is nothing in Prague that can harm her let her blow off some steam. Rafael does no honer to his self, he contently reminds her of love that she lost. He is lucky we stopped them before she killed him and his followers."

I change into my hunting clothes and run to Prague it felt wonderful just to run. By the time I reached Prague my mood had improved greatly. I headed to the area where Jozeph had taken me on our previous trips there where no lack of low lifes in the alleyway. I had plenty to pick from, I could see two men picking on a young boy who was crying.

"Come on boy we know your mother gave you more money than that."

"No she only needed some bread, please leave me alone."

I lurked in the shadows until I was behind the first man.

"Why do you pick on the little boy?"

The boys eyes widen as he looked at me. I reached out and pulled the men away from the boy.

"Boy you better run along." He didn't need to be told twice.

"Woman what do you think you are doing?"

"I don't like those who pray against the weak"

Both men laughed but than feel silent as I throw them both against the wall. I stalked towards them when a similar scent filled the air it couldn't be.

"Let me help you Anam Cara"

"It can't be you are dead."

"Not now Gra, You need to feed."

I walked over to one of the men and feed, I than turned to the next and did the same. I turn to see him slitting both of the men's necks to hide my bite marks.

"Tor, it can not be you. It can't I saw you die, I avenged you."

"Shh, Anya it is me."

"I don't believe you."

"Come let us go back to your friends he will be waiting for you and Rafael will get a nasty shock."

I did not understand how this could be happening. I could only hope that Jozeph had some answers for me. Tor reached to take my hand.

"No even if it is you, you left me for so long."

I took of running know that Tor would have very little problem keeping up with me. Before long we made it to the castle I sent straight to my suite with Tor in tow.

"You stay here."

I ran to Jozeph's study he and Essy where still there along with Rafael.

"Anya you look as if you have seen a ghost."

"Essy, I think I have. Can you and Jozeph come to my room?"

"Rafael we will break for the next hour go do not follow."

They followed me to my room and I opened the door and let them in they new right away that another vampire was in the room.

"Essy, Jozeph, this man claims to be Tor. His scent is the same. Jozeph you may have meet him before he is far older than I."
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 25, 2009, 12:03:15 AM
Yes Anya I have seen this man before do you remember Tor?, there was that little war in Northern Austria you were with some odd unit!, oooh yes I remember you were with a Ukrainian Cossak unit but your name wasn't Tor you used another but its you just the same.

Tor you must forgive my manners but I'm the Judge of Prague and this is my territory I require a report of what your doing here, you are welcome of course I provide sanctuary too those who need it but now is a time of chaos here a small war blooms upon my Eastern frontier and I must have an account of your actions least I wonder that your not a part of it!.

But then since your a vampire obviously you are not a monk, you see they are presecuting my vassels I allow several unfortunate gypsies who over the years became vampire too live in that region and no doubt the monks are after them.

I do have several questions that unfortunately you must address if your too remain here, first of all what clan do you belong?, are you running or do you have permission from your judge too be here?, lastly why are you here?.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 25, 2009, 07:39:02 AM
"Ahh Jozeph I remember you well. I use to be the Judge of the region now held by Rafael, so I do not belong to a clan anymore, I am not on the run, and third I'm here to be with Anya."

"How Anya has told us you where killed."

"If I had been human yes but I am not. I was very close and it took many years to heal. Thankfully Anya had me buried next to her son. It was so painful to see her agony and not tell her I would heal. It took me much longer to heal than it should have I do not know why I can only think a spell was put on the sword. About 50 years ago I finally was compleatly healed and very hungery. I came out of my grave and went hunting. After that I've been looking for Anya she hides very well. Anam Cara I am so sorry"

"Anya I can say nothing more than that yes this is the man known as Tor. I have heard of a spell that makes wounds it inflects heal slowly and sometimes not at all. Do you feel comfertable being alone with him?"

"Yes I will be fine."
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 25, 2009, 08:54:29 AM
"How long before Raphael smells Tor and knows that he's back?" I ask
"She's right I'm afraid it won't take him long to find out I"m back" replied Tor
" We need to think and we need to think fast we have a war on the Eastern front and we don't need to start another war here even though it's volitale as it is one war at a time" spoke Jozeph

Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 25, 2009, 10:56:38 AM
I told Tor then be welcome for if Anya trusts you than I have no doubt that you are of excellent character!.

Tor you will have back Raphaels lands soon I hope I already have plans too use the Monks too help do away with this scum, I kill him myself for general principals but unfortunately I just narrowly escaped being imprisoned by the Queen for my last shall we say removal of one from they're office!.

Raphael almost broke his neck getting back too tell the Queen of my actions, no doubt he and his cowardly band were staying with the prince and disappeared into the darkness as soon as they felt the odds were against them its unfortunate as well Raphael comes from an old respected family his father was one of the greatest knights I've ever know but that makes me believe his mothers chastity was not what it should have been for Raphael could not be the offspring of that brave man!.

I fully intend too kill Raphael if Anya doesn't do this first!.

I intend too send this band of cavaliers on patrol this coming night, they are all cowards but they cannot refuse for if they do I shall denounce them as cowards, plus I have rank over him now thanks too the Queens most excellent charms, she by the way will be here soon she's coming too view her new castle I was generous enough too give her, you may remember the prince's castle overlooking the Elbe river?.

Tor do you still feel like leading an army?, I am comtemplating hiring a force of Swiss mercenaries they would be excellent at your command if you feel up too it?.

I one the other hand have a somewhat different army, its remained hidden for sometime but these farmers you see around here are well trained and plus they already know my condition and respect it thus I respect and care for them its a very good arrangement.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 25, 2009, 12:06:41 PM
"I have a suggestion that might get rid of Raphael"
" what is your plan battle chief?" teased Jozeph
" I say we send Raphael and his men out but we go with him and make sure we stay on him let him get surrounded and back away and let him fight for himself. if nothing else it will exhaust our enemies and we can take them out without much of a fight and well possibly eliminate Raph and if they don't kill him well tie him to a tree and let him greet the sun" I offer
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 25, 2009, 01:13:11 PM
"I'd prefer to be the one who kills him."

"Anya, Jozeph can handle this."

"Tor, first off I've been living for decades on my own and I've been fighting my own battles since than.  Second he is the reason you where almost killed because of his jealous even after all these years he still wants what is was yours."

"What do you mean Anya?"

I retold him the story of what happened between Rafael and I. His eyes burn like fire Essy and I could not help but take a step away from him.

"Tor" Jozeph call. "He will pay do not worry."

"We have company coming." I interrupted having picked up on Rafael's scent.

Tor put him self between me and the doorway and I watched as Jozeph took a spot between Tor and the door. I barely could hear him whisper to Tor to let him handle this. We all tensed as Rafael came into view he stopped and stared at Tor.

"So old friend it is good to see you again." Tor said so calmly that you would not have known that he wanted to kill him/

"Tor it is a miracle."

"Yes it is but tonight I wish to get reintroduced to my wife. Jozeph would you excuse Anya and I."

Jozeph picked up the queue and motioned for Rafael to follow him as they headed back to his study.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 25, 2009, 04:14:50 PM
I take Essy by the hand and we walk toward the battlements high above the valley below it is quiet there and I find time too steal a kiss from her passionate lips.

The breeze blows a cool refreshing sort of breeze but together we find it most refreshing from the heat we generate, I told Essy I fear Tor shall do something rash too Raphael and this would spell disaster for him I already have plans for his mighty band of warriors for tomorrow night early they shall be dispatched too patrol the Eastern valley they will find some monks "Thanks too our Gypsy friends!" and a merry chase they shall have but unknown too Raphael Georg has already contacted the monks and yet they wait hidden within this valley the disguised gypsies will lead them straight too them!.

Those who live shall do so in greatly reduced numbers if at all!, then when it appears they have the battle won and are tired my own army shall spill down out of the pass eliminating not only those dreaded monks but whats left of Raphael and his murdering band!, but I've given orders Raphael no doubt will run as soon as the numbers appear in the enemies favor he will be taken by a special group of my personal guards and brought back too a location I keep for such things there I may just turn him over too Anya but the fewer too see what happens the fewer too speak of whats happened!.

My dear did you think I was going too let that scoundrel trouble us long?, no! his death is certain!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 25, 2009, 05:24:06 PM
Tor shuts the door after everyone leaves and walks toward me. I turn and head towards my bathing room I just want to relax before I can open the door Tor is in front of me.

"Water always did relax you and terrify you. My Gra."

"You have been gone so long, Tor I still grieved for you."

I felt his arms go around me and pull me close to him.

"Anya it almost killed me to see you bury me. I wanted to scream out to you that I was still alive."

"It killed me I buried you next to the only other person who I loved."

"I know and it warms my long dead heart that you did. You have grown into a great hunter and have a way of slipping away you are very hard to track."

"I learned from the best."

I turned in his arms so I could face him and wrapped my arms around him. I felt his hand brush hair out of my face and than rested his hand on my chin. His hand caressed my face with a soft touch.

"You don't know how I have missed you."

His lips met mine before I could respond. I felt my feet lift off the ground, Tor had lifted me up and carried me to my bed room.

"Sweet Anya my Anam Cara and my Gra I will not be parted from you again."
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 25, 2009, 06:07:27 PM
Raphael is becoming more and more of a nuisance he has tried every woman within sight and none will have him or his men even the gypsies won't take that wretch for a price for they know men like him are dangerous.

Essy and I stroll along the battlements and can hear the debauchery from the tower where they are quartered even now!, there are no women there so I don't even want too know what they are doing!.

But come tomorrow at twilight they have a mission they're last mission if all works out and they will be gone, I haven't time too waste the Queen is coming soon and she will expect the news of the defeat of the monks!, I intend too festoon they're heads along the main road too greet her carriage as she heads into the castle but then time will only tell!.

As for now Essy and I retire too my chambers for soon the sun rises and we have business too attend between ourselves.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 25, 2009, 09:14:59 PM
I lay beside Jozeph thinking If anya doesn't kill Raphael I will. His mind wasn't on the plan Jozeph had been laying out i had felt his eyes on me as i stayed close to Jozeph listening to his plan as if i really were his battle chief. I think about how Jozeph told Raphael that i had to stay in his room to keep me from Raphael. I hadn't planned on the morning before happening I had been thinking on it and thought of approaching Jozeph after the Monks were gone. Jozeph advanced it and I'm not sorry he did i don't know what time will bring for now I'm content
I doze off to awaken to Searing passionate kisses i respond back
"Evening already?"
" Yes stay put I'm going to give Raphael his orders I'll be back"
I laugh as i see Jozeph throw on cloths
" Don't be in too much a hurry" I taunt from where I'm sitting

Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 26, 2009, 08:02:33 AM

I looked down at Anya as laid her on the bed, oh how I missed her. So many years lost due to that pig Rafael. Kissing her check.

"Anam Cara"

I said and than kissed her neck. I took in her scent remembering all the good times we had spent together.

"Tor, I've missed you"

"And I you Anya."

I kissed her lips as I ran my hand up her thigh, and bite in to her neck. Anya let out a moan as I did this.... I feel asleep with my arms wrapped around Anya it would take more than death to take her away from me now.

I woke up to feel someone running their hands down my leg. Smiling I looked at Anya and I warmed to see her smile.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 26, 2009, 09:43:17 AM
I hear Jozeph giving orders to Raphael and Raphael preparing to leave I know Raphael will be gone before Jozeph returns I consider having a bath drawn while waiting on him but decide not to. while i wait i play i push things around and know Jozeph will be antious to have Raphael gone so he can find out what i've been upto in his adsence
I finally hear the door open and knew that Raphael has gone.
I watch Jozeph look puzzled for a few minutes an watch him smile
"I know your still here i can smell you"
I giggle and Jozeph is there in a second
"I thought i told you to stay put" teased Jozeph
"Oh you wanted me to stay over there"
" Yes did you rearrange the furniture?"
" just slightly"
Jozeph looks around and Laughs then mutters something about babies before i can respond he's scooped me up and carrying me back to bed
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 26, 2009, 11:44:06 AM
I must hurry too implement all my plans, most were put in order the night before when Georg led the gypsies in what they should do and during the day today they rode close enough by leaving the tracks of seven horses nearby and intentionally dropping a crucifix too tag them as monks, then they rode far down the valley as I'd ordered but all the time slowing their pace so Raphael will belive they have been out for a long time and are tired but lead them far far back into the mountain valley which my loyal friends did well finding the monks encampment and  travelling through it so our false trail will lead Raphael straight toward a much larger force than he has.

I watch as Raphael and his cowards ride out the gates he salutes his sword too me as he passes and the gallant fools ride on toward they're destiny if all goes well, georg was even good enough too have a campfire built where the crucifix was left so as too mock a resting spot and leave a smoldering smoky fire too lead these heros who normally could not find they're own shadow in the noon sun!.

I watch from the battlements as the smell of the distant smoke wafts through the still mountain air, immediately in the distance I see Raphael take my bait and now is the time I must gather my own army that poor Georg rounded up and has hiding nearby in the lower pastures, I tell Essy this is far too dangerous for you battle chief I've arranged for you too have a visitor while I'm gone, the young blacksmith from the village he willingly donates blood and you may enjoy him!, I quickly bid her goodbye and the servants bring my horse too meet me as I come down already dress for an extended battle.

I mount the horse and ride toward the lower pastures where my men wait, poor Georg I send him back too the castle he is exhausted he has been up since first light and he's far too important too me too loose in such a trivial battle, he reluctantly accepts but I  see in his eyes the desire too go but the loyal man is getting old and his mortality shows perhaps I'll have Essy turn him I'n not sure but for now that must wait.

I take notice of the men its not a great force but expertly trained and thirty men strong its a good light fast moving force and should be quite adequate for this battle and we turn down another valley riding quickly and on softer territory than Raphael we make much better time and soon find ourselves nearing the only pass that converses the mountain where the monks have their camp far below near a creek at the head of the vally where Raphael approaches, we ride high into the pass but not over the crest here we dismount and take a cold supper for the men, I drink some fine madera too help thin the blood in my veins and now we wait soon too my dismay the clouds began too roll in from the North and the bright moonlight is obscured but this may be too our benefit and now we ride across the pass and downward too within a mile of the battlesite.

We barely get too this point when we hear the battle cries of Raphaels heros screaming a charge at what they believe too be just a few monks beside a campfire and ride headlong into this hornets nest, realizing what he's done Raphael gathers his men around him, they take a brutal toll upon the monks with rapid fire crossbows and mere slaughter against sleeping helpless men with sword and halabred but soon enough the monks react too this attack and rally against him, by my count nearly twelve monks fall as the battle began this taking almost half the original force of thirty monks but then they rally.

At this Raphael realizes he's far outnumbered and as I suspected he and his lieutenant abandon the others too the monks and make they're cowardly escape heading up the valley toward my smaller force who left the original tracks and now wait with chains too bind this great coward.

The men who are left fight gallantly but the monks are too powerfull and the men only cut down five more monks before the last falls with deadly wounds, this leaves twelve monks and they are tired and totally unaware of our leisurely pace down the hillside and we sit there upon the edge of the fire surrounding them before they realize they're own deaths are imminent.

Raphael the coward turns and hacks deep into his loyal lieutenants thigh wounding him badly he did this too give anyone persuing a wounded target too deal with while he escapes, he even used the same sword he used upon Tor and that evil weapon disables the man as he escapes into my second trap and soon finds himself cut off bound and contained with herbs and charms the gypsies use too contain this coward, they bind him and take him too an old cave where we once hid along long time ago during the great wars, Tor and Anya follow them as the gypsies lead for the same charms that bind Raphael harm them as well and the gypsies handle him until he is placed deep within the cave and left for Tor and Anya, I pray them good luck and may they're revenge be fullfilled this final time against this tyrant.

As for the twelve monks left it was a quick and as painless death as I could give them, they in they're own way were good men if not misguided I don't let them be tortured just killed and they area rid of this menace from the religious zelots.

I order the gypsies too remove they're heads and line the road toward the castle with these for soon the Queen comes there and her enemies lifeless heads shall be there too greet her as she arrives.

We start too leave but suddenly I smell something!, there hiding in the bushes! its another young monk!.

Sieze him I say!, he pleads for his life and I grant him this wish with one exception he must join our ranks as vampire!, he renouces his vows and kneels I drain his blood and he falls dead upon the cool ground place him upon a horse I tell them and take him too the crypts he'll not rise before tomorrow night and then I'll attend too him!.

I want too ride too the cave and see Raphaels last breath but I have no grievances against him as Tor and Anya, this is my gigt too them I leave them too enjoy his company as long as he lasts I return too the castle and watch as the heads of the monks are staked upon the roadsides and the other monk is placed into the crypts and I stand over all this wishing it were two hundred and fifty years ago and I were still a knight in the holyland and not here,as I turn I see the pale blue of the coming dawn I think sometimes I'll just stand there and greet the sun but not today!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 26, 2009, 01:27:06 PM
 I pout a little at being left alone but i feed on the black smith and invite him for tea then i start exploring the castle and the thought crosses my mind of rearranging the whole castle but i didn't want Jozeph to be out of sort trying to find his best garments with the queen coming.
I decide to get the gypsy's to help clean the whole castle afterall she is a queen even if it's a vampire queen. after that i visit the study and spend the rest of the eveing there. at dawn I crawl into my own bed and sleep the day away hoping my friends return soon
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 26, 2009, 02:46:03 PM
I watch from the hillside as Jozeph and the men head back toward the castle, I hold Anyas hand tightly and she asks "Tor what are you going too do?", but I just kiss her and tell her he hasn't earned the right too die yet!.

We go into the cave and the gypsies at my signal release the coward under his own power but a coward even a vampire he's still a coward, I thank the men and pay them well telling them too let Georg know we will stay in the cave until tonight!.

I turn then toward Raphael, "do you remember long ago Raphael?, when you went too the witch too get the wicked sword that gives wounds that never heal?, well I lay in my grave dead too the world and my love Anya, in constant pain, no food ,no one too talk with, just the blackness of everlasting hell for me!.

I had along long time too consider and contemplate upon things and every day I would spend time pushing hard against the top of the coffin and my muscles grew stronger and stronger even though I had no blood, no nothing until finally I heard something digging outside the coffin and I scratched through the side and there was a gopher I instantly drained him and the blood gave me strength too continue my pushing exercises!.

Sometimes worms crawled into the casket with me and I took them as well, anything that came about, even maggots from the graves next too me!, but I kept taking food and waiting, I passed the time by singing and talking too myself but after several years this became almost maddening I don't even know how long it took!, theres no way too tell you don't know day from night, Christmas too summer! all I knew was a living death and a wound so painfull even dead I could feel its terrible pain!.

Then after long long tries I got too where I was actually lifting the top dirt and all, a rat fell in with me and I devoured it, then several others and my strength increased and finally with all my might I blew the lid dirt and all from above me and crawled out of my moldy grave, I had blood lust and took several people before my sences returned too me then I began life anew thinking everyone lost too me until I found Anya in Prague!.

Do you know how long it took too find the witch who made that evil sword for you?, years!, but finally I found her and bid her make me a dagger like it and told her not who I was until she finished then I slew her with the very sword you used as payment for her part in my imprisonment but I kept the dagger for you!, yes just for you dear Raphael!, don't you feel special?.

Look its almost dawn Raphael today you will rest but tonight I assure you a grave and living death twenty times worse than anything you bestowed upon me!, yes I've already found your tomb!.

I walked toward Raphael and he attempted too fight but as I said over the years I'd gained such strength he was nothing too me I took the dagger and pinned him through his torso this alone would be enough too give himgrieveace wounds but this wasn't enough for me!, I severed his arms and legs with the dagger leaving already festering wounds as he'd given me.

Lying there now helpless upon the floor of the cave he asked is this it is this your punishment too me Tor?.

I answered no!, not yet theres much more for you dear Raphael, I then took some blacksmiths pincers the kind that cut hot steel and pried open his mouth and told him my voice kept me company your won't!, I used the pincers too tear out his tongue and tossed it into the mornings light too burn there before him as blood ran from his mouth and tears from his eyes.

I told him now "see Raphael the childs coffin there?, you shall spend the day inside it!, but tonight I shall carry you too Prague and there in the cemetery there is the tomb of the old dead arch bishop I will break it open and put you underneath this bishop so for all time as they sprinkle holy water upon him it shall burn you as acid and you cannot move or yell and there you shall live!, but I'm not through yet!.

Oh no! I am going too pull your fangs and leave you the only way too take sustenance will be gumming the maggots that fall off the old bishops decaying body!, this Raphael this is what I'm going too do too you ,you wretch you've not earned death and I tossed him into the casket and slammed the lid shut!.

I took Anya by the hand haolding her close I said "I have blankets and equipment placed back here we shall stay here today, Jozeph knows we are allright and tonight you and I shall bury this lump of refuse in his tomb where he can rot forever!".

She looked into my eyes almost seemed too be feeling sorrow for the fool Raphael but she soon changed and I laid her upon the blanket and removed her clothing taking her mind too other pleasures and other thoughts she was a sexy woman and I needed too examine her every inch and know her as I once knew her.

She recieved me and we made love for hours upon end until I told her she had gotten the best of me!, she simply sighed and said "I was hoping you'd be tired soon!", I hugged her tight and we slept!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 26, 2009, 06:16:50 PM
I rode back too the castle looking forawrd too seeing Essy but she was in her room, this is fine no doubt that shes a little upset with me for not taking her along on this battle but it was for her own good and besides I often feel alone and  somewhat down after seeing so many lives snuffed out in the blink of an eye over a cause that isn't even worth its action.

They don't know it but I police my own territory and kill rogues as I find them, as I've said before mortals often find donating a bit of blood a very exciting experience and I allow none too be turned!.

The only exception I've made is for the young Monk now sleeping in the crypt he I have a use for and will train him well if he proves suitable then I already have a task for him but if he proves unreliable I shall chain him too a tree to meet the morning sunshine!.

The gypsies come by and tell me that Tor and Anya sleep today in  the cave hideout no doubt Tor like a cat wants too play with his victim for a while!, it nears dawn and I retire now for the day hoping Essy will forgive me and return too my bed.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 26, 2009, 06:33:56 PM
I heard Jozeph come in but he went to his room I waited but didn't hear him move so i got up. I slipped through the door
"I take it you suceeded"
" yes Anya and Tor are dealing with Raphael"
" I..." I started as i crept closer to Jozeph's bed
"I know you wanted to go Essy but i was trying to protect you. You are just learning to use your skills and i didn't think you were prepared should it turn ugly, I like your company"
" Jozeph are you becoming attached to me?" I ask sitting on the side of the bed
"maybe" said Jozeph as i felt his arms around me
"Jozeph will Anya and Tor leave us once they are done with Raphael?"
"I don't know Essy" spoke Jozeph
his lips then found mine and I knew what he wanted. I thought for a 250yr vampire he acted like a young man I don't know how long we gave and received but I know i looked down  more than a few times to see us floating in extacy
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 27, 2009, 12:29:05 AM
I wake up after a short nap with Tor's arms around me. I have not felt so happy in years, I could only wonder how it was that Tor healed if it was just the time or if the witch did not place the spell properly or maybe something else. I looked at Tor's face and body and not seeing any signs of his former injuries.

"Anya way are you awake it is still a few hours before sundown."

"Not sure my gra. I think I am afraid I am going to wake up and you will be gone again."

Tor sat up taking me with him he put his arms around me and pulled me close to him.

"I will not leave unless you ask me to. So many years lost."

I could feel the anger in his body as he spoke about the time we had spent apart.

"How is it that you found me Tor?"

"For years I listened to rumors that I thought might be about you, I followed every one and usually seemed to miss you by years but some time months. There aren't very many red haired female vampires out there and it helps that I know your hunting style." Tor smiled at me I knew he was proud that I had been able to take care of myself for all those years. "Any way I followed a lead to a small village there was a young girl named Liz she remembers you fondly.  It took a long time for me to convince her I didn't mean you any harm and when I found that I had only missed you by a few months I new I was close."

"How is Liz?"

"She is good she is now married and happy she does miss you. I tracked you to Prague only to find out that the vampires here had gone to visit the queen but where expected back soon. I stayed near Prague waiting to catch your scent. I had smelled it around the town but it was very faint and that night I found you I though I was dreaming.

"You always could tell where I was."

Tor had a big smile on his face. He pulled me back down under the blankets with him and kissed me. It was a night I would not forget anytime soon. 

"Anam Cara I will never leave you again I promise you this."

"I will not let you go Tor."

This brought a bigger smile and a deeper kiss.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 27, 2009, 03:21:34 PM
I awoke and felt Jozeph stir
"Jozeph? when did you say the queen is coming?"
" soon why?"
"I have the sensation she's here"
Jozeph looks at me and jumps up and dresses quickly I dress normal pace and am nearly done when Jozeph flung the door wide open and Georg was outside
"the queen has arrived" spoke George
Jozeph looked back over his shoulder at me
"we already knew that somehow. has Anya and Tor returned?"
" Anya and Tor are expected today" answered Georg

Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 27, 2009, 05:31:12 PM
Tor woke me up just after dark. It felt so good to be back in his arms but I was still worried he would be taken away from me again. I dressed as Tor got ready to take Rafael to the bishops crypt, he had fashioned a bag to carry the coffin.

"Anya we will have to be very careful I fear the Queen may show up early. And I do not wish to spend more time with this riffraff than need be."

"How long where you in Prauge before you found me?"

"I think I just missed you before you headed to Vienna, but I have been here before a long time ago."

"Well you are a few hundred years older than me."

I laughed and tossed one of the pillows at him. Tor put the coffin down and pick me up with speed that I did not remember.

"Anya my gra you should now better than to tease me, but alas we need to hurry there is only a small time frame to get into the crypt before someone will notice."

I started to lace my vest up when Tor stopped me and finished laceing me in and kissing me.

"Who is teasing who now?"

"My sweet Anya I wish we had time but we must hurry but we do have many many years to make up for."

We meet some of Jozeph's gypsies as we exited the cave they informed us that they would take the blankets and other things back to the castle. I thanked them and Tor gave them some money. They warned us that we would have to hurry there where rumors that the Queen was close by. I again thanked them and told them to let Jozeph know that we would be back as soon as we could.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 27, 2009, 06:07:50 PM
I walked out of the cave into the cool evening air and felt for the first time that now I could carry on my life that scoundrel Raphael is finished!, I stood there for awhile overlooking the valley below and wondering if I was imposing too much on Jozeph staying with him but for now there is more things too do and I returned inside and lifted the small coffin containing the muted body of Raphael and heard him groan as I picked it up.

Anya looked too me and the love in her eyes almost made me feel sorry for Raphael missing this in life but not sorry enough not too leave this vampire excrement in the tomb forever!.

With Anya by my side we became as mist and flew upon the wind and soon found ourselves inside Prague and at the gates of the large cemetery, once again the skies above us clouded over and soon a light drizzle began and was already freezing upon the cast iron gates as we neared the tomb.

Suddenly I was starteled someone was there!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 27, 2009, 06:23:31 PM
I stepped out from behind a tomb quickly poor Tor almost dropped the casket containing Raphaels body!, Essy giggled sweetly in the shadows at this childish stunt by me but even a 250 year old Vampire must have his fun and it was completely worth it!.

Poor Anya was about too pounce upon me for this but my laughter spread too her and she soon joined us in this good laugh, I bid Tor take our guest from his coffin so he may laugh with us and Tor set the small coffin down but poor Raphael he said nothing and didn't find my joke the least bit funny!.

I told him he was a humorless toad!, and should have enjoyed that for it was likely the last laugh he'd have for a long long time!.

At this Essy once again began her giggling and we all joined in with her save Raphael but then nothing was going too save this vile wretch and this we all knew!.

I told Tor, "You great beast of a man lift this wretch up for I feel he cannot recieve the full effect of the plethora of smells and excretions inside such a fine home and we do want him too savor every maggot that falls from the old Bishops body now don't we?".

Raphael tried too scream but since Tor had removed his tongue it only created the most disgusting noise and I again bid Tor bring the wretch for I will no longer waste any time with him!.

Tor carried him and we went too the large marble tomb of the bishop there I'd been totally magnanamous and had opened the side exposing a small opening under the bier that the poor bishop rested upon, then Tor shoved his wretched body underneath!.

My poor little Essy wouldn't let us close the tomb until she could shine a lantern upon his face and I must admit the look upon it was priceless and then the Great Tor picked up the marble side wall and shoved it tightly back into place!.

At this I bowed too Tor and Anya and said I'm sorry dear friends but I've promised my Essy a warm meal in a romantic place! and I know where the lovers from Prague go too rendevous so what could be more romantic!, I bid you goodevening my friends and we shall see you back at the castle I trust! so I took Essys slim elegant hand and we were off for dinner!.

Tor yelled he was quite hungry himself and would like chinese for a change, Anya looked at him and said I thought we were having Italian but he said my dear we just had Italian the other night wheres your sence of adventure and they kissed and set off themselves!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 27, 2009, 08:59:00 PM
"I thought vampires didn't marry" I commented to Jozeph as we walked together
"some do"
"Jozeph i know you took me as your mistress to protect me from Raphael but what of the gypsy girl who you were playing with when i showed up will she not be jealous you seem to play with me more"
"I took you as my mistress to protect you and I wanted you"
I give Jozeph a peck and he looks at me with raised eyebrows
"If i gave you more right now we might not eat tonight and with you. we would be out here all night and die at sunrise because you would get carried away"

Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on February 27, 2009, 09:40:34 PM
Taking Tor's hand we race into the heart of Prague looking for dinner. Tor wanted some Chinese this I though would be hard to find but Tor knew right where to look.

"Do you want to play? My Gra?"

"I am always up for playing. Just from hearing those men they are up to no good."

"So Anya do you want to lure them out or should I?"

I give Tor a kiss, and ponder.

"I think you should draw them out."

"Ah you do like to play with your food."

"Tor you are so changed and at the same time not"

"I have only grown in strength and powers but who I am has not."

"Go now my love and get us some dinner I will wait here."

Tor like a wisp was gone I could hear him talking with one of the men and after awhile I heard them walking towards me it sounded like Tor and 2 others. I upbraided my hair and let it fly lose around me finding out a long time ago men seemed to me more distracted by lose hair on a female.  I waited until I heard Tor ask them not to harm him it was hard not to laugh. I walked up to Tor slowly creating an almost floating effect. Coming up to Tor I kisses his neck and smile at him.

"Do not worry I will save you."

Tor has a big smile on his face. The men look at me in surprise they are unsure if they should be afraid or not.

"Who are you?" one of the men asks

"I am death."

"You should listen to her for she speaks the truth."

This the men look at him and they where scared.

I walk up to one of the men and Tor grabs the other.

"Shh this won't hurt...much"

Tor laughs as I show the man my fangs and bite into his neck. I drain the man and let him drop to the ground I look over to Tor and he is finishing with his. As he had done so many times in the past he cuts the heads off both men and I use a knife to hide the bite marks.

"Anya I am still hunger."

He backs me into the wall and kisses me. I feel his hands on my neck and than his lips before long I feel his teeth on my neck and than the bite.

"Oh Anya how I have missed you."

"And I you but know I must feed again. I don't remember you being so greedy."

"I'm sorry my Gra. I am sure one of the gypsies will give you some but I have other plans for right now."

Tor kisses me again and lifts me up and carries me back to the castle. I laugh and hold him tight it feels so good to be back in his arms.

Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 28, 2009, 03:39:12 PM
Oh my Essy you've discovered the true truth of the vampires relationships!, the fact is we cannot live without mortals the girl back at the castle doesn't complain for she knows I'm a vampire and I'll return too her I have no choice as you have no choice in your feeding.

Would you taste the blood of a great sweaty fat drunk in an alleyway or would you taste the rum tinted blood of a young gentleman who would willingly give it too you?, you needn't answer my sweet I know the answer I've known the answer for 250 years.

Just as I may have a love for you I must still hunt too survive I don't want too hunt great sodden prostitutes dying of a veneral disease in an alley I prefer young buxom maids and sweet young women that give they're blood too me I say this not too discourage you but it is simply the way things are even now I see in your eyes the hunger you want too feed but you deny it too be with me, hear them?, hear the heartbeats of a thousand pulses pumping all around this town.

This is simply the way of the vampire and I know this you may well as know it yourself, even Tor and Anya know this though they love each other they realize they must hunt alone for the taking of ones blood the embrace if you will is a sexual experience it is exciting too hold another warm body next too you while you drink from their lifes blood they feel a excitement themselves knowing that their life is held by another and the embrace is in a way an act of love for them.

I don't mean too hurt you by this but its from a love for you I tell you we may live and sleep together but we must hunt alone I wish not too see you with another nor I'm sure you wish too see me but this is our life and too live you must.

Now my sweet the night is still young go hunt!, enjoy your powers over the mortals!, climb too the greatest heights around and choose from the flock of mortals below you, that is the natural way vampires hunt but they must hunt!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on February 28, 2009, 03:47:40 PM

Anya and I walked a long distance away from this wretched cemetery I despise them!, I looked toward her and her eyes burned red from hunger I kissed her upon the cheek and told her too go take yourself something and I watched the beautiful woman disappear into the darkness of Prague.

I turned and started walking down a long deserted alleyway and a scent struck my nose it was the scent of humans and dead together!.

I sped up and overtook the mortals ahead of me and saw them carrying the body of a dead woman it was two men and I found myself enchanted by this bizarre sight and followed them quietly out of town and into the surrounding forest, there they took the body and put it into a small donkey cart and led it through the deep forest down a road used so little that the very cart itself hardly fit down the road.

So we come too a clearing it was a small cottage there and they carried the body inside the cottage and shut the door I cept up too see what was going on and they laid the body out upon a table and an old woman came too it I knew at once she was a witch!.

I quickly returned too the city and found me a quick meal but for a wierd reason this witch intrigued me!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on February 28, 2009, 04:11:12 PM
I understood what Jozeph had ment and i know he was right i would not want to watch him hunt nor would i wish him to see me. Yes i would return to him and we would go back to the castle and sleep and play. I soon found a handsome fellow and followed him for a bit i dazzled him and let him think I was an ordinary girl I even let him have some fun before i drank from him. I was careful about how much i drank and repeated the process for the next several hours i had not realized how Hungry i had been when Jozeph found me I had just finished my last victum
"I think it's time we headed back home" spoke Jozeph
" I trust you hunted well?" I asked taking the hand Jozeph offered
" yes tonight was a good hunt but this morning i shall have even more fun" smiled Jozeph as i felt him watching me
we met Tor an Anya on the way back to the castle apon entering the castle Jozeph lead me to his room and Tor Lead Anya to hers. Jozeph closed the door and turned toward me. his hunting must have been as good as mine had been i could see the desire in his eyes even more.
"feeding adds fuel to the fires" offered Jozeph as his arms came around me
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 01, 2009, 10:56:49 AM

I was back at the castle and reading too retire for the day when Tor came by and mentioned something about a witch too me, this puzzled me for I knew of no witch in this area other than the few I'd allowed too settle here, white witches are not my concern but this one for some reason sounded like a potential problem.

I questioned Tor about where this witch was, what she looked like and who was with her.

It even made me more suspicious when he told me they carried a body into her cottage this wasn't a good sign and as I've learned over the years theres little a dead body can be used for thats of practical purose.

I called Georg and had Tor instruct him upon where the witches cabin was located and instructed Georg too send the gypsies too the forest there and have them cut wood for the day but be far away from there by four in the evening for I wanted too endanger them not, he knew as I did the gypsies would read the local signs by daylight and report back too us any activity there while they worked.

This was likely nothing more than an old woman forceably removed from her home for praticing the old ways but I cannot take this lightly and will see what is going on.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 01, 2009, 05:12:10 PM

Jozeph had told me that he'd sent the gypsies too spy upon the witch I'd found in the clearing near Prague, I hadn't thought it too be such a problem but he seemed too think it could be.

I met the gypsies first thing that evening near the castle gates they told me they saw nothing of real interest and saw no bodies even though they did sneak up too the cottage and peep inside, but oddly enough they told me that there was a young girl working in the garden far behind the cottage wearing a black and white dress!, this struck me odd for the body I had seen the night before was wearing such a dress.

I quickly returned and got Anya and we made our way through the deep forest it was a pleasant walk and I enjoyed it very much especially holding the hand of my beloved Anya, soon we had made our way around through it and came too the same glenn from a different direction.

I began too concentrate my energy toward the house when suddenly I felt Anya begin too massage my back and I began too relax so much that I forgot about the cottage and rolled over too her as she unbuttoned the top of her blouse and I slid it back and laid her down kissing her passionately, she moaned gently and that just sparked my enthusiasm for this erotic moment and soon I was lost in the act of making love too her unaware of the events transpiring around us.

Anya was more than enough too draw the attentions of any man and her love for me cut through the boundries of time and when I was with her I felt things I cannot explain, we continued as this for quite sometime and only became aware of something happening when a cart pulled by donkeys rolled past us and without seeing us headed straight toward the cottage.

A farmer drove it but with him on horseback was a man of obvious means and he did all the talking too the old crone there at the cottage but I could not hear the conversation that took place between them.

Suddenly the old woman there turned going back inside the cottage and leading the girl outside, the poor child stood there unaware of the surroundings and apparently in some sort of daze, it was then I did realize that this was the same body I saw the men carry into the cottage the night before!.

The girl actted if she was in some kind of trance and only moved or changed expressions when given direct orders from the old witch, the man paid the witch some money and the farmer driving the cart got down and led the girl too the back of the cart and helped her get inside, she simply sat there expressionless and unresponsive then they rode away back past us as they had came!.

This sparked my attention even more and Anya and I both made our way down too the cottage and peered inside throught the dirty window too see they old witch with yet another body, she placed herbs and things into her mouth and read some sort of spell over the apparently dead corpse it suddered a few times and set up!, this witch is conjuring back the dead!.

I must find Jozeph and tell him this!.

Anya and I ran as fast as we could but when we reached the castle the guards at the gate told us Jozeph and Essy were gone too Prague and might not return until near dawn for they mentioned something about a party.

I ran inside and toward Georgs room, I woke the old man and told him of what we'd seen and he became intensely interested!, he told us that this isn't the first time that such things as this has happened it seems that there is a strong pull for all the strange things toward the areas inhabited by creatures such as ourselves I told Anya I must do something but what I didn't know!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 02, 2009, 09:58:56 AM

Tor came back too the castle and of course fate would have it I didn't return until very late that morning but by what he is telling me I realize this thing is no ordinary thing that happens!.

No I yet go so far too claim the Queen herself may be involved in this!, I stop what I'm doing and begin too realize there is too much coincidence going on here, suddenly a small army of Orthodox Priests shows up from the East in of all places here!.

Not where the well known center of Vampiric activity is but here far removed from most commercial centers and in a hidden valley where I place the innocent but unfortunates who do through some means or the other become vampire, there I demand they live quietly and serve the locals who in turn benefit from the presence of these unnatural beings but still bring a business and trade too areas that were all but hunter gathers before we convinced them too settle and begin farming that valley.

I had chosen that place for its more than a days travel from anywhere which would reduce the number of incidents of my followers leaving the valley too feed, I even had some raising cattle and sustaining they're blood supply from them!.

No one was hurt I'd not allow such but yet the Monks knew just where too go and what too do!, this must be the work of someone within the vampiric circle the Queen?, another judge, who???.

Now I suddenly realize that the sending of Raphael and his troup of cutthroats wasn't purely a coincidence!, I know the Queen is coming soon and now I've actually let my arrogance go far enough too allow his mens deaths and his dismemberment and imprisonment in a forever living death!, oh how it makes sence now I'm such a fool all the time she wanted this too happen she knew I'd kill Raphael!.

She wanted him dead its no secret!, she knew I killed the prince and she let me get away with it so easily she knew that arrogant tyrant Raphael would force my hand and lo I fell into this trap like the lowest of beasts would the hunters trap!.

Now the witch raises an army of undead here in our midst! and the Queen herself comes next week here!, shes never been here before! I must act quickly for perhaps like the wild animal I might still escape by gnawing off my foot but escape from this trap I shall!.

I called for Essy, Anya, Tor and Georg I had no misconception now what lis against us and they quickly came into my study, I bid them please say nothing but listen too this story and judge for yourselves!, I've doomed us all with my arrogance!, they all agreed it sounded far too strange for coincidence!.

My dear Georg!, you've been with me for years but my friend I cannot protect you any longer!, our time together has come too an end!, dear friend do you remember the special carriage I kept in the barn?, the one I told you too always keep stocked and ready?, NOW! now is the time you my friend must take this I give you this last command for the night grows short now!.

Take this carriage for yourself, take whatever else you wish and some gypsy guards and save yourselves, return too your home in Germany and live life as a nobleman and I give you one last present I gave him some more of the blood that runs threw my veins which gives additional life and strength too mortals and bid him for a last time "Go now old friend! travel far before night and get away, go now!", the old man got up and embraced me slightly crying but he left!.

I turned too Tor and Anya, my friends go too the crypt where Beezle and the young priest I turned are, kill them!, while you are gone decide between yourselves what you wish for we musr flee this place do you wish my company or do you wish too set out upon your own?, I shall provide anything you need but decide you must!, now carry out this last request old friends!.

I turned too Essy, you my dear have only began this life shortly ago but yet you've allied yourself with a fool who shall get you killed!, my dear Essy I bid you for your own good depart from here!, go too the gypsy village and bury yourself from the coming daylight where you are hidden and away from me for if you stay with me you shall be as great an outcast as myself for I do one last thing for the world before I leave here I am going too rid it once and for all of this tyrant Queen Zarah and her stable of royal male whores!.

This has been needed for many years and she comes next week, but I warn you if you stay you will be in great danger, you must decide as Tor and Anya, I even urge you too set out for we will not be as royalty once we do this thing but hunted as animals by the boyers of a vampire Queen!.

My fate is already sealed but yours isn't!, you could still leave!, think on this all through the day and give me your answer tonight now I must lay plans for this battle!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 02, 2009, 10:21:55 AM

I turned too Anya as the blue sky of dawn loomed above us and bid her let us hurry too this deed for we haven't much time and I want too spend as much time as we have left with you inside this fine castle but I tell you now my darling I will stay with Jozeph together we shall kill these rogues who plan our deaths!, it will be glorious like the times of my long ago youth when the clans went too war together.

Anya said "Tor" why would you ask me such of course I stay with you and Jozeph!, let us take care of this deed now and retire too my chambers.

We entered the tomb, I never really trusted this Beezle Tor thought for he wasn't fully vampire or ghoul but drank blood and ate flesh mostly of innocent children and too kill such a disgusting creature was almost a pleasure he thought!.

He turned too Anya, the young priests hides over there he saw us come inside the tomb!, he shall be of little threat too you my love!, take his blood while I slay this wretch Beezle!, she disappeared into the darkness of the chambers within and I listened and moved slowly ahead.

I soon heard the slurping noises of this creature ahead of me and I began too slowly unsheath my sword for I'd take no blood from such a disgusting creature!, I followed the sounds until it suddenly grew silent ahead of me and I was puzzled but proceeded onward, I could see in the dim light the body of a small boy half devoured lying there upon the marble floor of them tomb but the wretch was not too be seen!.

Suddenly from the ceiling this creature pounced down upon my back and knocked me too the floor, my sword flew across the crypt into the dark shadows and I fought the creature I dispised so much with my bare hands, he was no match for me and I was going too break his neck when he drew one of the enchanted daggers as Raphael used but this time he wasn't against a weak mortal child but a fully grown Gaelic warrior of old and I easily turned this thing in his hand and shoved it with such force it went completely through his wretched body and he fell back upon the floor kicking and screaming in the pain caused by this enchanted weapon!.

I told him fear not you vile beast for your time is near but I shall not put you at rest until you answer my questions!, the beast begged for a quick death but I laughed at him and told him his pain is only increase by his refusal too answer me so he bid me ask your questions and take this suffering away from me!.

I asked him what is happening?, why is everyone against my friend Jozeph?, he asnwered the Queen hates him for he turned her down as her lover and she demanded fully alliegance including love only for her, she told the monks and sent the knights back with Jozeph too kill him and you!.

Beezle said the only satisfaction I have now is she comes soon with an army and will destroy you two forever!, with this my knowkledge of this was well satisfied I reached down and tore the impish ugly head from its body and the creatur went limp and slowly began too crumble too dust.

I went too find Anya and tell her of what he had said and that Jozeph was right!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on March 02, 2009, 11:24:24 AM
I lead Jozeph to his chamber and closed the door behind us. I wrapped my arms around Jozeph's neck
"I would rather die fighting than to hide like some coward I will stay with you even if it means i die"
I felt Jozeph's lips crashing down on mine
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on March 02, 2009, 12:53:45 PM
Tor and I ran to my chambers, We where hardly in the door when I felt myself being lifted off the floor.

"Tor we will have most of the day."

"And I don't want to waste any of it."

"But first lets bathe you reek of Beezle."

Tor laughed and carried me to the bath room. The gypsies as always had fresh towels ready and the big tub was steaming with hot water. We both disrobed and entered the tub the hot water felt wonderful. I wrapped my arms are Tor and kissed him, I could feel his arms wrap around me and pull me close to him.

A few hours later we left the bath room and headed to the bedroom. Here the gypsies had changed the bedding and oil lamps burning.  I was going to miss this place I curled up into Tor's arms.

"Sleep Anya."

"I don't want to and I don't think I can."

"Why my gra?"

"I am worried, I just got you back and I don't want to be parted again."

"Do not worry just enjoy the time we know we have."

I tried not to worry but I wanted to know why the Queen wanted Tor dead also only for being loyal to Jozeph or something else. I could feel Tor's arms tighten around and pull even closer to him.

"Anya please try and rest I can see your mind is running but rest. I will not easily be parted from you again."
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 02, 2009, 04:11:38 PM

I had sent the gypsies out for the third day in a row without success!, it was begining too look as if they weren't going too find anything until this evening when I awoke the gypsies were with the maids downstairs and were highly excited!.

I asked them what was wrong and they had found what they sought for so long they had found the lair of the man who paid for the zombies, it was a fortified manor quite a distance away from here for them but nothing for us too travesrse!.

They said they talked too the locals who were upset for the lord of this manor had left them all unemployeed and brought in the new works who never slept!, we climbed the walls and found them an army of undead brought fourth by the witch waiting in the barns for the lords beckoning, forever awake and obedient but unable too do other than what he directs them too do!.

The locals say he started raising this army about thirty strong shortly after I did away with the prince in Dresden no doubt that he was as well in cooperation with the queen, but he was a human and an old sickly human as well they said the Queen had been there a couple times and the maids had heard her making love too him and offering to make him immortal herself if he would help her defeat what she called a major problem, then they further told me that she was due back any day now too forfill her promise too him and no doubt lead him against us the same time!.

I can imagine what the old lord saw in the Queen she still had the appearance of a eighteen year old girl but she had the black heart one could get only with years of treachery and deceit!, she will likely have the old lord place this army under her command and then do away with him as she already keeps a stable of young lovers in the palace what would she want with him?.

This gave me an idea I shall strike them before they become aware they're plan has been found out!, I shall catch the Queen when she doesn't expect it and I will kill this vile creature!, I declare war against her and all her kind if Anya , Essy and Tor will follow me I shall put this evil too an end once and for all but it won't be easy and will take along time!.

I sent word too the leader of thegypsy clans and called for a meeting with him!, this was crucial but it tied me up for the night so I explained the plan I had too Tor, Anya and Essy!.

I bid them now take what you wish from my castle, if you need new weapons then take them for yourself, take gold or whatever you wish my friends!, for when the gypsies have had their pick the rest I shall burn and burn this castle down I cannot hold it against what shall be unleashed against us!.

But you shall carry out my plans tonight as I have instructed you, Tor you must take my revenge against this man for me!, once I've destroyed all things here I shall bury myself for the day and join you tommorrow night at the fortified manor of the evil lord! we shall not return here again!.

Poor Jozeph he has lost everything and stands too loose much more but he as we have no choice in the matter!, I gather together the ladies and ask them too first do as Jozeph says take what you want its not quite dark yet but as soon as we can we attack the manor Jozeph directed and we shall destroy this man for him our friend!, now ladies let us depart I want some new weapons and I suggest you do the same I shall fill my bag with gold but this is all I am Gaelic the son of a great Gaelic warrior!.

I shall defeat this vermin or die but they shall not soon forget this day if they triumph!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on March 02, 2009, 05:43:20 PM
I go into my vault and fill a bag full of gold and grab the dagger Jozpeh had given me. I don't know what Tor all has planed for tonight but he can be sure of one thing I will be right behind. He already knows that I am a good hunter and fighter he taught me and I have learned other tricks when where apart.

I dig out my bag that I carried when I first arrived and placed some nice clothing into it and changed into my hunting clothes I wasn't going to allow skirts and hair to get in the way. Tor came in as I was wrapping my braided hair around my head.

"Anya you look very beautiful and dangerous."

"You know I am. I am not going to easily allow us to be parted again."

Tor toss me my sword with a smile on his face.

"I must remember not to piss you off Anam Cara. Your sword looks familiar."

"It should it use to be yours. I took it with me when I left your castle."
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 02, 2009, 07:14:55 PM

I waited until the women had returned from gathering they're things Essy looked worried but I assured her Jozeph will be fine right now we need him right where he is!.
Ours is the hard job and he trusts you else he'd not allow you too join us and if Jozeph trusts you then we do as well Essy!, but be prepared even though the manor and the man we go against tonight isn't expecting us there might be a great amount of people there and we do run the chance of even finding the Queen there!, I looked too Anya and Essy neither one looked afraid!.

Good I say!, its good too fight a real fight!, like a man should this contemptious court of the Queen drives me crazy I tire of it and her evil ways but I hope too leave that too Jozeph!.

Follow me ladies we for soon we fight!, I threw up my sword and we were off upon the wind and soon making the outskirts of the fortified manor of the evil lord I realized I didn't even know his name but that was alright for soon he'd have no use of such an extravagance as a name unless it be upon his headstone!.

We quitely circled the manor checking the walls as we made our way cautiously but leave it too me I put my big foot down upon a dry twig and it snapped like thunder on the cool night air!, I though "well if vampires be here now they know we are as well and soon we'll join the battle!", but all remained quiet not even a dog barked but we did find a small encampment of brigands and rogues the lord had no doubt recruited for his little army.

We returned too the spot where we had began I whispered too the girls, I see no guards upon the walls but there are turrets in the corners and likely there is a guard shivering from the cold inside each! we must dispatch the men in the camp butwe cannot for we'd warn the manor of our motives!.

Girls we seperate I shall take the two turrets on the Northernly most wall, Anya I know your stealth can you take the fartherest turret?, she answered immediately "Yes", I then asked Essy, "can you take the man above us in this turret?, she seemed not too confident but said she could try her best and thats all we ask!, so I said quiet must be maintained we cannot alert the people inside or outside and there will be a sergeant walking duty somewhere so stay on the lookout for him!.

Inside each turret should be a bow and arrows Essy!, your is the closest after you dispatch the guard use the bow and arrows too shoot the sergeant or anyone else you see in the yards below!, Anya do the same and both of you cover me from the walls after I finish the turrets on my side then we meet inside the main yard!.

We all parted and disappeared into the gloomy night I running across the front side took a great leap and landed upon the walls about the compound and casually walked up too the guard inside for in the darkness he must have thought me his sergeant, I took the bow and arrows and went outside upon the parapet and there I could see Essy raining arrows down upon men in the yard, I could not see the turret where Anya was but suddenly the man in the back turret stepped out and started too yell something I took aim and let fly an arrow striking the varlet through the throat and he groaned and fell backwards off the wall!, but then too my surprise the sergeant was there also! and ran out!.

In an instant before I could move Anya was on him from behind and he never had the chance too scream before she flung his lifeless body into the nearby brush, together we now jumped down and met Essy around front and there too my surprise I found seven soldiers dropped dead by her with the bow and arrow!, very good Essy said I!.

We tried the door where the men had rushed out when the guard groaned loudly it was still open and I hoped the entire squad was all lying dead in the yard, so we entered the manor it wasn't as big as I had thought and we covered the entire area of the first floor and found noone!.

Silently we went upstairs and at the top slowly peeped around the side too see two guards outside the lords room, I began too formulate a plan when Anya grabbed my arm, "Let me handle this just cover me!", she casually strolled around the corner and towward the men as they took notice of such a beauty coming at them they never challenged her simply let they're eyes enjoy this lovely sight!.

Anya went up too them and began unbuttoning her leather vest and exposing a silky shirt underneath with two bulging breast underneath and she put her hand as though she were going too remove this too they're great delight but she came out with two slim daggers and stabbing each through the heart in a second the only noise too hear was they thumps on the floor as the bodies dropped!.

Then in an instant the door too the lords room slung open and he stepped fourth with a sword toward my Anya!, like the wind I was upon him and easily took the blade from him!, I wanted him alive at least for a while for we were not complete yet!.

I demanded of him "How many more men are inside?", just those downstairs he meekly cried.

Noone else in all these rooms?, lie too me and die slowly old man!.

NO NO NOONE! he answered, somehow I believed this for now we made enough noise that if anyone be there he surely would have heard us so I led the old man downstairs and toward the barn where the zombies were and opened the door, there before us they stood unaware!.

I told him, tell them too kill the soldiers in camp outside!, he baulked and I cut off his ear lobe then he screamed at them "Go outside and kill all the soldiers!", during this time I looked too Essy and Anya ladies search the insides find the servants not a soul can remain too warn anyone! and they ran toward the house.

The zombies made short work of the men outside and returned too the barn walking past us they made my undead flesh crawl!, they took formation inside and just stood there!.

I shoved the lord outside and cut his cowardly throat, then set fire too the barn with the zombies inside I watched through the cracks as the creatures burned, never moving never moaning they just stood there and burned!, as soon as I was sure these vile beasts were gone I went in search of the women!.

We'd taken the manor and soon the gypsies would be here as Jozeph promised!, I climbed the walls and looked Eastward and there was a great glow there I knew what it was it was the castle Jozeph was burning it!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on March 02, 2009, 09:08:32 PM
Anya and i searched high and low around the keep with one arrow against the bow
we found a few soldiers in the middle of a game they looked up when they saw us but I let the arrows fly and soon the four were dead and a fifth was begging for his life. we made his death quick and painless as possible then went to find Tor who wrapped his arms around Anya and watched in the distance Jozeph's castle burn
I felt sorry for Jozeph here he was burning the only home he had known for over 200yrs. He had lived there longer than i had existed yet i knew the loyalty Tor Anya and myself brought him brought him pleasure.  Jozeph finally had a clan small as it was it was still a clan and it was loyal even if it ment the clan would die fighting it would die together not one deserting the other.

It seemed only a few minutes that we had stood watching but it was hours and we knew dawn would be approaching soon. We would have to find a inner room in which to sleep. The gypsies would arrive before we awoke and they had thier orders of what to do. they were well trained Jozeph saw to that and they gladly had served him for many of years and still continued to do so.

When we went to sleep Anya and Tor curled up together I curled up alone it hadn't been that long ago since Jozeph had taken me as his mistress but in that short time i had grown acustomed to him being there with me and for the first time he wasn't I hoped this only a random occurance. I drifted off to sleep and woke the next evening at sunset Anya and Tor had not yet woke but he gypsies had arrived  I  climbed up to look at the same place the three of us had the night before hoping that i would see Jozeph coming

Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on March 03, 2009, 10:22:50 AM
I woke up in time to see Essy head out the door. Looking at Tor I sighed and got up, I felt like I hadn't been clean in weeks. I took my hair down and ran my fingers through it, it was so tempting just to take a dagger and cut it off.

"Anya, why are you up?"

"I am worried about Jozeph Tor."

Tor was up in a seconded and wrapped his arms around.

"You worry to much Gra."
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 03, 2009, 10:36:53 AM
The first slivers of the coming sun made an appearance in the East as the final beams from my homes upper stories collapsed down into the glowing bright orange pile of embers below, it raised a great cloud of ash and gave me reason too back away and now reason too leave here.

Slowly I walked down too the gypsy village and told them there they should go high into the mountains spring was near and they would be safe there, those who wished too accompany me will be well compensated!.

This they already knew and several including my personal guard volunteered on the spot, I bid the rest decide your choice for this evening when I rise I leave taking who will join me and advise the others too burn this village as well and head up into the high mountain pastures, there you will be safe and the vampires won't follow such a small group that high into a vast wilderness when so many others are about here, I gave the deeds too the land too the gypsies and bid them who leave farewell to those who will accompany me gather your things we leave at twilight!.

Then I went deep into the forest and buried myself secretly too pass the day, I was tired and it did pass very quickly and before I knew it I could smell the cooling of the evening!.

I came from my hiding place and stayed within the shadows of the forest wondering too myself if what I've done could have been accomplished another way but that point was now only academic for the dye had been cast and now I was bound by my actions!, I gathered my thoughts and went too the gypsy village there I found the ones coming with me waiting packed and ready the others long gone and the village already leveled and nothing but smoldering ashe remainded.

I took my place beside my driver in a wagon I'd provided for myself and we began the long road toward the fortified manor toward the West, I was a bit concerned there was a stranger among us a new girl!, she was very comely and normally I would have approached her but for now I only watched her, she was a gypsy but strange yet!.

The others vouched for her so I left her alone but still she had a faint smell of vampire blood upon her!.

I left my guides too take the people forward too the manor for now it was near midnight and I must move on and quickly made my way too the manor, it stood there quiet deathly quiet!.

It smelled of burned wood and the men outside in the camp still lay dead where they were but the gypsies would burn them tomorrow! before the queen arrived!, I entered the gates and saw noone but saw the ashes from the burned barn and more dead guards within the compound, suddenly I felt a touch behind me and turned too meet it but it was my Essy!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on March 03, 2009, 11:48:01 AM
I had seen the riders coming and i slipped to the shadow but as they got closer i smelled Jozeph he was with this group weather a prisioner or free i couldn't tell but i waited then i saw Jozeph in the lead the moment he jumped down from his seat and began to survey the yard I jumped down behind him and ran my finger along his spine Jozeph turned to see who or what had slipped behind him so quickly when he saw it was me he looked at me only breifly before he pulled me into his embrace.
"where are Anya and Tor?"
"alive and well in a inner room they should be awake now i awoke and come to wait"
"come Esssy there is still much work to do even though the night is young" smiled Jozeph as i lead him to the room Anya and Tor and I had spent the night
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on March 03, 2009, 02:08:58 PM
Tor and I could hear voices traveling through the hallway, we both smiled we knew who was coming. Being vampires we could smell Essy and Jozeph heading towards the room.

"Tor, Anya you best be dressed."

I laughed as I opened the door to let Jozeph and Essy in, I gave Jozeph a hug. Tor pretended to be jealous and gave Jozeph a dissaproving look before laughing.

"Jozeph what is the plan?" Tor asked
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 03, 2009, 04:05:24 PM

Jozeph told me everything that had happened and I felt sorry for him as well its hard leaving a home but much less one you'd been in for 250 years but he seemed not too mind that much.

He asked me too handle things as he and Essy had some business too attend too for the next hour or so!, I went outside and found the gypsies already burning all the dead soldiers bodies back on the far tree line, they dug a pit and burned them inside so they said the Queen would not smell the burned flesh and become alarmed before our master had time too take her!.

This was good I thought well planned ahead and now all we must do is take stock of whats here and make preparations too pull off this incredible stunt!, I don't like traps I prefer open combat in the way my fathers had done man too man and sword too sword but this is a different world than what I'd grown up in and now this evil creature I understood must be trapped I only hope that Jozeph knows what he's doing for if once inside and she comes with an entire army we'll be trapped in here and I already knew what she'd do too us once she took us!.

I looked back down the road and of all things!, there rode four men!, no doubt members of the lords mercenary force returning I called too Anya and we ran quickly too the edge of the woods she took one tree and I the other and we waited until those brigands were just below and pounced upon them smashing they're helmets together and knocking them out cold!.

I looked too Anya, "My dear looks like suppers on me tonight!", she laughed and we drain one each and took the other two back for Jozeph and Essy they will likely be needing some extra protein after the way they looked at each other!.

We tossed the varlets in the floor and I turned too Anya "I want you, I need you now!" and there in the great hall upon the table I took her again and again her breasts breaking free of her bodice bounced as we made love and I had never been happier!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 03, 2009, 06:30:33 PM

I couldn't wait too get back too my beloved Essy!, shes my only happiness now I regret that I had not met her at another time in my life when I could haver offered her the life she deserves for once I had vast lands, servants, cattle, crops that yielded beyond any hope I could have ever had and there was the castle!, but its all gone now and too think of it only brings bad memories and now I don't want that besides I still have much too do!.

I joined Tor and Anya outside, the smell of the burning flesh took me back too another time when we as knights burned the bodies of the saracens in Jeruselum it was so very long ago it only seemed a dream now!.

The gypsies did well as they always did and I couldn't help but laugh for many of the soldiers had excellent weapons and clothing now my friend gypsies have them on and they are quite the fashion plates!.

The night grows late and Essy and I retire inside too the still unconsciece brigands and finish them it gives me a boost too have something too eat and I have the gypsy women clean the old lords bedroom and prepare it boarding the windows and cleaning it for today Essy and I shall use it, I as well had more comfortable equipage sent for Tor and Anya too sleep upon I thought this the least I could do for my friends taking them into such danger and now bringing the wrath of every vampire in the known world down upon us all when I kill Queen Zarah.

I don't plan too hide her body, nor let anyone help me with this for when its found mine will be the only scent they shall find upon her at least that much I can do for the others, the way I have it figured Zarah should be here early tomorrow night she won't be travelling with more than a couple men likely Ivan and Sasha or I hoped these mortal butt kissers would be with her for great pleasure I will take in their deaths.

I went back outside and gave orders too the gypsies, tomorrow night you shall bring all your weapons and line the road coming into the manor but you shall remain far enough back not so she will smell you, you shall not take part in this fight unless she brings a horse guard with her and they you will attack if she has, that would drive her inside for refuge toward me.
I believe that she should be just one carriage and her for she has promised the old man she would turn him this evening and any show of force by her would create doubt in the old mans mind so she will be travelling quickly and quietly.

About three a.m. I tell the gypsies too retire for the night, she won't be here this early and everything is finished all we have too do now is wait, Essy can make this time seem such more pleasant and when I return too her she greets me in a shimmering robe and helps me remove my sword belt and baldric, she lays the dagger upon a table and helps me undress as she massages my neck and I melt within her arms ,she slides out of the robe too show her young sleek naked body, she was magnificent and appeared no more than 19 years old herself, her body looks as a roman statue of some beautiful goddess and I take her in my arms, the rest I cannot tell you!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on March 03, 2009, 06:50:28 PM
Jozeph seemed every so happy to see me and that i was glad. Jozeph had taught me much in the short time i was a vampire but Loyalty had always been within me. I didn't know what Jozeph had planned but i suspected that he had plans to prevent me from fighting beside him when she arrived but Jozeph didn't know that as he slept with his arms around me holding me close i was planning myself. Jozeph had said she was dangerous but the danger she was in was highly growing she endangered my lover's life and my friends she would pay if Jozeph didn't stop me first.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 03, 2009, 08:10:30 PM

As everyday since the dawn of time the day soon turned too evening and I awoke for today was going too be one of the most trying days of my life!, I slipped out of bed and began too dress in full armor and mail, my swords and daggers plus three different hidden small knives, this I supplemented with abandolier containing fifteen wooden stakes, I slipped on my quiver and bolts for the crossbow all tipped with wooden points with barbs too pull from the shaft and stick deep within whoever they struck.

As I suspected Essy jumped from the bed and began too dress, I told her "No Essy this isn't your fight I want you, Anya and Tor too take too the hills too the West!", she stopped me and said I will stay and I will fight! but I made her promise one thing and she did this!, "that she would stay within the walls of this manor with Tor and Anya", she reluctantly agreed but she was mad and I knew it!.

I then went too my gypsies outside waiting for me, "Men take your positions deep in the brush your job is only!, I repeat only if there are more than the men on the carriage!, if there be noone else then you take your things and flee too your families in the Western hills this is my fight I will fight them alone if I possibly can!".

The gypsies saluted me and filed out without words they knew the pride of a vengance fight and would not interfere unless there were other soldiers there!, this done I turned too the assembled Essy ,Anya and Tor my friends would it be useless too plead with you too take too the woods for your own welfares sake?, if I die here then it will end here if I win then this isn't the end for you its just the begining of a long war!, I urge you all too leave, nay I tell you too leave!.

Tor answered I will not!, you must fight me too make me leave!, Anya stood beside him and said "Me as well!", Essy replied "I too!, you will fight us all!",then my friends I welcome you too this fight but advise you still leave while you can!.

The darkness was completely upon us and we stood there and waited for what seemed hours but finally in the distance a carriage and horses headed our way, it was darkened and no mortal would drive at that speed in the dark but it was as I expected alone with Ivan and Sasha the two mortal kiss ups too the queen!.

It rolled inton the compound and there we stood in the darkness while the two climbed down from the seat above, the others started moving forward but I held an arm out "These are mortals fear not!", I stepped from the shadows and unsheated my great battle sword!.
These two had always spoiled for a fight with me and each smiled as they drew they're swords and took positions!.

I moved forward and the smiles from they're once arrogant faces turned they never thought this would actually come but now its too late and I mean too have their blood , Ivan attacked first and I easily blocked his thrusting sword and knocked it back too meet sashas uncoming attack as our two battleswords met in the air sparks flew as we attacked each other again and again, I knew Ivan was trying too get behind me so I drew my parying dagger just in time too block his next strike and slid the guard down the blade letting the fifteen inch blade bite his fingers as he recoiled.

Sasha attacked again and he and I traded blows with the great swords!, he was strong very strong but their deceit was trying on me and I swung my sword with all my might breaking Sashas blade as the bright sparks from the strike lit the area and he stumbled back!.

Ivan switched hands and was already coming at me when I turned too block his cowardly attack but this time he thrust too far and I caught him in the belly with my parying dagger and slit open his gullet letting his intestines bulge through the opening, he dropped his sword and held them screaming!, shasha was moving toward me with a very long stake and raised it too strike but his slowness to do so was his downfall and again I swung with all my might this time catching him under his raised arms and slicing them and his head both from his body, his head seemed too suspend in the mid air on my sword blade for a moment then fell too the ground!.

Ivan there squatting holding his guts in as I raised the sword again and removed his head as well!, it was then I realized my error!, "THE QUEEN!", I threw open the carriage door but it was empty inside she was gone!.

I yelled too the others "Beware she has fled into the darkness!", then I saw her standing in the hall of the second floor main house laughing bearing her full fangs and beckoning me sayiing "What the great Jozeph needs a sword too kill a mere woman?, why don't you fight me vampire? and she disappeared inside the darkened house!.

I told the others too wait she is my problem! and threw my weapons down and entered into the house as a true vampire even though I knew she wouldn't fight fair!, now I thought "Clear your head use every power you have you are vampire!", I sniffed the air and knew she was upstairs her perfume gave her away but she'd soon compensate and she did!.

Upstairs she had thrown everything imaginable around too mask her scent, perfume, chamber pots of urine, anything and true enough I could not locate her by smell but that was a two edged sword and she could not smell me either!.

The upstairs was shaped like two great shoulders of a man on each side of the grand stairs each wing holding ten rooms but too my surprise every door was open!, my eyes could see in the complete darkness but not what hid behind the walls in each room but my hearing was just as good as hers.

I ripped an old shield down from the wall and sent it scooting down the hall with one swift throw, this time her luck failed her and she struck at my decoy with a stake from a room five doors down now I thought shes trapped!.

I made my way toward the room hugging the opposite wall in case she had a spear inside trying too get the best look I could inside the room but it appeared empty!, she went out the window!.

I turned and started back down the hall but another sound made me stop she crossed the roof and entered the opposite side of the house but where?., I cautiously moved back down the hall and she ran out toward me and I poised too tear her black heart out but she cowered and ran into another room I followed her but again she disappeared but suddenly I realized this was an ajoining room and she went out and was behind me!.

I turned quickly too face her and she drove a wooden stake through my upper chest but I didn't feel any pain while I lived I thought I'll take you with me belch! and feeling a surge of strength I grabbed this wild creature around the throat and grasped as hard as I could feeling the bones cracking under my fingers all the time she kicked at the stake in my chest but missed!.

I pinned her arms back and like a wild beast I thrust my fangs deep into her broken neck and withdrew her blood as she begged and offered anything I wanted but all I wanted was her too die! and as she began too feel the euphoria from the bite and was actually becomeing aroused she sadistically said "Take me Jozeph drink the last drops of my blood!", I spit a mouthfull of blood into her face as she recoiled from her exstacy I threw her down and grabbed her feet taking her body as a whip and bashed her brains and head into a chamber pot full of dung in the corner!.

I pulled the stake from my chest and drove it through her heart and feces smeared face grimaced in pain and she kicked and died turning too dust before me!, I reached up too the wound in my chest but as all vampires it had already begin too close and heal itself but I stagger from loss of blood downstairs and outside where Essy ran toward me, I told her my love its done!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on March 03, 2009, 09:20:46 PM
I ran to Jozeph he looked week and i urged him to the chamber we had spent the day in  Tor summoned the gypsies and they began to clean the mess and dispose of her dusty ashes. I went with Jozeph I had not relaxed nor would i relax until this was over. I chided myself for dozing longer than i planned for if i had woke when i should have Jozeph would have been safely looked in the chamber and the queen would have died before she got out of the carriage

apon reaching the room i lead Jozeph to the bed and made him lay down. I leaned over him
"Tell me what you need"
" blood" answered Jozeph
I knew what he ment i helped Jozeph raise up against the pillows then i came beside him I pulled my hair aside and offered him my neck i felt his fangs enter and his arms around me it wasn't long before i felt him start nibbling other places on my neck
I giggled as it tickled
"Thank you" wispered Jozeph
" your welcome you stuborn vampire"
" whos more stuborn my dear the one who still wore wooden stakes even though it wasn't her fight or the one who said it was his fight"
"you would not have fought at all dear Jozeph if i had woke when i planned you would have stayed in this room i would have taken out the queen for coming after you for making you burn your home for making you have to live on the run. when you were busy with the mortals i should have held her against the wall I should have helped you"
" Essy I'm beginning to believe you care about me"
" I do care about you Jozeph" I wispered
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on March 04, 2009, 12:21:06 PM
"Anya come with me"

I followed Tor as we went to find the gypsies. We where meet by a young girl with a strange scent, she was with Jozeph when he arrived so we did not question it.

"The queen is dead and we need the mess to be cleaned up."

Tor told her and she nodded and ran off to find others.

"She has an odd scent on her, Tor."

"Yes she does but Jozeph brought her."

"I know. Come lets got outside before the sun rises I want to run."

Tor grabed my hand and we where off with the wind. If I could fly it had to feel like this I started to laugh.

"My love what is funny?"

"Just remembering the first time you took me on a run."

"Ahh, I remember you where scared."

"Well being a vampire was new to me I didn't even know they where real until that night."

Tor stopped and turned to face me. "I fould you that night, Anam Cara. I never thought I would find you."
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 04, 2009, 03:49:22 PM

Essy gave me her sweet blood and it revived me so much!, but now I told her "You must gather your things we cannot spend the day here for undoubtedly the queens main army should arrive tomorrow!.

Essy looked at me and said "I thought this finished it?", no my dear this just began it for now we are outlaws not only too mortals but too vampire alike!, now gather your things we should put this place as well too the torch and be gone long before the moon sets!.

I went downstairs and saw the gypsies begining too clean up but I stopped them and called Tor, "My friends leave everything as it is!, if they don't find the Queens ashes they shall intensify the search and think we have her!, now go gather whatever you wish but we must leave within the hour I have plans and if they work we will escape the legions sent against us!".

Tor looked too me and said "my friend what do you mean?, isn't this the end now the Queen is dead?", no I replied merely the begining!, we are under death sentence from man and vampire now we must use our knowledge too beat them!, there will be a war of aggression at the palace all the harem of the Queen will try too gain power and a virtual hornets nest it shall be!, go find Anya take what you will from here but now we must leave with the gypsies I knew this would happen and I have plans too elude them all!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 04, 2009, 04:03:48 PM

I had no idea what Jozeph meant? a war?, but I knew him well enough too know that if he thought they would be coming they likely would so I ran too find Anya who was in the harem girls room selecting gowns and jewellery, my anam cara!, select your favorite for Jozeph says we must flee here!.

She looked at me and I assure her it was no joke but the main army would be along tomorrow, not vampire but mortal mercenaries working for the Queen!, she threw the silky gown down and grabbed a leather bag filling it full of gems, gold and coins.

We looked around some and then gathering what we willed we went back out the front and there before us the drab Gypsy wagons had been transformed into colorfully stripped covers and decorated lanterns hanging upon the sides there were signs that read something Anya told me  like "Palms read", "futures toretold", "medicene", they looked like carnival wagons now and I thought them not the same as were with us.

Jozeph and Essy met us and took us inside one of several large van type wagons inside it was outfitted as a living quarters with benches along the sides, Jozeph opened one too reveal luxurious sleeping quarters for each of us one inside each bench and he said the next wagon was ours it too was the same and contained our sleeping quarters!.

He said these gypsies are a hated people by most and often make they're money by giving carnival type shows, they will protect us during the day and we shall share out plunder we take at night with them and guard them during the night when they sleep and the mortals tend too attack them for merely being who they are!, he said its a very good arrangement and now we must take too the roads and be long gone by daybreak!.

As he foretold we rolled out leaving all even the Queens coach still harnessed in the yard, but instead of turning North as we all expected Jozeph told the gypsies too turn SouthWest into the large Bohemian forests there he said they would never expect us too actually move closer in that direction too Vienna and even if they find us they will think us simply carnival people!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on March 05, 2009, 10:46:36 AM
It looked erie the way we left the keep but i knew that had been Jozeph's plan to make it appear so. I was a little worried how would we deguise our sents from the vampires. Jozeph told me that the gypsies had roses and other sweet floral scents placed all over the wagon's walls that at night it would be hard for a vampire to smell us. I knew that during the day we were safe no vampire could hunt us during that time.
I also discovered that the gypsies had given us some cloths so that we didn't stand out and i thought this was very wise
I wondered what this adventure would be like I alread had been a merchants wife then a vampire Lord's mistress now I would be a gypsy girl
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on March 05, 2009, 04:55:59 PM
Tor and I enter our wagon and curl up in each other's arms, I fall fast asleep. I was still unsure of how this was going to work, but I trusted Joseph and I also knew Tor would not knowingly put me in harms way.

The wagon hits a rut in the road and I can hear Tor curse.

"Shah Tor you don't want to scare the driver."

"Anya why are you up, you where so tired you fell asleep soon after we entered."

"The same reason you are the road is rough I got jostled. No big deal I have lived in far worse conditions."

This brought a frown to Tor's face; he pulled me close and hugged me tight.

"Anam Cara, for so long we where parted and you where a vagabond only to become one again. I'm sorry."

"None of it is your fault, my gra. It is others greed and jealous but not yours or Joseph. I do not mind living as a gypsy. Life or the after life which ever you prefer is full of adventure and this time I have you and truly that is all I need"

"You always looked towards the positive."

"It is not worth it to be negative, Tor. If that was the case I would have killed myself after I buried you or after my son died. If I had done either I wouldn't have you here with me now"

"Oh Anya." Tor kissed my lips, than my neck.

I returned his kisses and lay back down with him.

A few hours later the wagon came to a stop and we could hear someone coming to the back to let us out.

"My Lord and Lady, it is just me Otto it is dark and we are stopping for the night."

"Thank you Otto. Do you know if we are near any towns?"

"Yes sir we passed by a good sized town about 10 miles back."

"Are Essie and Joseph out yet?"

"Yes mum Joseph is with the leaders planning something."

"Thank you Otto"

Tor and I go and find Joseph and Essie. As Otto had said Joseph was talking with one of the gypsies.

"Anya, Tor, I see you are both in one piece the road was much worse than we expected."

"We are fine Joseph. Do mind if Tor and I go hunting?"

"Not at all"

We talk with Joseph and Essie for awhile and than run off to the town Otto had told us about there should be something for us to eat there even if we have to glamour them.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 05, 2009, 05:24:11 PM

I tell the other they can relax for a while for we have completely eluded the Queens armies, today they would have attacked our orignial castle and without her guidance I doubt her famous generals will even find Vienna again much less us.

I tell Anya ,Essy and Tor too rest here for three days then we move again there is a place I had some secret investments in and we will head there its in Switzerland and will take us several days too get there we all need too relax and recooperate.

I take Essy and we walk for a long way down the dirt road in which we've been driving upon its fairly well used and the dry sand pulverized under the wagon wheels feels like powder under your bear feet, I kiss Essy and ask her if shes not too dismayed with me for the life we lead now isn't the easiest.

I also tell her I have a mission for her, go too the girl who joined our caravan and find out what you can of her she makes me feel as thought she watches us continually and I want too find something out of her!.


I love hunting and these woods in Bohemia are stocked full of every kind of game there is, I drag Anya miles and miles back into the underbrush chasing some boars poor child I know she doesn't like this but she keeps up with me and never moans of what I do.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on March 05, 2009, 06:52:28 PM
I gladly accepted Jozeph's mission for me  and kiss Jozeph
"I am content you treat me like I'm such a young thing but i guess compared to you I am"
Jozeph laughs and then kisses me again
"except when you kiss me" I reply
Jozeph and i go hunt for a few hours and come back early I had a mission and i wanted to start it right away
we return to camp the embers are burning Low and most gypsies have gone off to sleep but i see the new girl sitting around her fire. Jozeph who was informed of my plan much earlier pulls me close and kisses me deeply I knew he would not really be in our wagon but on the otherside of it if i needed his help

I walked over to the new one Jozeph had spotted she smelled of a lot of things
i took a seat beside her
"why is it that you are not asleep?" I ask I hear Jozeph close the wagon door as if he entered knowing he's standing on the back of wagon
"because I couldn't sleep" answered the girl looking at the fire
"I'm Essy" I say
" Elisa and i know who you are. we all know what you are and who your with. You can have any boy in camp for a lover if you choose"
"I wasn't aware of that" I laugh
"well it's true" says Elisa
"Can i ask you Elisa how you came to be with this band of gypsies?"
" my father sold me off to a man who was a gypsy and since I'm his now I travel with them"
"why not escape"
"I can't he watches me like a Hawk" answered Elisa
"I'm sorry to here that should i talk to the man in the morning?"
"No! it's just that ohhh let it be this is better than my homelife I think it's time i went to bed" spoke Elisa as she rose and walked away. I walked back to our wagon I had more to do but i didn't quiet believe the girl
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: NORSEMAN on March 07, 2009, 05:42:16 PM
We had too keep moving even though Essy had told me there was something strange of the girl in camp but for the first time in a long time I felt relaxed and at ease as we travelled these woods through the thick forest but too remain too long would be asking for trouble so we pushed on through the wilds days passed into weeks and now we found ourselves in Switzerland high into the Alps.

We took such a circuitous route that I was confident no one was following us or even though we had taken this direction.

I lead the caravan deep back into the foothilss then higher into the steep mountain roads always leading upward then finally we came too the ruins of an old mine with a decaying group of buildings around it and it was all completely abandoned.

I turned too everyone and said "My friends this will be our home for some time now this land in the mountains belonged too my family and now belongs too me, this mine played out decades ago and no one ever comes up here, there are animals in the forest for the gypsies and its a small bound for us as vampire over the peaks which drop down into some fair sized villages".

It may not be home but we will not be bothered!.
Title: Re: The Immortals
Post by: SarviaRose on March 08, 2009, 08:30:20 PM
Tor and I followed Jozeph into the cave I smiled it was nice to have a place to call home even if it was an old mine. Jozeph lead us to the back of the cave there where two large room he nodded to one and said that was for Tor and I and the other was his and Essy's.

"Thank you Jozeph. You have always been kind to me."

I hugged him and he smiled.

"You and Tor risk a great deal being my friend. The least I can do is give you a place to sleep. I know it is not much."

"Oh Jozeph be quiet. I have been wondering for decades before you took me in. It is more than enough."

"And Jozeph if you had not taken in Anya I may still be looking for her. Do no regret the choices we have made."

Jozeph took Tor's hand and smiled.

"You, Anya, and Essy I never thought I would find friends such as you."

"Go take Essy and enjoy the night."

I pushed Jozeph towards Essy and laughed. Tor laughed also as he came behind me and lifted me into his arms.

"Tor put me down."

This time the others laughed at me.

"Wife we may be wedded for a long time but that does not mean I don't remember how to be romantic. There is a threshold and I will carry you over it."

I laughed and smiled at Tor.

"If you wish."

"Don't worry Anya there is a bed in there and furs. Now Essy and I will leave you two."