
Create a Character => Create a Character => Topic started by: RosieThorns on July 31, 2009, 09:46:42 AM

Title: Basic question ... persona ... to be or not to be
Post by: RosieThorns on July 31, 2009, 09:46:42 AM
Ok, so I pretty much know the answers, but I'm the type, I want someone to tell me "Yeah, that's fine."

background: In 97, my then-hubby brought home a hand made knife and quill decorated sheaf. He told me a little about what the friend at work did on the weekends and I dove in completely. We were buckskinners with a full set up by the next summer. We had a few good years (money, vacation time) and then our lives when in the toilet and camping was put "on the shelf".
Well since then the marriage has been put on the shelf as well. But I do have my clothes still and we have always been able to pull off a "peasant" look by just throwing on our buckskin stuff. Simple outfit of chemise, skirt and vest. Well, I can't manage to camp anymore but I have always been fascinated with the faire.

If I'm not really interested in joining a group and I'm just making some pretties to wear, do I really need to worry about a persona? I mean I will try to keep all garments within the same century at least. But if I'm not looking to get involved with a group, does it matter any more than what makes me happy?

Thanks for taking some time with me.
Title: Re: Basic question ... persona ... to be or not to be
Post by: Charlotte Rowan on July 31, 2009, 10:27:53 AM
You definitely don't have to have a persona if you don't want to! The important thing is to have fun and do what makes you happy!
Title: Re: Basic question ... persona ... to be or not to be
Post by: sealion on July 31, 2009, 11:28:55 AM
In four years I have yet to have anyone at faire ask me any persona questions. I have a vague one (plus the pirate! :D ) simply to  narrow my focus for garb choices.
Title: Re: Basic question ... persona ... to be or not to be
Post by: Athena on July 31, 2009, 11:38:23 AM
Do what you want to do....joining a group and/or creating a persona is not required. There are lots of people who love wearing garb but don't do characters or accent, and it's perfectly acceptable. Go with what makes you happy and have fun!
Title: Re: Basic question ... persona ... to be or not to be
Post by: Trillium on July 31, 2009, 11:45:12 AM
as the others said, just go and have fun.  I have never been asked my character background, and I've been attending faires for over 15 years.  I don't use an accent either, other than for the basics like "Good day, m'lord/m'lady".  It's difficult for me to stay in total character and chase around a child!
Title: Re: Basic question ... persona ... to be or not to be
Post by: Rowan MacD on July 31, 2009, 01:18:11 PM
Quote from: Athena on July 31, 2009, 11:38:23 AM
Do what you want to do....joining a group and/or creating a persona is not required. There are lots of people who love wearing garb but don't do characters or accent, and it's perfectly acceptable. Go with what makes you happy and have fun!
Amen to that!
  You don't really need a persona if you are going as a peasant,  and I tend to keep to the common/upperclass  dress (pretty, not sumptuous) that way I can dress up and be somebody new everytime/every fair.  Heck, I don't even use the same fair name each time  ;)
   A good rule of thumb is this:  The more elaborate the costume the more detailed the story (background) should be.  
   I figure that when I get around to ordering my Tudor outfit, then I'll worry about inventing a background story to support the Pedigree that every Noble is supposed to have.
    If you want to develop a 'story' do so, but medieval peasants and the middle class were like the average guy on the street nowadays, just background color.  The important thing is to HAVE FUN.  
Title: Re: Basic question ... persona ... to be or not to be
Post by: RosieThorns on July 31, 2009, 01:52:17 PM
Thanks for the replies!

Some days I dream of having a gown to rival the Queen's and other days I prefer to be a barefoot wench.
Title: Re: Basic question ... persona ... to be or not to be
Post by: Lady_Claira on August 09, 2009, 09:18:16 PM
I'm still fairly new to faires. (He he he, fairly - faires) I've only been going for three years and in that three years I can still count all the times I've ever been on one hand. (The total is four if you're wondering)

In that time I have been asked only once about my persona. That was actually yesterday. And it was actually because she had thought I was one of the cast members of the faire. It wasn't until I explained that I had made my outfit and bought my boots because I had wanted to that she realized that my complete confusion/innocence in their somewhat bawdy conversation was actually real and not acted out. (Surprised them too)

So, if you want it, feel free to go for it. I have friends who do use personas at faire. But no one is going to think any less of you if you don't have one. :D
Title: Re: Basic question ... persona ... to be or not to be
Post by: Jezzy MacPeaks on August 11, 2009, 11:06:42 AM
Certainly if the faire isn't your "life" or bread 'n butter, a personna isn't necessary.  I was given my faire "name" after Keg-Drain at the end of my very first faire! LOL.  But now I travel and work at  many faires and I discovered that an actual persona with bio would be helpful on "Student Days".  I was always asked questions such as "When & how did you decide to become a pirate?"  After standing there stumbling over my words a few times to come up with something acceptable and entertaining, as well as educational, I decided to create an actual history for my character, and it works beautifully.

Then, one Pirate Weekend a couple of knights who had purchased mugs from me a couple of years in a row, bowed to me and addressed me as "My Queen"!  I looked around to see and pay homage to said queen, but found none but...ME!  They then escorted me to the pub and made the pronouncement, "All hail the Pirate Queen!", and it stuck!

So, thanks to the public, I have become lovingly known to all as "Jezzy, the Pirate Queen".

The thing is, no matter how hard I try, I cannot change my character, name nor personna!  LOL!  I guess I am what I am, but I love it.  It makes people happy, which makes me happy.