
NorthEast => Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire => Topic started by: Lucid on September 16, 2009, 08:32:34 PM

Title: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: Lucid on September 16, 2009, 08:32:34 PM
Seems that every few years acts that I like are no longer there, and new ones I'm not familiar with take their places.  I've known about the Tartan Terrors debacle for awhile now.  I'm still disappointed, but have had time for that wound to heal.  I see no sign of the Silk Road Gypsies either.  Honestly, as I look at this writ for the Octoberfest weekend it's kind of depressing.  It's usually a monumental task to decide what to go see, and what to sacrifice.  Now I find myself looking to fill gaps.  Things aint what they used to be.  I'm hoping though that I can find some gems that will become mainstays for me, like the two aforementioned acts that I'll no longer have the pleasure of seeing.

I have not seen the Peasant Dance yet.  I was looking for a video on Youtube or something to get an idea of what it was, but couldn't find one.  Bells & Motley:  Musica Antiqua is another I'm considering.  I need to find something for the 1:00-1:30 timeslot.  I have seen Issac Fawlkes, and I like him, but want to experience something new.  I like just laying back and chillin out to some good music and those two above sound like things I'd enjoy.

This Dandy Pirates:  Comedy & Music... what can I expect here?  The Romeo & Juilet play at the mud pit, believe it or not, though I go every year I've never seen it.  Is it a classical representation of the play, or a comedy with a bunch of mud flying around?  Last but not least, the Training of the Royal Falcons.  Is this act actually at Bosworth Field that you sit down for, or is it at that tent on the way there where you stand there and listen to them talk about them?

I know those are a lot of questions, sorry.  I greatly appreciate the advice here.  For the life of me I can't find information about these acts on the new website, whereas the old one provided this information.  Another example of change not always being for the better.

Thanks in advance...
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: Lady de la Warr on September 16, 2009, 08:40:50 PM
The Falconer puts on a show at Bosworth Field. It's pretty good - he flies a couple of different birds that he has trained and talks about the history of Falconing and about the training of the birds, etc. Pretty interesting - and entertaining - stuff.
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: Lucid on September 16, 2009, 08:47:23 PM
Yeah, I've seen the Royal Falconer.  I really like that show.  I'm wondering though if this "Training of" is something different.  I know he also stands there at a tent talking about his birds, and was thinking that might be what this is.

The problem is during this weekend The Royal Falconer is competing heads up with Barely Balanced, and I just can't miss them.  So I had to sacrifice it.  That's another thing that stinks.  I wish he was in one of the time slots where I don't have a priority instead, but that's how it goes.

I usually go for the Wine Harvest, so there's a good chance I won't go for this weekend anyway.  They just don't have the writ for the Wine Harvest up yet, so I'm looking at this one.  I assume the acts will be the same, just in diff. slots?  Whichever one lines up better in terms of being able to see my favorite acts (the ones that are still there anyway), is the one I'll go to.

Thanks for responding.
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: AngusBlood on September 17, 2009, 01:29:54 AM
Silk Road Gypsies disbanded earlier in the year.

Bells & Motley are two of the most musically talented people you could ever meet. They play every instrument you can think of and a multitude of ones you couldn't. They even make some of their instruments. Their knowledge of the actual medieval and ren period songs and music from all over is astounding. They play many from a song book, but clearly know most of them fairly well. And they will happily take requests. You have to like actual period music at least a bit to enjoy their shows, but if you do...

This Dandy Pirates: A musical comedy show. Youll love it or you Won't. Definitely worth giving a try. You mentioned loving Barely Balanced, are you aware that one of the Dandys is Dreagn (tall one).
The Romeo & Juilet: comedy mud show. Ploppy is one of the mud people.
the Training of the Royal Falcons:  it is at the aviary building you pass just before you get to the field and is mostly a talk about training. Do bring out some birds and have them fly short distances, but its not a flight show.

I highly recommend 'Music with her Majesty'. It is different each week but with some repeated parts. Different Guest many weekends too. Its just a real nice view of the musical talent of some of the cast that you often don't get to see otherwise.
They are regulars, but Loony Lucy and Ploppy is always a hoot.

for the kicking back music:
also regulars, but Empty Hats is fun, and sometimes has guests with them. (though hard to notice anyone else up there with Liz there *sigh*)
Demetrius & Friends: Demetrius from Empty hats playing with guest artists, often cast members.
Giacomo's Love Ballads: Giacomo from Empty hats playing love balads

If you are going this weekend, Ceann is fun
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: sir oswyn dagworth on September 17, 2009, 11:12:59 AM
The archery demo is a must see.
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: Lucid on September 17, 2009, 05:20:39 PM
Quote from: sir oswyn dagworth on September 17, 2009, 11:12:59 AM
The archery demo is a must see.

Already have it circled.  Not quite a "must see" for me, but I like it and it's my favorite thing between 5-6.  Must see's for me are:  Giacomo the Jester Show, Barely Balanced (both acts), both jousts, and Boarshead Brawl.  Tartan Terror's and Silk Road Gypsies "were" also.

Royal Falconer is about there with the Archery Demo, I really like it and will see it if I can.  Stinks that it's competing head-to-head with BB, I'll miss it.  I can only make it there once this year.

Somebody mentioned Empty Hats... love them, and it's also something I get to if I can.  Could use a nice dose of "Happy Man" right now.  Maybe I can hit them up at 5 then catch the 2'nd half of the Archery Demo.  The other show, again, same time as BB.

So you have to be a fan of the period music to get into Bells & Motley eh?...  I certainly fit that criteria, and that sounds delightful to me.  I'll grab something to eat, a fresh ale and sit there and chill out to them at 1.  I'll need to order a case of wine to pick up on my way out, I can do that and some shopping to eat up a half hour.  So now I've got it down to one, 1/2 hour slot left.

One more question, then you have my word, I'll stop pestering you.  The "Mirandola Fanfare Trumpets"... I see they are slated for the Chess Arena.  I remember some guys playing trumpets at the intersection where you go left to head toward Bosworth Field, I think.  I believe there were 3 of them.  Is that them?  I don't recall seeing such an act at the Chess Arena before.  I really enjoy the sound and that could round out my schedule.

Thank you to everybody who responded.  You've helped me a great deal. 
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: Lady Mikayla of Phoenicia on September 20, 2009, 08:22:06 AM
If you attend the Human Chess Match, the story line ties in with the Jousts... I strongly recommend the Grande Finale at the end of your day!
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: sonyzoo on September 21, 2009, 01:33:25 PM
Quote from: Lady de la Warr on September 16, 2009, 08:40:50 PM
The Falconer puts on a show at Bosworth Field. It's pretty good - he flies a couple of different birds that he has trained and talks about the history of Falconing and about the training of the birds, etc. Pretty interesting - and entertaining - stuff.
Quote from: Lucid on September 16, 2009, 08:47:23 PM
Yeah, I've seen the Royal Falconer.  I really like that show.  I'm wondering though if this "Training of" is something different.  I know he also stands there at a tent talking about his birds, and was thinking that might be what this is.

The problem is during this weekend The Royal Falconer is competing heads up with Barely Balanced, and I just can't miss them.  So I had to sacrifice it.  That's another thing that stinks.  I wish he was in one of the time slots where I don't have a priority instead, but that's how it goes.

I usually go for the Wine Harvest, so there's a good chance I won't go for this weekend anyway.  They just don't have the writ for the Wine Harvest up yet, so I'm looking at this one.  I assume the acts will be the same, just in diff. slots?  Whichever one lines up better in terms of being able to see my favorite acts (the ones that are still there anyway), is the one I'll go to.

Thanks for responding.

Yes the falconry show is a must see. He puts on three shows a day. Two free flight shows and a training show. The Flight shows are at Noon and 4:30. These shows take place down on the joust field, and he brings out a few different birds and shows off their different abilities with some audience participation.

The Training show is at 3:00. This show takes place in the grass outside the aviary. He brings out some of his younger birds still in training and explains how he gets the birds to do what they do and answers some of the most common questions about the birds.

If you can't make it to any of the shows you can always stop by the aviary anytime of the day and check out the birds and ask questions, there is always some in there that would be more than happy to talk to you.
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: Lucid on September 21, 2009, 07:03:02 PM
Quote from: Lady Mikayla of Phoenicia on September 20, 2009, 08:22:06 AM
If you attend the Human Chess Match, the story line ties in with the Jousts... I strongly recommend the Grande Finale at the end of your day!

Well if the Wine Harvest is like Octoberfest, the Barely Balanced Fire Show will take precedence over the Chess Match.  And I always attend the finale.  I'm there before the gates open and stay until the queen says "to the gates". 

Wonder when the Daily Writ for the Wine Harvest will be posted?...  I'm eager to see how that lines up.
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: Lucid on September 21, 2009, 07:12:21 PM
Quote from: sonyzoo on September 21, 2009, 01:33:25 PM

Yes the falconry show is a must see. He puts on three shows a day. Two free flight shows and a training show. The Flight shows are at Noon and 4:30. These shows take place down on the joust field, and he brings out a few different birds and shows off their different abilities with some audience participation.

The Training show is at 3:00. This show takes place in the grass outside the aviary. He brings out some of his younger birds still in training and explains how he gets the birds to do what they do and answers some of the most common questions about the birds.

If you can't make it to any of the shows you can always stop by the aviary anytime of the day and check out the birds and ask questions, there is always some in there that would be more than happy to talk to you.

Yeah, I'm familar with the show.  I attend it pretty much every year, only this year it's up against something I like even more, unfortunately.  If only I could be two places at once.

Not only are some of my favorite shows gone, but I'm finding some of the ones that are left that I like are competing head-to-head against one another, making things even worse.  I'm not liking the looks of these writs.

I should be happy for what I have though.  There will probably come a day when BB, Giacomo and the Falconer are all gone... replaced by American Idol contestants, and the joust turned into a reality TV show.  This is what the world calls "progress". 

Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: Lucid on September 25, 2009, 12:57:37 AM
Okay, I'm looking at the Wine Harvest Daily Writ, and something is a bit vague here.  From what I gather Barely Balanced isn't even going to be there for the Wine Harvest, but rather this "Aerial Angels"?  If this is the case, that blows, because that's my favorite weekend to go, but I wont' if BB isn't going to be there.  I'll go for the Pyrate's Return weekend instead.

At first I was thinking they may have just changed the name of their act from "Acrobats" to "Aerial Angels" or something.  It's a wee bit vague.  Clarification would be nice.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: Celtic_Fae on September 25, 2009, 04:42:57 AM
Know 'em both, they're a different group.
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: Lucid on September 25, 2009, 10:52:48 AM
Thanks.  I don't want to make it sound like I'm chastising this other act, they may very well be enjoyable too.  It's more about how much I like BB.  This makes all the difference to me in choosing a weekend.  It's just a shame because I like the Wine Harvest theme the most.

Pyrate's Return it is.  Again, thanks for the information. 
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: aerial angels on September 26, 2009, 09:22:09 PM
In case you feel like giving us a shot, here's our video - we'll be at the faire for the last four weekends :)
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: Lucid on September 26, 2009, 10:09:18 PM
Looks awesome...  now I just wish you and BB could be there on the same day.
Title: Re: Some recommendations wanted
Post by: Lucid on October 05, 2009, 12:03:14 PM
Bells & Motley were a great recommendation.  I grabbed an instrument and jammed with them.  I think they could play any instrument you put in front of them.  Really nice people too. 

On the down side... sounds like there's a good chance yet another one of my favorite acts won't be back.