
Candles for Prayer => Candles for Prayer => Topic started by: Master James on July 21, 2009, 04:25:18 PM

Title: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Master James on July 21, 2009, 04:25:18 PM
I just got off the phone with Amy.  Good news she is in good spirits, bad news is she's back in the hospital.  She was at faire last weekend and was purchasing some new pirate garb, go figure, when she passed out for no apparent reason.  Next thing she knows she's got paramedics standing over her and she can't tell them where she is or what her name is so they transported her to the hospital.  They're still not sure what is up but fortunately the hospital by the faire seems to be more thourough than the one by her house and they are doing all kinds of tests and such.  No results yet.  She's hoping to be up and at faire this weekend when I get up there but like I told her, her first priority is to get better then if she can make faire, good.  As I get updates I'll post them.  Keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on July 21, 2009, 05:37:12 PM
As always she is definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Please let her know that we are thinking about her as well.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: irish on July 21, 2009, 06:17:18 PM
OMG! Of course she is in my thoughts and prayers..afterall, she is my 'hired assassin'!! LMAO!
Hope to see her this weekend.......
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: renfairephotog on July 21, 2009, 06:19:34 PM
Let her know we are thinking about and praying for her.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: DonaCatalina on July 21, 2009, 07:43:49 PM
I am also wishing her a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: photomike on July 21, 2009, 08:22:29 PM
Healing thought & prayers to you & Lady Amy. We had finally met this past weekend & I was looking forward to talking again this weekend. 
May her recovery be quick & complete, My best to you both.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Anna Iram on July 21, 2009, 08:27:55 PM
Yes, please let her know we are all thinking of her and send her a hug.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Celtic Lady on July 21, 2009, 09:22:42 PM
OMG  :o ! Thank you for the news, Master James. Please let her know that we're thinking of her and sending prayers her way. Many hugs to her as well.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Dracconia on July 21, 2009, 11:45:12 PM
Please let her know that we love and miss her!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Rani Zemirah on July 22, 2009, 02:51:06 AM
Amy, you know we're all praying for your healing, and sending all kind energy your way!  Takes, care, dear, and feel better soon!!!

Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Molden on July 22, 2009, 09:23:10 AM
Oy Vey! Obviously heartfelt thoughts and prayers for healing and recovery to Lady Amy of York. I am glad to hear she was in good spirits when you spoke with her.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: RenRobin on July 22, 2009, 12:49:48 PM
Lady Amy you are in my prayers girl!  Thanks James for the relay of information.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Master James on July 23, 2009, 10:01:26 AM
I got an update from her husband last night.  She had a relapse while in the hospital Wednesday morning.  They're still not sure what is up and they are still running tests so we'll see.  Its possible if all the tests come up negative that they will let her go sometime today but that is still up in the air at this point.  Just have to wait and see.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Tygrkat on July 23, 2009, 11:02:45 AM
Master James, please let Amy and her family know that thoughts of strength & healing are with her. I'm glad to hear she's in good spirits, and thank you very much for keeping us posted.

*Hugs to all*
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: irish on July 23, 2009, 12:14:37 PM
I just spoke with Lady Amy on the phone. She is being released from the hospital today. She sounds in good spirits and that is always good!  :D
Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers!!!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on July 23, 2009, 08:30:59 PM
Thankyou everyone  for  the  hugs  and  prayers.  i  am  at  home.
  what a  week.  Went  to Sterling on sunday. felt  fine  all  day.   was  wraping up  the  end of  the  day,  when i literally passed out.The next thing i knew i had  pramedics  and  EMT's  hovering over  me,asking me  questions ,and  i  could  not tell them my  name, or  where i  was.  pretty scarey.
 so  they  rushed me  by ambulance to the  Oswego hospital  where i was  monitored  very  closely.
after several hours in  the ER  they decide  to admit me,  and  run  some  hearts  tests, and  they wantde  to monitor my heart rate  closely.
  So  they watched me closely on moday  and  did  heart tests  .
  ther tests all came  back okay.

in the meantime i also had my menstrual cycle come on and i  was losing alot of blood.It was like  ariver.  Monday and  tuesday i  was  soaking thru every  10  minutes.

so ob-gyn  was brought in.  they  did  a ultrasound  which  ruled out  fibroids, cysts, masses  , etc.

and the oby gyn  guy wo i was very impressed with, cause  he took the  time  to lokk over my med  records  and  talk  to me  and  get  my  complete medical history, said he  wanted me  to  come into his office next week  and have a biopsy  to rule out ovarian or  uterine  cancer, it shhoked  me  up at  first,  s

and  then beacuse of my medical history, and all  the blood i lost  the last few  days  he  thought  it  would  be in  my best favor  if  they scheduled  a hysterectomy  for  me.

so yesterday i  was kept  there while  they gave  me  meds  to stop  my bledding, plus everytime i stood up, my  heart rate  would  go up  so  they were not ready  to let  me  go  yet.

but today the  doctor  who was in charge of  the  floor i was on   felt there was no reason  to keep me  any longer, .  and i am not  going  to go into a long story, but me  and  my husband almost got in  abig argument  with him, cause he  said  he  could not  pinpoint  the  cause of me  passing  out  and t went as far  as  to suggest it was  all  nerves  or that it  was  all  in  my head.
My husband  politely  told him i  was  at faire very relaxed  with  friends, and  not  nervous  at all  when i passed  out. yea  like  i  want  to pass out  and  be  taken  by  ambulance.  and  a  couple of  nurses  who  were  there  were ready  to strangle  the  doctor  and  they  said  if  you  could have  seen  her  the  last few  days  and  the blood  she lost,  this is not in this girls  head.  and he left, and i  was  told  by  the  nurses  that  this  doctor is not  thought of  very  fondly.

so they contacted  the  ob-gyn  who had  seen me, and  who i really liked,  and  just shook hs head,  and   then saisaid he  thouht  the other doctor  was  abit out of line.  then he  said  Amy  you  don't nedd  any more stress like that.  Go home, relax  with your family,  and  get  back in to see me  for  the biopsy  and  then we  will shcedule  the  surgery,

so i have an appointment  with him on august  3.

then i was talking  to the  charge  nurse  and  she  said  they were  pulling  me  off of  some of  the meds  my family  doctor  had  me  on  cause  they  thought  they were lowering  my blood prssure  too llow  and  could have  caused  me  to pass out, that or  the  severe  anemia i had   cause  when you have  anemia  there can  sometimes  be  a lack  of  oxygen  to the  brain.

so i am at home  resting,

and  then  if  that was  not enough  i  find out  tonight  that one of  my sister's  was in the hospital the last  couple  days  also  cause  they  think she  hada precursor  to a  stroke.

so  my poor  parents  ,bwteeen  worrying  about  her  and  me, my mom  was  going  crazy with worry.

then i two older dogs  who are suffering  with poor health. one has a breathing problem, and  the other one has  tumors, and  evry  day is  a  added  miracle  but we  get a call  from  the  vet  this afternoon, and  my  one year old  puppy  who we took  for  her  yearly  checkup  last week,  has  tested high  for  Lyme disease.

so it has been  quite  the week  from hell, but  as my husband  said  maybe  we  are finally getting  some  answers  to waht is  going on  with  me.

so keep me  in your prayers, cause i am nervous  about  the  biopsy  and  pray that it  is  not  cancerous. and i will be gald  when the  surgery is  done  and  over.


Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: irish on July 23, 2009, 09:13:12 PM
Well are home and that is the best medicine!
Sorry to hear about the puppy and the older dogs. Lordie, like you need more to try to handle!
Let me know if you need me. You have my number!
Just get well, so you can take care of the annoying problem, I have...LMAO!!!!! ;D
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on July 23, 2009, 09:47:56 PM
thanks irish, and as you can tell by my typing in that message i am pretty sleepy, so i think it time to hit the hay.  dont  get much sllep in  ahospital. looking forward to a good night sleep. :)
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Tygrkat on July 23, 2009, 10:00:13 PM

Amy, I'm glad you're home! I'll be sending lots of thoughts of strength and healing to you and your family, furry and otherwise...

Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Rani Zemirah on July 23, 2009, 11:05:54 PM
Glad to hear you've got someone taking you seriously, hon!  Hope this biopsy will bring positive news!  I'm praying for you!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on July 24, 2009, 06:10:52 PM
Thanks  everyone.

My husband  and I are questioning  wheter they released me  too soon from  the hospital.  I  had a mini relapse  this afternnon at home  and  almost passed out and  could not think straight, and  everything kept spinning  around  me.   If it was not  a hour  and  a half  drive  back  to the hospital i was in, i  would have had Tim take  me  back, but i  did not think i  would  make  it that far  in the  car.
  I  did not want  to call  to  my local ER  cause  neither me or my husband  have cared much  for  the treatment i have gotten there in the past. But if i have another epsiode like  today, i may have no choice.
So I  am at home  resting and  praying  that I  don't have  any more  episodes  before i see  the ob-gyn again  on August  3rd. 
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on July 24, 2009, 06:53:50 PM
Amy just know that we are all thinking about you and pulling for you through this. Please continue to keep us updated on how you are doing.

Hugs and love to you as always.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Aaroncois on July 24, 2009, 07:13:37 PM
Not sure how I missed this earlier, but I'll keep you in my thoughts Amy. You've got a whole "trials of Job" thing going on lately, it seems. I sure hope the pendulum starts to swing in your favor soon.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: renren on July 24, 2009, 10:21:22 PM
I am keeping you in my thoughts, Amy!


Wishing you a complete recovery!!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Celtic Lady on July 25, 2009, 03:40:16 AM
Hugs and prayers for you, Amy.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: white trillium on July 25, 2009, 03:15:36 PM
Sending hugs, positive thoughts and prayers your way!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on July 26, 2009, 10:22:02 AM
Thanks everyone. I am on bedrest  for now, and am going stir crazy. Thank goodness for the laptop  and  tv.
The  heavy bleeding i had  has  stopped  for  now thanks  to some  meds  they put me  on.
  I am still getting dizzy, and  disorientated  when i stand up,  and my pulse rate goes up so  i am pretty much restricted  laying down . My feet and hands keep getting very puffy.  My blood sugar is  fine, but my blood prssure is lower  then normal.  I see my family doctor on Tuesday, so see what  they have  to say about all of it.

 My husband has been home  with me  the last few  days (thank goodness  for  the weekend ) cause  the doctors did not want me  being left alone.  Not sure what he is going to do this week. Can't really afford  to have him miss too much work.

 My liitle guy is  trying to be a brave liitle  trooper thru all of  this.  I am gald i am home  with him now, cause he really cried  the other night in the ER when they told him mommy had  to stay in the hospital.

 Ugh, i hate all of  this, and  what it has  done  to my family, and  especially  to him over  the last couple of years.  He is only five, but since he was  a baby  all he has known is his mommy in and out of hospitals,  or  witnessing his mommy passing out and being rushed  by ambulance, because she barely had  a pulse  rate.It is dramatic  enough for an adult  to witness , let alone  a small child.

I pray that we are finally getting  to the bottom of  all of  this  maybe, and that this  will all be  behind  us soon,  and  that i have nothing  but good health  upahead.
 i  don't know how  this  ever happen  to me. i was  the healthy, active  child growing up.  
 oh weel,Thanks  evryone  for  the  continuous  prayers  and  support. keep  them  coming please, not just  for  me  , but  for  my family too.
hugs  and  love--Amy
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Anna Iram on July 26, 2009, 03:07:48 PM
Amy, I've been thinking alot about you and wondering where the causes lay. In reading all your symptoms: chest pains/dizziness/fainting/ tingling and swelling of your hands and feet, and your most recent symptoms... I wonder if you might be seriously anemic? Did the doctors run tests to see what your red blood count was?
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on July 26, 2009, 07:50:23 PM
Quote from: Anna Iram on July 26, 2009, 03:07:48 PM
Amy, I've been thinking alot about you and wondering where the causes lay. In reading all your symptoms: chest pains/dizziness/fainting/ tingling and swelling of your hands and feet, and your most recent symptoms... I wonder if you might be seriously anemic? Did the doctors run tests to see what your red blood count was?

I actually asked them to run  some blood tests on me, about three weeks ago,cause i know  anemia  can cause  some of  the symptoms i have  been having, and it did  come back that i was anemic, and they have me taking some heavy  duty  iron supplements  three  times  a  day.

I too wonder if i am more anemic then what  the tests indicated  and if i need more  then just iron supplements.

I know  though, that they tested  my blood  counts  every day in the hospital, and from what i was told  there was nothing  that concerned  the  doctors.

so it continues  to be  a mystery, but hopefully  the mystery  gets  solved soon, casuse i am getting  tired of all of  this.

Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: white trillium on July 26, 2009, 09:20:17 PM
You know, I like a good mystery as much as the next person, but hop you find an answer soon.

Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: photomike on July 29, 2009, 12:01:16 AM
Sending you healing thoughts. I hope things get better soon. Best wishes for a good bill of health on your visit on the 3dr.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: RenRobin on July 29, 2009, 08:09:12 AM
You remain in my thoughts and prayers Amy.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Baroness de Vale on July 29, 2009, 12:48:01 PM
Hugs! I'm so sorry to hear you were in the hospital! I hope everything starts to improve. Love and courage to you and your family!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on July 29, 2009, 01:24:09 PM
Thanks evryone.

I am okay, if i say laying  down. BUT, when i stand up i start getting dizzy, my pulse rate goes up, and i feel like i am going to black out. My vision is blurred in my one  eye and i get tingling in my hands and feet. 
I contacted my family doctor and he  was not much help, then again myself, and  my husband don't really care that much for  the way he has handled  my situation. he is okay  for  treating minor  symptoms  like   colds,  flu, but that is about it.My current symptoms  are way above his levelof  expertise.

He did order a blood test though to check my blood  count.

I see the ob-gyn on Monday  for  a  biopsy and shall see  what  that shows.  In the meantime  i am trying to think postive, pray, and hold onto  the  faith, that we  shall get  hopefully see  a  silver lining soon  and  get  to the bottom of  all of  this.
This has  been going on long enough.

On the postive is my birthday. after all i have  been through, I am  thankful to be  celebrating  another birthday. it is  nice  to be turning  29 again !!!

Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Anna Iram on July 29, 2009, 01:34:34 PM
Happy Birthday!  :)

Sending you lot's of birthday wishes that you find out soon what need to be fixed!

Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Celtic Lady on July 29, 2009, 04:25:37 PM
Happy Birthday, Amy.  ;D
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on July 29, 2009, 04:33:14 PM
You are still in my thoughts and prayers as always Amy. As I said before happy birthday to you my friend. I hope it's been a great day for you today as well.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: laedyfaire on July 30, 2009, 01:06:03 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: photomike on July 30, 2009, 02:25:04 PM
Happy Birthday! (sorry a day late!) Wishing you a complete recovery for your birthday! Hope you are feeling better.
Huggs & healing to you!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: irish on July 31, 2009, 11:14:36 PM
Happy Birthday ~ Amy!!!!   ;D
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Rani Zemirah on August 01, 2009, 01:36:27 AM
Oh wow... I'm so sorry I missed your B-day, hon!  I try to read everything, every day, but I seldom get it done...


Hope it was full of love and laughter, dear!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Mikayla of Phoenicia on August 01, 2009, 05:07:51 AM
Amy, have they run a MRI, CT scan and a brain scan on you? 

Happy Birthday Too
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Kett on August 01, 2009, 10:52:40 PM
Warm fuzzy happy healthy thoughts your way Amy, as well as belated happy birthday. I hope you are doing better.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on August 02, 2009, 09:45:48 PM
Thanks  everyone.

Lady Mikayla, I have had several MRI's  and  catscans   done.   

Tomorrow  i  go  for  my biopsy.  Getting nervous. Pray evrything  turns  out okay.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on August 03, 2009, 07:36:41 AM
Consider it done. Prayers and good thoughts are being sent your way as always Amy.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Tygrkat on August 03, 2009, 11:17:48 AM
How did I miss your birthday  ???

well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  ;D I hope it was a FANTASTIC one, you DEFINITELY deserve it!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed, thinking good thoughts, and sending lots of strenght & healing your way  :)
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on August 03, 2009, 05:30:37 PM
Had  the biopsy  done. Now  we  just have  to wait  for  the  results.   hate  waiting.

I have   a hormone  condition  called  Poly Cystic  Ovarian  syndrome  (  why i had such  a hard  time getting pregnant,  and  when i  did,    almost lost  me  and  the  baby,  and  also  why i  now  have   diabetes),and   my menstrual   cycles  have  never been regular  since  my  son was born,  and    the last 2   i had  significant blood loss  .
So because of  the blood loss, my history of  PCOS,  and  the  severe anemia  i  have  all of  a sudden despite  being on the  iron supplements,   the  doctors  today  felt it  would  be  very beneficial  for  my health, if  i have a  complete  hysterectomy  done.

     The  plans  are to have  it  done  some time  next month. Suppose  to call me  later  this  week  to schedule.   They  want  my blood  count  to improve  first.

I pray  that the hysterectomy  is   will relive  alot of  my  symptoms  if  not  all of  them.  The  doctors  seem to feel it  will make  a great improvement in  my health.

so for now, sit and  wait,  and  try  to remain  focus  and  calm,  etc....   ::) :P
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on August 04, 2009, 09:43:52 PM
As always prayers and good thoughts continue to come your way Amy. Please continue to keep us updated on how you are doing.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on August 05, 2009, 02:49:59 PM
Thanks Lord W. i am just resting and taking it easy.  Trying to build  my red  blood  cell  count  back up,  and   take  my  iron supplements  to imrove  my anemia,  for  they  won't  do  the  surgery until  eveything imroves,  cause  there is  a risk i  could  go into  shock.
   So  throwing  down these  lovely  iron pills  which make  me  sick  to  my  stomach, but i do what i  have  to  do. 

also am  waiting  for  the  results  of  the  biopsy...  sigh...waiting  and  waiting...

for  some reason i feel like  my guardian  angels  were watching over me, and  i was  meant  to pass out  at  faire.  Cause  i finally have  found  a  doctor  who has actually  said  " I  think i can help  you,  and  improve  your  health  quite  a bit."
So hoping  and praying  that  this is  finally  the  answer we have   been looking  for.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: laedyfaire on August 05, 2009, 05:10:45 PM
Well, that is def. a silver lining amy..that this doctor will help you! keep me posted. ?
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: RenRobin on August 05, 2009, 05:33:05 PM
I tried the iron pill route and they did not help me, but an infusion did...pricey, but my ins. paid for it since it was done in office.  Man can I tell when my iron goes down now...the difference is unbelievable.
Good Luck, you remain in my prayers.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on August 05, 2009, 06:23:04 PM
Amy I had no idea that they wanted to do surgery on you for this. What kind of surgery do they want to do if you don't mind me asking?
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on August 05, 2009, 09:46:56 PM
Lord W,  the  doctor  felt that the severe anemia i had  maybe  caused  by a hormone imbalance  that I have  and   so they are planning  to do a complete  hysterectomy.
  The only thing is  they have  to wait for  two things  first before  they  do the surgery.
    They have  to wait  for the  results of  the   biopsy  to make  sure  I don't have  uterine    cancer, and  they also are waiting  for  my red  blood cell count  and  iron  count  to improve  cause it is  very low  right  now.

Renrobin..they mention  to me  when i was in the hospital  that  they might  do   blood  transfusion, but so far  they have me  just taking  the  iron supplements  which as i have already mention make  be  feel  yucko.  Much rather have  a transfusion  I  think.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Anna Iram on August 05, 2009, 09:59:05 PM
Amy, I'm so glad to hear you've finally found a doctor who can help you. :)
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on August 05, 2009, 10:43:48 PM
Quote from: Anna Iram on August 05, 2009, 09:59:05 PM
Amy, I'm so glad to hear you've finally found a doctor who can help you. :)

Me too !  :)    I  was  begginning to wonder if  there were any  decent  doctors  left in  this  area ,  who took the  time  to listen  to  you,  and  treat you like  a human being,  and  try  to help  you, etc.   
   It only took me passing out at faire.  Who knew  ren faires  could  be  so  good  for  your  health !  :)
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Tygrkat on August 06, 2009, 08:25:06 AM
Lady Amy, I am SO GLAD you finally found a doctor who could give you answers and offer solutions and a treatment plan!  ;D


I'm sorry we didn't get to meet up at Faire, but I am thrilled for you that you're on your way to being healthier!

...I just had a thought (look out!  :P lol!), if the iron suppliment pills are bothering your stomach, maybe a liquid suppliment would be easier for you to tolerate. I've used one called Floradix before, the people at the health food store where I used to work recommended it often (and it's actually pretty yummy, too). Here's some info: (

Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Anna Iram on August 06, 2009, 09:16:51 AM
This is an excellent product! I had my own struggles with anemia a couple of years back and though it is still just a supplement and not probably going to work miracles, I found it helped.  Very easy to take, tastes good and easy on your tummy.  Ask your doc about it.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Rani Zemirah on August 06, 2009, 11:29:22 AM
Amy, I am so happy to hear that you're finally getting the answers you've been seeking for so long!!!  Congratulations, dear friend!  Now to just take it easy and build your strength so that you can get this taken care of, and I pray that you'll be able to get back to enjoying your life again!!!  You might take a look at a few dietary websites to see what foods help to build up the blood, also...
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on August 12, 2009, 03:11:05 PM
I'm hanging in there.  I caled  my  doctor  and  he  switched me   to a different  form of  iron,  although it still  does  not agree  very  well  with  my  stomach.
  I  have  lost  about 8 pounds.  Keep this up and  I will have  to get  new  garb  next  year  for  faire.  garb...maybe  these  iron pills  are not too bad  after all ! :) ;) ::)

I  am still running a  slight  elevated temp,  and  i  continue  to  sometimes  get  dizzy.  I still get  the  numbness and  fast plase  rate, but i know  aneimia  can  cause  that  so i am hoping  it will all be a  thing  of   the past  before  too long.   My  vision get  very bluury  which is  one  reason i have  not been  on here much. Hard  to see  the  screen.

Yes, i am glad that i have finally found  a doctor  who maybe  able  to help me.  Lord knows it has been  along  five years.
My health  first went  down hill when i was  pregnat  with  my  son.  They  almost lost me  and  him.  He  was born healthy, but my health  continued to deteriorate, which was  devasting  to me  cause here i had  a new  baby at home.
I spent four years  going  to neurologists   who tested me  for  just about everything in the book.

I finally asked  for  my recors  and  thank goodness i did. Cause my neurologist i was s eeing  negeglected  to tell  me  i  had a tumor on my spine. I ended up having surgery last year to remove  the  tumor, which thank goodness  i  did, because  they  found  that  the  tumor  was  wrapping it's  self  around  my heart, and  i  could have  been  dead  a few  months  down  the  road.

ten everything seemed  find  up until this  spring when i started  getting  dizzy  spells,  and  actually passed out  twice  at home.  i keept telling my  doctor  something is  not  right,  but i  got nowhere.   so  i started watching  what i ate,  and  did  alot of  research on  different illnesses  , etc.   when i rread  about anemia, i  insisted that i get tested,  and  bingo  i was  anemic. the only  thing was  the  doctors   did not tell me  i was  as severe  as i was.  did  not  find  that out until i passed  out  at faire.

so yea, i am praying that i finally have  found  a  doctor  who is  going to help  me.  i have  been  impressed  with him  so far.  he  takes  the  time  to talk  to you,  and  listen  to what  you have  to  say.


As i was  typing  this  the phone  rang  and it was  the  nurse  from the  new  doctor  i am  seeing.    I  am scheduled  for  surgery  on September  9 at  the hospital in Oswego.

I am nervous. i know  it is  not life  threatening  like  my surgery last  year, but still it is  surgery.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: renren on August 12, 2009, 10:59:51 PM
Yay for the new doc!

Everyone gets nervous before surgery..just keep thinking about feeling better!
Thanks for the update, been wondering how you were!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: captmarga on August 12, 2009, 11:09:59 PM
Quote from: Lady Amy of York on August 03, 2009, 05:30:37 PM
Had  the biopsy  done. Now  we  just have  to wait  for  the  results.   hate  waiting.

I have   a hormone  condition  called  Poly Cystic  Ovarian  syndrome  (  why i had such  a hard  time getting pregnant,  and  when i  did,    almost lost  me  and  the  baby,  and  also  why i  now  have   diabetes),and   my menstrual   cycles  have  never been regular  since  my  son was born,  and    the last 2   i had  significant blood loss  .
So because of  the blood loss, my history of  PCOS,  and  the  severe anemia  i  have  all of  a sudden despite  being on the  iron supplements,   the  doctors  today  felt it  would  be  very beneficial  for  my health, if  i have a  complete  hysterectomy  done.

     The  plans  are to have  it  done  some time  next month. Suppose  to call me  later  this  week  to schedule.   They  want  my blood  count  to improve  first.

I pray  that the hysterectomy  is   will relive  alot of  my  symptoms  if  not  all of  them.  The  doctors  seem to feel it  will make  a great improvement in  my health.

so for now, sit and  wait,  and  try  to remain  focus  and  calm,  etc....   ::) :P

Greetings Lady Amy - we have never met, but we are sisters in this!  I too had many of the things you described.  I had a hysterectomy four years ago - and I've never regretted it for one single moment!  It was the best elective surgery I've ever had.  I hope it will help you as it did me and many of my other "sisters".

I will be thinking of you !!!

Capt Marga
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: white trillium on August 17, 2009, 10:42:16 PM
Waiting for the results is difficult, hope you have news soon.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on August 18, 2009, 01:38:03 PM
The  results of  my biopsy  were negative  !   So  that is  good  news.  :)

I am still on bedrest   to build up  my  iron  count,  red blood  cells  and  immune  system.

I  am still getting  the  twitches, and  shakes,  and  dizziness,   and  fast  pulse  rate  and  keeping  my  fingers  croosed  that it   all  being  caused  by  the  anemia  and hormones, and  will  diappear  sometime  after  the  surgery.

My feet are geeting worse  with  the  numbness, and  my vision is getting  worse  and i hope  they are both tied  in  with  the  anemia  and  hormones, but  i  am also  a  dibetic,  although my  sugar levels   have  been  fine  and  the  doctors  have  ben pleased    with  my AC!  tests  i have  to test  my   glucose.   
My family  doctor  thinks  i should  see  a neurologist,  but  as  we know i have  liitle  sucusss   down  that  path.    Nope  i  shall  wait  and  see  what  results  my  surgery  bring  me  next  month.

In  the  mean time, i'm hanging in there.  Some  days  are better  then  others.    But i am  thinking postive,  and hoping   that  there is  a  end  to this  tunnel (  a  good  ending )  soon. :)
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on August 18, 2009, 06:49:40 PM
Amy as always you remain in my thoughts and prayers my dear. Keep on having the faith and keep on fighting the fight cause like you said hopefully there will be light at the end of this tunnel which I believe in my heart there will be.

Hugs and love to you as always lass.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on September 01, 2009, 01:43:00 PM
Just an update on how i am doing.

Earlier last week i  thought, that i was  finally making  some  progress. I was able  to get up and  walk around  the house  without  feeling like i  was  going  to pass  out.  I  was happy  to be able  to  get out  of  my bedroom.

But   then   last Thursday night  I  woke  up shaking  all over.  My head, face, arms  , legs.  It lasted   for  about a half hour, and afterwards  my left  side felt  numb.     It was   2  am in the  morning and i really  did not want  to  go  to the local ER, especially   how i  don't care  for  the service  there.   and it  is  a hour and half  drive  to  the Oswego hospital where my  new  doctor is that i  am seeing. 
So  i eventually fell back  to sleep, but  the next  day  i  had  two more tremor  episodes,  and  unfortunately , it seems  to be  the  daily  regime  here. atleast  a couple  times   aday i start shaking  all  over.

I looked up tremors  on  the internet  and in my health books  and     the info i have  come  acroos  so far  has  said  either neurological,    MS( which they thought i had at one  time ),  Parkinson's ,   a  chemical imbalance ( which could  be  a possibility ),  exposure  to  lead  or  mercury, an adrenal gland  problem, or  a thyroid  problem ( which i have  question before  and  asked  doctors  before  to test  my throid, but  they  tell me  they have  done  the basic  tests  and it was  fine.  But i know  there are more  advance  tests.)

I  have  not called  my family  doctor, cause  the lat  time i saw him, he  told me he  felt  that  my symptoms  were above  his  expertise  and that i nedded  to  see the neurologist here. i refuse  to  go back  to neurologist here after he  neglected  to tell me  about  the  tumor   i had  on my  spine,.

so i see  the  new  doctor  i am seeing,  The  GYn  doctor  this  Thursday  for  a pre-screening  before  my  surgery  next week, so i will bring  it up  with  him  then.  Never  a dull mooment a round  here.
In  the  mean time i am  trying  to keep focus  and  spend  time  reading  , and  watching  tv   with  my  son, but i have  to admit   these  tremors  are  a big  pain  in  the  you  know  what !! Right now  as i am  tyrping  this i have use  of  my hands( knock  on wood )  but  my face  and head  keep jerking.  Ugh !!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lady serena on September 02, 2009, 09:24:58 AM
Amy call your GYN doctor because he may want to see you today, I would not wait to get in and see him if you don't have to. Good thoughts and prayers are headed your way.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on September 02, 2009, 02:17:30 PM
Quote from: lady serena on September 02, 2009, 09:24:58 AM
Amy call your GYN doctor because he may want to see you today, I would not wait to get in and see him if you don't have to. Good thoughts and prayers are headed your way.

Thanks  Serena. i  did call, and he   not in today. so i will see him tomorrow, and tell him what is  going on with  me, and see what he  has  to say.

I also  got  to the hospital  for  lab  work and  a EKG, and  pre-surgery tets,  so i can talk  to them there too.

This (  the  tremors  and  fast  pulse  rate  ) better not postpone  the surgery  cause i  just  want evrything  done  and  overwith.  I  am  so tired of all of  this.  I loked at my son yesterday  and he  was being very  quiet  for  some reason. I  asked him  what was  wrong  and he  starteed  to cry  and  told  me  he   did not like  mommy being  sick. So praying  this  is  all over  soon, and  i  finally  find  a cure, or if  not a cure, atleast a treatment  or  solution that will along  me  to get on with  my  life  and  live  it  the  best that i  can.

thanks  again  for  the  prayers. :)
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Kett on September 02, 2009, 09:37:00 PM
Amy, we're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: white trillium on September 03, 2009, 10:05:09 PM
We're thinking of you and your family.  We hope you get some good news soon.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on September 04, 2009, 02:07:56 PM
Well it has been a crazy two days  here.
It started Wednesday evening. One of my dogs  ( the one who was diagnosed with cancer last year, but so far as been beating all the oods  and proving the  doctors  wrong )  started not drinking  and  eating. Then she started to shake  and  act very incoherent.   My husband  and  I thought she  was on her way  out, and i was  like" No, please no. I don't need  this  right  now. I'm not ready to say goodbye  to her yet."

Then we noticed  one of our other dogs, the puppy  kept  going and  drinking out of  the  toilet. she has never done  this  before. But we just scolded her and thought, oh great, she has picked up  a new  habit.  But  then all three  dogs   started drinking out of  the toilet.

so then my husband  and i checked their  water bowels  and  they were all full.  None of  them had drank any water all day.

So we  poured the water out of  the bowels,  and gave  them fresh water  . all three  really gulped it down, like  they had been out in a dry desert.

after having water, the one  dog was  fine. But it was e nogh  to shake us up  for  abit.

so  don't know w hat is up. we are on artisian weel water, and we just had  the  water tested reently and it was fine, sowho knows  what the  dogs  detected.

then about a hour  later  we  get  a call  from  my  brothern'law  and   my 82  year old mother  n  law  is  going to have  open heart surgery  sometime  this  weekend, casue  her one  heart valve  is  totally  close..The  doctors have only bben after her  for years  now  to get the heart valve  taken care of, but she is  so stubborn,  so  now she  has  no choice  in the matter cause it is  totally  close.

Then yesterday i went  for  my pre-surgery tets, and my blood pressure  was  very high. i told them hospitals   will  do that  to me. i  don't like hospitals. i have had  tow  many tets,a nd  surgerires, that i just  dont like  hospitals. but they were all concern  and  said  they might have  to scrub/postpone  the surgery unless i get  an okay  from the  doctor  who handles  my  blood pressure.

i was  like"  wonderful, now  what !".

so i went today  to my family doctor.  i  saw  a new  doctor   who  just started there. i really liked him,  so maybe i  will switch over to him  as  my family  doctor.  anyway, he increased  the  dosage of my one blood pressure  emdication  untiol  i have  my  surgery,  and  he okayed me  for  surgery.

also talked about my tremors. not sure  what could be  causing them, but knock on wood, they have not ben too strong  today or yesterday,
so evrything is  good  to go.

so i will go up to oswego on Tuesday, and  stay overnight at  ahotel, cause i have  to be  at the hospital by 6:))  wenesday morning, and  my surgery is  at 8 am.
i am suppose  to be ona clear liquid  diet monday and  tuesday, so i will have  to bring a thermos  of soup  with me  to the hotel. Hmmmm...wonders is  rum or  wine is  considered a clear  liquid ?   JUST kidding !!!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Rani Zemirah on September 05, 2009, 12:12:34 AM
Amy dear, I'm thinking of you and sending all of the healing energy and positive thoughts I have for a successful surgery and a rapid recovery.  Take care, hon, and feel better soon!!!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on September 05, 2009, 12:28:12 PM
There's an old saying that goes "When it rains it pours" and boy does it ever, but in this case you can't let it get you down because as you see you still have and are continuing to have people pray for you and send you good thoughts as well. As I and everybody else have said before please continue to take care of yourself and not overdo it.

As always you still remain in my thoughts and prayers dear sister. Hugs and lots of love to you as always lass.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on September 05, 2009, 05:54:20 PM
Thanks everyone. I'm hanging in there and thinking positive and keeping the faith.

 Could  you guys  say an extra prayer for my husband Tim.   His mom  did not make it thru the surgery, and passed away yesterday.  We got  the phone call  early this morning. He has yet  to cry, or  anything. He is keeping it all inside of him, and i am concern.  I know he is uspet cause he has not seen her in two years and that he  did not get to say goodbye. But  evrything happen so fast.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on September 05, 2009, 06:53:17 PM
Consider it done Amy. Tim and his family are in my thoughts and prayers at this time.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lady serena on September 05, 2009, 08:53:45 PM
Im sorry for your loss, prayers headed your way.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Celtic Lady on September 05, 2009, 11:00:50 PM
Amy, so sorry to hear about everything happening at once. Hugs and prayers for you and Tim and the rest of the family. If you need to talk please feel free to call.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on September 07, 2009, 09:10:51 PM
 Thanks everyone for the condolences and prayers.

Tomorrow i head for Oswego.  The surgery is  early Wednesday morning.  I know it is not high risk surgery like i had last year, but i am still   a  bit anxious about it, and will be glad  when it is  done  and i am back home,  cause i just  do not like  hospitals.   Spent too much time in them myself  and  with other relatives, and not all  the  memories were pleasant. Wish me  luck !

   I plan on  having  my husband contact the following  forum  members  " Master James ",  and  "  Irish "  on here, who already said  they would post an update  on  my condition  for  me.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Anna Iram on September 07, 2009, 09:50:54 PM
Amy, I'll keep you in my thoughts this week and have faith that you'll return to us soon in and in good health. Try not to worry overmuch.

I'm sorry to read of your mother in law's passing. I hope things even out soon for you and those you love.

Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on September 08, 2009, 05:29:18 PM
Amy like I have said before you are still in my thoughts and prayers on your upcoming surgery dear sister.

Love and hugs to you as always my dear.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: irish on September 09, 2009, 02:36:24 PM
My Dear friend.......
Tim will be in my prayers. I hope he can remember the good times with his Mom and know, she is always with him.
Please tell little Tim, he is in my heart. He is a sweet child with a wondrous Soul.
And you better be up and ready for next faire season! You still a have a job to do! LMAO!!!!!  :P
Love ya.......
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: irish on September 09, 2009, 06:48:44 PM
Amy's hubby, Tim, called me tonight. Amy went through the surgery very nicely and expects to be leaving the hospital, some time tomorrow.
Keeping Any in my prayers for a speedy recovery and Tim, with Sympathy, for the loss of his Mother.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Welsh Wench on September 09, 2009, 07:04:44 PM
My best to Lady Amy for a speedy recovery and sympathy in their time of sorrow.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: renren on September 09, 2009, 07:38:11 PM
Huzzah! Send her,and her family, our love!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Rani Zemirah on September 09, 2009, 10:28:54 PM
I'm so glad she's through the surgery, and recovering.  All healing energy, and much sympathy also, to the entire family during these difficult times.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on September 10, 2009, 06:12:53 PM
Excellent! I'm glad to hear that she went through her surgery okay yesterday. Please let her know that she is still in my thoughts and prayers irish. Thanks.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: irish on September 10, 2009, 07:46:42 PM
Amy called me tonight and left a voice message.
She is home resting, worn out and just wants to sleeppppppppppp!!!!  Poor girl!
She wants everyone to know how much she appreciates the good thoughts and the prayers, during her recovery and with her husband's Mom passing.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on September 12, 2009, 06:29:11 PM
Hi evryone. This is Amy. I'm going to keep it brief cause i am pretty groggy.   The surgery itself  went well, and  they discharged me Thursday afternoon, with some pretty heavy duty pain meds  to take, for i have three good incisions. One in my belly button, and  two lower  down. But like i said they have me on some pretty strong pain meds  .

Unfortunately  though, i started running a high fever yesterday and  coughing alot.  Went back  to the hospital  this  morning and  saw  the    the  doctor.  I  have  pneumonia.   He  did not admit me. I am at home. Felt i would rest better at home.       He gave me   a heavy duty antibiotic, and i am also taking nebulizer treatments  to help my breathing and i am  to call him on Monday.

So between  the pain meds, the antibiotic, and just  the  general wear and tear  from the surgery, and  being  sick on  top of it, i am pretty much out of  it, and all i  do is  sleep.

Mater of  fact i am going to quit this now, cause i am falling asllep as i type.

thanks gain  for all the prayers  for  me  and  also  for  Tim, and  Timothy.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on September 13, 2009, 03:02:08 PM
Amy the main thing is that you are at home and alright and for me I am thankful for that. I am however sorry to hear about your pneumonia though but like I have said before please do take care of yourself and not overdo it, so in this case if that means getting a lot of rest then please do it cause I (especially) want to see you back on here healthy again.

As always hugs and lots to you dear sister.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Count Adolfo on September 13, 2009, 03:24:27 PM
You are, as always, in my thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on September 14, 2009, 05:30:47 PM
Thanks evryone  for  the continued prayers  for my family. Tim is still trying to cope with the loss of his mom.   There is  going to be no wake or  funeral. His mother did not want that.  She wanted to be cremated and have her ashes spread over a near by lake.

We still have not told little Timothy about his grandma. He still too concern about  his mommy, and my mom suggested that maybe we wait till I get back on my feet.

I'm trying to get well and back on my feet. Unfortunately my body has other ideas. Despite  staying in bed, and resting and taking my meds, my temperature is  still fluctuating, i'm still very short of  breath,  and my pulse rate is running very fast and my blood sugar is the highest it has ever been. I also have too big lesions/sores  on my left side.  So i called  the doctor at the hospital today, and he  wants  to see me Wednesday morning cause he did not like  the  fast pulse rate  and high blood sugar level or the fact that i am still running a  fever,etc. I pray he  does not put be back in the hospital.  I tell you, i can never do anything easy.  :'( Well, atleast the surgery, itself  went well ! :)

Thanks for the continuous prayers and well wishes.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on September 15, 2009, 03:05:33 PM
You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as always Amy.

Lots of love and hugs to as always my dear.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on September 16, 2009, 02:52:04 PM
A quick update---As for the doctor visit today, he said my lungs look better then they did on  Saturday, and that he felt it is just going to take time  and rest, but if i am still getting  short of breath  at the end of this week i am to contact either my family doctor or  a pulmonary doctor and make sure there is nothing else brewing there.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Rani Zemirah on September 16, 2009, 04:37:44 PM
Amy, I'm so happy things are starting to look up for you, and excited that you'll be able to tell more and more, once this pesky pneumonia has cleared up, if this surgery has helped to alleviate the symptoms you've been suffering from for so long.  Your typing alone shows a marked improvement, so I'm hoping the tremors have subsided significantly?

We're all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers, my dear, and looking forward to the time when you're able to come back and play here with us as much as you'd like!!!  Take care of yourself, and get as much rest as you can! 

Much sympathy for Tim, and the rest of your family, during this sad time.  I hope the joyous memories you all carry of his mother can begin to heal the pain of loss and grief in the near future, and that young Timothy will carry her in his heart through all the years to come.  My condolences...
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on September 22, 2009, 04:12:15 PM
AN update :

On friday i finished the antibiotic i was on for  the pneumonia, and i was  still very short of  breath  and running a temp,  so i  called  and talked  to my doctor  and i was sent  to the local hospital for  a chest xray.   I spent the weekend in bed resting and drinking lots of  fluids.  Got  the  results  back yesterday, and  the  xray  was  clear. So that was  good news.

  I'm still coughing a bit though and  running a temp, but i think it is just a matter of rest and taking  and it  easy.
 It is really too soon  for me to tell if   the surgery has helped any of  my symptoms.   I still get mild temors  and tingling,  but i have  also been  sick  with  the pneumonia,  so like i said  to early  to tell.

  They still have me on iron   for  the  anemia,  and i am also now  on  estrogen  to replace  the hormones i  dont have  any more.  
  I have been told by the  doctor i should  deffinitely see  some  relief in some of  my hormone realted  symptoms   so  time  shall tell it's  tale  what  symptoms  were hormone related   and  what were neurological  or  something else.I am hoping  they were all hormone  realted  and  i will soon be over all this  crap,  so  to  speak.

my husband  was home  with  me  the last  two weeks,  and he  spent  time  researching  some of  my  symptoms on the  computer,  and along   with me  dealing  with  an hormone  imbalance,  diabetes,  and  a neurological problem we  are  convinced that thru all my years of being put on antibitoics, and  steriods, and other meds, that i have a fungus, and yeast build  up in  my system, which by researching more about it, we have  learned  can cause breathing problems, neurological symptoms, hormone  problems,  etc.

So once  i get over my bout  with the pneumonia, i plan on  going on a anti yeast/fungus  diet  and  start taking  probiotics.shall see if  it  works.  always  something.   But  i can't  complain.  can  always  be  worse. it has been  a long  two  months, but  my  family has all managed, if  anything it  just brings  us  closer  and  makes  us  stronger. The  good news is  i made  it  thru  the  surgery weell,  and hey, i  also have  lost  25 pounds  since  this  all started. Thats because  all the meds  they had  and have me  on have  destroyed my appetite.I can think of  better ways  to lose  weight  but i'll take i hear new   spring wardrobe  next year,  and  new  ren gowns !! ;D ::) ;)

thanks  everyone  for   continuous  prayers  and  well wishes   for  me  and  my family.  Hugs  and  love  to  you  all.

Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on September 22, 2009, 11:24:32 PM
I'm laying here in bed, and I'm thinking to myself, that maybe, yes maybe, overall, and  after five long years, we maybe  finally making some progress  with my major  symptoms.   ( Knock on wood ! )  :)

-My eyes i know i will always have  the problem focusing at times because i suffered some  damage  to the , high, high blood pressure i had when i was  pregnant  with  my  son.

- My sinuses  and  allergies  are just  an everyday nuisance- although i did read  that fungus  and yeast  can  sometimes  mimic sinus  problems, so  take  care of  the  fungus  and yeast  and  who  knows

-- I still get  the tingles  and tremors  in  my face  and hands but hopefully i will be  able  to  figure out what is  causing   them soon

---  My glucose levels  and  my high blood pressure  are staying under control  finally ( knock on wood )  due  to me  watching what i eat,  and  trying to exercise ( except  for  the  last few weeks) on a regular basis.

- i got rid of  the tumor that was on  my  spine  last  year.

--I took care of my irregular menstrual bleeding  and  some  pain  in  the  neck  hormones. ;D

--I still have  the anemia  to take  care of, but hopefully   that will be  gone  soon.

--i still get pain in  my back, probably due  to the two bulging discs  i have, but  i refuse  to have  any surgery  done, since i have known people  who have had back surgery and   just felt  worse after.So you just grin and  bare it, and  get on with  life  so  to  speak.

- i still get  the numbness in my feet which drives me  crazy at  times, and hopefully i can  pin  down  a  cause.

--i still get  the  fast pulse  rate  and  dizziness, but that may  be  due  to the  anemia.

But  we are slowly making  progress  and  getting answers, i  think.

i could not have  made it  this  far  without  the  love  and  support of  my family  at  home, and  the love  and  support  and  well wishes   from  my  friends  and  family  here on  the  forum. THANKYOU, THANKYOU, everyone ! :) :-*
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on September 26, 2009, 12:35:29 PM
Amy dear you have no idea how much this means to me seeing you in good spirits despite all the crap you have been through for the past several months. I have been telling you time and time again that I believe in my heart that there is a miracle ahead for you and based on what I have been seeing and reading on here from you that that miracle has finally arrived. Well all I have to say now is  Huzzah and I'm really happy for you that things are finally starting to look up for you again.

Just know that as always you still remain in my thoughts and prayers my dear.

And as always hugs and love to you as well.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Rani Zemirah on September 26, 2009, 03:03:02 PM
Amy, please keep us updated on how you're feeling these days, ok?  I'm glad you're seeing some improvement, and I'm hoping you'll experience a complete recovery from all of the neurological symptoms.  Once the anemia is gone, and you've addressed the yeast issue, perhaps you'll have the answers you've been looking for.  I certainly hope so, anyway!  I'll be thinking about you, dear!  Take care...
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: SterlingFan on September 28, 2009, 08:11:00 AM
You're in my thoughts & prayers Lady Amy.  Please let us all know how things are with you.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Tygrkat on September 28, 2009, 01:39:57 PM
I'm so glad to hear that things are looking up for you, and I'm sure it is in no small part due to your fantastic attitude  ;D

HUGS!!! to you & your family
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Nyneve on September 28, 2009, 03:24:33 PM
Lady Amy,

I know you and your husband have been doing some pretty extensive studying to find out what could possibly be the problem(s), but I was wondering if you have done any study on Chiari?  If not, here are just a few links you and/or your husband may be interested in checking into.  It is not such a well known disorder, and can have multiple symptoms and problems involved with it.  I encourage you to look into it if you have not already done so: ( ( ( ( (

Oh yes - there is also a Chiari Institute in New York: (

Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on September 29, 2009, 03:50:14 PM
Thanks Lord W!  yes, i am doing my best to stay in good  spirits. You always have  to have  faith  and  think  positive...that is  my  motto.  If i was  to sit  and  dwell on  all my symptoms  all  the  time, i  would  never get  anywhere.
I have  a life  to live  and  happy  for  everyday  that i am  alive,  although there are days  when  i feel  like"  what  next?' but overall   you just have  to  think  positive.  Now  talk  to me  tomorrow  and  i may have  a whole  different attitude !  LOL  !

Thanks Rani. yes, i am hoping that once  the anemia, and yeast stuff get taken care of  and  my hormones  balance  out  that my  neurological  symptoms disappear  too.

I can't  complain  though. Things  could  be  alot  worse.  i just get tired of  the numbness in  my hands, face  and  feet.  The  face  and  feet being  the  worse.  the  face  cause it affects  when  i talk  at  times, and  my ffet  cause  it  ffels  like i liiterally  put both  my feet in the freezer. But like  i said  could  be  worse.

Thanks Sterling Fan. I'm hanging in there. Right now  besides  the  numbness, i am still getting  very  tired. i also have  a slight infection in one  of  my incisions  and keep  putting  antibiotic  sab  on  it.I see  my  doctor  next  Thursday  for  a post- surgery  exam.

Tygrkat--What fantastic  attitude...who  me ???  LOL !!!  thanks  girlfriend !

Nyneve-thanks  for  the info, you posted. i will deffinitely  check  it  out.

thanks  evryone. hugs  and  blessings  to  you all

Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Lady Amy of York on October 09, 2009, 09:38:48 PM
A quick update:

Before  i  forget, i have  some  good  news. I went  to  my  doctor who  did mu surgery, my ob-gyn, yesterday  for  my  post  surgery  exam. Everything looked  good  and  was healing  nicely.  My  blood  count  and  iron  count is  back  to normal,  so no  more  anemia.  Yea.  can get  off  of  those  awful  iron  pills.

  So i just  need  to  continue   to keep  my blood pressure  under  control, and  my  cholesterol,  which  so  far both  are  doing pretty  good.Hopefully i continue  to do well, and  can eventually get off of  the meds i  am on  for  it.

My blood  sugar levels  have  been up a bit  for  some reason, so i have  to keep an eye of  them,  and also still work on getting the yeast out of  my system.

but finally making some  progress i  think.  Yea  !!! ;D ;D ;D
i still get  the numbness  and  tingling, especially in my feet, hands  and  face, but i keep hoping eventually  i will find  an  answer, or  that  the  symptoms  will disappear,  but  at least  things  are looking  up  for  now, and hopefully  for  good ! :)
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Celtic Lady on October 10, 2009, 12:46:33 PM
 :D HUZZAH, Amy! So good to hear some good news. I'm glad that you found this doctor... just not the way you found him. Anyway, I'm so happy for you.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lady serena on October 10, 2009, 04:04:12 PM
Thats good news that you are feeling better.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: white trillium on October 10, 2009, 08:30:51 PM
Huzzah on the good news!  Kudos to you for maintaining a positive attitude!
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: Rani Zemirah on October 11, 2009, 10:45:33 PM
I'm so happy to hear some positive news for you, Amy dear!!!  Please continue to let us know how the yeast purge is going, as well as any new developments in your treatments!  I hope it all starts to get better as you get closer to your goals.  Take care, and take it easy on yourself!
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts... :)
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: lordwriothsley on October 14, 2009, 12:58:23 PM
Amy like I said before I am so glad to hear that things are starting to look up for you and hopefully for good as well. Please like Rani said continue to keep us updated any new developments you get and continue to hang in there and fight the good fight like you have been doing all this time.

Your are as always still in my thoughts and prayers though.

As always hugs and lots of love to you lass.
Title: Re: Lady Amy of York back in hospital
Post by: photomike on October 17, 2009, 10:34:58 AM
Been a wile since I checked in on you but very happy to hear your doing better! Your positive attitude is commendable!
You are still & always will be in my thoughts & prayers. Godspeed to a full recovery.